MeshLib Documentation
No Matches
Offset with Cuda

Example of Python usage of Cuda to offset mesh

  • Python You can use CUDA-driven offset for faster healing mesh with holes, example healing script can be found here
    from meshlib import mrmeshpy as mlib
    from meshlib import mrcudapy as mc
    mesh = mlib.loadMesh("mesh.stl")
    offset_params = mlib.GeneralOffsetParameters()
    offset_params.signDetectionMode = mlib.SignDetectionMode.HoleWindingRule
    offset_params.fwn = mc.FastWindingNumber(mesh) # Enables usage of CUDA
    offset_params.voxelSize = mlib.suggestVoxelSize(mesh, 5e6)
    new_mesh = mlib.generalOffsetMesh(mp=mesh, offset=0, params=offset_params)
    mlib.saveMesh(new_mesh, f"cuda_offset.ctm")