MeshLib Python Docs
No Matches
mrmeshpy.MarchingCubesByParts Class Reference

Public Member Functions

None __init__ (self, Vector3i dims, MarchingCubesParams params, int layersPerBlock=0)
None addPart (self, SimpleVolume part)
TriMesh finalize (self)
int layersPerBlock (self)
int nextZ (self)

Static Protected Member Functions

 _pybind11_conduit_v1_ (*args, **kwargs)

Detailed Description

Generated from:  MR::MarchingCubesByParts

converts volume split on parts by planes z=const into mesh,
last z-layer of previous part must be repeated as first z-layer of next part
MarchingCubesByParts x( dims, params);
x.addPart( part1 );
x.addPart( partN );
Mesh mesh = Mesh::fromTriMesh( *x.finalize() );

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

None mrmeshpy.MarchingCubesByParts.__init__ ( self,
Vector3i dims,
MarchingCubesParams params,
int layersPerBlock = 0 )
prepares convention for given volume dimensions and given parameters
\\param layersPerBlock all z-slices of the volume will be partitioned on blocks of given size to process blocks in parallel (0 means auto-select layersPerBlock)

Member Function Documentation

◆ _pybind11_conduit_v1_()

mrmeshpy.MarchingCubesByParts._pybind11_conduit_v1_ ( * args,
** kwargs )

◆ addPart()

None mrmeshpy.MarchingCubesByParts.addPart ( self,
SimpleVolume part )
adds one more part of volume into consideration, with first z=nextZ()

◆ finalize()

TriMesh mrmeshpy.MarchingCubesByParts.finalize ( self)
finishes processing and outputs produced trimesh

◆ layersPerBlock()

int mrmeshpy.MarchingCubesByParts.layersPerBlock ( self)
the number of z-slices of the volume in the blocks

◆ nextZ()

int mrmeshpy.MarchingCubesByParts.nextZ ( self)
the last z-layer of the previous part and the first z-layer of the next part

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