All data in MeshLib are stored in objects. Each object can have it own type derived from Object:
Object (Simple object can be selected or hidden)
VisualObject (Object with common visualize properties, which are used in ObjectMesh and ObjectPoints)
/ \
ObjectMesh ObjectPoints
JawScan, Tooth, ...
Scene in MeshLib consists of a tree of object with one root, and all others objects are children or some grandchildren of scene root. Each object has its own name (e.g. Upper Jaw), transform, visibility, selected and ancillary flags. Ancillary objects are not shown in UI list but rendered in 3D and cannot be selected. For example, a scene can look like:
/ \
Upper Jaw Lower Jaw
/ \
Jaw Scan Tooth UL1 ...
Objects inherit parameters from scene parent, for example transform and visibility. So all children are hidden if their parent is hidden irrespective of their own visibility field. And each object transform is the transform from local object space into parent's space. So if parent is moved, all objects are moved with it.
To serialize object tree one needs to call
std::function< bool(float)> ProgressCallback
MRMESH_API Expected< void > serializeObjectTree(const Object &object, const std::filesystem::path &path, ProgressCallback progress, FolderCallback preCompress)
And to deserialize object tree:
MRMESH_API Expected< LoadedObject > deserializeObjectTree(const std::filesystem::path &path, const FolderCallback &postDecompress={}, const ProgressCallback &progressCb={})
To create your own object type you need to make class derived from one of base class:
- If you need object with mesh and some extra methods and fields you should derive from ObjectMesh
- If you need object with voxels and some extra methods and fields you should derive from ObjectVoxels
- If you need object that has no visual representation you should derive from Object
- If you need object that has visual representation different from mesh or voxels you should derive from VisualObject but a support in Viewer of this new type might not be present yet.
To be able to use serialization and deserialization you have to do:
- Register new data model unit in class factory by adding
#define MR_ADD_CLASS_FACTORY(className)
- Override following functions
MRMESH_API virtual tl::expected<std::future<void>, std::string> serializeModel_(
const std::filesystem::path& path )
MRMESH_API virtual void serializeFields_( Json::Value& root )
MRMESH_API virtual tl::expected<void, std::string> deserializeModel_(
const std::filesystem::path& path );
MRMESH_API virtual void deserializeFields_(
const Json::Value& root );