36 std::shared_ptr<IFastWindingNumber>
Definition MRVoxels/MRVoxelsFwd.h:13
std::function< bool(float)> ProgressCallback
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:600
how to determine the sign of distances from a mesh
Definition MRMesh/MRSignDetectionMode.h:10
how to determine the sign of distances from a mesh, short version including auto-detection
Definition MRMesh/MRSignDetectionMode.h:34
@ Auto
automatic selection of the fastest method among safe options for the current mesh
tl::expected< T, E > Expected
Definition MRExpected.h:58
Definition MREnums.h:38
@ Standard
create mesh using standard marching cubes implemented in MeshLib
MRVOXELS_API Expected< Mesh > rebuildMesh(const MeshPart &mp, const RebuildMeshSettings &settings)
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:13
float windingNumberBeta
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:32
ProgressCallback progress
To report algorithm's progress and cancel it on user demand.
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:46
SignDetectionModeShort signMode
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:18
OffsetMode offsetMode
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:20
float windingNumberThreshold
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:28
float voxelSize
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:16
bool decimate
whether to decimate resulting mesh
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:39
UndirectedEdgeBitSet * outSharpEdges
if non-null then created sharp edges (only if offsetMode = OffsetMode::Sharpening) will be saved here
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:23
float tinyEdgeLength
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:43
std::shared_ptr< IFastWindingNumber > fwn
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:36
std::function< void(SignDetectionMode)> onSignDetectionModeSelected
Definition MRRebuildMesh.h:50