#define MRMESH_API
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:68
how to determine the sign of distances from a mesh
Definition MRMesh/MRSignDetectionMode.h:10
@ OpenVDB
sign detection from OpenVDB library, which is good and fast if input geometry is closed
@ ProjectionNormal
the sign is determined based on pseudonormal in closest mesh point (unsafe in case of self-intersecti...
@ Unsigned
unsigned distance, useful for bidirectional Shell offset
how to determine the sign of distances from a mesh, short version including auto-detection
Definition MRMesh/MRSignDetectionMode.h:34
@ Auto
automatic selection of the fastest method among safe options for the current mesh
@ HoleWindingNumber
detects sign from the winding number generalization with support for holes and self-intersections in ...
MRMESH_API const char * asString(SignDetectionMode m)
returns string representation of enum values