determines the weight of each edge in applications like Laplacian
Definition MREnums.h:8
@ Unit
all edges have same weight=1
@ CotanWithAreaEqWeight
cotangent edge weights and equation weights inversely proportional to square root of local area
@ CotanTimesLength
[deprecated] edge weight is equal to edge length times cotangent weight
@ Cotan
edge weight depends on local geometry and uses cotangent values
Definition MREnums.h:38
@ Sharpening
create mesh using standard marching cubes with additional sharpening implemented in MeshLib
@ Smooth
create mesh using dual marching cubes from OpenVDB library
@ Standard
create mesh using standard marching cubes implemented in MeshLib
typically returned from callbacks to control the behavior of main algorithm
Definition MREnums.h:24
the method how to choose between two opposite normal orientations
Definition MREnums.h:31