20 template<
typename T,
typename F1,
typename F2>
21 void buildFromContours(
const std::vector<std::vector<T>> & contours, F1 && reservePoints, F2 && addPoint );
28 template<
typename T,
typename F>
29 [[nodiscard]] std::vector<std::vector<T>>
convertToContours( F&& getPoint, std::vector<std::vector<VertId>>* vertMap =
nullptr )
64 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId
next( EdgeId he )
const { assert(he.valid());
return edges_[he].next; }
66 [[nodiscard]] VertId
org( EdgeId he )
const { assert(he.valid());
return edges_[he].org; }
68 [[nodiscard]] VertId
dest( EdgeId he )
const { assert(he.valid());
return edges_[he.sym()].org; }
77 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId
edgeWithOrg( VertId a )
const { assert( a.valid() );
return a < int(edgePerVertex_.
size()) && edgePerVertex_[a].valid() ? edgePerVertex_[a] : EdgeId(); }
79 [[nodiscard]]
bool hasVert( VertId a )
const {
return validVerts_.test( a ); }
87 [[nodiscard]] VertId
addVertId() { edgePerVertex_.
push_back( {} ); validVerts_.push_back(
false );
return VertId( (
size() - 1 ); }
93 void vertReserve(
size_t newCapacity ) { edgePerVertex_.
reserve( newCapacity ); validVerts_.reserve( newCapacity ); }
95 [[nodiscard]]
size_t vertSize()
const {
return edgePerVertex_.
size(); }
99 [[nodiscard]]
const VertBitSet &
const {
return validVerts_; }
101 [[nodiscard]]
const VertBitSet &
const VertBitSet * region )
const {
return region ? *region : validVerts_; }
123 VertMap * outVmap =
nullptr, WholeEdgeMap * outEmap =
nullptr );
126 VertMap* outVmap =
nullptr, EdgeMap* outEmap =
nullptr );
130 MRMESH_API void pack( VertMap * outVmap =
nullptr, WholeEdgeMap * outEmap =
nullptr );
153 void setOrg_( EdgeId a, VertId v );
156 struct HalfEdgeRecord
161 bool operator ==(
const HalfEdgeRecord& b )
163 return next == b.next && org == b.org;
165 HalfEdgeRecord() noexcept = default;
170 Vector<HalfEdgeRecord, EdgeId> edges_;
173 Vector<EdgeId, VertId> edgePerVertex_;
174 VertBitSet validVerts_;
175 int numValidVerts_ = 0;
typename T,
typename F1,
typename F2>
183 std::vector<bool> closed;
184 closed.reserve( contours.size() );
186 for (
const auto& c : contours )
188 const auto csize = c.size();
191 closed.push_back( c.front() == c.back() );
195 closed.push_back(
false );
204 reservePoints(
size - numClosed );
207 for (
int i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i )
209 const auto& c = contours[i];
213 const auto v0 = addPoint( c[0] );
216 for (
int j = 1; j + 1 < c.size(); ++j )
220 const auto vj = addPoint( c[j] );
230 const auto vx = addPoint( c.back() );
235 assert( edgePerVertex_.
size() ==
size - numClosed );
typename T,
typename F>
241 std::vector<std::vector<T>> res;
243 UndirectedEdgeBitSet linesUsed;
246 for ( EdgeId e0 : linesUsed )
252 while ( curLine !=
next( curLine ) )
254 curLine =
next( curLine ).sym();
259 linesUsed.set( curLine.undirected(),
false );
263 std::vector<VertId> map;
264 auto orgV =
org( e );
265 cont.push_back( getPoint( orgV ) );
267 map.push_back( orgV );
271 cont.push_back( getPoint(
org( e ) ) );
273 if ( !linesUsed.test_set( e.undirected(),
false ) )
276 res.push_back( std::move( cont ) );
278 vertMap->push_back( std::move( map ) );
294 assert( !e0_ && !eLast_ );
312 assert( e0_ && eLast_ );
#define MRMESH_API
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:79
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:15
MRMESH_API int getVertDegree(VertId a) const
returns 0 if given vertex does not exist, 1 if it has one incident edge, and 2 if it has two incident...
MRMESH_API void deleteEdges(const UndirectedEdgeBitSet &es)
calls deleteEdge for every set bit
MRMESH_API void addPart(const PolylineTopology &from, VertMap *outVmap=nullptr, WholeEdgeMap *outEmap=nullptr)
size_t undirectedEdgeSize() const
returns the number of undirected edges (pairs of half-edges) including lone ones
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:43
MRMESH_API bool isLoneEdge(EdgeId a) const
checks whether the edge is disconnected from all other edges and disassociated from all vertices (as ...
MRMESH_API VertId lastValidVert() const
returns last valid vertex id, or invalid id if no single valid vertex exists
MRMESH_API EdgeId makePolyline(const VertId *vs, size_t num)
void vertReserve(size_t newCapacity)
sets the capacity of vertices vector
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:93
bool hasVert(VertId a) const
returns true if given vertex is present in the mesh
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:79
EdgeId edgeWithOrg(VertId a) const
returns valid edge if given vertex is present in the mesh
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:77
EdgeId next(EdgeId he) const
next (counter clock wise) half-edge in the origin ring
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:64
MRMESH_API size_t computeNotLoneUndirectedEdges() const
computes the number of not-lone (valid) undirected edges
MRMESH_API EdgeId splitEdge(EdgeId e)
MRMESH_API void computeValidsFromEdges()
computes numValidVerts_ and validVerts_ from edgePerVertex_
MRMESH_API bool isConsistentlyOriented() const
returns true if for each edge e: e == e.next() || e.odd() == next( e ).sym().odd()
MRMESH_API void setOrg(EdgeId a, VertId v)
const VertBitSet & getValidVerts() const
returns cached set of all valid vertices
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:99
MRMESH_API void vertResize(size_t newSize)
explicitly increases the size of vertices vector
MRMESH_API EdgeId makeEdge()
creates an edge not associated with any vertex
MRMESH_API EdgeId makeEdge(VertId a, VertId b)
MRMESH_API EdgeId findEdge(VertId o, VertId d) const
finds and returns edge from o to d in the mesh; returns invalid edge otherwise
MRMESH_API EdgeId lastNotLoneEdge() const
returns last not lone edge id, or invalid id if no such edge exists
MRMESH_API bool read(std::istream &s)
MRMESH_API size_t heapBytes() const
returns the amount of memory this object occupies on heap
MRMESH_API void pack(VertMap *outVmap=nullptr, WholeEdgeMap *outEmap=nullptr)
MRMESH_API void flip()
changes the orientation of all edges: every edge e is replaced with e.sym()
size_t vertCapacity() const
returns the number of allocated vert records
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:97
size_t edgeSize() const
returns the number of half-edge records including lone ones
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:41
MRMESH_API void buildOpenLines(const std::vector< VertId > &comp2firstVert)
const Vector< EdgeId, VertId > & edgePerVertex() const
for all valid vertices this vector contains an edge with the origin there
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:75
VertId org(EdgeId he) const
returns origin vertex of half-edge
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:66
MRMESH_API bool checkValidity() const
verifies that all internal data structures are valid
MRMESH_API void splice(EdgeId a, EdgeId b)
const VertBitSet & getVertIds(const VertBitSet *region) const
if region pointer is not null then converts it in reference, otherwise returns all valid vertices in ...
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:101
size_t vertSize() const
returns the number of vertex records including invalid ones
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:95
void edgeReserve(size_t newCapacity)
sets the capacity of half-edges vector
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:47
void buildFromContours(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &contours, F1 &&reservePoints, F2 &&addPoint)
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:179
int numValidVerts() const
returns the number of valid vertices
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:83
MRMESH_API VertBitSet getPathVertices(const EdgePath &path) const
returns all vertices incident to path edges
VertId dest(EdgeId he) const
returns destination vertex of half-edge
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:68
VertId addVertId()
creates new vert-id not associated with any edge yet
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:87
MRMESH_API void deleteEdge(UndirectedEdgeId ue)
given edge becomes lone after the call, so it is un-spliced from connected edges, and if it was not c...
MRMESH_API void addPartByMask(const PolylineTopology &from, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet &mask, VertMap *outVmap=nullptr, EdgeMap *outEmap=nullptr)
appends polyline topology (from) in addition to the current topology: creates new edges,...
std::vector< std::vector< T > > convertToContours(F &&getPoint, std::vector< std::vector< VertId > > *vertMap=nullptr) const
converts this topology into contours of given type using the functor returning point by its Id
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:239
MRMESH_API bool isClosed() const
returns true if the polyline does not have any holes
bool hasEdge(EdgeId e) const
returns true if given edge is within valid range and not-lone
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:49
bool operator!=(const PolylineTopology &b) const
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:138
bool operator==(const PolylineTopology &b) const
comparison via edges (all other members are considered as not important caches)
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:137
MRMESH_API void vertResizeWithReserve(size_t newSize)
explicitly increases the size of vertices vector, doubling the current capacity if it was not enough
MRMESH_API void write(std::ostream &s) const
saves and loads in binary stream
std::vector<T>-like container that requires specific indexing type,
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:20
std::size_t size() const
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:42
std::size_t capacity() const
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:59
void reserve(size_t capacity)
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:60
void push_back(const T &t)
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:118
ImVec2 size(const ViewportRectangle &rect)
Definition MRViewport.h:32
std::vector< EdgeId > EdgePath
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:131
constexpr NoInit noInit
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:90
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:89
simplifies construction of connected polyline in the topology
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:286
EdgeId start(VertId v)
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:292
void finishOpen(VertId v)
finishes the polyline adding final vertex in it
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:317
void close()
closes the polyline
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:310
PolylineTopology & topology
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:287
PolylineMaker(PolylineTopology &t)
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:288
EdgeId proceed(VertId v)
Definition MRPolylineTopology.h:301