ObjectVoxels | createObjectVoxels (VoxelsLoad.DicomVolumeT_VdbVolume dcm, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
VoxelsLoad.RawParameters | findRawParameters (os.PathLike file) |
std_vector_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid | fromAnySupportedFormat (os.PathLike file, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
VdbVolume | fromGav (os.PathLike file, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
VdbVolume | fromGav (typing.Any in_, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
VdbVolume | fromRaw (os.PathLike file, VoxelsLoad.RawParameters params, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
VdbVolume | fromRaw (os.PathLike file, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
VdbVolume | fromRaw (typing.Any in_, VoxelsLoad.RawParameters params, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
std_vector_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid | fromVdb (os.PathLike file, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
bool | isDicomFile (os.PathLike path, std_string_output seriesUid=None) |
bool | isDicomFolder (os.PathLike dirPath) |
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid | loadDicomsFolderTreeAsVdb (os.PathLike path, int maxNumThreads=4, func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
VdbVolume | loadTiffDir (VoxelsLoad.LoadingTiffSettings settings) |
LoadedObjectT_ObjectVoxels | makeObjectVoxelsFromDicomFolder (os.PathLike folder, func_bool_from_float callback='MR::ProgressCallback{}') |
◆ createObjectVoxels()
converts DicomVolumeAsVdb in ObjectVoxels
◆ findRawParameters()
finds raw voxels file and its encoding parameters
\\param file on input: file name probably without suffix with parameters
on output: if success existing file name
◆ fromAnySupportedFormat()
Detects the format from file extension and loads voxels from it
◆ fromGav() [1/2]
Load voxel from Gav-file with micro CT reconstruction
◆ fromGav() [2/2]
Load voxel from Gav-stream with micro CT reconstruction
◆ fromRaw() [1/3]
Load raw voxels file, parsing parameters from name
◆ fromRaw() [2/3]
Load raw voxels from file with provided parameters
◆ fromRaw() [3/3]
Load raw voxels from stream with provided parameters;
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode
◆ fromVdb()
Load all voxel volumes from OpenVDB file
◆ isDicomFile()
bool meshlib.mrmeshpy.VoxelsLoad.isDicomFile |
( |
os.PathLike | path, |
std_string_output | seriesUid = None ) |
static |
check if file is a valid DICOM dataset file
\\param seriesUid - if set, the extracted series instance UID is copied to the variable
◆ isDicomFolder()
bool meshlib.mrmeshpy.VoxelsLoad.isDicomFolder |
( |
os.PathLike | dirPath | ) |
static |
check if given folder contains at least one DICOM file
◆ loadDicomsFolderTreeAsVdb()
Loads every subfolder with DICOM volume as new object
◆ loadTiffDir()
Load voxels from a set of TIFF files
◆ makeObjectVoxelsFromDicomFolder()
Loads 3D volumetric data from dicom-files in given folder, and converts them into an ObjectVoxels
◆ DicomVolume
meshlib.mrmeshpy.VoxelsLoad.DicomVolume |
static |
◆ DicomVolumeAsVdb
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: