This is the complete list of members for mrmeshpy.PointsSave, including all inherited members.
toAnySupportedFormat(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toAnySupportedFormat(PointCloud points, str extension, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toAsc(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toAsc(PointCloud points, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toCtm(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, PointsSave.CtmSavePointsOptions options) | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toCtm(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toCtm(PointCloud points, typing.Any out, PointsSave.CtmSavePointsOptions options) | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toCtm(PointCloud points, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toPly(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toPly(PointCloud points, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toXyz(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toXyz(PointCloud points, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toXyzn(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |
toXyzn(PointCloud points, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}') | mrmeshpy.PointsSave | static |