#include <MRRebuildMesh.h>
◆ closeHolesInHoleWindingNumber
bool MR::RebuildMeshSettings::closeHolesInHoleWindingNumber = true |
◆ decimate
bool MR::RebuildMeshSettings::decimate = true |
whether to decimate resulting mesh
◆ fwn
◆ offsetMode
◆ onSignDetectionModeSelected
std::function<void(SignDetectionMode)> MR::RebuildMeshSettings::onSignDetectionModeSelected |
this callback is invoked when SignDetectionMode is determined (useful if signMode = SignDetectionModeShort::Auto), but before actual work begins
◆ outSharpEdges
UndirectedEdgeBitSet* MR::RebuildMeshSettings::outSharpEdges = nullptr |
◆ preSubdivide
bool MR::RebuildMeshSettings::preSubdivide = true |
whether to make subdivision of initial mesh before conversion to voxels, despite time and memory required for the subdivision, it typically makes the whole rebuilding faster (or even much faster in case of large initial triangles), because AABB tree contains small triangles in leaves, which is good for both 1) search for closest triangle because the closest box more frequently contains the closest triangle, 2) and winding number approximation because of more frequent usage of approximation for distant dipoles
◆ progress
To report algorithm's progress and cancel it on user demand.
◆ signMode
◆ tinyEdgeLength
float MR::RebuildMeshSettings::tinyEdgeLength = -1 |
only if decimate = true: edges not longer than this value will be collapsed even if it results in appearance of a triangle with high aspect ratio
◆ voxelSize
float MR::RebuildMeshSettings::voxelSize = 0 |
Size of voxel in grid conversions; The user is responsible for setting some positive value here
◆ windingNumberBeta
float MR::RebuildMeshSettings::windingNumberBeta = 2 |
if general winding number is used to differentiate inside from outside: determines the precision of fast approximation: the more the better, minimum value is 1
◆ windingNumberThreshold
float MR::RebuildMeshSettings::windingNumberThreshold = 0.5f |
if general winding number is used to differentiate inside from outside: positive distance if winding number below or equal this threshold; ideal threshold: 0.5 for closed meshes; 0.0 for planar meshes
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: