14 std::shared_ptr<ObjectLines>
named object in the data model
Definition MRObject.h:60
Contours3< float > Contours3f
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:318
Helper class to manage ancillary visual lines used by plugins.
Definition MRAncillaryLines.h:13
AncillaryLines(AncillaryLines &&b) noexcept
since this uniquely owns an ancillary object, we provide only move operations, not copy
Definition MRAncillaryLines.h:19
AncillaryLines(Object &parent, const Contours3f &contours={})
Make not-pickable ancillary object, link it to parent object, and set line geometry.
Definition MRAncillaryLines.h:24
std::shared_ptr< ObjectLines > obj
Definition MRAncillaryLines.h:14
MRVIEWER_API void setDepthTest(bool depthTest)
Set depth test.
MRVIEWER_API void resetContours()
Reset line geometry.
MRVIEWER_API void reset()
detach owned object from parent, stops owning it
AncillaryLines(AncillaryLines &b)=default
MRVIEWER_API void setContours(const Contours3f &contours)
Set line geometry.
detach owned object from parent, stops owning it
Definition MRAncillaryLines.h:33
MRVIEWER_API void make(Object &parent, const Contours3f &contours={})
Make not-pickable ancillary object, link it to parent object, and set line geometry.