MeshLib C++ Docs
No Matches
MRProgressCallback.h File Reference
#include "MRMeshFwd.h"
#include <cassert>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  MR


bool MR::reportProgress (ProgressCallback cb, float v)
 safely invokes
bool MR::reportProgress (ProgressCallback cb, float v, size_t counter, int divider)
template<typename F >
bool MR::reportProgress (ProgressCallback cb, F &&f)
template<typename F >
bool MR::reportProgress (ProgressCallback cb, F &&f, size_t counter, int divider)
ProgressCallback MR::subprogress (ProgressCallback cb, float from, float to)
 returns a callback that maps [0,1] linearly into [from,to] in the call to
template<typename F >
ProgressCallback MR::subprogress (ProgressCallback cb, F &&f)
 returns a callback that maps the value with given function
ProgressCallback MR::subprogress (ProgressCallback cb, size_t index, size_t count)
 returns a callback that maps [0,1] linearly into [(index+0)/count,(index+1)/count] in the call to