Available CSG operations.
Definition MRMeshC/MRBooleanOperation.h:10
MRVertId MRThreeVertIds[3]
a set of 3 vertices; useful for representing a face via its vertex indices
Definition MRMeshC/MRId.h:21
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:26
struct MRPointCloud MRPointCloud
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:49
bool(* MRProgressCallback)(float)
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:54
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:27
struct MRMesh MRMesh
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:47
typedefMR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN struct MRString MRString
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:32
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshFwd.h:19
struct MRMeshOrPointsXf MRMeshOrPointsXf
an object and its transformation to global space with other objects
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshOrPoints.h:20
struct MRMultiwayICP MRMultiwayICP
Definition MRMeshC/MRMultiwayICP.h:37
MRVector3f MRTriangle3f[3]
a set of 3 vectors; useful for representing a face via its vertex coordinates
Definition MRMeshC/MRVector3.h:42
MRMESHC_API MRMesh * mrMeshLoadFromAnySupportedFormat(const char *file, MRString **errorStr)
MR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN MRMESHC_API MRBooleanResult mrBoolean(const MRMesh *meshA, const MRMesh *meshB, MRBooleanOperation operation, const MRBooleanParameters *params)
MRMESHC_API MRMultiwayICP * mrMultiwayICPNew(const MRMeshOrPointsXf *objects, size_t objectsNum, const MRMultiwayICPSamplingParameters *samplingParams)
MRMESHC_API MRPointCloud * mrPointsLoadFromAnySupportedFormat(const char *filename, MRString **errorString)
detects the format from file extension and loads points from it
MRMESHC_API MRMesh * mrMeshFromTrianglesDuplicatingNonManifoldVertices(const MRVector3f *vertexCoordinates, size_t vertexCoordinatesNum, const MRThreeVertIds *t, size_t tNum)
MRMESHC_API void mrPointsSaveToAnySupportedFormat(const MRPointCloud *pc, const char *file, MRString **errorString)
detects the format from file extension and save points to it
MRMESHC_API void mrMeshSaveToAnySupportedFormat(const MRMesh *mesh, const char *file, MRString **errorStr)
MRMESHC_API MRMesh * mrMeshNewFromPointTriples(const MRTriangle3f *posTriangles, size_t posTrianglesNum, bool duplicateNonManifoldVertices)
MRMESHC_API MRMesh * mrMeshFromTriangles(const MRVector3f *vertexCoordinates, size_t vertexCoordinatesNum, const MRThreeVertIds *t, size_t tNum)
constructs a mesh from vertex coordinates and a set of triangles with given ids
MRMESHC_API MRPointCloud * mrPointCloudFromPoints(const MRVector3f *points, size_t pointsNum)
creates a new PointCloud object
MRMESHC_API void mrMultiwayICPSetParams(MRMultiwayICP *mwicp, const MRICPProperties *prop)
tune algorithm params before run calculateTransformations()
MRMESHC_API bool mrResolveMeshDegenerations(MRMesh *mesh, const MRResolveMeshDegenSettings *settings)
MRMESHC_API MRMesh * mrOffsetMesh(MRMeshPart mp, float offset, const MROffsetParameters *params, MRString **errorString)
MRMESHC_API MRVectorAffineXf3f * mrMultiwayICPCalculateTransformations(MRMultiwayICP *mwicp, MRProgressCallback cb)
MRMESHC_API MRDecimateResult mrDecimateMesh(MRMesh *mesh, const MRDecimateSettings *settings)
Collapse edges in mesh region according to the settings.
optional parameters for mrBoolean
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshBoolean.h:11
This structure store result mesh of mrBoolean or some error info.
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshBoolean.h:31
results of mrDecimateMesh
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshDecimate.h:89
parameters for mrDecimateMesh
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshDecimate.h:18
Definition MRMeshC/MRICP.h:97
stores reference on whole mesh (if region is NULL) or on its part (if region pointer is valid)
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshPart.h:9
Parameters that are used for sampling of the MultiwayICP objects.
Definition MRMeshC/MRMultiwayICP.h:20
Definition MRMeshC/MROffset.h:12
parameters for mrResolveMeshDegenerations
Definition MRMeshC/MRMeshDecimate.h:108
three-dimensional vector of floats
Definition MRMeshC/MRVector3.h:9