MeshLib Python Docs
No Matches
meshlib.mrcudapy Namespace Reference


class  FastWindingNumber
class  PointsToMeshProjector


meshlib.mrmeshpy.DistanceMap computeDistanceMap (meshlib.mrmeshpy.Mesh mesh, meshlib.mrmeshpy.MeshToDistanceMapParams params, meshlib.mrmeshpy.func_bool_from_float cb='MR::ProgressCallback{}', meshlib.mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshTriPoint outSamples=None)
int computeDistanceMapHeapBytes (meshlib.mrmeshpy.Mesh mesh, meshlib.mrmeshpy.MeshToDistanceMapParams params, bool needOutSamples=False)
meshlib.mrmeshpy.VertScalars computeSkyViewFactor (meshlib.mrmeshpy.Mesh terrain, meshlib.mrmeshpy.VertCoords samples, meshlib.mrmeshpy.VertBitSet validSamples, meshlib.mrmeshpy.std_vector_SkyPatch skyPatches, meshlib.mrmeshpy.BitSet outSkyRays=None, meshlib.mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshIntersectionResult outIntersections=None)
meshlib.mrmeshpy.DistanceMap distanceMapFromContours (meshlib.mrmeshpy.Polyline2 polyline, meshlib.mrmeshpy.ContourToDistanceMapParams params)
int distanceMapFromContoursHeapBytes (meshlib.mrmeshpy.Polyline2 polyline, meshlib.mrmeshpy.ContourToDistanceMapParams params)
meshlib.mrmeshpy.BitSet findSkyRays (meshlib.mrmeshpy.Mesh terrain, meshlib.mrmeshpy.VertCoords samples, meshlib.mrmeshpy.VertBitSet validSamples, meshlib.mrmeshpy.std_vector_SkyPatch skyPatches, meshlib.mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshIntersectionResult outIntersections=None)
int getCudaAvailableMemory ()
bool isCudaAvailable (meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output driverVersion=None, meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output runtimeVersion=None, meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output computeMajor=None, meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output computeMinor=None)
None negatePicture (meshlib.mrmeshpy.Image image)
meshlib.mrmeshpy.SimpleVolumeMinMax pointsToDistanceVolume (meshlib.mrmeshpy.PointCloud cloud, meshlib.mrmeshpy.PointsToDistanceVolumeParams params)

Function Documentation

◆ computeDistanceMap()

computes distance (height) map for given projection parameters
using float-precision for finding ray-mesh intersections, which is faster but less reliable

◆ computeDistanceMapHeapBytes()

int meshlib.mrcudapy.computeDistanceMapHeapBytes ( meshlib.mrmeshpy.Mesh mesh,
meshlib.mrmeshpy.MeshToDistanceMapParams params,
bool needOutSamples = False )
Computes memory consumption of computeDistanceMap function

◆ computeSkyViewFactor()

computes relative radiation in each valid sample point by emitting rays from that point in the sky:
the radiation is 1.0f if all rays reach the sky not hitting the terrain;
the radiation is 0.0f if all rays do not reach the sky because they are intercepted by the terrain;
\\param outSkyRays - optional output bitset where for every valid sample #i its rays are stored at indices [i*numPatches; (i+1)*numPatches),
                    0s for occluded rays (hitting the terrain) and 1s for the ones which don't hit anything and reach the sky
\\param outIntersections - optional output vector of MeshIntersectionResult for every valid sample point

◆ distanceMapFromContours()

meshlib.mrmeshpy.DistanceMap meshlib.mrcudapy.distanceMapFromContours ( meshlib.mrmeshpy.Polyline2 polyline,
meshlib.mrmeshpy.ContourToDistanceMapParams params )
Computes distance of 2d contours according to ContourToDistanceMapParams (works correctly only when withSign==false)

◆ distanceMapFromContoursHeapBytes()

int meshlib.mrcudapy.distanceMapFromContoursHeapBytes ( meshlib.mrmeshpy.Polyline2 polyline,
meshlib.mrmeshpy.ContourToDistanceMapParams params )
Computes memory consumption of distanceMapFromContours function

◆ findSkyRays()

In each valid sample point tests the rays from that point in the sky;
\\return bitset where for every valid sample #i its rays are stored at indices [i*numPatches; (i+1)*numPatches),
        0s for occluded rays (hitting the terrain) and 1s for the ones which don't hit anything and reach the sky
\\param outIntersections - optional output vector of MeshIntersectionResult for every valid sample point

◆ getCudaAvailableMemory()

int meshlib.mrcudapy.getCudaAvailableMemory ( )
Returns available GPU memory in bytes

◆ isCudaAvailable()

bool meshlib.mrcudapy.isCudaAvailable ( meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output driverVersion = None,
meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output runtimeVersion = None,
meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output computeMajor = None,
meshlib.mrmeshpy.int_output computeMinor = None )
Returns true if Cuda is present on this GPU
optional out maximum driver supported version
optional out current runtime version
optional out compute capability major version
optional out compute capability minor version

◆ negatePicture()

None meshlib.mrcudapy.negatePicture ( meshlib.mrmeshpy.Image image)
This function inverts Color value (255 - value in each channel except alpha) 

◆ pointsToDistanceVolume()

makes SimpleVolume filled with signed distances to points with normals