MeshLib Documentation
No Matches
Basic Math Types Overview

Vectors, matrices, and transformations

Vectors and matrices

MeshLib has its own types for representing small vectors and matrices (of dimensions 2, 3, 4):

The vector types are: MR::Vector2f, MR::Vector3f, MR::Vector4f, defined in <MRMesh/MRVector[2|3|4].h> respectively.

f in MR::Vector[2|3|4]f stands for float. Use …d for double, …i for int, or pass an arbitrary type to the MR::Vector[2|3|4]<T> templates.

Similarly, the matrices are: MR::Matrix2f, MR::Matrix3f, MR::Matrix4f, defined in <MRMesh/MRMatrix[2|3|4].h> respectively.

They support the same type suffixes, and are similarly templated.

The matrices are row-major, meaning each row is contiguous, and matrix[i] refers to the ith row.

Vectors and matrices overload the common operators, including + for vectors, and * for matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication.

We use the "matrix · vector" convention (OpenGL-style), rather than "vector · matrix" (DirectX-style). The * operator isn't overloaded for the latter case at all.



MR::Vector3f() zeroes the vector. MR::Vector3f(x, y, z) — elementwise.

Element access is vec[i] or vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, vec.w.

Overloaded operators:

+, - add and subtract two vectors elementwise. Unary versions are also provided.

* and / can only be applied to a vector and a scalar. To multiply or divide two vectors elementwise use MR::mult(v1, v2) and MR::div(v1, v2).

Various vector products:

MR::dot(v1, v2) MR::cross(v1, v2) — for 2D vectors this returns a single number, the Z component of (x1,y1,0)✕(x2,y2,0). MR::outer(v1, v2) MR::mixed(v1, v2, v3)

Some other operations:

v1.length(), v1.lengthSq() — normal and squared length. MR::distance(v1, v2), MR::distanceSq(v1, v2) — normal and squared distance. v1.normalized() — returns the vector scaled to length 1 (does nothing if the length was 0). v1.perpendicular() — returns one orthogonal vector in 2D, or a pair of two orthogonal vectors in 3D. MR::angle(v1, v2) — the angle between two vectors, in range [0;𝜋) (this angle is between directed vectors, not lines).



MR::Matrix3f() constructs an identity matrix by default, or you can be explicit with MR::Matrix3f::identity().

MR::Matrix3f(v1, v2, v3) constructs the matrix from row vectors, same as MR::Matrix3f::fromRows(v1, v2, v3). Use MR::Matrix3f::fromColumns(v1, v2, v3) to construct from columns.

Element access:

mat[i] and mat.x, mat.y, mat.z, mat.w return the row vectors.

mat.col(i) returns column vectors (read-only).

Overloaded operators:

* — matrices can be multiplied by each other and by vectors.

+, - — elementwise between two matrices.

*, / — scale the matrix by a scalar.

Some basic operations:

m1.inverse() — returns an inverted copy, doesn't modify the source matrix. m1.transposed() — similarly returns a transposed copy, doesn't modify the source matrix. m1.det() — determinant. m1.trace() m1.norm(), m1.normSq() — the norm, regular and squared.

Predefined matrices:

MR::Matrix3f::identity() MR::Matrix3f::scale(s) — scale, either uniform or not (if s is scalar and vector respectively). MR::Matrix3f::rotation(axis, angle) — rotation around an axis (the axis doesn't need to be normalized, the angle is in radians).

MR::Matrix3f::rotation(dir1, dir2) — shortest rotation from one direction to another (neither needs to be normalized).


MR::slerp(m1, m2, t) — quaternion-based Slerp interpolation between two matrices. (t == 0 produces m1, t == 1 produces m2.)
This function is defined in <MRMesh/MRQuaternion.h>.

Affine transformations

Most transformations in MeshLib are represented using a matrix-vector pair — MR::AffineXf3f, defined in <MRMesh/MRAffineXf.h>.

This this pair, the vector holds the translation (offset) and the matrix holds rotation (and also scale and shear).

Those work in 2 and 3 dimensions, and like everythine else above are templated.

MR::AffineXf3f are very similar to 4x4 matrices widely used in computer graphics, but without the last row, which is assumed to be (0,0,0,1) (since it's not useful if you're not computing perspective projection matrices). It can be converted to and from MR::Matrix4f, more on that below.


‍"XF" is an abbreviation of "transform".
"X" can means "cross-" (as in "xing" = "crossing") or in this case "trans-" (as in "xfer" = "transfer").
"F" in this case is short for "-form".


MR::AffineXf3f() is identity transformation (an identity matrix and a zero vector).

MR::AffineXf3f::linear(mat) constructs from a matrix only and zeroes the vector. MR::AffineXf3f::translation(vec) constructs from a vector only and uses an identity matrix. MR::AffineXf3f::xfAround(mat, point) sets the matrix as is, and sets the vector so that the point doesn't change when transformed by the resulting XF.

Element access:

xf.A is the matrix (rotation, scale and shear). xf.b is the vector (translation).

Combining and applying transformations:

xf1 * xf2 combines two transformations, like matrix multiplication.

Note that we're using "matrix · vector" convention (OpenGL-style), rather than "vector · matrix" (DirectX-style). This means that adding ... * xf on the right acts in local space, while adding xf * ... on the left acts in world space.

xf1( v1 ) applies the transformation to a vector, like multiplying a matrix by a vector. Same as xf1.A * v1 + xf1.b.

Some common operations:

xf1.inverse() inverts the transformation, like inverting a matrix.

MR::slerp(xf1, xf2, t) is a quaternion-based Slerp interpolation between two transformations. (t == 0 produces xf1, t == 1 produces xf2.)
This function is defined in <MRMesh/MRQuaternion.h>.

Conversion to and from matrices:

MR::AffineXf3f can be converted to and from MR::Matrix4f (directly, without calling any functions).

When converting to a matrix, the last row is set to (0,0,0,1) and the rest is copied as is. The opposite conversion checks that the last row is (0,0,0,1) before discarding it.

Object transformations

If you're using MR::Object to hold data (and the classes derived from it, such as MR::ObjectMesh), each MR::Object holds its own MR::AffineXf3f.

obj.xf() returns the current XF, and obj.setXf(...) sets a new one.

If you have an object hierarchy, the XF of each object is relative to its parent() object. An object's XF maps points from the coordinate system of that object to the coordinate system of its parent.

obj.worldXf() returns the combined XF of this object and all parents, as if by ... * obj.parent()->parent()->xf() * obj.parent()->xf() * obj.xf().

obj.setWorldXf(...) acts like obj.setXf(...), but multiplies the incoming XF by parent()->worldXf().inverse() so that the resulting obj.worldXf() produces the XF you specified.

Other types

MeshLib supports some other types not documented here:

Quaternions — MR::Quaternionf defined in <MRMesh/MRQuaternion.h>.

Symmetric matrices — MR::SymMatrix[2,3,4]f defined in <MRMesh/MRSymMatrix[2,3,4].h>.

Consult the respective headers for details.