MeshLib C++ Docs
No Matches
MRMeshDelone.h File Reference
#include "MRMeshFwd.h"
#include "MRProgressCallback.h"
#include <cfloat>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  MR::DeloneSettings


namespace  MR


MRMESH_API bool MR::checkDeloneQuadrangle (const Vector3d &a, const Vector3d &b, const Vector3d &c, const Vector3d &d, double maxAngleChange=DBL_MAX)
MRMESH_API bool MR::checkDeloneQuadrangle (const Vector3f &a, const Vector3f &b, const Vector3f &c, const Vector3f &d, float maxAngleChange=FLT_MAX)
 converts arguments in double and calls above function
MRMESH_API bool MR::checkDeloneQuadrangleInMesh (const Mesh &mesh, EdgeId edge, const DeloneSettings &settings={}, float *deviationSqAfterFlip=nullptr)
 squared surface deviation after flip is written here (at least when the function returns false)
MRMESH_API bool MR::bestQuadrangleDiagonal (const Vector3f &a, const Vector3f &b, const Vector3f &c, const Vector3f &d)
MRMESH_API int MR::makeDeloneEdgeFlips (Mesh &mesh, const DeloneSettings &settings={}, int numIters=1, ProgressCallback progressCallback={})
MRMESH_API void MR::makeDeloneOriginRing (Mesh &mesh, EdgeId e, const DeloneSettings &settings={})
 improves mesh triangulation in a ring of vertices with common origin and represented by edge e