MeshLib C++ Docs
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MR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >::ReachedVert Struct Reference

information about just reached vertex (with final metric value) More...

#include <MREdgePathsBuilder.h>

Public Attributes

VertId v
EdgeId backward
 edge from this vertex to its predecessor in the forest (if this vertex is not start)
float penalty = FLT_MAX
float metric = FLT_MAX
 summed metric to reach this vertex

Detailed Description

template<class MetricToPenalty>
struct MR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >::ReachedVert

information about just reached vertex (with final metric value)

Member Data Documentation

◆ backward

template<class MetricToPenalty >
EdgeId MR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >::ReachedVert::backward

edge from this vertex to its predecessor in the forest (if this vertex is not start)

◆ metric

template<class MetricToPenalty >
float MR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >::ReachedVert::metric = FLT_MAX

summed metric to reach this vertex

◆ penalty

template<class MetricToPenalty >
float MR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >::ReachedVert::penalty = FLT_MAX

not reached vertices are ordered in priority queue by their penalty (with the smallest value on top); penalty is equal to metric in ordinary Dijkstra, or equal to (metric + target distance lower bound) in A*

◆ v

template<class MetricToPenalty >
VertId MR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >::ReachedVert::v

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: