MRMESHC_API MRFillHoleNicelyParams mrFillHoleNicelyParamsNew(void)
struct MRFillHoleNicelyParams MRFillHoleNicelyParams
MRMESHC_API MRFaceBitSet * mrFillHoleNicely(MRMesh *mesh, MREdgeId holeEdge_, const MRFillHoleNicelyParams *params)
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:7
@ MREdgeWeightsCotan
edge weight depends on local geometry and uses cotangent values
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:11
@ MREdgeWeightsCotanTimesLength
[deprecated] edge weight is equal to edge length times cotangent weight
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:13
@ MREdgeWeightsCotanWithAreaEqWeight
cotangent edge weights and equation weights inversely proportional to square root of local area
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:15
@ MREdgeWeightsUnit
all edges have same weight=1
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:9
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:26
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:27
struct MRMesh MRMesh
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:47
struct MRFaceBitSet MRFaceBitSet
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:37
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:19
edge index
Definition MRMeshC/MRId.h:8
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:19
MRFillHoleParams triangulateParams
how to triangulate the hole, must be specified by the user
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:21
bool naturalSmooth
Additionally smooth 3 layers of vertices near hole boundary both inside and outside of the hole.
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:33
float maxAngleChangeAfterFlip
Improves local mesh triangulation by doing edge flips if it does not change dihedral angle more than ...
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:29
int maxEdgeSplits
Maximum number of edge splits allowed during subdivision.
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:27
bool smoothCurvature
Whether to make patch over the hole smooth both inside and on its boundary with existed surface.
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:31
float maxEdgeLen
Subdivision is stopped when all edges inside or on the boundary of the region are not longer than thi...
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:25
bool triangulateOnly
If false then additional vertices are created inside the patch for best mesh quality.
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:23
MREdgeWeights edgeWeights
edge weighting scheme for smoothCurvature mode
Definition MRMeshC/MRFillHoleNicely.h:35
Parameters structure for mrFillHole Structure has some options to control mrFillHole.
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFillHole.h:23