This chapter represents documentation about basic elements. More...
Topics | |
Iterators | |
simple alternative to boost/iterator_range | |
Namespaces | |
namespace | MR::BitSetParallel |
Classes | |
class | MR::BitSet |
container of bits More... | |
class | MR::TaggedBitSet< T > |
container of bits representing specific indices (faces, verts or edges) More... | |
class | MR::SetBitIteratorT< T > |
iterator to enumerate all indices with set bits in BitSet class or its derivatives More... | |
struct | MR::IdRange< Id > |
range of indices [beg, end) More... | |
class | MR::Buffer< V, I > |
std::vector<V>-like container that is 1) resized without initialization of its elements, 2) much simplified: no push_back and many other methods More... | |
class | MR::Heap< T, I, P > |
stores map from element id in[0, size) to T; More... | |
class | MR::Logger |
Make default spd logger. More... | |
class | MR::LoggingStreambuf |
A custom streambuf that outputs things directly to the default spdlog logger. More... | |
class | MR::RestoringStreamsSink |
class | MR::Timer |
struct | MR::SimpleTimeRecord |
struct | MR::TimeRecord |
struct | MR::ThreadRootTimeRecord |
class | MR::UnionFind< I > |
Simple union find data structure. More... | |
class | MR::Vector< T, I > |
std::vector<T>-like container that requires specific indexing type, More... | |
Functions | |
MRMESH_API bool | MR::operator== (const BitSet &a, const BitSet &b) |
compare that two bit sets have the same set bits (they can be equal even if sizes are distinct but last bits are off) | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | MR::operator== (const TaggedBitSet< T > &a, const TaggedBitSet< T > &b) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
void | MR::operator== (const TaggedBitSet< T > &a, const TaggedBitSet< U > &b)=delete |
prohibit comparison of unrelated sets | |
template<typename T > | |
std::function< bool(Id< T >)> | MR::makePredicate (const TaggedBitSet< T > *bitset) |
template<typename T > | |
std::function< bool(Id< T >)> | MR::makePredicate (const TaggedBitSet< T > &bitset) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | MR::contains (const TaggedBitSet< T > *bitset, Id< T > id) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | MR::contains (const TaggedBitSet< T > &bitset, Id< T > id) |
template<typename T > | |
MR_BIND_IGNORE bool | MR::operator== (const SetBitIteratorT< T > &a, const SetBitIteratorT< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
MR_BIND_IGNORE bool | MR::operator!= (const SetBitIteratorT< T > &a, const SetBitIteratorT< T > &b) |
MR_BIND_IGNORE auto | MR::begin (const BitSet &a) |
MR_BIND_IGNORE auto | MR::end (const BitSet &) |
template<typename T > | |
MR_BIND_IGNORE auto | MR::begin (const TaggedBitSet< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
MR_BIND_IGNORE auto | MR::end (const TaggedBitSet< T > &) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector< int, Id< T > > | MR::makeVectorWithSeqNums (const TaggedBitSet< T > &bs) |
creates a Vector where for each set bit of input bitset its sequential number starting from 0 is returned; and -1 for reset bits | |
template<typename T > | |
HashMap< Id< T >, int > | MR::makeHashMapWithSeqNums (const TaggedBitSet< T > &bs) |
creates a HashMap where for each set bit of input bitset its sequential number starting from 0 is returned | |
BitSet | MR::operator& (const BitSet &a, const BitSet &b) |
BitSet | MR::operator| (const BitSet &a, const BitSet &b) |
BitSet | MR::operator^ (const BitSet &a, const BitSet &b) |
BitSet | MR::operator- (const BitSet &a, const BitSet &b) |
template<typename BS , typename ... F> | |
auto | MR::BitSetParallelForAllRanged (const BS &bs, F &&... f) |
template<typename BS , typename L , typename ... F> | |
auto | MR::BitSetParallelForAllRanged (const BS &bs, tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< L > &e, F &&... f) |
template<typename BS , typename F , typename ... Cb> | |
auto | MR::BitSetParallelForAll (const BS &bs, F &&f, Cb &&... cb) |
template<typename BS , typename L , typename F , typename ... Cb> | |
auto | MR::BitSetParallelForAll (const BS &bs, tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< L > &e, F &&f, Cb &&... cb) |
template<typename BS , typename F , typename ... Cb> | |
auto | MR::BitSetParallelFor (const BS &bs, F &&f, Cb &&... cb) |
template<typename BS , typename L , typename F , typename ... Cb> | |
auto | MR::BitSetParallelFor (const BS &bs, tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< L > &e, F &&f, Cb &&... cb) |
template<typename T > | |
size_t | MR::heapBytes (const std::vector< T > &vec) |
returns the amount of memory given vector occupies on heap | |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
size_t | MR::heapBytes (const Vector< T, U > &vec) |
template<typename T > | |
size_t | MR::heapBytes (const std::unique_ptr< T > &ptr) |
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap | |
template<typename T > | |
size_t | MR::heapBytes (const std::shared_ptr< T > &ptr) |
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap | |
template<typename T > | |
size_t | MR::heapBytes (const std::function< T > &) |
Needed for generic code, always returns zero. | |
template<typename ... Ts> | |
size_t | MR::heapBytes (const phmap::flat_hash_map< Ts... > &hashMap) |
returns the amount of memory given HashMap occupies on heap | |
template<typename I , typename ... F> | |
auto | MR::ParallelFor (I begin, I end, F &&... f) |
template<typename I , typename L , typename ... F> | |
auto | MR::ParallelFor (I begin, I end, tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< L > &e, F &&... f) |
template<typename T , typename ... F> | |
auto | MR::ParallelFor (const std::vector< T > &v, F &&... f) |
template<typename T , typename I , typename ... F> | |
auto | MR::ParallelFor (const Vector< T, I > &v, F &&... f) |
template<typename T > | |
std::pair< T, T > | MR::parallelMinMax (const std::vector< T > &vec, const T *topExcluding=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename I > | |
auto | MR::parallelMinMaxArg (const Vector< T, I > &vec, const T *topExcluding=nullptr) |
MRMESH_API void | MR::vertMapsComposition (VertMap &a2b, const VertMap &b2c) |
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map | |
MRMESH_API VertMap | MR::vertMapsComposition (const VertMap &a2b, const VertMap &b2c) |
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps | |
MRMESH_API void | MR::edgeMapsComposition (EdgeMap &a2b, const EdgeMap &b2c) |
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map | |
MRMESH_API EdgeMap | MR::edgeMapsComposition (const EdgeMap &a2b, const EdgeMap &b2c) |
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps | |
MRMESH_API void | MR::faceMapsComposition (FaceMap &a2b, const FaceMap &b2c) |
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map | |
MRMESH_API FaceMap | MR::faceMapsComposition (const FaceMap &a2b, const FaceMap &b2c) |
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps | |
MRMESH_API void | MR::redirectSTDStreamsToLogger () |
MRMESH_API size_t | MR::findSubstringCaseInsensitive (const std::string &string, const std::string &substring) |
MRMESH_API int | MR::calcDamerauLevenshteinDistance (const std::string &stringA, const std::string &stringB, bool caseSensitive=true, int *outLeftRightAddition=nullptr) |
MRMESH_API std::vector< std::string > | MR::split (const std::string &string, const std::string &delimiter) |
MRMESH_API std::wstring | MR::utf8ToWide (const char *utf8) |
converts UTF8-encoded string into UTF16-encoded string | |
MRMESH_API std::string | MR::systemToUtf8 (const std::string &system) |
converts system encoded string to UTF8-encoded string | |
MRMESH_API std::string | MR::utf8ToSystem (const std::string &utf8) |
MRMESH_API std::string | MR::wideToUtf8 (const wchar_t *wide) |
converts wide null terminating string to UTF8-encoded string | |
const std::string & | MR::asString (const std::string &s) |
const std::string & | MR::asU8String (const std::string &s) |
std::string | MR::asString (std::string &&s) |
std::string | MR::asU8String (std::string &&s) |
std::filesystem::path | MR::pathFromUtf8 (const std::string &s) |
std::filesystem::path | MR::pathFromUtf8 (const char *s) |
std::string | MR::utf8string (const std::filesystem::path &path) |
returns filename as UTF8-encoded string | |
MRMESH_API void | MR::printTimingTreeAtEnd (bool on, double minTimeSec=0.1) |
MRMESH_API void | MR::printCurrentTimerBranch () |
prints current timer branch | |
MRMESH_API void | MR::printTimingTree (double minTimeSec=0.1) |
MR_BIND_IGNORE MRMESH_API void | MR::registerThreadRootTimeRecord (ThreadRootTimeRecord &root) |
installs given record in the current thread (no record must be installed before) | |
MR_BIND_IGNORE MRMESH_API void | MR::unregisterThreadRootTimeRecord (ThreadRootTimeRecord &root) |
un-installs given record in the current thread | |
template<typename M > | |
TaggedBitSet< T > | MR::TaggedBitSet< T >::getMapping (const M &map) const |
template<typename M > | |
TaggedBitSet< T > | MR::TaggedBitSet< T >::getMapping (const M &map, size_t resSize) const |
MR::Heap< T, I, P >::Heap (size_t size, T def={}, P pred={}) | |
constructs heap for given number of elements, assigning given default value to each element | |
MR::Heap< T, I, P >::Heap (std::vector< Element > elms, P pred={}) | |
constructs heap from given elements (id's shall not repeat and have spaces, but can be arbitrary shuffled) | |
void | MR::Heap< T, I, P >::resize (size_t size, T def={}) |
increases the size of the heap by adding elements at the end | |
void | MR::Heap< T, I, P >::setValue (I elemId, const T &newVal) |
sets new value to given element | |
void | MR::Heap< T, I, P >::setLargerValue (I elemId, const T &newVal) |
sets new value to given element, which shall be larger/smaller than the current value | |
void | MR::Heap< T, I, P >::setSmallerValue (I elemId, const T &newVal) |
This chapter represents documentation about basic elements.
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inline |
executes given function f for every set bit in IdRange or BitSet (bs) in parallel threads; it is guaranteed that every individual block in bit-set is processed by one thread only; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEveryBit = 1024 for periodic progress report
inline |
executes given function f for every set bit in bs IdRange or BitSet (bs) parallel threads, passing e.local() (evaluated once for each sub-range) as the second argument to f; it is guaranteed that every individual block in bit-set is processed by one thread only; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEveryBit = 1024 for periodic progress report
inline |
executes given function f for each index in IdRange or BitSet (bs) in parallel threads; it is guaranteed that every individual block in BitSet is processed by one thread only; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEveryBit = 1024 for periodic progress report
inline |
executes given function f for each index in IdRange or BitSet (bs) in parallel threads passing e.local() (evaluated once for each sub-range) as the second argument to f; it is guaranteed that every individual block in BitSet is processed by one thread only; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEveryBit = 1024 for periodic progress report
inline |
executes given function f( bit, subBitRange ) for each bit in bitRange in parallel threads, where (subBitRange) are the bits that will be processed by the same thread; it is guaranteed that every individual block in bit-set is processed by one thread only; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEveryBit = 1024 for periodic progress report
inline |
executes given function f( bit, subBitRange, tls ) for each bit in IdRange or BitSet (bs) in parallel threads, where subBitRange are the bits that will be processed by the same thread, tls=e.local() (evaluated once for each subBitRange); it is guaranteed that every individual block in bit-set is processed by one thread only; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEveryBit = 1024 for periodic progress report
nodiscard |
Calculates Damerau-Levenshtein distance between to strings
outLeftRightAddition | if provided return amount of insertions to the left and to the right |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
nodiscard |
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps
MRMESH_API void MR::edgeMapsComposition | ( | EdgeMap & | a2b, |
const EdgeMap & | b2c ) |
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
nodiscard |
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps
MRMESH_API void MR::faceMapsComposition | ( | FaceMap & | a2b, |
const FaceMap & | b2c ) |
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map
nodiscard |
Finds the substring in the string.
nodiscard |
nodiscard |
explicit |
constructs heap for given number of elements, assigning given default value to each element
explicit |
constructs heap from given elements (id's shall not repeat and have spaces, but can be arbitrary shuffled)
inlinenodiscard |
returns the amount of memory given HashMap occupies on heap
inlinenodiscard |
Needed for generic code, always returns zero.
inlinenodiscard |
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap
inlinenodiscard |
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap
inlinenodiscard |
returns the amount of memory given vector occupies on heap
inlinenodiscard |
nodiscard |
creates a HashMap where for each set bit of input bitset its sequential number starting from 0 is returned
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
nodiscard |
creates a Vector where for each set bit of input bitset its sequential number starting from 0 is returned; and -1 for reset bits
inlinenodiscard |
nodiscard |
compare that two bit sets have the same set bits (they can be equal even if sizes are distinct but last bits are off)
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
delete |
prohibit comparison of unrelated sets
inline |
executes given function f for each vector element in parallel threads; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEvery = 1024 for periodic progress report
inline |
executes given function f for each vector element in parallel threads; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEvery = 1024 for periodic progress report
executes given function f for each span element [begin, end); optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEvery = 1024 for periodic progress report
inline |
executes given function f for each span element [begin, end) passing e.local() (evaluated once for each sub-range) as the second argument to f; optional parameters after f: ProgressCallback cb, size_t reportProgressEvery = 1024 for periodic progress report
std::pair< T, T > MR::parallelMinMax | ( | const std::vector< T > & | vec, |
const T * | topExcluding = nullptr ) |
finds minimal and maximal elements in given vector in parallel;
topExcluding | if provided then all values in the array equal or larger by absolute value than it will be ignored |
auto MR::parallelMinMaxArg | ( | const Vector< T, I > & | vec, |
const T * | topExcluding = nullptr ) |
finds minimal and maximal elements and their indices in given vector in parallel;
topExcluding | if provided then all values in the array equal or larger by absolute value than it will be ignored |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
MRMESH_API void MR::printCurrentTimerBranch | ( | ) |
prints current timer branch
MRMESH_API void MR::printTimingTree | ( | double | minTimeSec = 0.1 | ) |
prints the current timing tree
minTimeSec | omit printing records with time spent less than given value in seconds |
MRMESH_API void MR::printTimingTreeAtEnd | ( | bool | on, |
double | minTimeSec = 0.1 ) |
enables or disables printing of timing tree when application terminates
minTimeSec | omit printing records with time spent less than given value in seconds |
MRMESH_API void MR::redirectSTDStreamsToLogger | ( | ) |
Redirects stdcout stdcerr stdclog to default logger
MR_BIND_IGNORE MRMESH_API void MR::registerThreadRootTimeRecord | ( | ThreadRootTimeRecord & | root | ) |
installs given record in the current thread (no record must be installed before)
void MR::Heap< T, I, P >::resize | ( | size_t | size, |
T | def = {} ) |
increases the size of the heap by adding elements at the end
void MR::Heap< T, I, P >::setLargerValue | ( | I | elemId, |
const T & | newVal ) |
sets new value to given element, which shall be larger/smaller than the current value
void MR::Heap< T, I, P >::setSmallerValue | ( | I | elemId, |
const T & | newVal ) |
void MR::Heap< T, I, P >::setValue | ( | I | elemId, |
const T & | newVal ) |
sets new value to given element
nodiscard |
Splits given string by delimiter.
nodiscard |
converts system encoded string to UTF8-encoded string
MR_BIND_IGNORE MRMESH_API void MR::unregisterThreadRootTimeRecord | ( | ThreadRootTimeRecord & | root | ) |
un-installs given record in the current thread
inlinenodiscard |
returns filename as UTF8-encoded string
nodiscard |
converts UTF8-encoded string to system encoded string, returns empty string if such conversion cannot be made
nodiscard |
converts UTF8-encoded string into UTF16-encoded string
nodiscard |
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps
MRMESH_API void MR::vertMapsComposition | ( | VertMap & | a2b, |
const VertMap & | b2c ) |
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map
nodiscard |
converts wide null terminating string to UTF8-encoded string