Definition MRVoxels/MRVoxelsFwd.h:13
std::function< bool(float)> ProgressCallback
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:626
MRVOXELS_API Expected< LoadedObjects > makeObjectVoxelsFromDicomFolder(const std::filesystem::path &folder, const ProgressCallback &callback={})
Loads 3D volumetric data from dicom-files in given folder, and converts them into an ObjectVoxels.
MRVOXELS_API Expected< std::shared_ptr< ObjectVoxels > > createObjectVoxels(const DicomVolumeAsVdb &dcm, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
converts DicomVolumeAsVdb in ObjectVoxels
MRVOXELS_API Expected< DicomVolumeAsVdb > loadDicomFolderAsVdb(const std::filesystem::path &path, unsigned maxNumThreads, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
Loads one volume from DICOM files located in given folder as VdbVolume.
MRVOXELS_API std::vector< Expected< DicomVolume > > loadDicomsFolder(const std::filesystem::path &path, unsigned maxNumThreads, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
Loads all volumes from DICOM files located in given folder as a number of SimpleVolumeMinMax.
MRVOXELS_API Expected< DicomVolume > loadDicomFile(const std::filesystem::path &file, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
Loads full volume from single DICOM file (not a slice file) as SimpleVolumeMinMax.
MRVOXELS_API bool isDicomFile(const std::filesystem::path &path, std::string *seriesUid=nullptr)
MRVOXELS_API Expected< DicomVolumeAsVdb > loadDicomFileAsVdb(const std::filesystem::path &file, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
Loads full volume from single DICOM file (not a slice file) as VdbVolume.
MRVOXELS_API Expected< DicomVolume > loadDicomFolder(const std::filesystem::path &path, unsigned maxNumThreads, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
Loads one volume from DICOM files located in given folder as SimpleVolumeMinMax.
MRVOXELS_API std::vector< Expected< DicomVolumeAsVdb > > loadDicomsFolderTreeAsVdb(const std::filesystem::path &path, unsigned maxNumThreads=4, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
Loads every subfolder with DICOM volume as new object.
MRVOXELS_API bool isDicomFolder(const std::filesystem::path &dirPath)
check if given folder contains at least one DICOM file
MRVOXELS_API std::vector< Expected< DicomVolumeAsVdb > > loadDicomsFolderAsVdb(const std::filesystem::path &path, unsigned maxNumThreads, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
Loads all volumes from DICOM files located in given folder as a number of VdbVolume.
MRVOXELS_API Expected< void > toDicom(const VdbVolume &vdbVolume, const std::filesystem::path &path, ProgressCallback cb={})
Save voxels objet to a single 3d DICOM file.
tl::expected< T, E > Expected
Definition MRExpected.h:59
std::string name
Definition MRDicom.h:31
AffineXf3f xf
Definition MRDicom.h:32
T vol
Definition MRDicom.h:30
represents a box in 3D space subdivided on voxels stored in T
Definition MRVoxelsVolume.h:39