4#ifndef MRIOEXTRAS_NO_E57
std::function< bool(float)> ProgressCallback
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:626
MRIOEXTRAS_API Expected< LoadedObjects > loadObjectFromE57(const std::filesystem::path &path, const ProgressCallback &cb={})
MRIOEXTRAS_API Expected< PointCloud > fromE57(const std::filesystem::path &file, const PointsLoadSettings &settings={})
loads from .e57 file
MRIOEXTRAS_API Expected< std::vector< NamedCloud > > fromSceneE57File(const std::filesystem::path &file, const E57LoadSettings &settings={})
tl::expected< T, E > Expected
Definition MRExpected.h:59
Definition MRMesh/MRPointCloud.h:16
Definition MRMesh/MRPointsLoadSettings.h:10
bool combineAllObjects
true => if input file has more than one cloud, they all will be combined in one
Definition MRE57.h:23
ProgressCallback progress
progress report and cancellation
Definition MRE57.h:29
bool identityXf
true => return only identity transforms, applying them to points
Definition MRE57.h:26
loads scene from e57 file
Definition MRE57.h:34
AffineXf3f xf
Definition MRE57.h:37
std::string name
Definition MRE57.h:35
PointCloud cloud
Definition MRE57.h:36
VertColors colors
Definition MRE57.h:38