MeshLib C++ Docs
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MRSurroundingContour.h File Reference
#include "MRVector3.h"
#include "MREdgePaths.h"
#include "MRExpected.h"
#include <vector>

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namespace  MR


MRMESH_API Expected< EdgeLoopMR::surroundingContour (const Mesh &mesh, std::vector< EdgeId > includeEdges, const EdgeMetric &edgeMetric, const Vector3f &dir)
 Find the best closed edge loop passing through given edges, which minimizes the sum of given edge metric. The algorithm assumes that input edges can be projected on the plane orthogonal to given direction, then the center point of all input edges is found, and each segment of the searched loop is within infinite pie sector with this center and the borders passing via two sorted input edges.
MRMESH_API Expected< EdgeLoopMR::surroundingContour (const Mesh &mesh, std::vector< VertId > keyVertices, const EdgeMetric &edgeMetric, const Vector3f &dir)
 Find the best closed edge loop passing through given vertices, which minimizes the sum of given edge metric. The algorithm assumes that input vertices can be projected on the plane orthogonal to given direction, then the center point of all input vertices is found, and each segment of the searched loop is within infinite pie sector with this center and the borders passing via two sorted input vertices.