MeshLib Documentation
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File Format Support

File Formats: Input and Output in MeshLib

MeshLib is a comprehensive 3D processing library designed for developers, researchers, and 3D enthusiasts. It facilitates the reading, writing, conversion, and manipulation of 3D models across various file formats. MeshLib not only handles geometry but also supports additional information such as textures and colors where applicable.

Supported File Formats

The tables below categorize MeshLib's supported file formats based on their type and capabilities regarding import, texture support, color support, and export.

Mesh Formats

Format Import Texture Support Color Support Export
STL Yes No No Yes
OBJ Yes Yes Yes Yes
OFF Yes No No Yes
DXF Yes No No Yes
STEP Yes No Yes No
STP Yes No Yes No
CTM Yes No Yes Yes
3MF Yes Yes Yes No
MODEL Yes No No No
PLY Yes No Yes Yes
GLTF Yes Yes Yes Yes
STEP (.STP) files are converted into mesh representations within MeshLib.

Point Cloud Formats

Format Import Color Support Export
ASC Yes Yes Yes
CSV Yes No No
E57 Yes Yes No
LAS Yes Yes No
LAZ Yes Yes No
PTS Yes Yes No
XYZ Yes No No
TXT Yes No No
PLY Yes Yes Yes

Voxel Formats

Format Import Export
DICOM (.DCM) Yes Yes
RAW Yes Yes
VDB Yes Yes

Polyline Formats

Format Import Export
DXF Yes Yes
GAV Yes Yes
PTS Yes Yes

Distance Map Formats

Format Import Export
PNG Yes No

G-Code Format

Format Import Export
NC Yes No

With MeshLib’s flexible file format support, users can seamlessly integrate 3D models into various workflows for further processing and analysis.