12struct FastWindingNumberData;
19 std::shared_ptr<FastWindingNumberData> data_;
void calcFromVector( std::vector<float>& res,
const std::vector<Vector3f>& points,
float beta, FaceId skipFace = {} )
Definition MRCudaFastWindingNumber.h:17
MRCUDA_API bool calcSelfIntersections(FaceBitSet &res, float beta, ProgressCallback cb) override
calculates winding numbers for all centers of mesh's triangles. if winding number is less than 0 or g...
MRCUDA_API Expected< void > calcFromGridWithDistances(std::vector< float > &res, const Vector3i &dims, const AffineXf3f &gridToMeshXf, float windingNumberThreshold, float beta, float maxDistSq, float minDistSq, ProgressCallback cb) override
calculates distances with the sign obtained from winding number in each point from a three-dimensiona...
MRCUDA_API void calcFromVector(std::vector< float > &res, const std::vector< Vector3f > &points, float beta, FaceId skipFace={}) override
calculates winding numbers in the points from given vector
MRCUDA_API Expected< void > calcFromGrid(std::vector< float > &res, const Vector3i &dims, const AffineXf3f &gridToMeshXf, float beta, ProgressCallback cb) override
calculates winding numbers in each point from a three-dimensional grid
MRCUDA_API FastWindingNumber(const Mesh &mesh)
constructs this from AABB tree of given mesh;
Abstract class for fast approximate computation of generalized winding number for a mesh (using its A...
Definition MRFastWindingNumber.h:12
std::function< bool(float)> ProgressCallback
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:600
tl::expected< T, E > Expected
Definition MRExpected.h:58
Definition MRMesh/MRMesh.h:23