MeshLib Python Docs
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mrmeshpy Namespace Reference


class  AABBTree
class  AABBTreeBase_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f
class  AABBTreeBase_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f
class  AABBTreeBase_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f
class  AABBTreeBase_ObjTreeTraits
class  AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f
class  AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f
class  AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f
class  AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits
class  AABBTreeObjects
class  AABBTreePoints
class  AABBTreePolyline2
class  AABBTreePolyline3
class  AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f
class  AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f
class  AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f
class  AddVisualProperties_FeatureObject_DimensionsVisualizePropertyType_diameter
class  AddVisualProperties_FeatureObject_DimensionsVisualizePropertyType_diameter_DimensionsVisualizePropertyType_angle_DimensionsVisualizePropertyType_length
class  AddVisualProperties_FeatureObject_DimensionsVisualizePropertyType_diameter_DimensionsVisualizePropertyType_length
class  AffineXf2d
class  AffineXf2f
class  AffineXf3d
class  AffineXf3f
class  AffineXf_Vector3b
class  AffineXf_Vector3i
class  AffineXf_Vector3ll
class  AlignType
class  AllLocalTriangulations
class  AngleMeasurementObject
class  AnyVisualizeMaskEnum
class  ArcInterpolationParams
class  ArcPlane
class  Axis
class  Ball1d
class  Ball1f
class  Ball2d
class  Ball2f
class  Ball3d
class  Ball3f
class  BaseRenderParams
class  BaseShellParameters
class  BaseTiffParameters
class  BasicUiRenderTask
class  BasinVolumeCalculator
class  BestFitParabolad
class  BestFitParabolaf
class  BitSet
class  BMap_FaceId_unsigned_long_long
class  BMap_GraphEdgeId_GraphEdgeId
class  BMap_GraphVertId_GraphVertId
class  BMap_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  BMap_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag
class  BMap_NodeId_NodeId
class  BMap_ObjId_ObjId
class  BMap_PixelId_PixelId
class  BMap_RegionId_RegionId
class  BMap_TextureId_TextureId
class  BMap_UndirectedEdgeId_unsigned_long_long
class  BMap_VertId_unsigned_long_long
class  bool_output
class  BooleanInternalParameters
class  BooleanOperation
class  BooleanParameters
class  BooleanPreCutResult
class  BooleanResult
class  BooleanResultMapper
class  BooleanResultPoints
class  Box1d
class  Box1f
class  Box1i
class  Box1ll
class  Box2d
class  Box2f
class  Box2i
class  Box2ll
class  Box3d
class  Box3f
class  Box3i
class  Box3ll
class  Box_unsigned_short
class  Buffer_char
class  Buffer_FaceId
class  Buffer_FaceId_FaceId
class  Buffer_GraphEdgeId_GraphEdgeId
class  Buffer_GraphVertId_GraphVertId
class  Buffer_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
class  Buffer_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId
class  Buffer_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  Buffer_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag
class  Buffer_NodeId_NodeId
class  Buffer_ObjId_ObjId
class  Buffer_PixelId_PixelId
class  Buffer_RegionId_RegionId
class  Buffer_TextureId_TextureId
class  Buffer_UndirectedEdgeId
class  Buffer_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId
class  Buffer_unsigned_char
class  Buffer_VertId
class  Buffer_VertId_VertId
class  BypassDirection
class  ChangeActiveBoxAction
class  ChangeColoringType
class  ChangeDualMarchingCubesAction
class  ChangeFacesColorMapAction
class  ChangeGridAction
class  ChangeIsoAction
class  ChangeLabelAction
class  ChangeLinesColorMapAction
class  ChangeMeshAction
class  ChangeMeshCreasesAction
class  ChangeMeshEdgeSelectionAction
class  ChangeMeshFaceSelectionAction
class  ChangeMeshPointsAction
class  ChangeMeshTexturePerFaceAction
class  ChangeMeshTopologyAction
class  ChangeMeshUVCoordsAction
class  ChangeNameAction
class  ChangeObjectAction
class  ChangeObjectColorAction
class  ChangeObjectSelectedAction
class  ChangeObjectVisibilityAction
class  ChangePointCloudAction
class  ChangePointCloudNormalsAction
class  ChangePointCloudPointsAction
class  ChangePointPointSelectionAction
class  ChangePolylineAction
class  ChangePolylinePointsAction
class  ChangePolylineTopologyAction
class  ChangeScaleAction
class  ChangeSceneAction
class  ChangeSceneObjectsOrder
class  ChangeSurfaceAction
class  ChangeTextureAction
class  ChangeVertsColorMapAction
class  ChangeVisualizePropertyAction
class  ChangeXfAction
class  ChangVoxelSelectionAction
class  char_output
class  CircleObject
class  CloudPartMapping
class  CmpOld
class  CNCMachineSettings
class  Color
class  ColoringType
class  ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_AggregateMode
class  ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_PartialColorMap
class  ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_AggregateMode
class  ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_PartialColorMap
class  ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_AggregateMode
class  ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_PartialColorMap
class  CombinedHistoryAction
class  CompensateRadiusParams
class  ComputeSteepestDescentPathSettings
class  Cone3ApproximationParams
class  Cone3d
class  Cone3f
class  ConeFitterType
class  ConeObject
class  ConstantCuspParams
class  ContoursDistanceMapOffset
class  ContoursDistanceMapOptions
class  ContourToDistanceMapParams
class  CoordinateConverters
class  CoordinateConverters2
class  CutMeshParameters
class  CutMeshResult
class  Cylinder3d
class  Cylinder3f
class  CylinderObject
class  DecimatePolylineResult
class  DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector2f
class  DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector3f
class  DecimateResult
class  DecimateSettings
class  DecimateStrategy
class  DeloneSettings
class  DenoiseViaNormalsSettings
class  DenseBox
class  DentalId
class  DepthFunction
class  DetectTunnelSettings
class  DimensionsVisualizePropertyType
class  Dipole
class  Dipoles
class  Dirty
class  DirtyFlags
class  DistanceMap
class  DistanceMapLoad
class  DistanceMapSave
class  DistanceMapToWorld
class  DistanceMeasurementObject
class  DistanceToMeshOptions
class  DistanceVolumeParams
class  DividePointCloudOptionalOutput
class  DividePolylineParameters
class  DoubleOffsetSettings
class  EdgeBitSet
class  EdgeBMap
class  EdgeColors
class  EdgeMap
class  EdgePathsAStarBuilder
class  EdgePathsBuilderT_MetricToAStarPenalty
class  EdgePathsBuilderT_TrivialMetricToPenalty
class  EdgePoint
class  EdgePointPair
class  EdgeScalars
class  EdgeSegment
class  EdgeTri
class  EdgeWeights
class  EmbeddedStructureParameters
class  EnumNeihbourFaces
class  EnumNeihbourVertices
class  expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid_std_string
class  expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_std_string
class  ExtremeEdgeType
class  Face2RegionMap
class  FaceBitSet
class  FaceBMap
class  FaceColorMapAggregator
class  FaceColors
class  FaceDistancesSettings
class  FaceFace
class  FaceId
class  FaceMap
class  FaceNormals
class  FaceScalars
class  FanRecord
class  FanRecordWithCenter
class  FastWindingNumber
class  FeatureObject
class  FeatureObjectProjectPointResult
class  FeatureObjectSharedProperty
class  FeaturePropertyKind
class  Features
class  FeaturesObjectKind
class  FeatureVisualizePropertyType
class  FewSmallest_PointsProjectionResult
class  FillHoleItem
class  FillHoleMetric
class  FillHoleNicelySettings
class  FillHoleParams
class  FilterType
class  FindInnerShellSettings
class  FindOutliersParams
class  FindOverhangsSettings
class  FindOverlappingSettings
class  FixUndercuts
class  float_output
class  FloatGridComponents
class  FlowAggregator
class  FlowOrigin
class  FreeFormBestFit
class  FreeFormDeformer
class  func_AABBTree
class  func_AABBTreePoints
class  func_AABBTreePolyline_Vector2_float
class  func_AABBTreePolyline_Vector3_float
class  func_bool_from_float
class  func_bool_from_Id_EdgeTag
class  func_bool_from_Id_EdgeTag_Vector2_float
class  func_bool_from_Id_EdgeTag_Vector3_float
class  func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag
class  func_bool_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag
class  func_bool_from_Id_VertTag
class  func_bool_from_MeshIntersectionResult
class  func_bool_from_MeshProjectionResult
class  func_bool_from_PointCloud_PointsToDistanceVolumeParams
class  func_bool_from_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction
class  func_bool_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long
class  func_bool_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long
class  func_double_from_double_double
class  func_double_from_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag
class  func_double_from_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag
class  func_double_from_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag_Vector3_float
class  func_float_from_char_const
class  func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag
class  func_float_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag
class  func_float_from_Id_VertTag
class  func_float_from_int
class  func_float_from_int_int
class  func_float_from_std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float_OffsetContourIndex_OffsetContoursOrigins
class  func_float_from_unsigned_long_long
class  func_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long
class  func_float_from_Vector3_int
class  func_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult_from_Vector3_float
class  func_MeshTriPoint_from_unsigned_long_long
class  func_Processing_from_MeshProjectionResult_Ball_Vector3_float
class  func_ProcessOneResult_from_Vector3_float_Id_FaceTag_Vector3_float_float
class  func_std_variant_float_Vector3_float_from_FeatureObject_const_ViewportId
class  func_std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane_from_std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane
class  func_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag_const_from_unsigned_long_long
class  func_tl_expected_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_std_string_from_PointCloud_PointsToDistanceVolumeParams
class  func_unsigned_char_from_Vector3_int
class  func_Vector2_float_from_Vector2_int
class  func_Vector2_int_from_Vector2_float
class  func_Vector3_float_from_Id_VertTag
class  func_Vector3_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long
class  func_Vector3_float_from_Vector3_float
class  func_Vector3_float_from_Vector3_float_Vector3_float_float_float_float
class  func_Vector3_float_from_Vector3_int
class  func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float
class  func_void
class  func_void_from_AABBTree
class  func_void_from_AABBTreePoints
class  func_void_from_AABBTreePolyline_Vector2_float
class  func_void_from_AABBTreePolyline_Vector3_float
class  func_void_from_EdgePoint
class  func_void_from_Features_SubfeatureInfo
class  func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
class  func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float
class  func_void_from_Id_GraphEdgeTag_Id_GraphEdgeTag
class  func_void_from_Id_ObjTag_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult
class  func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_float_Vector2_float
class  func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_float_Vector3_float
class  func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector2_float_float
class  func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector3_float_float
class  func_void_from_Id_VertTag
class  func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float
class  func_void_from_int
class  func_void_from_Mesh
class  func_void_from_Mesh_float_float
class  func_void_from_Mesh_PartMapping
class  func_void_from_SceneLoad_SceneLoadResult
class  func_void_from_SignDetectionMode
class  func_void_from_std_filesystem_path
class  func_void_from_std_variant_float_Vector3_float_FeatureObject_ViewportId
class  func_void_from_Vector3_float_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult
class  func_void_from_Vector3_float_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult_Id_ObjTag
class  FunctionVolume
class  FunctionVolumeU8
class  GcodeLoad
class  GcodeProcessor
class  GCommand
class  GeneralOffsetParameters
class  GeodesicPathApprox
class  Graph
class  GraphEdgeBitSet
class  GraphEdgeId
class  GraphVertBitSet
class  GraphVertId
class  GridSettings
class  GridToMeshSettings
class  HashToVectorMappingConverter
class  Heap_float_GraphVertId_std_greater_float
class  Histogram
class  HistoryAction
class  HoleFillPlan
class  ICP
class  ICPExitType
class  ICPGroupPair
class  ICPGroupPairs
class  ICPMethod
class  ICPMode
class  ICPPairData
class  ICPProperties
class  Id_EdgeTag
class  Id_ICPElemtTag
class  Id_VoxelTag
class  IFastWindingNumber
class  IICPTreeIndexer
class  Image
class  ImageLoad
class  ImageSave
class  ImproveSamplingSettings
class  InflateSettings
class  InSphere
class  InSphereSearchSettings
class  int_output
class  IntersectionPrecomputes2_double
class  IntersectionPrecomputes2_float
class  IntersectionPrecomputes_double
class  IntersectionPrecomputes_float
class  InTreePathBuilder
class  IOFilter
class  IPointPairs
class  IPointsToMeshProjector
class  IRenderObject
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_AnyVisualizeMaskEnum
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_DimensionsVisualizePropertyType
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_FeatureVisualizePropertyType
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_LabelVisualizePropertyType
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_LinesVisualizePropertyType
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_MeshVisualizePropertyType
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_PointsVisualizePropertyType
class  IsVisualizeMaskEnum_VisualizeMaskType
class  IteratorRange_PolylineUndirectedEdgeIterator
class  IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft
class  IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin
class  IteratorRange_UndirectedEdgeIterator
class  LabelVisualizePropertyType
class  Laplacian
class  Line2d
class  Line2f
class  Line3d
class  Line3f
class  Line3Mesh_double
class  Line3Mesh_float
class  LineInterpolationParams
class  LineObject
class  LineSegm2d
class  LineSegm2f
class  LineSegm3d
class  LineSegm3f
class  LinesLoad
class  LinesSave
class  LinesVisualizePropertyType
class  LoadedObjects
class  LoadedObjectT
class  LoadedObjectT_ObjectLines
class  LoadedObjectT_ObjectMesh
class  LoadedObjectT_ObjectPoints
class  LoadedObjectT_ObjectVoxels
class  MakeBridgeResult
class  MakeDegenerateBandAroundRegionParams
class  MakeSignedByWindingNumberSettings
class  MarchingCubesByParts
class  MarchingCubesParams
class  MarkedContour3f
class  Matrix2b
class  Matrix2d
class  Matrix2f
class  Matrix2i
class  Matrix2ll
class  Matrix3_bool_QR
class  Matrix3_double_QR
class  Matrix3_float_QR
class  Matrix3_int_QR
class  Matrix3_long_long_QR
class  Matrix3b
class  Matrix3d
class  Matrix3f
class  Matrix3i
class  Matrix3ll
class  Matrix4b
class  Matrix4d
class  Matrix4f
class  Matrix4i
class  Matrix4ll
class  Matrix_float
class  MeasurementObject
class  MergeVolumePartSettings
class  Mesh
class  MeshApproxRelaxParams
class  MeshAttributesToUpdate
class  MeshBuilder
class  MeshComponents
class  MeshDiff
class  MeshEqualizeTriAreasParams
class  MeshIntersectionResult
class  MeshLoad
class  MeshLoadSettings
class  MeshMeshConverter
class  MeshMeshDistanceResult
class  MeshMeshSignedDistanceResult
class  MeshNormals
class  MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_FunctionVolume
class  MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_SimpleVolumeMinMax
class  MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_VdbVolume
class  MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_FunctionVolume
class  MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_SimpleVolumeMinMax
class  MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_VdbVolume
class  MeshOrPoints
class  MeshOrPointsXf
class  MeshPart
class  MeshPoint
class  MeshProjectionParameters
class  MeshProjectionResult
class  MeshProjectionTransforms
class  MeshRelaxParams
class  MeshSave
class  MeshTexture
class  MeshToDirectionVolumeParams
class  MeshToDistanceMapParams
class  MeshToDistanceVolumeParams
class  MeshTopology
class  MeshTopologyDiff
class  MeshToVolumeParams
class  MeshTriPoint
class  MeshVertPart
class  MeshVisualizePropertyType
class  MeshVoxelsConverter
class  MetricToAStarPenalty
class  ModelBaseRenderParams
class  ModelPointsData
class  ModelRenderParams
class  MovementBuildBodyParams
class  MoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings
class  MoveType
class  MultiMeshIntersectionResult
class  MultiRayMeshIntersectResult
class  MultiwayAligningTransform
class  MultiwayICP
class  MultiwayICPSamplingParameters
class  MutexOwner
class  NeighborDir
class  NestedComponenetsMode
class  NewEdgesMap
class  NextEdgeSameLeft
class  NextEdgeSameOrigin
class  NoCtor_char
class  NoCtor_FaceId
class  NoCtor_GraphEdgeId
class  NoCtor_GraphVertId
class  NoCtor_Id_EdgeTag
class  NoCtor_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  NoCtor_Id_VoxelTag
class  NoCtor_NodeId
class  NoCtor_ObjId
class  NoCtor_PixelId
class  NoCtor_RegionId
class  NoCtor_TextureId
class  NoCtor_UndirectedEdgeId
class  NoCtor_unsigned_char
class  NoCtor_VertId
class  NodeBitSet
class  NoDefInit_FaceId
class  NoDefInit_GraphEdgeId
class  NoDefInit_GraphVertId
class  NoDefInit_Id_EdgeTag
class  NoDefInit_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  NoDefInit_Id_VoxelTag
class  NoDefInit_NodeId
class  NoDefInit_ObjId
class  NoDefInit_PixelId
class  NoDefInit_RegionId
class  NoDefInit_TextureId
class  NoDefInit_UndirectedEdgeId
class  NoDefInit_VertId
class  NodeId
class  NoInit
class  NoiseSettings
class  NormalsToPoints
class  NumSum
class  ObjBitSet
class  Object
class  ObjectChildrenHolder
class  ObjectDistanceMap
class  ObjectFactoryBase
class  ObjectGcode
class  ObjectLabel
class  ObjectLines
class  ObjectLinesHolder
class  ObjectMesh
class  ObjectMeshHolder
class  ObjectPoints
class  ObjectPointsHolder
class  ObjectSave
class  ObjectSelectivityType
class  ObjectVoxels
class  ObjId
class  ObjKindTraits_FeaturesObjectKind_Circle
class  ObjKindTraits_FeaturesObjectKind_Cone
class  ObjKindTraits_FeaturesObjectKind_Cylinder
class  ObjKindTraits_FeaturesObjectKind_Line
class  ObjKindTraits_FeaturesObjectKind_Plane
class  ObjKindTraits_FeaturesObjectKind_Point
class  ObjKindTraits_FeaturesObjectKind_Sphere
class  ObjMap
class  ObjTreeTraits
class  ObjVertId
class  OffsetContourIndex
class  OffsetContoursOrigins
class  OffsetContoursParams
class  OffsetContoursRestoreZParams
class  OffsetMode
class  OffsetParameters
class  OneMeshContour
class  OneMeshIntersection
class  OpenVdbFloatGrid
class  OrientNormals
class  OriginAndDimensions
class  OutEdge
class  OutEdge2
class  OutlierParams
class  OutliersDetector
class  OutlierTypeMask
class  OutputFlows
class  PackMapping
class  Parabolad
class  Parabolaf
class  Parallel
class  PartialChangeMeshAction
class  PartialChangeMeshPointsAction
class  PartialChangeMeshTopologyAction
class  PartMapping
class  PathError
class  Pdf
class  PdfParameters
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_GraphEdgeTag_Id_GraphEdgeTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_GraphVertTag_Id_GraphVertTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_NodeTag_Id_NodeTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_ObjTag_Id_ObjTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_PixelTag_Id_PixelTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_RegionTag_Id_RegionTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_TextureTag_Id_TextureTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_int
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_float
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_FlowAggregator_Flows
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_VertPathInfo
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_int_Box_Vector3_int
class  phmap_flat_hash_map_unsigned_long_long_std_array_Id_VertTag_3
class  PixelBitSet
class  PixelId
class  PlanarTriangulation
class  Plane3d
class  Plane3f
class  PlaneAccumulator
class  PlaneObject
class  PointAccumulator
class  PointCloud
class  PointCloudApproxRelaxParams
class  PointCloudComponents
class  PointCloudRelaxParams
class  PointObject
class  PointOnFace
class  PointOnObject
class  PointPair
class  PointPairs
class  PointsLoad
class  PointsLoadSettings
class  PointsProjectionResult
class  PointsSave
class  PointsToDistanceVolumeParams
class  PointsToMeshParameters
class  PointsToMeshProjector
class  PointsVisualizePropertyType
class  PointToPlaneAligningTransform
class  PointToPointAligningTransform
class  Polyline2
class  Polyline2ProjectionWithOffsetResult
class  Polyline3
class  PolylineComponents
class  PolylineIntersectionResult2
class  PolylineMaker
class  PolylineProjectionResult2
class  PolylineProjectionResult3
class  PolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult3
class  PolylineSubdivideSettings
class  PolylineTopology
class  PolylineTraits_Vector2f
class  PolylineTraits_Vector3f
class  PolylineUndirectedEdgeIterator
class  Polynomial_double_0
class  Polynomial_double_1
class  Polynomial_double_2
class  Polynomial_double_3
class  Polynomial_double_4
class  Polynomial_double_5
class  Polynomial_double_6
class  Polynomial_float_0
class  Polynomial_float_1
class  Polynomial_float_2
class  Polynomial_float_3
class  Polynomial_float_4
class  Polynomial_float_5
class  Polynomial_float_6
class  PolynomialWrapper_double
class  PolynomialWrapper_float
class  PositionedText
class  PrecipitationSimulator
class  PreciseCollisionResult
class  PreciseVertCoords
class  PreciseVertCoords2
class  ProccessMemoryInfo
class  Processing
class  ProcessOneResult
class  ProjectAttributeParams
class  QuadraticForm2d
class  QuadraticForm2f
class  QuadraticForm3d
class  QuadraticForm3f
class  QuadricApprox
class  QuarterBit
class  Quaterniond
class  Quaternionf
class  RadiusMeasurementObject
class  RawTiffOutput
class  RayOrigin_float
class  RebuildMeshSettings
class  RectIndexer
class  RefineParameters
class  RegionBitSet
class  RegionId
class  RegularMapMesher
class  RelaxApproxType
class  RelaxParams
class  RemeshSettings
class  RenderModelPassMask
class  Reorder
class  ResolveMeshDegenSettings
class  RigidScaleXf3d
class  RigidScaleXf3f
class  RigidXf3d
class  RigidXf3f
class  RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft
class  RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin
class  SaveSettings
class  ScalarType
class  SceneColors
class  SceneLoad
class  SceneRoot
class  SceneRootObject
class  SceneSettings
class  SearchPathSettings
class  SegmentSegmentIntersectResult
class  SegmPointd
class  SegmPointf
class  SelfIntersections
class  SeparationPointStorage
class  SetNew
class  SharpenMarchingCubesMeshSettings
class  SharpOffsetParameters
class  ShellVertexInfo
class  Side
class  SignDetectionMode
class  SignDetectionModeShort
class  SignedDistanceToMeshOptions
class  SignedDistanceToMeshResult
class  SimpleVolume
class  SimpleVolumeMinMax
class  SimpleVolumeMinMaxU16
class  SimpleVolumeU16
class  SkyPatch
class  SliceInfo
class  SliceInfoBase
class  SlicePlane
class  SomeLocalTriangulations
class  SortIntersectionsData
class  SpacingSettings
class  Sphere2d
class  Sphere2f
class  Sphere3d
class  Sphere3f
class  SphereObject
class  SphereParams
class  SplineSettings
class  std_array_AffineXf_Vector3_double_4
class  std_array_AffineXf_Vector3_float_4
class  std_array_BooleanResultMapper_Maps_2
class  std_array_Id_VertTag_3
class  std_array_int_4
class  std_array_PreciseVertCoords2_3
class  std_array_PreciseVertCoords2_4
class  std_array_PreciseVertCoords_4
class  std_array_PreciseVertCoords_5
class  std_array_std_filesystem_path_4
class  std_array_Vector3_double_3
class  std_array_Vector3_float_3
class  std_array_Vector3_int_3
class  std_array_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_3
class  std_array_WeightedVertex_3
class  std_greater_float
class  std_optional_Box_float
class  std_optional_Box_Vector3_float
class  std_optional_Color
class  std_optional_double
class  std_optional_Vector2_float
class  std_optional_Vector3_float
class  std_string_output
class  std_unordered_set_std_string
class  std_variant_float_Vector3_float
class  std_variant_Id_FaceTag_Id_EdgeTag_Id_VertTag
class  std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int
class  std_variant_Polynomial_double_0_Polynomial_double_1_Polynomial_double_2_Polynomial_double_3_Polynomial_double_4_Polynomial_double_5_Polynomial_double_6
class  std_variant_Polynomial_float_0_Polynomial_float_1_Polynomial_float_2_Polynomial_float_3_Polynomial_float_4_Polynomial_float_5_Polynomial_float_6
class  std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane
class  std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box_Vector2_float
class  std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits
class  std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node
class  std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Point
class  std_vector_AffineXf_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_char
class  std_vector_CNCMachineSettings_RotationAxisName
class  std_vector_Color
class  std_vector_Dipole
class  std_vector_DistanceMap
class  std_vector_double
class  std_vector_EdgePoint
class  std_vector_EdgePointPair
class  std_vector_EdgeSegment
class  std_vector_EdgeTri
class  std_vector_FaceFace
class  std_vector_FanRecord
class  std_vector_FanRecordWithCenter
class  std_vector_FeatureObjectSharedProperty
class  std_vector_FillHoleItem
class  std_vector_float
class  std_vector_FlowOrigin
class  std_vector_GcodeProcessor_Command
class  std_vector_GcodeProcessor_MoveAction
class  std_vector_GCommand
class  std_vector_Graph_EndVertices
class  std_vector_Heap_float_Id_GraphVertTag_std_greater_float_Element
class  std_vector_ICPGroupPair
class  std_vector_ICPGroupPairs
class  std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
class  std_vector_Id_FaceTag
class  std_vector_Id_GraphEdgeTag
class  std_vector_Id_GraphVertTag
class  std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  std_vector_Id_NodeTag
class  std_vector_Id_ObjTag
class  std_vector_Id_PixelTag
class  std_vector_Id_RegionTag
class  std_vector_Id_TextureTag
class  std_vector_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag
class  std_vector_Id_VertTag
class  std_vector_Id_VoxelTag
class  std_vector_int
class  std_vector_IOFilter
class  std_vector_Line3Mesh_double
class  std_vector_Line3Mesh_float
class  std_vector_LineSegm_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_Mesh
class  std_vector_Mesh_const
class  std_vector_MeshBuilder_MeshPiece
class  std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertDuplication
class  std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan
class  std_vector_MeshIntersectionResult
class  std_vector_MeshLoad_NamedMesh
class  std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf
class  std_vector_MeshProjectionResult
class  std_vector_MeshSave_NamedXfMesh
class  std_vector_MeshTexture
class  std_vector_MeshTriPoint
class  std_vector_ModelPointsData
class  std_vector_ObjVertId
class  std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins
class  std_vector_OneMeshContour
class  std_vector_OneMeshIntersection
class  std_vector_PlanarTriangulation_IntersectionInfo
class  std_vector_PointCloud
class  std_vector_PointPair
class  std_vector_PointsLoad_NamedCloud
class  std_vector_PointsProjectionResult
class  std_vector_Polyline_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_PositionedText
class  std_vector_QuadraticForm_Vector2_float
class  std_vector_QuadraticForm_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_RigidXf3_double
class  std_vector_SkyPatch
class  std_vector_SliceInfo
class  std_vector_SomeLocalTriangulations
class  std_vector_std_array_Id_VertTag_3
class  std_vector_std_array_std_filesystem_path_4
class  std_vector_std_array_Vector3_float_3
class  std_vector_std_filesystem_path
class  std_vector_std_pair_double_int
class  std_vector_std_pair_double_std_string
class  std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
class  std_vector_std_pair_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag
class  std_vector_std_pair_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long
class  std_vector_std_pair_Vector3_float_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_BasicUiRenderTask
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Mesh
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object_const
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectDistanceMap
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLinesHolder
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMeshHolder
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPointsHolder
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels
class  std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VisualObject
class  std_vector_std_string
class  std_vector_std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane
class  std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint
class  std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
class  std_vector_std_vector_Id_GraphEdgeTag
class  std_vector_std_vector_Id_VertTag
class  std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId
class  std_vector_std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins
class  std_vector_std_vector_PlanarTriangulation_IntersectionInfo
class  std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri
class  std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_double
class  std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float
class  std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_double
class  std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag
class  std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag
class  std_vector_TaggedBitSet_UndirectedEdgeTag
class  std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VertTag
class  std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag
class  std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid_std_string
class  std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_std_string
class  std_vector_TriPoint_float
class  std_vector_UndirectedEdgeUndirectedEdge
class  std_vector_UnorientedTriangle
class  std_vector_unsigned_char
class  std_vector_unsigned_long_long
class  std_vector_unsigned_short
class  std_vector_VariableEdgeTri
class  std_vector_Vector2_double
class  std_vector_Vector2_float
class  std_vector_Vector3_double
class  std_vector_Vector3_float
class  std_vector_Vector3_int
class  std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  std_vector_ViewportMask
class  std_vector_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid
class  std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo
class  std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo
class  std_vector_WatershedGraph_OverflowPoint
class  StitchHolesParams
class  SubdivideSettings
class  SurfaceDistanceBuilder
class  SymbolMeshParams
class  SymMatrix2b
class  SymMatrix2d
class  SymMatrix2f
class  SymMatrix2i
class  SymMatrix2ll
class  SymMatrix3b
class  SymMatrix3d
class  SymMatrix3f
class  SymMatrix3i
class  SymMatrix3ll
class  SymMatrix4b
class  SymMatrix4d
class  SymMatrix4f
class  SymMatrix4i
class  SymMatrix4ll
class  SystemMemory
class  SystemPath
class  TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag
class  TeethMaskToDirectionVolumeConvertor
class  TerminalVertex
class  TextMeshAlignParams
class  TextureBitSet
class  TextureId
class  TexturePerFace
class  TiffParameters
class  ToolPathParams
class  ToolPathResult
class  TransformedMesh
class  TransformVdbVolumeResult
class  TriangleSegmentIntersectResult
class  Triangulation
class  TriangulationHelpers
class  TriangulationParameters
class  TriIntersectResult
class  TriMesh
class  TrimOptionalOutput
class  TrimWithPlaneParams
class  TriPointd
class  TriPointf
class  TrivialMetricToPenalty
class  UiRenderManager
class  UiRenderParams
class  UndirectedEdge2RegionMap
class  UndirectedEdgeBitSet
class  UndirectedEdgeBMap
class  UndirectedEdgeColors
class  UndirectedEdgeId
class  UndirectedEdgeIterator
class  UndirectedEdgeMap
class  UndirectedEdgeScalars
class  UndirectedEdgeUndirectedEdge
class  UndirEdgeColorMapAggregator
class  UniformSamplingSettings
class  UnionFind_FaceId
class  UnionFind_UndirectedEdgeId
class  UnionFind_VertId
class  UniqueTemporaryFolder
class  UniqueThreadSafeOwner_AABBTree
class  UniqueThreadSafeOwner_AABBTreePoints
class  UniqueThreadSafeOwner_AABBTreePolyline2
class  UniqueThreadSafeOwner_AABBTreePolyline3
class  UniteManyMeshesParams
class  UnorientedTriangle
class  unsigned_char_output
class  UseAABBTree
class  VariableEdgeTri
class  VdbVolume
class  Vector2b
class  Vector2d
class  Vector2f
class  Vector2i
class  Vector2ll
class  Vector3b
class  Vector3d
class  Vector3f
class  Vector3i
class  Vector3ll
class  Vector4b
class  Vector4d
class  Vector4f
class  Vector4i
class  Vector4ll
class  Vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f_NodeId
class  Vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f_NodeId
class  Vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f_NodeId
class  Vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_NodeId
class  Vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_NodeId
class  Vector_AffineXf3f_ObjId
class  Vector_char_VertId
class  Vector_double_RegionId
class  Vector_FaceBitSet_GraphVertId
class  Vector_FanRecord_VertId
class  Vector_Graph_EndVertices_GraphEdgeId
class  Vector_GraphEdgeId_GraphEdgeId
class  Vector_GraphVertId_GraphVertId
class  Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  Vector_Id_EdgeTag_FaceId
class  Vector_Id_EdgeTag_VertId
class  Vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  Vector_Id_VoxelTag_FaceId
class  Vector_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag
class  Vector_int_FaceId
class  Vector_int_VertId
class  Vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_FaceId
class  Vector_MeshOrPointsXf_ObjId
class  Vector_MeshTexture_TextureId
class  Vector_ModelPointsData_ObjId
class  Vector_NodeId_NodeId
class  Vector_PixelId_PixelId
class  Vector_QuadraticForm2f_VertId
class  Vector_QuadraticForm3f_VertId
class  Vector_RegionId_RegionId
class  Vector_std_array_Vector3f_3_FaceId
class  Vector_std_filesystem_path_TextureId
class  Vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_VertId
class  Vector_std_vector_GraphEdgeId_GraphVertId
class  Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  Vector_TextureId_TextureId
class  Vector_unsigned_long_long_FaceId
class  Vector_unsigned_long_long_GraphVertId
class  Vector_unsigned_long_long_UndirectedEdgeId
class  Vector_unsigned_long_long_VertId
class  Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
class  Vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_int
class  Vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_int
class  Vector_VertBitSet_ObjId
class  Vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_GraphVertId
class  Vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_GraphEdgeId
class  VectorTraits_double
class  VectorTraits_float
class  VectorTraits_int
class  VectorTraits_long_long
class  VectorTraits_unsigned_short
class  VectorTraits_Vector2d
class  VectorTraits_Vector2f
class  VectorTraits_Vector2i
class  VectorTraits_Vector2ll
class  VectorTraits_Vector3d
class  VectorTraits_Vector3f
class  VectorTraits_Vector3i
class  VectorTraits_Vector3ll
class  Vert2RegionMap
class  VertBitSet
class  VertBMap
class  VertColorMapAggregator
class  VertColors
class  VertCoords
class  VertCoordsDiff
class  VertDistance
class  VertId
class  VertMap
class  VertPathInfo
class  VertRenumber
class  VertScalars
class  VertUVCoords
class  ViewportId
class  ViewportIterator
class  ViewportMask
class  ViewportProperty_AffineXf3f
class  ViewportProperty_Color
class  ViewportProperty_Matrix3f
class  ViewportProperty_unsigned_char
class  ViewportProperty_XfBasedCache_Box3f
class  VisualizeMaskType
class  VisualObject
class  VolumeIndexer
class  VolumeSegmentationParameters
class  VolumeSegmenter
class  VolumeToMeshByPartsSettings
class  VoxelBitSet
class  VoxelFilterType
class  VoxelLocation
class  VoxelMetricParameters
class  VoxelsLoad
class  VoxelsSave
class  VoxelsVolume_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid
class  VoxelsVolumeAccessor_FunctionVolume
class  VoxelsVolumeAccessor_SimpleVolume
class  VoxelsVolumeAccessor_SimpleVolumeMinMax
class  VoxelsVolumeAccessor_VdbVolume
class  VoxelsVolumeInterpolatedAccessor_VoxelsVolumeAccessor_FunctionVolume
class  VoxelsVolumeInterpolatedAccessor_VoxelsVolumeAccessor_SimpleVolumeMinMax
class  VoxelsVolumeInterpolatedAccessor_VoxelsVolumeAccessor_VdbVolume
class  VoxelTraits_std_function_float_const_Vector3i
class  VoxelTraits_std_function_unsigned_char_const_Vector3i
class  VoxelTraits_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid
class  VoxelTraits_std_vector_float
class  VoxelTraits_std_vector_unsigned_short
class  WatershedGraph
class  WeightedVertex
class  WholeEdgeBMap
class  WholeEdgeMap
class  WrapType
class  XfBasedCache_Box3f
class  ZeroOnMove_unsigned_long_long


str GetCpuId ()
str GetDetailedOSName ()
pathlib.Path GetEmbeddedPythonDirectory ()
pathlib.Path GetExeDirectory ()
pathlib.Path GetFontsDirectory ()
pathlib.Path GetHomeDirectory ()
pathlib.Path GetLibsDirectory ()
str GetMRVersionString ()
pathlib.Path GetResourcesDirectory ()
pathlib.Path GetTempDirectory ()
pathlib.Path GetWindowsInstallDirectory ()
bool OpenDocument (os.PathLike|str|bytes path)
None OpenLink (str url)
None SegPoints (Vector3f VEC, Vector3f X, Vector3f Y, Vector3f P, Vector3f A, Vector3f Q, Vector3f B)
None SetCurrentThreadName (str name)
float TriDist (Vector3f p, Vector3f q, Vector3f s, Vector3f t)
str Utf16ToUtf8 (str utf16)
None accumulateFaceCenters (PointAccumulator accum, MeshPart mp, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None accumulateLineCenters (PointAccumulator accum, Polyline3 pl, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None accumulatePoints (PointAccumulator accum, std_vector_Vector3_float points, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None accumulatePoints (PointAccumulator accum, PointCloud pc, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None accumulateWeighedPoints (PointAccumulator accum, std_vector_Vector3_float points, std_vector_float weights, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None addBaseToPlanarMesh (Mesh mesh, float zOffset)
None addLeftBand (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loop, FaceBitSet addHere)
None addNoise (VertCoords points, VertBitSet validVerts, NoiseSettings settings)
None addNoise (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet region=None, NoiseSettings settings='{}')
Mesh alignTextToMesh (Mesh mesh, TextMeshAlignParams params)
float angle (Vector3f a, Vector3f b)
float angle (Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
int angle (Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
float angle (Vector2f a, Vector2f b)
float angle (Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
int angle (Vector2i a, Vector2i b)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VisualObject res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPointsHolder res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLinesHolder res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMeshHolder res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectDistanceMap res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
None appendObjectFromTreeRecursive (Object obj, std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels res, ObjectSelectivityType type)
Vector3d applyDouble (AffineXf3d xf, Vector3f p)
Vector3d applyDouble (Matrix3d m, Vector3f n)
Vector3f applyFloat (AffineXf3d xf, Vector3f p)
Vector3f applyFloat (Matrix3d m, Vector3f n)
Object asSelectivityType_Object (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectDistanceMap asSelectivityType_ObjectDistanceMap (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectLines asSelectivityType_ObjectLines (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectLinesHolder asSelectivityType_ObjectLinesHolder (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectMesh asSelectivityType_ObjectMesh (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectMeshHolder asSelectivityType_ObjectMeshHolder (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectPoints asSelectivityType_ObjectPoints (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectPointsHolder asSelectivityType_ObjectPointsHolder (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectVoxels asSelectivityType_ObjectVoxels (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
VisualObject asSelectivityType_VisualObject (Object obj, ObjectSelectivityType type)
str asString (str s)
str asString (SignDetectionMode m)
str asU8String (str s)
bool autoOrientLocalTriangulations (PointCloud pointCloud, AllLocalTriangulations triangs, VertBitSet region, func_bool_from_float progress='{}', Triangulation outRep3=None, Triangulation outRep2=None)
ViewportIterator begin (ViewportMask mask)
RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin begin (IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin range)
bool bestQuadrangleDiagonal (Vector3f a, Vector3f b, Vector3f c, Vector3f d)
Color blend (Color front, Color back)
BooleanResult boolean (Mesh meshA, Mesh meshB, BooleanOperation operation, AffineXf3f rigidB2A, BooleanResultMapper mapper=None, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
BooleanResult boolean (Mesh meshA, Mesh meshB, BooleanOperation operation, BooleanParameters params='{}')
Id_EdgeTag buildBottom (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, Vector3f dir, float holeExtension, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
None buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, Id_EdgeTag b, StitchHolesParams params='{}')
bool buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles (Mesh mesh, StitchHolesParams params='{}')
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildShortestPath (Mesh mesh, VertId start, VertId finish, float maxPathLen=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildShortestPath (Mesh mesh, VertId start, VertBitSet finish, float maxPathLen=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildShortestPathAStar (Mesh mesh, VertId start, VertId finish, float maxPathLen=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildShortestPathAStar (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint finish, VertId outPathStart=None, VertId outPathFinish=None, float maxPathLen=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildShortestPathBiDir (Mesh mesh, VertId start, VertId finish, float maxPathLen=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildShortestPathBiDir (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint finish, VertId outPathStart=None, VertId outPathFinish=None, float maxPathLen=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildSmallestMetricPath (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, VertId start, VertId finish, float maxPathMetric=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildSmallestMetricPath (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, VertId start, VertBitSet finish, float maxPathMetric=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_unsigned_long_long buildSmallestMetricPath (VdbVolume voxels, func_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long metric, int start, int finish, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildSmallestMetricPathBiDir (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, VertId start, VertId finish, float maxPathMetric=3.4028234663852886e+38)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag buildSmallestMetricPathBiDir (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, TerminalVertex starts, int numStarts, TerminalVertex finishes, int numFinishes, VertId outPathStart=None, VertId outPathFinish=None, float maxPathMetric=3.4028234663852886e+38)
AllLocalTriangulations buildUnitedLocalTriangulations (PointCloud cloud, TriangulationHelpers.Settings settings, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
str bytesString (int size)
VertColors calcAvgColors (PointCloud cloud, VertColors colors, VertCoords tgtPoints, VertBitSet tgtVerts, float sigma, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
float calcCombinedFillMetric (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet filledRegion, FillHoleMetric metric)
int calcDamerauLevenshteinDistance (str stringA, str stringB, bool caseSensitive=True, int_output outLeftRightAddition=None)
None calcDipoles (Dipoles dipoles, AABBTree tree, Mesh mesh)
Dipoles calcDipoles (AABBTree tree, Mesh mesh)
FaceScalars calcFaceDistances (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, FaceBitSet starts, FaceDistancesSettings settings='{}')
float calcFastWindingNumber (Dipoles dipoles, AABBTree tree, Mesh mesh, Vector3f q, float beta, FaceId skipFace)
float calcLength (std_vector_Vector2_float contour)
float calcLength (std_vector_Vector2_double contour)
float calcLength (std_vector_Vector3_float contour)
float calcLength (std_vector_Vector3_double contour)
float calcOrientedArea (std_vector_Vector2_float contour)
float calcOrientedArea (std_vector_Vector2_double contour)
Vector3f calcOrientedArea (std_vector_Vector3_float contour)
Vector3d calcOrientedArea (std_vector_Vector3_double contour)
Vector3d calcOrientedArea (std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loop, Mesh mesh)
OriginAndDimensions calcOriginAndDimensions (Box3f box, float voxelSize)
float calcPathLength (std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path, Mesh mesh)
float calcPathMetric (std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric)
bool canMinimizePolynomial (int degree)
bool canSolvePolynomial (int degree)
bool ccw (Vector2i a, Vector2i b)
bool ccw (Vector2i a, Vector2i b, Vector2i c)
bool ccw (std_array_PreciseVertCoords2_3 vs)
bool ccw (PreciseVertCoords2 vs)
bool checkDeloneQuadrangle (Vector3d a, Vector3d b, Vector3d c, Vector3d d, float maxAngleChange=1.7976931348623157e+308)
bool checkDeloneQuadrangle (Vector3f a, Vector3f b, Vector3f c, Vector3f d, float maxAngleChange=3.4028234663852886e+38)
bool checkDeloneQuadrangleInMesh (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag edge, DeloneSettings settings='{}', float_output deviationSqAfterFlip=None)
ShellVertexInfo classifyShellVert (MeshPart mp, Vector3f shellPoint, FindInnerShellSettings settings='{}')
ObjectMesh cloneRegion (ObjectMesh objMesh, FaceBitSet region, bool copyTexture=True)
ObjectPoints cloneRegion (ObjectPoints objPoints, VertBitSet region)
DistanceMap combineXYderivativeMaps (tuple[DistanceMap, DistanceMap] XYderivativeMaps)
str commonFilesName (std_vector_std_filesystem_path files)
None compensateRadius (Mesh mesh, CompensateRadiusParams params)
None compressZip (os.PathLike|str|bytes zipFile, os.PathLike|str|bytes sourceFolder, std_vector_std_filesystem_path excludeFiles='{}', str password=None, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
float computeBasinVolume (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet faces, float level)
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag computeClosestSurfacePathTargets (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet starts, VertBitSet ends, VertBitSet vertRegion=None, VertScalars outSurfaceDistances=None)
DistanceMap computeDistanceMap (MeshPart mp, MeshToDistanceMapParams params, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', std_vector_MeshTriPoint outSamples=None)
DistanceMap computeDistanceMapD (MeshPart mp, MeshToDistanceMapParams params, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', std_vector_MeshTriPoint outSamples=None)
std_vector_EdgePoint computeFastMarchingPath (MeshPart mp, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint end, VertBitSet vertRegion=None, VertScalars outSurfaceDistances=None)
QuadraticForm3f computeFormAtVertex (MeshPart mp, VertId v, float stabilizer, bool angleWeigted, UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases=None)
Vector_QuadraticForm3f_VertId computeFormsAtVertices (MeshPart mp, float stabilizer, bool angleWeigted, UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases=None)
std_vector_EdgePoint computeGeodesicPath (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint end, GeodesicPathApprox atype='GeodesicPathApprox::FastMarching', int maxGeodesicIters=100)
std_vector_EdgePoint computeGeodesicPathApprox (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint end, GeodesicPathApprox atype)
VertScalars computeInSphereThicknessAtVertices (Mesh mesh, InSphereSearchSettings settings, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
MeshNormals computeMeshNormals (Mesh mesh)
Vector3f computeNormal (AllLocalTriangulations triangs, VertCoords points, VertId v)
Vector_std_array_Vector3f_3_FaceId computePerCornerNormals (Mesh mesh, UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases)
FaceNormals computePerFaceNormals (Mesh mesh)
None computePerFaceNormals4 (Mesh mesh, Vector4f faceNormals, int size)
VertCoords computePerVertNormals (Mesh mesh)
VertCoords computePerVertPseudoNormals (Mesh mesh)
VertScalars computeRayThicknessAtVertices (Mesh mesh, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
VertScalars computeSkyViewFactor (Mesh terrain, VertCoords samples, VertBitSet validSamples, std_vector_SkyPatch skyPatches, BitSet outSkyRays=None, std_vector_MeshIntersectionResult outIntersections=None)
VertScalars computeSpaceDistances (Mesh mesh, PointOnFace start, float range)
std_vector_EdgePoint computeSteepestDescentPath (MeshPart mp, VertScalars field, MeshTriPoint start, ComputeSteepestDescentPathSettings settings='{}')
None computeSteepestDescentPath (MeshPart mp, VertScalars field, MeshTriPoint start, std_vector_EdgePoint outPath, ComputeSteepestDescentPathSettings settings='{}')
VertScalars computeSurfaceDistances (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet startVertices, float maxDist=3.4028234663852886e+38, VertBitSet region=None, int maxVertUpdates=3)
VertScalars computeSurfaceDistances (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet startVertices, VertBitSet targetVertices, float maxDist=3.4028234663852886e+38, VertBitSet region=None, int maxVertUpdates=3)
VertScalars computeSurfaceDistances (Mesh mesh, phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_float startVertices, float maxDist=3.4028234663852886e+38, VertBitSet region=None, int maxVertUpdates=3)
VertScalars computeSurfaceDistances (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint end, VertBitSet region=None, bool_output endReached=None, int maxVertUpdates=3)
VertScalars computeSurfaceDistances (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, float maxDist=3.4028234663852886e+38, VertBitSet region=None, int maxVertUpdates=3)
VertScalars computeSurfaceDistances (Mesh mesh, std_vector_MeshTriPoint starts, float maxDist=3.4028234663852886e+38, VertBitSet region=None, int maxVertUpdates=3)
std_vector_EdgePoint computeSurfacePath (MeshPart mp, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint end, int maxGeodesicIters=5, VertBitSet vertRegion=None, VertScalars outSurfaceDistances=None)
VertScalars computeThicknessAtVertices (Mesh mesh)
std_array_int_4 computeTrianglesRepetitions (AllLocalTriangulations triangs)
ToolPathResult constantCuspToolPath (MeshPart mp, ConstantCuspParams params)
ToolPathResult constantZToolPath (MeshPart mp, ToolPathParams params)
bool contains (FaceBitSet bitset, FaceId id)
Polyline2 contourIntersection (Polyline2 contoursA, Polyline2 contoursB, ContourToDistanceMapParams params, float offsetInside=0.0)
Polyline2 contourSubtract (Polyline2 contoursA, Polyline2 contoursB, ContourToDistanceMapParams params, float offsetInside=0.0)
Polyline2 contourUnion (Polyline2 contoursA, Polyline2 contoursB, ContourToDistanceMapParams params, float offsetInside=0)
Image convertDistanceMapToImage (DistanceMap distMap, float threshold=0.003921568859368563)
DistanceMap convertImageToDistanceMap (Image image, float threshold=0.003921568859368563)
std_vector_OneMeshContour convertMeshTriPointsSurfaceOffsetToMeshContours (Mesh mesh, std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine, float offset, SearchPathSettings searchSettings='{}')
std_vector_OneMeshContour convertMeshTriPointsSurfaceOffsetToMeshContours (Mesh mesh, std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine, func_float_from_int offsetAtPoint, SearchPathSettings searchSettings='{}')
OneMeshContour convertMeshTriPointsToClosedContour (Mesh mesh, std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine, SearchPathSettings searchSettings='{}', std_vector_int pivotIndices=None)
OneMeshContour convertMeshTriPointsToMeshContour (Mesh mesh, std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine, SearchPathSettings searchSettings='{}', std_vector_int pivotIndices=None)
OneMeshContour convertSurfacePathWithEndsToMeshContour (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, std_vector_EdgePoint surfacePath, MeshTriPoint end)
std_vector_OneMeshContour convertSurfacePathsToMeshContours (Mesh mesh, std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint surfacePaths)
std_vector_Vector2_float copyContour (std_vector_Vector2_double from_)
std_vector_Vector3_float copyContour (std_vector_Vector3_double from_)
std_vector_Vector2_double copyContour (std_vector_Vector2_float from_)
std_vector_Vector3_double copyContour (std_vector_Vector3_float from_)
Mesh copySubdividePackMesh (MeshPart mp, float voxelSize, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
Object createObject (str className)
MeshProjectionTransforms createProjectionTransforms (AffineXf3f storageXf, AffineXf3f pointXf, AffineXf3f treeXf)
SceneRootObject createRootFormObject (Object obj)
std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float createSymbolContours (SymbolMeshParams params)
Mesh createSymbolsMesh (SymbolMeshParams params)
OpenVdbFloatGrid cropped (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, Box3i box, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
Vector3f cross (Vector3f a, Vector3f b)
Vector3d cross (Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
Vector3i cross (Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
float cross (Vector2f a, Vector2f b)
float cross (Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
int cross (Vector2i a, Vector2i b)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag cutAlongEdgeLoop (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c0)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag cutAlongEdgeLoop (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c0)
CutMeshResult cutMesh (Mesh mesh, std_vector_OneMeshContour contours, CutMeshParameters params='{}')
int deactivateFarPairs (IPointPairs pairs, float maxDistSq)
DecimatePolylineResult decimateContour (std_vector_Vector2_float contour, DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector2f settings='{}')
DecimatePolylineResult decimateContour (std_vector_Vector3_float contour, DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector3f settings='{}')
DecimateResult decimateMesh (Mesh mesh, DecimateSettings settings='{}')
DecimatePolylineResult decimatePolyline (Polyline2 polyline, DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector2f settings='{}')
DecimatePolylineResult decimatePolyline (Polyline3 polyline, DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector3f settings='{}')
std_vector_unsigned_char decode64 (str val)
None decompressZip (os.PathLike|str|bytes zipFile, os.PathLike|str|bytes targetFolder, str password=None)
None decompressZip (typing.Any zipStream, os.PathLike|str|bytes targetFolder, str password=None)
str defaultSerializeMeshFormat ()
str defaultSerializePointsFormat ()
str defaultSerializeVoxelsFormat ()
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag delRegionKeepBd (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet region=None)
None deleteTargetFaces (Mesh obj, Vector3f targetCenter)
None deleteTargetFaces (Mesh obj, Mesh target)
None denoiseNormals (Mesh mesh, FaceNormals normals, UndirectedEdgeScalars v, float gamma)
LoadedObjectT deserializeObjectTree (os.PathLike|str|bytes path, func_void_from_std_filesystem_path postDecompress='{}', func_bool_from_float progressCb='{}')
LoadedObjectT deserializeObjectTreeFrom3mf (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
LoadedObjectT deserializeObjectTreeFromFolder (os.PathLike|str|bytes folder, func_bool_from_float progressCb='{}')
Object deserializeObjectTreeFromGltf (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
LoadedObjectT deserializeObjectTreeFromModel (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag detectBasisTunnels (MeshPart mp, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric='{}', func_bool_from_float progressCallback='{}')
std_vector_int detectLoneContours (std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri contours)
FaceBitSet detectTunnelFaces (MeshPart mp, DetectTunnelSettings settings='{}')
bool dilateRegion (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool dilateRegion (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool dilateRegion (Mesh mesh, UndirectedEdgeBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool dilateRegion (PointCloud pointCloud, VertBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', AffineXf3f xf=None)
bool dilateRegionByMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, FaceBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool dilateRegionByMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, VertBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool dilateRegionByMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, UndirectedEdgeBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag discreteAbsMeanCurvatureMetric (Mesh mesh)
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag discreteMinusAbsMeanCurvatureMetric (Mesh mesh)
DistanceMap distanceMapFromContours (Polyline2 contours, ContourToDistanceMapParams params, ContoursDistanceMapOptions options='{}')
None distanceMapFromContours (DistanceMap distMap, Polyline2 polyline, ContourToDistanceMapParams params, ContoursDistanceMapOptions options='{}')
Polyline2 distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline (DistanceMap distMap, float isoValue)
Polyline2 distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline (DistanceMap distMap, ContourToDistanceMapParams params, float isoValue)
tuple[Polyline2, AffineXf3fdistanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline (DistanceMap distMap, AffineXf3f xf, float isoValue, bool useDepth=False)
Polyline2 distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline (DistanceMap distMap, float pixelSize, float isoValue)
Mesh distanceMapToMesh (DistanceMap distMap, AffineXf3f toWorld, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
None dividePolylineWithPlane (Polyline3 polyline, Plane3f plane, DividePolylineParameters params='{}')
PointCloud divideWithPlane (PointCloud points, Plane3f plane, DividePointCloudOptionalOutput optOut='{}')
Mesh doBooleanOperation (Mesh meshACut, Mesh meshBCut, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag cutEdgesA, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag cutEdgesB, BooleanOperation operation, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, BooleanResultMapper mapper=None, bool mergeAllNonIntersectingComponents=False, BooleanInternalParameters intParams='{}')
SegmentSegmentIntersectResult doSegmentSegmentIntersect (std_array_PreciseVertCoords2_4 vs)
TriangleSegmentIntersectResult doTriangleSegmentIntersect (std_array_PreciseVertCoords_5 vs)
float dot (Vector3f a, Vector3f b)
float dot (Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
int dot (Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
float dot (Vector2f a, Vector2f b)
float dot (Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
int dot (Vector2i a, Vector2i b)
Mesh doubleOffsetMesh (MeshPart mp, float offsetA, float offsetB, OffsetParameters params='{}')
Mesh doubleOffsetVdb (MeshPart mp, DoubleOffsetSettings settings)
int duplicateMultiHoleVertices (Mesh mesh)
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeCurvMetric (Mesh mesh, float angleSinFactor=2, float angleSinForBoundary=0)
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeLengthMetric (Mesh mesh)
None edgeMapsComposition (EdgeMap a2b, EdgeMap b2c)
std_vector_Vector3_float edgePointsFromContours (Polyline2 polyline, float pixelSize, float threshold)
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeTableMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric)
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeTableSymMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric)
Id_EdgeTag eliminateDegree3Dest (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag e, FaceBitSet region=None)
int eliminateDegree3Vertices (MeshTopology topology, VertBitSet region, FaceBitSet fs=None)
Id_EdgeTag eliminateDoubleTris (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag e, FaceBitSet region=None)
None eliminateDoubleTrisAround (MeshTopology topology, VertId v, FaceBitSet region=None)
Mesh embedStructureToTerrain (Mesh terrain, Mesh structure, EmbeddedStructureParameters params)
str encode64 (int data, int size)
ViewportIterator end (*args, **kwargs)
RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin end (IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin range)
bool equalizeTriAreas (Mesh mesh, MeshEqualizeTriAreasParams params='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool erodeRegion (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool erodeRegion (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool erodeRegion (Mesh mesh, UndirectedEdgeBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool erodeRegion (PointCloud pointCloud, VertBitSet region, float erosion, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', AffineXf3f xf=None)
bool erodeRegionByMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, FaceBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool erodeRegionByMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, VertBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
bool erodeRegionByMetric (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric, UndirectedEdgeBitSet region, float dilation, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None evalGridMinMax (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, float_output min, float_output max)
None executeHoleFillPlan (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a0, HoleFillPlan plan, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
VertBitSet expand (MeshTopology topology, VertId v, int hops)
None expand (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region, int hops=1)
FaceBitSet expand (MeshTopology topology, FaceId f, int hops)
None expand (MeshTopology topology, VertBitSet region, int hops=1)
FaceBitSet expandFaces (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region, UndirectedEdgeBitSet stopEdges=None)
None expandPixelMask (PixelBitSet mask, RectIndexer indexer, int expansion=1)
None expandVoxelsMask (VoxelBitSet mask, VolumeIndexer indexer, int expansion=1)
ObjectGcode exportToolPathToGCode (std_vector_GCommand commands)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag extendAllHoles (Mesh mesh, Plane3f plane, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
Id_EdgeTag extendHole (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, Plane3f plane, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
Id_EdgeTag extendHole (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, func_Vector3_float_from_Vector3_float getVertPos, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag extractClosedLoops (MeshTopology topology, EdgeBitSet edges)
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag extractClosedLoops (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag inEdges, EdgeBitSet outNotLoopEdges=None)
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float extractIntersectionContours (Mesh meshA, Mesh meshB, std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri orientedContours, CoordinateConverters converters, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint extractIsolines (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_VertTag vertValues, FaceBitSet region=None)
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint extractIsolines (MeshTopology topology, VertScalars vertValues, float isoValue, FaceBitSet region=None)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag extractLongestClosedLoop (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag inEdges)
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float extractMeshContours (std_vector_OneMeshContour meshContours)
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint extractPlaneSections (MeshPart mp, Plane3f plane)
std_vector_EdgeSegment extractSectionsFromPolyline (Polyline3 polyline, Plane3f plane, float eps)
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint extractXYPlaneSections (MeshPart mp, float zLevel)
None faceMapsComposition (FaceMap a2b, FaceMap b2c)
FaceBitSet fillContourLeft (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contour)
FaceBitSet fillContourLeft (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contours)
FaceBitSet fillContourLeftByGraphCut (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contour, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric)
FaceBitSet fillContourLeftByGraphCut (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contours, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric)
None fillContours2D (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag holeRepresentativeEdges)
None fillHole (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, FillHoleParams params='{}')
FaceBitSet fillHoleNicely (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag holeEdge, FillHoleNicelySettings settings)
VertId fillHoleTrivially (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
None fillHoles (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag as_, FillHoleParams params='{}')
None fillPlanarHole (ObjectMesh obj, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag holeContours)
None filterCreaseEdges (Mesh mesh, UndirectedEdgeBitSet creaseEdges, float critLength, bool filterComponents=True, bool filterBranches=False)
tuple[bool, int] filterHistoryActionsVector (std_vector_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction historyVector, func_bool_from_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction filteringCondition, int firstRedoIndex=0, bool deepFiltering=True)
Triangulation findAlphaShapeAllTriangles (PointCloud cloud, float radius)
None findAlphaShapeNeiTriangles (PointCloud cloud, VertId v, float radius, Triangulation appendTris, std_vector_Id_VertTag neis, bool onlyLargerVids)
float findAvgPointsRadius (PointCloud pointCloud, int avgPoints, int samples=1024)
std_vector_Vector3_float findBestFreeformDeformation (Box3f box, std_vector_Vector3_float source, std_vector_Vector3_float target, Vector3i resolution='Vector3i::diagonal(2)', AffineXf3f samplesToBox=None)
VertBitSet findCloseVertices (Mesh mesh, float closeDist, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertBitSet findCloseVertices (PointCloud cloud, float closeDist, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertBitSet findCloseVertices (VertCoords points, float closeDist, VertBitSet valid=None, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertBitSet findCloseVertices (VertMap smallestMap)
std_vector_EdgePointPair findCollidingEdgePairs (Polyline2 a, Polyline2 b, AffineXf2f rigidB2A=None, bool firstIntersectionOnly=False)
PreciseCollisionResult findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float conv, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, bool anyIntersection=False)
std_vector_EdgeTri findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise (Mesh a, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edgesA, Mesh b, std_vector_Id_FaceTag facesB, func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float conv, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
std_vector_EdgeTri findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise (Mesh a, std_vector_Id_FaceTag facesA, Mesh b, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edgesB, func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float conv, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
std_vector_UndirectedEdgeUndirectedEdge findCollidingEdges (Polyline2 a, Polyline2 b, AffineXf2f rigidB2A=None, bool firstIntersectionOnly=False)
tuple[UndirectedEdgeBitSet, UndirectedEdgeBitSetfindCollidingEdgesBitsets (Polyline2 a, Polyline2 b, AffineXf2f rigidB2A=None)
tuple[FaceBitSet, FaceBitSetfindCollidingTriangleBitsets (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
std_vector_FaceFace findCollidingTriangles (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, bool firstIntersectionOnly=False)
FaceBitSet findDegenerateFaces (MeshPart mp, float criticalAspectRatio=3.4028234663852886e+38, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertId findDirMax (Vector3f dir, MeshPart mp, UseAABBTree u='UseAABBTree::Yes')
MeshMeshDistanceResult findDistance (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38)
None findEdgesInBall (Polyline2 polyline, Vector2f center, float radius, func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector2_float_float foundCallback, AffineXf2f xf=None)
None findEdgesInBall (Polyline3 polyline, Vector3f center, float radius, func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector3_float_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet findExtremeEdges (Mesh mesh, VertScalars field, ExtremeEdgeType type)
None findFewClosestPoints (Vector3f pt, PointCloud pc, FewSmallest_PointsProjectionResult res, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0)
IOFilter findFilter (std_vector_IOFilter filters, str extension)
VertBitSet findHalfSpacePoints (PointCloud pc, Plane3f plane)
FaceBitSet findHoleComplicatingFaces (Mesh mesh)
InSphere findInSphere (Mesh mesh, MeshPoint m, InSphereSearchSettings settings)
InSphere findInSphere (Mesh mesh, VertId v, InSphereSearchSettings settings)
FaceBitSet findInnerShellFacesWithSplits (MeshPart mp, Mesh shell, FindInnerShellSettings settings='{}')
VertBitSet findInnerShellVerts (MeshPart mp, Mesh shell, FindInnerShellSettings settings='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float findIntersectionContours (Mesh meshA, Mesh meshB, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag findLeftBoundary (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region=None)
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag findLeftBoundaryInsideMesh (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region)
float findMaxDistanceSq (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, float maxDistanceSq=3.4028234663852886e+38)
float findMaxDistanceSq (PointCloud a, PointCloud b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, float maxDistanceSq=3.4028234663852886e+38)
float findMaxDistanceSqOneWay (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, float maxDistanceSq=3.4028234663852886e+38)
float findMaxDistanceSqOneWay (PointCloud a, PointCloud b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, float maxDistanceSq=3.4028234663852886e+38)
None findMaxVectorDim (int_output dimX, int_output dimY, int_output dimZ, Vector3f dir)
None findMaxVectorDim (int_output dimX, int_output dimY, int_output dimZ, Vector3d dir)
None findMeshEdgesInBall (Mesh mesh, AABBTreePolyline3 tree, Vector3f center, float radius, func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector3_float_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
std_vector_std_pair_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag findMultipleEdges (MeshTopology topology, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
Buffer_VertId findNClosestPointsPerPoint (PointCloud pc, int numNei, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
VertBitSet findNRingVerts (MeshTopology topology, int n, VertBitSet region=None)
VertBitSet findNeighborVerts (Mesh mesh, PointOnFace start, float range)
VertBitSet findOutliers (PointCloud pc, FindOutliersParams params)
std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag findOverhangs (Mesh mesh, FindOverhangsSettings settings)
FaceBitSet findOverlappingTris (MeshPart mp, FindOverlappingSettings settings)
None findPointsInBall (PointCloud pointCloud, Ball3f ball, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBall (PointCloud pointCloud, Vector3f center, float radius, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBall (Mesh mesh, Ball3f ball, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBall (Mesh mesh, Vector3f center, float radius, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBall (AABBTreePoints tree, Ball3f ball, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBall (AABBTreePoints tree, Vector3f center, float radius, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBox (PointCloud pointCloud, Box3f box, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBox (Mesh mesh, Box3f box, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
None findPointsInBox (AABBTreePoints tree, Box3f box, func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback, AffineXf3f xf=None)
MeshProjectionResult findProjection (Vector3f pt, MeshPart mp, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0, func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces='{}', func_bool_from_MeshProjectionResult validProjections='{}')
PolylineProjectionResult3 findProjectionOnMeshEdges (Vector3f pt, Mesh mesh, AABBTreePolyline3 tree, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0)
PolylineProjectionResult3 findProjectionOnMeshEdges (Line3f ln, Mesh mesh, AABBTreePolyline3 tree, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0)
PointsProjectionResult findProjectionOnPoints (Vector3f pt, PointCloud pc, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0, func_bool_from_Id_VertTag skipCb='{}')
PolylineProjectionResult3 findProjectionOnPolyline (Vector3f pt, Polyline3 polyline, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0)
PolylineProjectionResult3 findProjectionOnPolyline (Line3f ln, Polyline3 polyline, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0)
PolylineProjectionResult2 findProjectionOnPolyline2 (Vector2f pt, Polyline2 polyline, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf2f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0)
Polyline2ProjectionWithOffsetResult findProjectionOnPolyline2WithOffset (Vector2f pt, Polyline2 polyline, UndirectedEdgeScalars offsetPerEdge, float upDistLimit=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf2f xf=None, float loDistLimit=0)
PolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult3 findProjectionOnPolylineWithOffset (Vector3f pt, Polyline3 polyline, UndirectedEdgeScalars offsetPerEdge, float upDistLimit=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimit=0)
MeshProjectionResult findProjectionSubtree (Vector3f pt, MeshPart mp, AABBTree tree, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, AffineXf3f xf=None, float loDistLimitSq=0, func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces='{}', func_bool_from_MeshProjectionResult validProjections='{}')
UndirectedEdgeBitSet findRegionBoundaryUndirectedEdgesInsideMesh (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region)
FaceBitSet findRegionOuterFaces (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region)
Triangulation findRepeatedOrientedTriangles (AllLocalTriangulations triangs, int repetitions)
None findRepeatedOrientedTriangles (AllLocalTriangulations triangs, Triangulation outRep3, Triangulation outRep2)
std_vector_UnorientedTriangle findRepeatedUnorientedTriangles (AllLocalTriangulations triangs, int repetitions)
VertBitSet findRepeatedVertsOnHoleBd (MeshTopology topology)
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag findRightBoundary (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region=None)
Vector2i findSegmentSegmentIntersectionPrecise (Vector2i a, Vector2i b, Vector2i c, Vector2i d)
Vector2f findSegmentSegmentIntersectionPrecise (Vector2f a, Vector2f b, Vector2f c, Vector2f d, CoordinateConverters2 converters)
std_vector_EdgePointPair findSelfCollidingEdgePairs (Polyline2 polyline)
std_vector_UndirectedEdgeUndirectedEdge findSelfCollidingEdges (Polyline2 polyline)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet findSelfCollidingEdgesBS (Polyline2 polyline)
bool findSelfCollidingTriangles (MeshPart mp, std_vector_FaceFace outCollidingPairs, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', Face2RegionMap regionMap=None)
std_vector_FaceFace findSelfCollidingTriangles (MeshPart mp, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', Face2RegionMap regionMap=None)
FaceBitSet findSelfCollidingTrianglesBS (MeshPart mp, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', Face2RegionMap regionMap=None)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet findShortEdges (MeshPart mp, float criticalLength, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
MeshMeshSignedDistanceResult findSignedDistance (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38)
SignedDistanceToMeshResult findSignedDistance (Vector3f pt, MeshPart mp, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, float loDistLimitSq=0)
VertScalars findSignedDistances (Mesh refMesh, VertCoords testPoints, VertBitSet validTestPoints='{}', MeshProjectionParameters params='{}', IPointsToMeshProjector projector='{}')
VertScalars findSignedDistances (Mesh refMesh, Mesh mesh, MeshProjectionParameters params='{}', IPointsToMeshProjector projector='{}')
BitSet findSkyRays (Mesh terrain, VertCoords samples, VertBitSet validSamples, std_vector_SkyPatch skyPatches, std_vector_MeshIntersectionResult outIntersections=None)
VertMap findSmallestCloseVertices (Mesh mesh, float closeDist, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertMap findSmallestCloseVertices (PointCloud cloud, float closeDist, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertMap findSmallestCloseVertices (VertCoords points, float closeDist, VertBitSet valid=None, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertMap findSmallestCloseVerticesUsingTree (VertCoords points, float closeDist, AABBTreePoints tree, VertBitSet valid, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
EdgePoint findSteepestDescentPoint (MeshPart mp, VertScalars field, VertId v)
EdgePoint findSteepestDescentPoint (MeshPart mp, VertScalars field, EdgePoint ep)
EdgePoint findSteepestDescentPoint (MeshPart mp, VertScalars field, MeshTriPoint tp)
int findSubstringCaseInsensitive (str string, str substring)
std_vector_LineSegm_Vector3_float findTriangleSectionsByXYPlane (MeshPart mp, float zLevel, std_vector_Id_FaceTag faces=None, UseAABBTree u='UseAABBTree::Yes')
Vector3f findTriangleSegmentIntersectionPrecise (Vector3f a, Vector3f b, Vector3f c, Vector3f d, Vector3f e, CoordinateConverters converters)
None findTrisInBall (MeshPart mp, Ball3f ball, func_Processing_from_MeshProjectionResult_Ball_Vector3_float foundCallback, func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces='{}')
std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag findTwinEdgePairs (Mesh mesh, float closeDist)
EdgeBitSet findTwinEdges (Mesh mesh, float closeDist)
EdgeBitSet findTwinEdges (std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag pairs)
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag findTwinUndirectedEdgeHashMap (Mesh mesh, float closeDist)
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag findTwinUndirectedEdgeHashMap (std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag pairs)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet findTwinUndirectedEdges (Mesh mesh, float closeDist)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet findTwinUndirectedEdges (std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag pairs)
tuple[VertId, VertIdfindTwoClosestPoints (PointCloud pc, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
None findUndercuts (Mesh mesh, Vector3f upDirection, FaceBitSet outUndercuts)
None findUndercuts (Mesh mesh, Vector3f upDirection, VertBitSet outUndercuts)
float findUndercuts (Mesh mesh, Vector3f upDirection, FaceBitSet outUndercuts, func_double_from_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag_Vector3_float metric)
None fixMultipleEdges (Mesh mesh, std_vector_std_pair_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag multipleEdges)
None fixMultipleEdges (Mesh mesh)
None fixSelfIntersections (Mesh mesh, float voxelSize)
None fixUndercuts (Mesh mesh, Vector3f upDirection, float voxelSize=0.0, float bottomExtension=0.0)
None fixUndercuts (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet selectedArea, Vector3f upDirection, float voxelSize=0.0, float bottomExtension=0.0)
VdbVolume floatGridToVdbVolume (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid)
str formatNoTrailingZeros (char_output fmt, float v, int digitsAfterPoint, int precision=6)
bool fromSameTriangle (MeshTopology topology, EdgePoint a, EdgePoint b)
bool fromSameTriangle (MeshTopology topology, MeshTriPoint a, MeshTriPoint b)
LoadedObjectT fromSceneMison (os.PathLike|str|bytes path, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
LoadedObjectT fromSceneMison (typing.Any in_, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
SimpleVolumeMinMax functionVolumeToSimpleVolume (FunctionVolume volume, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
VdbVolume functionVolumeToVdbVolume (FunctionVolume functoinVolume, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
Mesh generalOffsetMesh (MeshPart mp, float offset, GeneralOffsetParameters params)
AffineXf3f getAligningXf (PointToPlaneAligningTransform p2pl, ICPMode mode, float angleLimit, float scaleLimit, Vector3f fixedRotationAxis)
std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag getAllComponents (MeshPart meshPart, MeshComponents.FaceIncidence incidence='FaceIncidence::PerEdge', func_bool_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag isCompBd='{}')
tuple[std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag, int] getAllComponents (MeshPart meshPart, int maxComponentCount, MeshComponents.FaceIncidence incidence='FaceIncidence::PerEdge', func_bool_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag isCompBd='{}')
std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag getAllComponents (Face2RegionMap componentsMap, int componentsCount, FaceBitSet region, int maxComponentCount)
std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VertTag getAllComponentsVerts (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet region=None)
std_vector_IOFilter getAllFilters ()
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object getAllObjectsInTree_Object (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectDistanceMap getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectDistanceMap (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectLines (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLinesHolder getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectLinesHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectMesh (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMeshHolder getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectMeshHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectPoints (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPointsHolder getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectPointsHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectVoxels (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VisualObject getAllObjectsInTree_VisualObject (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
UndirectedEdgeId getAt (Buffer_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId bmap, UndirectedEdgeId key, UndirectedEdgeId def_='{}')
BooleanResultPoints getBooleanPoints (Mesh meshA, Mesh meshB, BooleanOperation operation, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
FaceBitSet getBoundaryFaces (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region)
VertBitSet getBoundaryVerts (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region=None)
str getCancelMessage (os.PathLike|str|bytes path)
FillHoleMetric getCircumscribedMetric (Mesh mesh)
FillHoleMetric getComplexFillMetric (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag e)
FillHoleMetric getComplexStitchMetric (Mesh mesh)
int getContourPlaneIntersections (std_vector_Vector3_float path, Plane3f plane, std_vector_Vector3_float outIntersections=None)
FaceBitSet getCrossedFaces (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_EdgePoint isoline)
str getCurrentStacktrace ()
str getCurrentStacktraceInline ()
Object getDepthFirstObject_Object (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectDistanceMap getDepthFirstObject_ObjectDistanceMap (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectLines getDepthFirstObject_ObjectLines (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectLinesHolder getDepthFirstObject_ObjectLinesHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectMesh getDepthFirstObject_ObjectMesh (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectMeshHolder getDepthFirstObject_ObjectMeshHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectPoints getDepthFirstObject_ObjectPoints (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectPointsHolder getDepthFirstObject_ObjectPointsHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
ObjectVoxels getDepthFirstObject_ObjectVoxels (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
VisualObject getDepthFirstObject_VisualObject (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type)
FillHoleMetric getEdgeLengthFillMetric (Mesh mesh)
FillHoleMetric getEdgeLengthStitchMetric (Mesh mesh)
UndirectedEdgeBMap getEdgeOrdering (FaceBMap faceMap, MeshTopology topology)
FaceBitSet getFacesByMinEdgeLength (Mesh mesh, float minLength)
Vector3f getFeatureDirection (FeatureObject feature)
Vector3f getFeatureNormal (FeatureObject feature)
std_unordered_set_std_string getFeaturesTypeWithDirections ()
std_unordered_set_std_string getFeaturesTypeWithNormals ()
HoleFillPlan getHoleFillPlan (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag e, FillHoleParams params='{}')
str getICPStatusInfo (int iterations, ICPExitType exitType)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet getIncidentEdges (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet faces)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet getIncidentEdges (MeshTopology topology, UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges)
FaceBitSet getIncidentFaces (MeshTopology topology, VertBitSet verts)
FaceBitSet getIncidentFaces (MeshTopology topology, UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges)
VertBitSet getIncidentVerts (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet faces)
VertBitSet getIncidentVerts (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet faces, VertBitSet store)
VertBitSet getIncidentVerts (MeshTopology topology, UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges)
VertBitSet getIncidentVerts (MeshTopology topology, UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges, VertBitSet store)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet getInnerEdges (MeshTopology topology, VertBitSet verts)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet getInnerEdges (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region)
FaceBitSet getInnerFaces (MeshTopology topology, VertBitSet verts)
VertBitSet getInnerVerts (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region=None)
VertBitSet getInnerVerts (MeshTopology topology, UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges)
FillHoleMetric getMaxDihedralAngleMetric (Mesh mesh)
float getMeanSqDistToPlane (IPointPairs pairs)
float getMeanSqDistToPoint (IPointPairs pairs)
MeshOrPoints getMeshOrPoints (VisualObject obj)
FillHoleMetric getMinAreaMetric (Mesh mesh)
FillHoleMetric getMinTriAngleMetric (Mesh mesh)
FaceBitSet getNeighborFaces (MeshTopology topology, UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges)
int getNumActivePairs (IPointPairs pairs)
int getNumNodes (int numLeaves)
int getNumSamples (IPointPairs pairs)
str getOSNoSpaces ()
std_vector_OneMeshContour getOneMeshIntersectionContours (Mesh meshA, Mesh meshB, std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri contours, bool getMeshAIntersections, CoordinateConverters converters, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
FaceBMap getOptimalFaceOrdering (Mesh mesh)
FillHoleMetric getParallelPlaneFillMetric (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag e, Plane3f plane=None)
int getPathEdgesInPlane (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path, Plane3f plane, float tolerance=0.0, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag outInPlaneEdges=None)
int getPathPlaneIntersections (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path, Plane3f plane, std_vector_EdgePoint outIntersections=None)
HoleFillPlan getPlanarHoleFillPlan (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag e)
FillHoleMetric getPlaneFillMetric (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag e)
FillHoleMetric getPlaneNormalizedFillMetric (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag e)
ProccessMemoryInfo getProccessMemoryInfo ()
VertBitSet getRegionBoundaryVerts (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region)
EdgeBitSet getRegionEdges (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet faces)
int getStreamSize (typing.Any in_)
FaceBitSet getSubdividePart (FaceBitSet valids, int subdivideParts, int myPart)
NumSum getSumSqDistToPlane (IPointPairs pairs, std_optional_double inaccuracy='{}')
NumSum getSumSqDistToPoint (IPointPairs pairs, std_optional_double inaccuracy='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint getSurfacePathsViaVertices (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet vs)
SystemMemory getSystemMemory ()
func_Vector3_float_from_Vector3_int getToFloatConverter (Box3d box)
func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float getToIntConverter (Box3d box)
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object getTopmostVisibleObjects_Object (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectDistanceMap getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectDistanceMap (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectLines (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLinesHolder getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectLinesHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectMesh (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMeshHolder getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectMeshHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectPoints (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPointsHolder getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectPointsHolder (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectVoxels (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VisualObject getTopmostVisibleObjects_VisualObject (Object root, ObjectSelectivityType type='ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable')
func_float_from_char_const getTypeConverter (ScalarType scalarType, int range, int min)
FillHoleMetric getUniversalMetric (Mesh mesh)
pathlib.Path getUserConfigDir ()
pathlib.Path getUserConfigFilePath ()
float getValue (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, Vector3i p)
CoordinateConverters getVectorConverters (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
MeshTriPoint getVertexAsMeshTriPoint (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag e, VertId v)
std_vector_Id_VertTag getVertexOrdering (MeshTopology topology, VertBitSet region)
VertBMap getVertexOrdering (FaceBMap faceMap, MeshTopology topology)
FillHoleMetric getVerticalStitchMetric (Mesh mesh, Vector3f upDir)
AffineXf3f getXfFromOxyPlane (std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float contours)
AffineXf3f getXfFromOxyPlane (Mesh mesh, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths)
Mesh gridToMesh (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, GridToMeshSettings settings)
None hardSmoothTetrahedrons (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet region=None)
bool hasAnyIsoline (MeshTopology topology, func_float_from_Id_VertTag vertValues, FaceBitSet region=None)
bool hasAnyIsoline (MeshTopology topology, VertScalars vertValues, float isoValue, FaceBitSet region=None)
bool hasAnyPlaneSection (MeshPart mp, Plane3f plane)
bool hasAnyXYPlaneSection (MeshPart mp, float zLevel)
bool hasMultipleEdges (MeshTopology topology)
bool hasProhibitedChars (str line)
int heapBytes (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid)
int heapBytes_Color (std_vector_Color vec)
int heapBytes_Mesh (Mesh ptr)
int heapBytes_MeshTexture_TextureId (Vector_MeshTexture_TextureId vec)
int heapBytes_Object (Object ptr)
int heapBytes_OpenVdbFloatGrid (OpenVdbFloatGrid ptr)
int heapBytes_PointCloud (PointCloud ptr)
int heapBytes_Polyline3 (Polyline3 ptr)
int heapBytes_float (std_vector_float vec)
int heapBytes_std_shared_ptr_Object (std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object vec)
int heapBytes_unsigned_long_long (std_vector_unsigned_long_long vec)
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag identityMetric ()
bool improveSampling (PointCloud cloud, VertBitSet samples, ImproveSamplingSettings settings)
None inflate (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet verts, InflateSettings settings)
None interpolateArcs (std_vector_GCommand commands, ArcInterpolationParams params, Axis axis)
None interpolateLines (std_vector_GCommand commands, LineInterpolationParams params, Axis axis)
Vector2f intersection (LineSegm2f segm1, LineSegm2f segm2)
bool isClosed (std_vector_Vector3_float c)
bool isConsistentlyOriented (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_EdgePoint isoline)
bool isDegree3Dest (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag e)
bool isEdgeBetweenDoubleTris (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag e)
bool isEdgeLoop (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edges)
bool isEdgePath (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edges)
bool isHoleBd (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loop)
bool isInside (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
bool isInside (Polyline2 a, Polyline2 b, AffineXf2f rigidB2A=None)
bool isNanFast (float f)
bool isNonIntersectingInside (MeshPart a, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
bool isNonIntersectingInside (Mesh a, FaceId partFace, MeshPart b, AffineXf3f rigidB2A=None)
bool isPickedPointValid (VisualObject object, std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int point)
bool isPointInsidePolyline (Polyline2 polyline, Vector2f point)
bool isSupportedFileInSubfolders (os.PathLike|str|bytes folder)
bool isTIFFFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes path)
Id_EdgeTag isVertexRepeatedOnHoleBd (MeshTopology topology, VertId v)
ToolPathResult lacingToolPath (MeshPart mp, ToolPathParams params, Axis cutDirection)
IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft leftRing (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag edge)
IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft leftRing (MeshTopology topology, FaceId f)
IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft leftRing0 (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag edge)
Mesh loadASCIIStl (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadASCIIStl (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadBinaryStl (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadBinaryStl (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
DistanceMap loadDistanceMapFromImage (os.PathLike|str|bytes filename, float threshold=0.003921568859368563)
Mesh loadDxf (os.PathLike|str|bytes path, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadDxf (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
None loadIOExtras ()
Polyline3 loadLines (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
Polyline3 loadLines (typing.Any in_, str extension, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
Mesh loadMesh (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadMesh (typing.Any in_, str extension, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
None loadMeshDll ()
Mesh loadMrmesh (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadMrmesh (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadObj (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadObj (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
LoadedObjects loadObjectFromFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes filename, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
Mesh loadOff (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadOff (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadPly (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadPly (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
PointCloud loadPoints (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, PointsLoadSettings settings='{}')
PointCloud loadPoints (typing.Any in_, str extension, PointsLoadSettings settings='{}')
LoadedObjectT loadSceneFromAnySupportedFormat (os.PathLike|str|bytes path, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
Object loadSceneObject (os.PathLike|str|bytes path, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
Mesh loadStl (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
Mesh loadStl (typing.Any in_, MeshLoadSettings settings='{}')
std_vector_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid loadVoxels (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VdbVolume loadVoxelsGav (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VdbVolume loadVoxelsGav (typing.Any in_, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VdbVolume loadVoxelsRaw (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, VoxelsLoad.RawParameters params, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VdbVolume loadVoxelsRaw (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VdbVolume loadVoxelsRaw (typing.Any in_, VoxelsLoad.RawParameters params, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
FaceBitSet localFindSelfIntersections (Mesh mesh, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
None localFixSelfIntersections (Mesh mesh, SelfIntersections.Settings settings)
Mesh makeArrow (Vector3f base, Vector3f vert, float thickness=0.05000000074505806, float coneRadius=0.10000000149011612, float coneSize=0.20000000298023224, int qual=32)
Mesh makeBasisAxes (float size=1.0, float thickness=0.05000000074505806, float coneRadius=0.10000000149011612, float coneSize=0.20000000298023224, int qual=32)
MakeBridgeResult makeBridge (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag a, Id_EdgeTag b, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
Id_EdgeTag makeBridgeEdge (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag a, Id_EdgeTag b)
Mesh makeCone (float radius0=0.10000000149011612, float length=1.0, int resolution=32)
Mesh makeConvexHull (VertCoords points, VertBitSet validPoints)
Mesh makeConvexHull (Mesh in_)
Mesh makeConvexHull (PointCloud in_)
Mesh makeCube (Vector3f size='Vector3f::diagonal(1.F)', Vector3f base='Vector3f::diagonal(-0.5F)')
Mesh makeCylinder (float radius=0.10000000149011612, float length=1.0, int resolution=16)
Mesh makeCylinderAdvanced (float radius0=0.10000000149011612, float radius1=0.10000000149011612, float start_angle=0.0, float arc_size=6.2831854820251465, float length=1.0, int resolution=16)
Id_EdgeTag makeDegenerateBandAroundHole (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
None makeDegenerateBandAroundRegion (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet region, MakeDegenerateBandAroundRegionParams params='{}')
int makeDeloneEdgeFlips (Mesh mesh, DeloneSettings settings='{}', int numIters=1, func_bool_from_float progressCallback='{}')
None makeDeloneOriginRing (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag e, DeloneSettings settings='{}')
std_vector_Vector3_float makeFreeFormOriginGrid (Box3f box, Vector3i resolution)
Object makeLevelOfDetails (Mesh mesh, int maxDepth)
Mesh makeMovementBuildBody (std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float body, std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float trajectory, MovementBuildBodyParams params='{}')
VertCoords makeNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, int avgNeighborhoodSize=48)
ObjectDistanceMap makeObjectDistanceMapFromFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
LoadedObjectT makeObjectFromMeshFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float cb='{}', bool returnOnlyMesh=False)
LoadedObjects makeObjectFromVoxelsFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
ObjectGcode makeObjectGcodeFromFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
ObjectLines makeObjectLinesFromFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
LoadedObjectT_ObjectMesh makeObjectMeshFromFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
ObjectPoints makeObjectPointsFromFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels makeObjectVoxelsFromFile (os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
Mesh makeOpenCone (float radius=1, float zApex=0, float zBase=1, int numCircleSegments=16)
Mesh makeOpenCylinder (float radius=1, float z1=-1, float z2=1, int numCircleSegments=16)
VertCoords makeOrientedNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, float radius, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
VertCoords makeOrientedNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, AllLocalTriangulations triangs, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
Mesh makeOuterHalfTorus (float primaryRadius=1.0, float secondaryRadius=0.10000000149011612, int primaryResolution=16, int secondaryResolution=16, std_vector_Vector3_float points=None)
Mesh makeParallelepiped (Vector3f side, Vector3f base)
Mesh makePlane ()
Mesh makePrism (float baseLength, float leftAngle, float rightAngle, float height=1.0)
MakeBridgeResult makeQuadBridge (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag a, Id_EdgeTag b, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
Mesh makeRegularGridMesh (int width, int height, func_bool_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long validator, func_Vector3_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long positioner, func_bool_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long faceValidator='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
Mesh makeRegularGridMesh (VertCoords pc, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
AffineXf3d makeRigidXf (MeshPart mp, AffineXf3d meshXf)
AffineXf3f makeRigidXf (MeshPart mp, AffineXf3f meshXf)
None makeSignedByWindingNumber (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, Vector3f voxelSize, Mesh refMesh, MakeSignedByWindingNumberSettings settings)
MakeBridgeResult makeSmoothBridge (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag a, Id_EdgeTag b, float samplingStep, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
Mesh makeSphere (SphereParams params)
MarkedContour3f makeSpline (MarkedContour3f in_, float markStability=1)
MarkedContour3f makeSpline (std_vector_Vector3_float controlPoints, SplineSettings settings)
Mesh makeTorus (float primaryRadius=1.0, float secondaryRadius=0.10000000149011612, int primaryResolution=16, int secondaryResolution=16, std_vector_Vector3_float points=None)
Mesh makeTorusWithComponents (float primaryRadius=1.0, float secondaryRadius=0.10000000149011612, int primaryResolution=16, int secondaryResolution=16, std_vector_Vector3_float points=None)
Mesh makeTorusWithSelfIntersections (float primaryRadius=1.0, float secondaryRadius=0.10000000149011612, int primaryResolution=16, int secondaryResolution=16, std_vector_Vector3_float points=None)
Mesh makeTorusWithSpikes (float primaryRadius=1.0, float secondaryRadiusInner=0.10000000149011612, float secondaryRadiusOuter=0.5, int primaryResolution=16, int secondaryResolution=16, std_vector_Vector3_float points=None)
Mesh makeTorusWithUndercut (float primaryRadius=1.0, float secondaryRadiusInner=0.10000000149011612, float secondaryRadiusOuter=0.20000000298023224, int primaryResolution=16, int secondaryResolution=16, std_vector_Vector3_float points=None)
Mesh makeUVSphere (float radius=1.0, int horisontalResolution=16, int verticalResolution=16)
PointCloud makeUniformSampledCloud (PointCloud pointCloud, UniformSamplingSettings settings)
VertCoords makeUnorientedNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, float radius, func_bool_from_float progress='{}', OrientNormals orient='OrientNormals::Smart')
VertCoords makeUnorientedNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, AllLocalTriangulations triangs, func_bool_from_float progress='{}', OrientNormals orient='OrientNormals::Smart')
VertCoords makeUnorientedNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, Buffer_VertId closeVerts, int numNei, func_bool_from_float progress='{}', OrientNormals orient='OrientNormals::Smart')
Id_EdgeTag mapEdge (WholeEdgeMap map, Id_EdgeTag src)
Id_EdgeTag mapEdge (phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag map, Id_EdgeTag src)
UndirectedEdgeId mapEdge (UndirectedEdgeBMap map, UndirectedEdgeId src)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet mapEdges (WholeEdgeMap map, UndirectedEdgeBitSet src)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet mapEdges (phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag map, UndirectedEdgeBitSet src)
UndirectedEdgeBitSet mapEdges (UndirectedEdgeBMap map, UndirectedEdgeBitSet src)
Mesh marchingCubes (SimpleVolume volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
Mesh marchingCubes (SimpleVolumeMinMax volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
Mesh marchingCubes (VdbVolume volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
Mesh marchingCubes (FunctionVolume volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
TriMesh marchingCubesAsTriMesh (SimpleVolume volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
TriMesh marchingCubesAsTriMesh (SimpleVolumeMinMax volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
TriMesh marchingCubesAsTriMesh (VdbVolume volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
TriMesh marchingCubesAsTriMesh (FunctionVolume volume, MarchingCubesParams params='{}')
MarkedContour3f markedContour (std_vector_Vector3_float in_)
MarkedContour3f markedFirstLast (std_vector_Vector3_float in_)
Mesh mcOffsetMesh (MeshPart mp, float offset, OffsetParameters params='{}', Vector_Id_VoxelTag_FaceId outMap=None)
Mesh mcShellMeshRegion (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet region, float offset, BaseShellParameters params, Vector_Id_VoxelTag_FaceId outMap=None)
ObjectMesh merge (std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh objsMesh)
ObjectPoints merge (std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints objsPoints)
ObjectLines merge (std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines objsLines)
Mesh mergeMeshes (std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Mesh meshes)
None meshDenoiseViaNormals (Mesh mesh, DenoiseViaNormalsSettings settings='{}')
Mesh meshFromVoxelsMask (VdbVolume volume, VoxelBitSet mask)
func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag meshOnEdgeSplitAttribute (Mesh mesh, MeshAttributesToUpdate params)
func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag meshOnEdgeSplitFaceAttribute (Mesh mesh, MeshAttributesToUpdate params)
func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag meshOnEdgeSplitVertAttribute (Mesh mesh, MeshAttributesToUpdate params)
func_bool_from_Id_EdgeTag_Vector3_float meshPreCollapseVertAttribute (Mesh mesh, MeshAttributesToUpdate params)
SimpleVolumeMinMax meshRegionToIndicatorVolume (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet region, float offset, DistanceVolumeParams params)
std_array_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_3 meshToDirectionVolume (MeshToDirectionVolumeParams params)
OpenVdbFloatGrid meshToDistanceField (MeshPart mp, AffineXf3f xf, Vector3f voxelSize, float surfaceOffset=3, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
FunctionVolume meshToDistanceFunctionVolume (MeshPart mp, MeshToDistanceVolumeParams params='{}')
VdbVolume meshToDistanceVdbVolume (MeshPart mp, MeshToVolumeParams params='{}')
SimpleVolumeMinMax meshToDistanceVolume (MeshPart mp, MeshToDistanceVolumeParams params='{}')
OpenVdbFloatGrid meshToLevelSet (MeshPart mp, AffineXf3f xf, Vector3f voxelSize, float surfaceOffset=3, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
PointCloud meshToPointCloud (Mesh mesh, bool saveNormals=True, VertBitSet verts=None)
VdbVolume meshToVolume (MeshPart mp, MeshToVolumeParams params='{}')
float mixed (Vector3f a, Vector3f b, Vector3f c)
float mixed (Vector3d a, Vector3d b, Vector3d c)
int mixed (Vector3i a, Vector3i b, Vector3i c)
VertBitSet moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv (Mesh mesh, AffineXf3f meshXf, VdbVolume volume, AffineXf3f volumeXf, MoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings settings, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
VertBitSet moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv (Mesh mesh, AffineXf3f meshXf, SimpleVolumeMinMax volume, AffineXf3f volumeXf, MoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings settings, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
VertBitSet moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv (Mesh mesh, AffineXf3f meshXf, FunctionVolume volume, AffineXf3f volumeXf, MoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings settings, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
Vector3f mult (Vector3f a, Vector3f b)
Vector3d mult (Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
Vector3i mult (Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
Vector2f mult (Vector2f a, Vector2f b)
Vector2d mult (Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
Vector2i mult (Vector2i a, Vector2i b)
std_vector_ObjVertId multiModelGridSampling (Vector_ModelPointsData_ObjId models, float voxelSize, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
None multiRayMeshIntersect (MeshPart meshPart, std_vector_Vector3_float origins, std_vector_Vector3_float dirs, MultiRayMeshIntersectResult result, float rayStart=0.0, float rayEnd=3.4028234663852886e+38, bool closestIntersect=True, func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces='{}')
bool objectHasSelectableChildren (Object object)
None objectSave (Object object, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float offsetContours (std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float contours, float offset, OffsetContoursParams params='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float offsetContours (std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float contours, func_float_from_int_int offset, OffsetContoursParams params='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float offsetContours (std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float contours, float offset, OffsetContoursParams params='{}', OffsetContoursRestoreZParams zParmas='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float offsetContours (std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float contours, func_float_from_int_int offset, OffsetContoursParams params='{}', OffsetContoursRestoreZParams zParmas='{}')
Mesh offsetMesh (MeshPart mp, float offset, OffsetParameters params='{}')
Mesh offsetOneDirection (MeshPart mp, float offset, GeneralOffsetParameters params='{}')
Mesh offsetPolyline (Polyline3 polyline, float offset, OffsetParameters params='{}')
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float offsetSurfaceLine (Mesh mesh, std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine, float offset)
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float offsetSurfaceLine (Mesh mesh, std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine, func_float_from_int offsetAtPoint)
bool operator (VertDistance a, VertDistance b)
OutEdge opposite (OutEdge e)
OutEdge2 opposite (OutEdge2 e)
std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri orderIntersectionContours (MeshTopology topologyA, MeshTopology topologyB, PreciseCollisionResult intersections)
IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin orgRing (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag edge)
IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin orgRing (MeshTopology topology, VertId v)
IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin orgRing0 (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag edge)
bool orient3d (Vector3i a, Vector3i b, Vector3i c)
bool orient3d (Vector3i a, Vector3i b, Vector3i c, Vector3i d)
bool orient3d (std_array_PreciseVertCoords_4 vs)
bool orient3d (PreciseVertCoords vs)
None orientLocalTriangulations (AllLocalTriangulations triangs, VertCoords coords, VertBitSet region, VertCoords targetDir)
None orientLocalTriangulations (AllLocalTriangulations triangs, VertCoords coords, VertBitSet region, func_Vector3_float_from_Id_VertTag targetDir)
bool orientNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, VertCoords normals, float radius, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
bool orientNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, VertCoords normals, AllLocalTriangulations triangs, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
bool orientNormals (PointCloud pointCloud, VertCoords normals, Buffer_VertId closeVerts, int numNei, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
ObjectPoints pack (ObjectPoints pts, Reorder reorder, VertBitSet newValidVerts=None, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
None parseFirstNum (str str, int_output num)
None parsePolygon (str str, VertId vertId, int_output numPoints)
Mesh partialOffsetMesh (MeshPart mp, float offset, GeneralOffsetParameters params='{}')
pathlib.Path pathFromUtf8 (str s)
Vector3f pickedPointToVector3 (VisualObject object, std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int point)
std_vector_Vector2_float planeSectionToContour2f (Mesh mesh, std_vector_EdgePoint section, AffineXf3f meshToPlane)
std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float planeSectionsToContours2f (Mesh mesh, std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint sections, AffineXf3f meshToPlane)
VertBitSet pointGridSampling (PointCloud cloud, float voxelSize, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VertBitSet pointIterativeSampling (PointCloud cloud, int numSamples, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int pointOnObjectToPickedPoint (VisualObject object, PointOnObject pos)
VertBitSet pointUniformSampling (PointCloud pointCloud, UniformSamplingSettings settings)
FunctionVolume pointsToDistanceFunctionVolume (PointCloud cloud, PointsToDistanceVolumeParams params)
SimpleVolume pointsToDistanceVolume (PointCloud cloud, PointsToDistanceVolumeParams params)
Mesh pointsToMeshFusion (PointCloud cloud, PointsToMeshParameters params)
Polyline2 polylineOffset (Polyline2 polyline, float pixelSize, float offset)
None positionVertsSmoothly (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet verts, EdgeWeights edgeWeightsType='EdgeWeights::Cotan', VertBitSet fixedSharpVertices=None)
None positionVertsSmoothlySharpBd (Mesh mesh, VertBitSet verts, VertCoords vertShifts=None, VertScalars vertStabilizers=None)
None positionVertsWithSpacing (Mesh mesh, SpacingSettings settings)
None printCurrentTimerBranch ()
None printStacktraceOnCrash ()
None printTimingTree (float minTimeSec=0.1)
None printTimingTreeAtEnd (bool on, float minTimeSec=0.1)
None processCloseTriangles (MeshPart mp, std_array_Vector3_float_3 t, float rangeSq, func_ProcessOneResult_from_Vector3_float_Id_FaceTag_Vector3_float_float call)
VertScalars projectAllMeshVertices (Mesh refMesh, Mesh mesh, AffineXf3f refXf=None, AffineXf3f xf=None, float upDistLimitSq=3.4028234663852886e+38, float loDistLimitSq=0.0)
None projectOnAll (Vector3f pt, AABBTreeObjects tree, float upDistLimitSq, func_void_from_Id_ObjTag_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult callback, ObjId skipObjId='{}')
None putScanFileNameInZ (std_vector_std_filesystem_path scans, std_vector_SliceInfo zOrder)
bool rayBoxIntersect (Box3f box, RayOrigin_float rayOrigin, float_output t0, float_output t1, IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec)
MeshIntersectionResult rayInsideIntersect (Mesh mesh, MeshPoint m, float rayEnd=3.4028234663852886e+38)
MeshIntersectionResult rayInsideIntersect (Mesh mesh, VertId v, float rayEnd=3.4028234663852886e+38)
MeshIntersectionResult rayMeshIntersect (MeshPart meshPart, Line3f line, float rayStart=0.0, float rayEnd=3.4028234663852886e+38, IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec=None, bool closestIntersect=True, func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces='{}')
MeshIntersectionResult rayMeshIntersect (MeshPart meshPart, Line3d line, float rayStart=0.0, float rayEnd=1.7976931348623157e+308, IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec=None, bool closestIntersect=True, func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces='{}')
None rayMeshIntersectAll (MeshPart meshPart, Line3f line, func_bool_from_MeshIntersectionResult callback, float rayStart=0.0, float rayEnd=3.4028234663852886e+38, IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec=None)
None rayMeshIntersectAll (MeshPart meshPart, Line3d line, func_bool_from_MeshIntersectionResult callback, float rayStart=0.0, float rayEnd=1.7976931348623157e+308, IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec=None)
MultiMeshIntersectionResult rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect (std_vector_Line3Mesh_float lineMeshes, float rayStart=0.0, float rayEnd=3.4028234663852886e+38)
MultiMeshIntersectionResult rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect (std_vector_Line3Mesh_double lineMeshes, float rayStart=0.0, float rayEnd=1.7976931348623157e+308)
PolylineIntersectionResult2 rayPolylineIntersect (Polyline2 polyline, Line2f line, float rayStart=0, float rayEnd=3.4028234663852886e+38, IntersectionPrecomputes2_float prec=None, bool closestIntersect=True)
PolylineIntersectionResult2 rayPolylineIntersect (Polyline2 polyline, Line2d line, float rayStart=0, float rayEnd=1.7976931348623157e+308, IntersectionPrecomputes2_double prec=None, bool closestIntersect=True)
TriIntersectResult rayTriangleIntersect (Vector3f oriA, Vector3f oriB, Vector3f oriC, IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec)
TriIntersectResult rayTriangleIntersect (Vector3f oriA, Vector3f oriB, Vector3f oriC, Vector3f dir)
TriIntersectResult rayTriangleIntersect (Vector3d oriA, Vector3d oriB, Vector3d oriC, IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec)
TriIntersectResult rayTriangleIntersect (Vector3d oriA, Vector3d oriB, Vector3d oriC, Vector3d dir)
TriIntersectResult rayTriangleIntersect_ (Vector3f oriA, Vector3f oriB, Vector3f oriC, IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec)
TriIntersectResult rayTriangleIntersect_ (Vector3d oriA, Vector3d oriB, Vector3d oriC, IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec)
bool readByBlocks (typing.Any in_, char_output data, int dataSize, func_bool_from_float callback='{}', int blockSize=65536)
None readRawTiff (os.PathLike|str|bytes path, RawTiffOutput output)
str readString (typing.Any in_)
TiffParameters readTiffParameters (os.PathLike|str|bytes path)
Mesh rebuildMesh (MeshPart mp, RebuildMeshSettings settings)
int reducePath (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, std_vector_EdgePoint path, MeshTriPoint end, int maxIter=5)
bool reducePathViaVertex (Mesh mesh, MeshTriPoint start, VertId v, MeshTriPoint end, std_vector_EdgePoint outPath, std_vector_Vector2_float tmp, std_vector_EdgePoint cachePath)
AffineXf3f refineFeatureObject (FeatureObject featObj, Mesh mesh, RefineParameters params='{}')
AffineXf3f refineFeatureObject (FeatureObject featObj, PointCloud pointCloud, RefineParameters params='{}')
bool relax (Mesh mesh, MeshRelaxParams params='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool relax (PointCloud pointCloud, PointCloudRelaxParams params='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool relaxApprox (Mesh mesh, MeshApproxRelaxParams params='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool relaxApprox (PointCloud pointCloud, PointCloudApproxRelaxParams params='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool relaxKeepVolume (Mesh mesh, MeshRelaxParams params='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool relaxKeepVolume (PointCloud pointCloud, PointCloudRelaxParams params='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool remesh (Mesh mesh, RemeshSettings settings)
None removeLoneContours (std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri contours)
None removeLoneDegeneratedContours (MeshTopology edgesTopology, std_vector_OneMeshContour faceContours, std_vector_OneMeshContour edgeContours)
None removeSpikes (Mesh mesh, int maxIterations, float minSumAngle, VertBitSet region=None)
str replace (str target, str from_, str to)
None replaceInplace (std_string_output target, str from_, str to)
str replaceProhibitedChars (str line, str replacement='_')
None replicateZ (Mesh m, Mesh target)
bool reportProgress (func_bool_from_float cb, float v)
bool reportProgress (func_bool_from_float cb, float v, int counter, int divider)
MarkedContour3f resample (MarkedContour3f in_, float minStep, std_vector_Vector3_float normals=None)
OpenVdbFloatGrid resampled (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, float voxelScale, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
OpenVdbFloatGrid resampled (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, Vector3f voxelScale, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
bool resolveMeshDegenerations (Mesh mesh, ResolveMeshDegenSettings settings='{}')
bool resolveMeshDegenerations (Mesh mesh, int maxIters, float maxDeviation=0, float maxAngleChange=1.0471975803375244, float criticalAspectRatio=10000)
None reverse (std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path)
None reverse (std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths)
float roundToPrecision (float v, int precision)
bool same (MeshTopology topology, EdgePoint lhs, EdgePoint rhs)
bool same (MeshTopology topology, MeshTriPoint lhs, MeshTriPoint rhs)
std_vector_Vector3_float sampleHalfSphere ()
None saveAllSlicesToImage (VdbVolume vdbVolume, VoxelsSave.SavingSettings settings)
None saveDistanceMapToImage (DistanceMap distMap, os.PathLike|str|bytes filename, float threshold=0.003921568859368563)
None saveLines (Polyline3 polyline, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}')
None saveLines (Polyline3 polyline, str extension, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}')
None saveMesh (Mesh mesh, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}')
None saveMesh (Mesh mesh, str extension, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}')
None saveObjectVoxelsToFile (Object object, os.PathLike|str|bytes path, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None savePoints (PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}')
None savePoints (PointCloud points, str extension, typing.Any out, SaveSettings settings='{}')
None saveSliceToImage (os.PathLike|str|bytes path, VdbVolume vdbVolume, SlicePlane slicePlain, int sliceNumber, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxels (VdbVolume vdbVolume, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsGav (VdbVolume vdbVolume, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsGav (SimpleVolumeMinMax simpleVolumeMinMax, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsGav (SimpleVolume simpleVolume, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsGav (VdbVolume vdbVolume, typing.Any out, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsGav (SimpleVolumeMinMax simpleVolumeMinMax, typing.Any out, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsGav (SimpleVolume simpleVolume, typing.Any out, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsRaw (VdbVolume vdbVolume, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None saveVoxelsRaw (SimpleVolume simpleVolume, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
FaceBitSet segmentByGraphCut (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet source, FaceBitSet sink, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric)
Mesh segmentVolume (VdbVolume volume, std_vector_std_pair_Vector3_float_Vector3_float pairs, VolumeSegmentationParameters params='MR::VolumeSegmentationParameters()')
VoxelBitSet segmentVolumeByGraphCut (SimpleVolume densityVolume, float k, VoxelBitSet sourceSeeds, VoxelBitSet sinkSeeds, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
std_vector_Mesh segmentVoxelMaskToInstances (VdbVolume mask, int minSize=100, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag separateClosedContour (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Vector3_float contour, func_void_from_EdgePoint cb='{}')
None serializeMesh (Mesh mesh, os.PathLike|str|bytes path, FaceBitSet selection=None, str serializeFormat='".mrmesh"')
None serializeObjectTree (Object object, os.PathLike|str|bytes path, func_bool_from_float progress, func_void_from_std_filesystem_path preCompress)
None serializeObjectTree (Object object, os.PathLike|str|bytes path, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
None serializeObjectTreeToGltf (Object root, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, func_bool_from_float callback='{}')
None setDefaultSerializeMeshFormat (str newFormat)
None setDefaultSerializePointsFormat (str newFormat)
None setDefaultSerializeVoxelsFormat (str newFormat)
None setLevelSetType (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid)
None setNewHandlerIfNeeded ()
None setValue (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, Vector3i p, float value)
None setValue (OpenVdbFloatGrid grid, VoxelBitSet region, float value)
None setupLoggerByDefault ()
Mesh sharpOffsetMesh (MeshPart mp, float offset, SharpOffsetParameters params='{}')
None sharpenMarchingCubesMesh (MeshPart ref, Mesh vox, Vector_Id_VoxelTag_FaceId face2voxel, SharpenMarchingCubesMeshSettings settings)
None shrink (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region, int hops=1)
None shrink (MeshTopology topology, VertBitSet region, int hops=1)
FaceBitSet shrinkFaces (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region, UndirectedEdgeBitSet stopEdges=None)
None shrinkPixelMask (PixelBitSet mask, RectIndexer indexer, int shrinkage=1)
None shrinkVoxelsMask (VoxelBitSet mask, VolumeIndexer indexer, int shrinkage=1)
float signedDistanceToMesh (MeshPart mp, Vector3f p, SignedDistanceToMeshOptions op)
OpenVdbFloatGrid simpleVolumeToDenseGrid (SimpleVolume simpleVolume, float background=0.0, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
VdbVolume simpleVolumeToVdbVolume (SimpleVolumeMinMax simpleVolume, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
None smoothRegionBoundary (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet regionFaces, int numIters=4)
FaceBitSet smoothSelection (Mesh mesh, FaceBitSet region, float expandOffset, float shrinkOffset)
None sortPathsByLength (std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths, Mesh mesh)
None sortPathsByMetric (std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric)
None sortScanFilesByName (std_vector_std_filesystem_path scans)
None sortScansByOrder (std_vector_std_filesystem_path scans, std_vector_SliceInfo zOrder)
std_vector_std_string split (str string, str delimiter)
std_vector_unsigned_long_long splitByLines (str data, int size)
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag splitOnSimpleLoops (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loops)
None splitQuad (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag a, FaceBitSet outNewFaces=None)
float sqr (Vector3f a)
float sqr (Vector3d a)
int sqr (Vector3i a)
float sqr (Vector2f a)
float sqr (Vector2d a)
int sqr (Vector2i a)
float sqr (float x)
None stitchContours (MeshTopology topology, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c0, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c1)
None straightenBoundary (Mesh mesh, Id_EdgeTag bd, float minNeiNormalsDot, float maxTriAspectRatio, FaceBitSet newFaces=None)
None subdivideLoneContours (Mesh mesh, std_vector_OneMeshContour contours, phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2oldMap=None)
int subdivideMesh (Mesh mesh, SubdivideSettings settings='{}')
int subdividePolyline (Polyline2 polyline, PolylineSubdivideSettings settings='{}')
int subdividePolyline (Polyline3 polyline, PolylineSubdivideSettings settings='{}')
EdgeBitSet subdividePolylineWithPlane (Polyline3 polyline, Plane3f plane, func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback=None)
FaceBitSet subdivideWithPlane (Mesh mesh, Plane3f plane, phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2Old=None, float eps=0, func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback=None)
func_bool_from_float subprogress (func_bool_from_float cb, float from_, float to)
func_bool_from_float subprogress (func_bool_from_float cb, int index, int count)
float suggestVoxelSize (MeshPart mp, float approxNumVoxels)
float surfacePathLength (Mesh mesh, std_vector_EdgePoint surfacePath)
std_vector_Vector3_float surfacePathToContour3f (Mesh mesh, std_vector_EdgePoint line)
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float surfacePathsToContours3f (Mesh mesh, std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint lines)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag surroundingContour (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_EdgeTag includeEdges, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeMetric, Vector3f dir)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag surroundingContour (Mesh mesh, std_vector_Id_VertTag keyVertices, func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeMetric, Vector3f dir)
str systemToUtf8 (str system)
std_array_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_3 teethMaskToDirectionVolume (VdbVolume volume, std_vector_int additionalIds='{}')
Mesh terrainTriangulation (std_vector_Vector3_float points, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
Mesh thickenMesh (Mesh mesh, float offset, GeneralOffsetParameters params='{}')
str toLower (str str)
str toString (PathError error)
str toString (DimensionsVisualizePropertyType value)
MeshTopology topologyFromTriangles (Triangulation t, MeshBuilder.BuildSettings settings='{}', func_bool_from_float progressCb='{}')
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag trackLeftBoundaryLoop (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag e0, FaceBitSet region=None)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag trackLeftBoundaryLoop (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region, Id_EdgeTag e0)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag trackRightBoundaryLoop (MeshTopology topology, Id_EdgeTag e0, FaceBitSet region=None)
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag trackRightBoundaryLoop (MeshTopology topology, FaceBitSet region, Id_EdgeTag e0)
std_vector_EdgePoint trackSection (MeshPart mp, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint end, Vector3f planePoint, bool ccw)
std_vector_EdgePoint trackSection (MeshPart mp, MeshTriPoint start, MeshTriPoint end, Vector3f direction, float distance)
VertCoords transformNormals (VertCoords normals, VertBitSet validVerts, Matrix3d m, VertCoords buf)
VertCoords transformPoints (VertCoords verts, VertBitSet validVerts, AffineXf3d xf, VertCoords buf, VertRenumber vertRenumber=None)
TransformVdbVolumeResult transformVdbVolume (VdbVolume volume, AffineXf3f xf, bool fixBox=False, Box3f box='{}')
Mesh triangulateContours (std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_double contours, std_vector_std_vector_Id_VertTag holeVertsIds=None)
Mesh triangulateContours (std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float contours, std_vector_std_vector_Id_VertTag holeVertsIds=None)
Mesh triangulatePointCloud (PointCloud pointCloud, TriangulationParameters params='{}', func_bool_from_float progressCb='{}')
str trimRight (str str)
None trimWithPlane (Mesh mesh, Plane3f plane, UndirectedEdgeBitSet outCutEdges=None, phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2Old=None, float eps=0, func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback=None)
None trimWithPlane (Mesh mesh, Plane3f plane, std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag outCutContours, phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2Old=None, float eps=0, func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback=None)
None trimWithPlane (Mesh mesh, TrimWithPlaneParams params, TrimOptionalOutput optOut='{}')
IteratorRange_PolylineUndirectedEdgeIterator undirectedEdges (PolylineTopology topology)
IteratorRange_UndirectedEdgeIterator undirectedEdges (MeshTopology topology)
Vector3d unitVector3_double (float azimuth, float altitude)
Vector3f unitVector3_float (float azimuth, float altitude)
int uniteCloseVertices (Mesh mesh, float closeDist, bool uniteOnlyBd=True, VertMap optionalVertOldToNew=None)
AllLocalTriangulations uniteLocalTriangulations (std_vector_SomeLocalTriangulations in_, func_bool_from_float progress='{}')
Mesh uniteManyMeshes (std_vector_Mesh_const meshes, UniteManyMeshesParams params='{}')
None updateGroupPairs (ICPGroupPairs pairs, Vector_MeshOrPointsXf_ObjId objs, func_void_from_Vector3_float_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult_Id_ObjTag srcProjector, func_void_from_Vector3_float_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult_Id_ObjTag tgtProjector, float cosThreshold, float distThresholdSq, bool mutualClosest)
None updateIndicator (Mesh mesh, UndirectedEdgeScalars v, FaceNormals normals, float beta, float gamma)
None updateIndicatorFast (MeshTopology topology, UndirectedEdgeScalars v, FaceNormals normals, float beta, float gamma)
None updatePointPairs (PointPairs pairs, MeshOrPointsXf src, MeshOrPointsXf tgt, float cosThreshold, float distThresholdSq, bool mutualClosest)
str utf8ToSystem (str utf8)
str utf8ToWide (str utf8)
str utf8string (os.PathLike|str|bytes path)
SimpleVolumeMinMax vdbVolumeToSimpleVolume (VdbVolume vdbVolume, Box3i activeBox='MR::Box3i()', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
SimpleVolumeMinMax vdbVolumeToSimpleVolumeNorm (VdbVolume vdbVolume, Box3i activeBox='MR::Box3i()', std_optional_Box_float sourceScale='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
SimpleVolumeMinMaxU16 vdbVolumeToSimpleVolumeU16 (VdbVolume vdbVolume, Box3i activeBox='MR::Box3i()', std_optional_Box_float sourceScale='{}', func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
None vertMapsComposition (VertMap a2b, VertMap b2c)
VertCoords vertexAttributeGradient (Mesh mesh, VertScalars vertexAttribute)
Vector3f vertexPosEqualNeiAreas (Mesh mesh, VertId v, bool noShrinkage)
VertBitSet verticesGridSampling (MeshPart mp, float voxelSize, func_bool_from_float cb='{}')
Mesh voxelBooleanIntersect (Mesh mesh1, Mesh mesh2, float voxelSize)
Mesh voxelBooleanSubtract (Mesh mesh1, Mesh mesh2, float voxelSize)
Mesh voxelBooleanUnite (Mesh mesh1, Mesh mesh2, float voxelSize)
VdbVolume voxelFilter (VdbVolume volume, VoxelFilterType type, int width)
float voxelizeAndComputeVolume (std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Mesh meshes, AffineXf3f xf, Vector3f voxelSize)
bool voxelsApplyTransform (ObjectVoxels obj, AffineXf3f xf, bool fixBox)
func_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long voxelsExponentMetric (VdbVolume voxels, VoxelMetricParameters parameters, float modifier=-1.0)
func_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long voxelsSumDiffsMetric (VdbVolume voxels, VoxelMetricParameters parameters)
str wideToUtf8 (str wide)
bool writeByBlocks (typing.Any out, str data, int dataSize, func_bool_from_float callback='{}', int blockSize=65536)
None writeRawTiff (int bytes, os.PathLike|str|bytes path, BaseTiffParameters params)
None xyPlaneMeshIntersect (MeshPart meshPart, float zLevel, FaceBitSet fs, UndirectedEdgeBitSet ues, VertBitSet vs)
None zlibCompressStream (typing.Any in_, typing.Any out, int level=-1)
None zlibDecompressStream (typing.Any in_, typing.Any out)


 AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeBase_ObjTreeTraits_Traits = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits
 AffineXf_Vector2d_M = Matrix2d
 AffineXf_Vector2f_M = Matrix2f
 AffineXf_Vector3d_M = Matrix3d
 AffineXf_Vector3f_M = Matrix3f
 AllVisualizeProperties = std_vector_ViewportMask
 BMap_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType = BMap_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 BMap_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = BMap_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag
 Ball_Vector2d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2d
 Ball_Vector2f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2f
 Ball_Vector3d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3d
 Ball_Vector3f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3f
 Ball_double_VTraits = VectorTraits_double
 Ball_float_VTraits = VectorTraits_float
 BooleanResMapObj = BooleanResultMapper.MapObject
 Box_Vector2d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2d
 Box_Vector2f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2f
 Box_Vector2i_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2i
 Box_Vector2ll_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2ll
 Box_Vector3d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3d
 Box_Vector3f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3f
 Box_Vector3i_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3i
 Box_Vector3ll_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3ll
 Box_double_VTraits = VectorTraits_double
 Box_float_VTraits = VectorTraits_float
 Box_int_VTraits = VectorTraits_int
 Box_long_long_VTraits = VectorTraits_long_long
 ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_ColorMap = FaceColors
 ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_ElementBitSet = FaceBitSet
 ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_ColorMap = UndirectedEdgeColors
 ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_ElementBitSet = UndirectedEdgeBitSet
 ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_ColorMap = VertColors
 ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_ElementBitSet = VertBitSet
 ContinuousContour = std_vector_VariableEdgeTri
 ContinuousContours = std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri
 Contour2d = std_vector_Vector2_double
 Contour2f = std_vector_Vector2_float
 Contour3d = std_vector_Vector3_double
 Contour3f = std_vector_Vector3_float
 Contours2d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_double
 Contours2f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float
 Contours3d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_double
 Contours3f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float
 DecimatePolylineSettings2 = DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector2f
 DecimatePolylineSettings3 = DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector3f
 EdgeHashMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
 EdgeId = Id_EdgeTag
 EdgeLoop = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
 EdgeLoops = std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
 EdgePath = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
 EdgePathsBuilder = EdgePathsBuilderT_TrivialMetricToPenalty
 FaceHashMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag
 FaceTreeTraits3 = AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f
 FeaturesPropertyTypesVariant = std_variant_float_Vector3_float
 FileNamesStack = std_vector_std_filesystem_path
 FixSelfIntersectionMethod = SelfIntersections.Settings.Method
 FixSelfIntersectionSettings = SelfIntersections.Settings
 FloatGrid = OpenVdbFloatGrid
 GcodeSource = std_vector_std_string
 GeneralOffsetParametersMode = OffsetMode
 HashMap_EdgeId_EdgeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
 HashMap_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
 HashMap_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 HashMap_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag
 HistoryActionsVector = std_vector_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction
 ICPElementBitSet = TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag
 ICPElementId = Id_ICPElemtTag
 ICPObjects = Vector_MeshOrPointsXf_ObjId
 ICPPairsGrid = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 IOFilters = std_vector_IOFilter
 IsoLine = std_vector_EdgePoint
 IsoLines = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint
 IteratorRange_LeftRingIterator = IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft
 IteratorRange_OrgRingIterator = IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin
 LaplacianEdgeWeightsParam = EdgeWeights
 LeftRingIterator = RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft
 Line3dMesh = Line3Mesh_double
 Line3fMesh = Line3Mesh_float
 LineTreeTraits2 = AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f
 LineTreeTraits3 = AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f
 LoadedObject = LoadedObjectT
 LoadedObjectLines = LoadedObjectT_ObjectLines
 LoadedObjectMesh = LoadedObjectT_ObjectMesh
 LoadedObjectPoints = LoadedObjectT_ObjectPoints
 LoadedObjectT_Object = LoadedObjectT
 LoadedObjectVoxels = LoadedObjectT_ObjectVoxels
 Matrix2_bool_VectorType = Vector2b
 Matrix2_double_VectorType = Vector2d
 Matrix2_float_VectorType = Vector2f
 Matrix2_int_VectorType = Vector2i
 Matrix2_long_long_VectorType = Vector2ll
 Matrix3_bool_VectorType = Vector3b
 Matrix3_double_VectorType = Vector3d
 Matrix3_float_VectorType = Vector3f
 Matrix3_int_VectorType = Vector3i
 Matrix3_long_long_VectorType = Vector3ll
 Matrix4_bool_VectorType = Vector4b
 Matrix4_double_VectorType = Vector4d
 Matrix4_float_VectorType = Vector4f
 Matrix4_int_VectorType = Vector4i
 Matrix4_long_long_VectorType = Vector4ll
 MeshBuilderSettings = MeshBuilder.BuildSettings
 MeshDistanceResult = MeshMeshDistanceResult
 MeshEdgePoint = EdgePoint
 MeshLabel = PositionedText
 MeshOnVoxelsFunction = MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_FunctionVolume
 MeshOnVoxelsFunctionC = MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_FunctionVolume
 MeshOnVoxelsSimple = MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_SimpleVolumeMinMax
 MeshOnVoxelsSimpleC = MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_SimpleVolumeMinMax
 MeshOnVoxelsVdb = MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_VdbVolume
 MeshOnVoxelsVdbC = MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_VdbVolume
 MeshSignedDistanceResult = MeshMeshSignedDistanceResult
 MeshToVolumeParamsType = MeshToVolumeParams.Type
 MinMax_VoxelsVolume_std_vector_unsigned_short_ValueType = Box_unsigned_short
 MinMaxd = Box1d
 MinMaxf = Box1f
 MultiObjsSamples = std_vector_ObjVertId
 ObjectPtr = Object
 OffsetContoursVertMap = std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins
 OffsetContoursVertMaps = std_vector_std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins
 OneMeshContours = std_vector_OneMeshContour
 OrgRingIterator = RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin
 PickedPoint = std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int
 PlaneSection = std_vector_EdgePoint
 PlaneSections = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint
 PolynomialWrapperd = PolynomialWrapper_double
 PolynomialWrapperf = PolynomialWrapper_float
 Polynomial_double_0ULL_0_0_0ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_0
 Polynomial_double_1ULL_0_0_1ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_0
 Polynomial_double_2ULL_0_0_2ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_1
 Polynomial_double_3ULL_0_0_3ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_2
 Polynomial_double_4ULL_0_0_4ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_3
 Polynomial_double_5ULL_0_0_5ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_4
 Polynomial_double_6ULL_0_0_6ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_5
 Polynomial_float_0ULL_0_0_0ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_0
 Polynomial_float_1ULL_0_0_1ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_0
 Polynomial_float_2ULL_0_0_2ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_1
 Polynomial_float_3ULL_0_0_3ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_2
 Polynomial_float_4ULL_0_0_4ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_3
 Polynomial_float_5ULL_0_0_5ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_4
 Polynomial_float_6ULL_0_0_6ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_5
 Polynomialx_double = std_variant_Polynomial_double_0_Polynomial_double_1_Polynomial_double_2_Polynomial_double_3_Polynomial_double_4_Polynomial_double_5_Polynomial_double_6
 Polynomialx_float = std_variant_Polynomial_float_0_Polynomial_float_1_Polynomial_float_2_Polynomial_float_3_Polynomial_float_4_Polynomial_float_5_Polynomial_float_6
 QuadraticForm_Vector2d_SM = SymMatrix2d
 QuadraticForm_Vector2f_SM = SymMatrix2f
 QuadraticForm_Vector3d_SM = SymMatrix3d
 QuadraticForm_Vector3f_SM = SymMatrix3f
 RigidScaleXf3_double_V = Vector3d
 RigidScaleXf3_float_V = Vector3f
 RigidXf3_double_V = Vector3d
 RigidXf3_float_V = Vector3f
 SeparationPointMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_unsigned_long_long_std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 SeparationPointSet = std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 SurfacePath = std_vector_EdgePoint
 SurfacePaths = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint
 TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType = Id_EdgeTag
 TaggedBitSet_FaceTag_IndexType = FaceId
 TaggedBitSet_GraphEdgeTag_IndexType = GraphEdgeId
 TaggedBitSet_GraphVertTag_IndexType = GraphVertId
 TaggedBitSet_NodeTag_IndexType = NodeId
 TaggedBitSet_ObjTag_IndexType = ObjId
 TaggedBitSet_PixelTag_IndexType = PixelId
 TaggedBitSet_RegionTag_IndexType = RegionId
 TaggedBitSet_TextureTag_IndexType = TextureId
 TaggedBitSet_UndirectedEdgeTag_IndexType = UndirectedEdgeId
 TaggedBitSet_VertTag_IndexType = VertId
 TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = Id_VoxelTag
 TextAlignParams = TextMeshAlignParams
 ThreePoints = std_array_Vector3_float_3
 ThreeVertIds = std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 Triangle3d = std_array_Vector3_double_3
 Triangle3f = std_array_Vector3_float_3
 Triangle3i = std_array_Vector3_int_3
 TriangleCornerNormals = std_array_Vector3_float_3
 TrianglesRepetitions = std_array_int_4
 TriangulationHelpersSettings = TriangulationHelpers.Settings
 UVCoord = Vector2f
 UndirectedEdgeHashMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag
 VdbVolumes = std_vector_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid
 Vector2_bool_MatrixType = Matrix2b
 Vector2_bool_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2b
 Vector2_double_MatrixType = Matrix2d
 Vector2_double_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2d
 Vector2_float_MatrixType = Matrix2f
 Vector2_float_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2f
 Vector2_int_MatrixType = Matrix2i
 Vector2_int_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2i
 Vector2_long_long_MatrixType = Matrix2ll
 Vector2_long_long_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2ll
 Vector3_bool_MatrixType = Matrix3b
 Vector3_bool_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3b
 Vector3_double_MatrixType = Matrix3d
 Vector3_double_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3d
 Vector3_float_MatrixType = Matrix3f
 Vector3_float_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3f
 Vector3_int_MatrixType = Matrix3i
 Vector3_int_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3i
 Vector3_long_long_MatrixType = Matrix3ll
 Vector3_long_long_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3ll
 Vector4_bool_MatrixType = Matrix4b
 Vector4_bool_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4b
 Vector4_double_MatrixType = Matrix4d
 Vector4_double_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4d
 Vector4_float_MatrixType = Matrix4f
 Vector4_float_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4f
 Vector4_int_MatrixType = Matrix4i
 Vector4_int_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4i
 Vector4_long_long_MatrixType = Matrix4ll
 Vector4_long_long_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4ll
 Vector_Color_FaceId_const_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_FaceId_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_FaceId_value_type = Color
 Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_value_type = Color
 Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = Color
 Vector_Color_VertId_const_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_VertId_reference = Color
 Vector_Color_VertId_value_type = Color
 Vector_Dipole_NodeId_const_reference = Dipole
 Vector_Dipole_NodeId_reference = Dipole
 Vector_Dipole_NodeId_value_type = Dipole
 Vector_FaceId_FaceId_const_reference = FaceId
 Vector_FaceId_FaceId_reference = FaceId
 Vector_FaceId_FaceId_value_type = FaceId
 Vector_ICPPairsGrid_ICPLayer = Vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_int
 Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference = Id_EdgeTag
 Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_reference = Id_EdgeTag
 Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_value_type = Id_EdgeTag
 Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = Id_EdgeTag
 Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = Id_EdgeTag
 Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = Id_EdgeTag
 Vector_ObjId_ObjId_const_reference = ObjId
 Vector_ObjId_ObjId_reference = ObjId
 Vector_ObjId_ObjId_value_type = ObjId
 Vector_RegionId_FaceId_const_reference = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_FaceId_reference = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_FaceId_value_type = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_VertId_const_reference = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_VertId_reference = RegionId
 Vector_RegionId_VertId_value_type = RegionId
 Vector_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType = Vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 Vector_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = Vector_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag
 Vector_TextureId_FaceId_const_reference = TextureId
 Vector_TextureId_FaceId_reference = TextureId
 Vector_TextureId_FaceId_value_type = TextureId
 Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = UndirectedEdgeId
 Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = UndirectedEdgeId
 Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = UndirectedEdgeId
 Vector_Vector2f_VertId_const_reference = Vector2f
 Vector_Vector2f_VertId_reference = Vector2f
 Vector_Vector2f_VertId_value_type = Vector2f
 Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_const_reference = Vector3f
 Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_reference = Vector3f
 Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_value_type = Vector3f
 Vector_Vector3f_VertId_const_reference = Vector3f
 Vector_Vector3f_VertId_reference = Vector3f
 Vector_Vector3f_VertId_value_type = Vector3f
 Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_ICPElementId_ICPElementId = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 Vector_VertId_VertId_const_reference = VertId
 Vector_VertId_VertId_reference = VertId
 Vector_VertId_VertId_value_type = VertId
 Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_const_reference = std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_reference = std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_value_type = std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 VertHashMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag
 VertNormals = VertCoords
 VertPathInfoMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_VertPathInfo
 ViewportProperty_uint8_t = ViewportProperty_unsigned_char
 VoxelId = Id_VoxelTag
 VoxelsSaveSavingSettings = VoxelsSave.SavingSettings
 WholeEdgeHashMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
 copyMesh = Mesh
 phmap_flat_hash_map_FaceId_FaceId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_GraphEdgeId_GraphEdgeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_GraphEdgeTag_Id_GraphEdgeTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_GraphVertId_GraphVertId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_GraphVertTag_Id_GraphVertTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_NodeId_NodeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_NodeTag_Id_NodeTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_ObjId_ObjId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_ObjTag_Id_ObjTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_PixelId_PixelId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_PixelTag_Id_PixelTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_RegionId_RegionId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_RegionTag_Id_RegionTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_TextureId_TextureId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_TextureTag_Id_TextureTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_Id_EdgeTag = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_int = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_int
 phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_FlowAggregator_Flows = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_FlowAggregator_Flows
 phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_VertId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag
 phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_VertPathInfo = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_VertPathInfo
 phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_float = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_float
 phmap_flat_hash_map_int_Box3i_phmap_Hash_int32_t = phmap_flat_hash_map_int_Box_Vector3_int
 phmap_flat_hash_map_unsigned_long_long_std_array_VertId_3_phmap_Hash_uint64_t = phmap_flat_hash_map_unsigned_long_long_std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 std_array_AffineXf3d_4 = std_array_AffineXf_Vector3_double_4
 std_array_AffineXf3f_4 = std_array_AffineXf_Vector3_float_4
 std_array_BooleanResultMapper_Maps_size_t_MapObject_Count = std_array_BooleanResultMapper_Maps_2
 std_array_SimpleVolumeMinMax_3 = std_array_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_3
 std_array_Vector3d_3 = std_array_Vector3_double_3
 std_array_Vector3f_3 = std_array_Vector3_float_3
 std_array_Vector3i_3 = std_array_Vector3_int_3
 std_array_VertId_3 = std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 std_array_std_filesystem_path_size_t_SystemFontType_Count = std_array_std_filesystem_path_4
 std_optional_Box1f = std_optional_Box_float
 std_optional_Box3f = std_optional_Box_Vector3_float
 std_optional_Vector2f = std_optional_Vector2_float
 std_optional_Vector3f = std_optional_Vector3_float
 std_shared_ptr_ChangVoxelSelectionAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels
 std_shared_ptr_ChangeActiveBoxAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels
 std_shared_ptr_ChangeDualMarchingCubesAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels
 std_shared_ptr_ChangeGridAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels
 std_shared_ptr_ChangeIsoAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels
 std_shared_ptr_ChangeSurfaceAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels
 std_shared_ptr_GcodeSource = std_vector_std_string
 std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_EdgeTag_pointer = NoDefInit_Id_EdgeTag
 std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_ICPElemtTag_pointer = NoDefInit_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_VoxelTag_pointer = NoDefInit_Id_VoxelTag
 std_variant_FaceId_Id_EdgeTag_VertId = std_variant_Id_FaceTag_Id_EdgeTag_Id_VertTag
 std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_VertId_int = std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int
 std_variant_Sphere3f_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane = std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane
 std_variant_float_Vector3f = std_variant_float_Vector3_float
 std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f = std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box_Vector3_float
 std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f = std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box_Vector2_float
 std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f = std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box_Vector3_float
 std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_const_reference = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits
 std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_reference = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits
 std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_value_type = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits
 std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_const_reference = AABBTreePoints.Node
 std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_reference = AABBTreePoints.Node
 std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_value_type = AABBTreePoints.Node
 std_vector_AffineXf3f = std_vector_AffineXf_Vector3_float
 std_vector_Color_const_reference = Color
 std_vector_Color_reference = Color
 std_vector_Color_value_type = Color
 std_vector_ContinuousContour = std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri
 std_vector_Dipole_const_reference = Dipole
 std_vector_Dipole_reference = Dipole
 std_vector_Dipole_value_type = Dipole
 std_vector_EdgeBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag
 std_vector_EdgeId = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
 std_vector_EdgeLoop = std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
 std_vector_EdgePair = std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag
 std_vector_EdgePath = std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag
 std_vector_FaceBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag
 std_vector_FaceId = std_vector_Id_FaceTag
 std_vector_FanRecord_const_reference = FanRecord
 std_vector_FanRecord_reference = FanRecord
 std_vector_FanRecord_value_type = FanRecord
 std_vector_GraphEdgeId = std_vector_Id_GraphEdgeTag
 std_vector_GraphVertId = std_vector_Id_GraphVertTag
 std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_const_reference = Graph.EndVertices
 std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_reference = Graph.EndVertices
 std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_value_type = Graph.EndVertices
 std_vector_Heap_float_GraphVertId_std_greater_float_Element = std_vector_Heap_float_Id_GraphVertTag_std_greater_float_Element
 std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_const_reference = ICPGroupPairs
 std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_reference = ICPGroupPairs
 std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_value_type = ICPGroupPairs
 std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference = Id_EdgeTag
 std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_reference = Id_EdgeTag
 std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_value_type = Id_EdgeTag
 std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_const_reference = Id_VoxelTag
 std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_reference = Id_VoxelTag
 std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_value_type = Id_VoxelTag
 std_vector_Line3dMesh = std_vector_Line3Mesh_double
 std_vector_Line3fMesh = std_vector_Line3Mesh_float
 std_vector_LineSegm3f = std_vector_LineSegm_Vector3_float
 std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_const_reference = MeshBuilder.VertSpan
 std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_reference = MeshBuilder.VertSpan
 std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_value_type = MeshBuilder.VertSpan
 std_vector_MeshEdgePoint = std_vector_EdgePoint
 std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_const_reference = MeshOrPointsXf
 std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_reference = MeshOrPointsXf
 std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_value_type = MeshOrPointsXf
 std_vector_MeshTexture_const_reference = MeshTexture
 std_vector_MeshTexture_reference = MeshTexture
 std_vector_MeshTexture_value_type = MeshTexture
 std_vector_ModelPointsData_const_reference = ModelPointsData
 std_vector_ModelPointsData_reference = ModelPointsData
 std_vector_ModelPointsData_value_type = ModelPointsData
 std_vector_NodeId = std_vector_Id_NodeTag
 std_vector_ObjId = std_vector_Id_ObjTag
 std_vector_ObjectPtr = std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object
 std_vector_OffsetContoursVertMap = std_vector_std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins
 std_vector_PixelId = std_vector_Id_PixelTag
 std_vector_PlanarTriangulation_ContourIdMap = std_vector_std_vector_PlanarTriangulation_IntersectionInfo
 std_vector_Polyline3 = std_vector_Polyline_Vector3_float
 std_vector_QuadraticForm2f = std_vector_QuadraticForm_Vector2_float
 std_vector_QuadraticForm3f = std_vector_QuadraticForm_Vector3_float
 std_vector_RegionId = std_vector_Id_RegionTag
 std_vector_RigidXf3d = std_vector_RigidXf3_double
 std_vector_SurfacePath = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint
 std_vector_SystemPath_SystemFontPaths = std_vector_std_array_std_filesystem_path_4
 std_vector_TextureId = std_vector_Id_TextureTag
 std_vector_TriPointf = std_vector_TriPoint_float
 std_vector_UndirectedEdgeBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_UndirectedEdgeTag
 std_vector_UndirectedEdgeId = std_vector_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag
 std_vector_VdbVolume = std_vector_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid
 std_vector_Vector2d = std_vector_Vector2_double
 std_vector_Vector2f = std_vector_Vector2_float
 std_vector_Vector3d = std_vector_Vector3_double
 std_vector_Vector3f = std_vector_Vector3_float
 std_vector_Vector3i = std_vector_Vector3_int
 std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag
 std_vector_VertBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VertTag
 std_vector_VertId = std_vector_Id_VertTag
 std_vector_VoxelBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag
 std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_const_reference = WatershedGraph.BasinInfo
 std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_reference = WatershedGraph.BasinInfo
 std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_value_type = WatershedGraph.BasinInfo
 std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_const_reference = WatershedGraph.BdInfo
 std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_reference = WatershedGraph.BdInfo
 std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_value_type = WatershedGraph.BdInfo
 std_vector_const_Mesh = std_vector_Mesh_const
 std_vector_size_t = std_vector_unsigned_long_long
 std_vector_std_array_Vector3f_3 = std_vector_std_array_Vector3_float_3
 std_vector_std_array_VertId_3 = std_vector_std_array_Id_VertTag_3
 std_vector_std_pair_Vector3f_Vector3f = std_vector_std_pair_Vector3_float_Vector3_float
 std_vector_std_pair_VertId_VertId = std_vector_std_pair_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag
 std_vector_std_pair_size_t_size_t = std_vector_std_pair_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long
 std_vector_std_shared_ptr_const_Object = std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object_const
 std_vector_std_variant_Sphere3f_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane = std_vector_std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane
 std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_const_reference = std_vector_EdgePoint
 std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_reference = std_vector_EdgePoint
 std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_value_type = std_vector_EdgePoint
 std_vector_std_vector_GraphEdgeId = std_vector_std_vector_Id_GraphEdgeTag
 std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_const_reference = std_vector_ObjVertId
 std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_reference = std_vector_ObjVertId
 std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_value_type = std_vector_ObjVertId
 std_vector_std_vector_Vector2d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_double
 std_vector_std_vector_Vector2f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float
 std_vector_std_vector_Vector3d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_double
 std_vector_std_vector_Vector3f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float
 std_vector_std_vector_VertId = std_vector_std_vector_Id_VertTag
 std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeAsVdb_std_string = std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid_std_string
 std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolume_std_string = std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_std_string
 std_vector_uint8_t = std_vector_unsigned_char
 tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeAsVdb_std_string = expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid_std_string
 tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolume_std_string = expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_std_string
 vectorConstMeshPtr = std_vector_Mesh_const
 vectorEdges = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

Function Documentation

◆ accumulateFaceCenters()

None mrmeshpy.accumulateFaceCenters ( PointAccumulator accum,
MeshPart mp,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Adds in existing PointAccumulator all mesh face centers with the weight equal to face area

◆ accumulateLineCenters()

None mrmeshpy.accumulateLineCenters ( PointAccumulator accum,
Polyline3 pl,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Adds in existing PointAccumulator all line centers with the weight equal to the length line

◆ accumulatePoints() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.accumulatePoints ( PointAccumulator accum,
PointCloud pc,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Adds in existing PointAccumulator all points from the cloud with weight 1

◆ accumulatePoints() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.accumulatePoints ( PointAccumulator accum,
std_vector_Vector3_float points,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Adds in existing PointAccumulator all given points

◆ accumulateWeighedPoints()

None mrmeshpy.accumulateWeighedPoints ( PointAccumulator accum,
std_vector_Vector3_float points,
std_vector_float weights,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Adds in existing PointAccumulator all given weighed points

◆ addBaseToPlanarMesh()

None mrmeshpy.addBaseToPlanarMesh ( Mesh mesh,
float zOffset )
given a planar mesh with boundary on input located in plane XY, packs and extends it along Z on zOffset (along -Z if zOffset is negative) to make a volumetric closed mesh

◆ addLeftBand()

None mrmeshpy.addLeftBand ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loop,
FaceBitSet addHere )
adds all faces incident to loop vertices and located to the left from the loop to given FaceBitSet

◆ addNoise() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.addNoise ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet region = None,
NoiseSettings settings = '{}' )

◆ addNoise() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.addNoise ( VertCoords points,
VertBitSet validVerts,
NoiseSettings settings )
Adds noise to the points, using a normal distribution

◆ alignTextToMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.alignTextToMesh ( Mesh mesh,
TextMeshAlignParams params )
Creates symbol mesh and aligns it to given surface

◆ angle() [1/6]

float mrmeshpy.angle ( Vector2d a,
Vector2d b )
angle in radians between two vectors

◆ angle() [2/6]

float mrmeshpy.angle ( Vector2f a,
Vector2f b )
angle in radians between two vectors

◆ angle() [3/6]

int mrmeshpy.angle ( Vector2i a,
Vector2i b )
angle in radians between two vectors

◆ angle() [4/6]

float mrmeshpy.angle ( Vector3d a,
Vector3d b )
computes minimal angle in [0,pi] between two vectors;
the function is symmetric: angle( a, b ) == angle( b, a )

◆ angle() [5/6]

float mrmeshpy.angle ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b )
computes minimal angle in [0,pi] between two vectors;
the function is symmetric: angle( a, b ) == angle( b, a )

◆ angle() [6/6]

int mrmeshpy.angle ( Vector3i a,
Vector3i b )
computes minimal angle in [0,pi] between two vectors;
the function is symmetric: angle( a, b ) == angle( b, a )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [1/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [2/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectDistanceMap res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [3/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [4/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLinesHolder res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [5/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [6/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMeshHolder res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [7/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [8/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPointsHolder res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [9/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ appendObjectFromTreeRecursive() [10/10]

None mrmeshpy.appendObjectFromTreeRecursive ( Object obj,
std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VisualObject res,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ applyDouble() [1/2]

Vector3d mrmeshpy.applyDouble ( AffineXf3d xf,
Vector3f p )
converts given point in double precision and applies given transformation to it

◆ applyDouble() [2/2]

Vector3d mrmeshpy.applyDouble ( Matrix3d m,
Vector3f n )
converts given normal in double precision and applies given matrix to it

◆ applyFloat() [1/2]

Vector3f mrmeshpy.applyFloat ( AffineXf3d xf,
Vector3f p )
returns the point as is or after application of given transform to it in double precision

◆ applyFloat() [2/2]

Vector3f mrmeshpy.applyFloat ( Matrix3d m,
Vector3f n )
returns the normal as is or after application of given matrix to it in double precision

◆ asSelectivityType_Object()

Object mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_Object ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectDistanceMap()

ObjectDistanceMap mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectDistanceMap ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectLines()

ObjectLines mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectLines ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectLinesHolder()

ObjectLinesHolder mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectLinesHolder ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectMesh()

ObjectMesh mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectMesh ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectMeshHolder()

ObjectMeshHolder mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectMeshHolder ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectPoints()

ObjectPoints mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectPoints ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectPointsHolder()

ObjectPointsHolder mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectPointsHolder ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_ObjectVoxels()

ObjectVoxels mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_ObjectVoxels ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asSelectivityType_VisualObject()

VisualObject mrmeshpy.asSelectivityType_VisualObject ( Object obj,
ObjectSelectivityType type )
if input object is of given type then returns another pointer on it

◆ asString() [1/2]

str mrmeshpy.asString ( SignDetectionMode m)
returns string representation of enum values

◆ asString() [2/2]

str mrmeshpy.asString ( str s)

◆ asU8String()

str mrmeshpy.asU8String ( str s)

◆ autoOrientLocalTriangulations()

bool mrmeshpy.autoOrientLocalTriangulations ( PointCloud pointCloud,
AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
VertBitSet region,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}',
Triangulation outRep3 = None,
Triangulation outRep2 = None )
orient neighbors around each point in \\param region so there will be as many triangles with same (and not opposite) orientation as possible

◆ begin() [1/2]

◆ begin() [2/2]

ViewportIterator mrmeshpy.begin ( ViewportMask mask)

◆ bestQuadrangleDiagonal()

bool mrmeshpy.bestQuadrangleDiagonal ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b,
Vector3f c,
Vector3f d )
given quadrangle ABCD, selects how to best triangulate it:
  false = by introducing BD diagonal and splitting ABCD on triangles ABD and DBC,
  true  = by introducing AC diagonal and splitting ABCD on triangles ABC and ACD

◆ blend()

Color mrmeshpy.blend ( Color front,
Color back )
Blend two colors together
\\note This operation is not commutative

◆ boolean() [1/2]

BooleanResult mrmeshpy.boolean ( Mesh meshA,
Mesh meshB,
BooleanOperation operation,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A,
BooleanResultMapper mapper = None,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
\\brief Performs CSG operation on two meshes

\\ingroup BooleanGroup
Makes new mesh - result of boolean operation on mesh `A` and mesh `B`
\\param meshA Input mesh `A`
\\param meshB Input mesh `B`
\\param operation CSG operation to perform
\\param rigidB2A Transform from mesh `B` space to mesh `A` space
\\param mapper Optional output structure to map mesh `A` and mesh `B` topology to result mesh topology

\\note Input meshes should have no self-intersections in intersecting zone
\\note If meshes are not closed in intersecting zone some boolean operations are not allowed (as far as input meshes interior and exterior cannot be determined)

◆ boolean() [2/2]

BooleanResult mrmeshpy.boolean ( Mesh meshA,
Mesh meshB,
BooleanOperation operation,
BooleanParameters params = '{}' )

◆ buildBottom()

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildBottom ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
Vector3f dir,
float holeExtension,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
adds cylindrical extension of given hole represented by one of its edges (having no valid left face)
by adding new vertices located in lowest point of the hole -dir*holeExtension and 2 * number_of_hole_edge triangles;
\\return the edge of new hole opposite to input edge (a)

◆ buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
Id_EdgeTag b,
StitchHolesParams params = '{}' )
\\brief Stitches two holes in Mesh\\n

Build cylindrical patch to fill space between two holes represented by one of their edges each,\\n
default metric: ComplexStitchMetric

\\image html fill/before_stitch.png "Before" width = 250cm
\\image html fill/stitch.png "After" width = 250cm

Next picture show, how newly generated faces can be smoothed
\\ref MR::positionVertsSmoothly
\\ref MR::subdivideMesh
\\image html fill/stitch_smooth.png "Stitch with smooth" width = 250cm

\\param mesh mesh with hole
\\param a EdgeId which represents 1st hole (should not have valid left FaceId)
\\param b EdgeId which represents 2nd hole (should not have valid left FaceId)
\\param params parameters of holes stitching

\\sa \\ref fillHole
\\sa \\ref StitchHolesParams

◆ buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles ( Mesh mesh,
StitchHolesParams params = '{}' )
this version finds holes in the mesh by itself and returns false if they are not found

◆ buildShortestPath() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildShortestPath ( Mesh mesh,
VertId start,
VertBitSet finish,
float maxPathLen = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
builds shortest path in euclidean metric from start to finish vertices; if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildShortestPath() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildShortestPath ( Mesh mesh,
VertId start,
VertId finish,
float maxPathLen = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
finds the shortest path in euclidean metric from start to finish vertices using Dijkstra algorithm;
if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildShortestPathAStar() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildShortestPathAStar ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint finish,
VertId outPathStart = None,
VertId outPathFinish = None,
float maxPathLen = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
finds the path from a vertex in start-triangle to a vertex in finish-triangle,
so that the length start-first_vertex-...-last_vertex-finish is shortest in euclidean metric;
using A* modification of Dijkstra algorithm, which is faster for near linear path;
if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildShortestPathAStar() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildShortestPathAStar ( Mesh mesh,
VertId start,
VertId finish,
float maxPathLen = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
finds the shortest path in euclidean metric from start to finish vertices using A* modification of Dijkstra algorithm,
which is faster for near linear path;
if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildShortestPathBiDir() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildShortestPathBiDir ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint finish,
VertId outPathStart = None,
VertId outPathFinish = None,
float maxPathLen = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
finds the path from a vertex in start-triangle to a vertex in finish-triangle,
so that the length start-first_vertex-...-last_vertex-finish is shortest in euclidean metric;
using bidirectional modification of Dijkstra algorithm, constructing the path simultaneously from both start and finish, which is faster for long paths;
if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildShortestPathBiDir() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildShortestPathBiDir ( Mesh mesh,
VertId start,
VertId finish,
float maxPathLen = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
finds the shortest path in euclidean metric from start to finish vertices using bidirectional modification of Dijkstra algorithm,
constructing the path simultaneously from both start and finish, which is faster for long paths;
if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildSmallestMetricPath() [1/3]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildSmallestMetricPath ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
VertId start,
VertBitSet finish,
float maxPathMetric = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
builds shortest path in given metric from start to finish vertices; if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildSmallestMetricPath() [2/3]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildSmallestMetricPath ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
VertId start,
VertId finish,
float maxPathMetric = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
builds shortest path in given metric from start to finish vertices; if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildSmallestMetricPath() [3/3]

std_vector_unsigned_long_long mrmeshpy.buildSmallestMetricPath ( VdbVolume voxels,
func_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long metric,
int start,
int finish,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
builds shortest path in given metric from start to finish voxels; if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildSmallestMetricPathBiDir() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildSmallestMetricPathBiDir ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
TerminalVertex starts,
int numStarts,
TerminalVertex finishes,
int numFinishes,
VertId outPathStart = None,
VertId outPathFinish = None,
float maxPathMetric = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
finds the smallest metric path from one of start vertices to one of the finish vertices,
using bidirectional modification of Dijkstra algorithm, constructing the path simultaneously from both starts and finishes, which is faster for long paths;
if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildSmallestMetricPathBiDir() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.buildSmallestMetricPathBiDir ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
VertId start,
VertId finish,
float maxPathMetric = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
finds the smallest metric path from start vertex to finish vertex,
using bidirectional modification of Dijkstra algorithm, constructing the path simultaneously from both start and finish, which is faster for long paths;
if no path can be found then empty path is returned

◆ buildUnitedLocalTriangulations()

AllLocalTriangulations mrmeshpy.buildUnitedLocalTriangulations ( PointCloud cloud,
TriangulationHelpers.Settings settings,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
/ computes local triangulations of all points in the cloud united in one struct

◆ bytesString()

str mrmeshpy.bytesString ( int size)
converts given size in string:
[0,1024) -> nnn bytes
[1024,1024*1024) -> nnn.nn Kb
[1024*1024,1024*1024*1024) -> nnn.nn Mb

◆ calcAvgColors()

VertColors mrmeshpy.calcAvgColors ( PointCloud cloud,
VertColors colors,
VertCoords tgtPoints,
VertBitSet tgtVerts,
float sigma,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
\\param cloud      a point cloud
\\param colors     colors of each point in the cloud
\\param tgtPoints  some target points
\\param tgtVerts   mask of valid target points
\\param sigma      the distance of highest influence of a point
\\param cb         progress callback
computes the colors in valid target points by averaging the colors from the point cloud

◆ calcCombinedFillMetric()

float mrmeshpy.calcCombinedFillMetric ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet filledRegion,
FillHoleMetric metric )
Computes combined metric after filling a hole

◆ calcDamerauLevenshteinDistance()

int mrmeshpy.calcDamerauLevenshteinDistance ( str stringA,
str stringB,
bool caseSensitive = True,
int_output outLeftRightAddition = None )
 Calculates Damerau-Levenshtein distance between to strings
 \\param outLeftRightAddition if provided return amount of insertions to the left and to the right
 \\ingroup BasicGroup

◆ calcDipoles() [1/2]

Dipoles mrmeshpy.calcDipoles ( AABBTree tree,
Mesh mesh )

◆ calcDipoles() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.calcDipoles ( Dipoles dipoles,
AABBTree tree,
Mesh mesh )
calculates dipoles for given mesh and AABB-tree

◆ calcFaceDistances()

FaceScalars mrmeshpy.calcFaceDistances ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
FaceBitSet starts,
FaceDistancesSettings settings = '{}' )
computes and returns the distance of traveling from one of start faces to all other reachable faces on the mesh;
all unreachable faces will get FLT_MAX value;
\\param starts all start faces will get value 0 in the result;
\\param metric metric(e) says the distance of traveling from left(e) to right(e)

◆ calcFastWindingNumber()

float mrmeshpy.calcFastWindingNumber ( Dipoles dipoles,
AABBTree tree,
Mesh mesh,
Vector3f q,
float beta,
FaceId skipFace )
compute approximate winding number at \\param q;
\\param beta determines the precision of the approximation: the more the better, recommended value 2 or more;
if distance from q to the center of some triangle group is more than beta times the distance from the center to most distance triangle in the group then we use approximate formula
\\param skipFace this triangle (if it is close to \\param q) will be skipped from summation

◆ calcLength() [1/4]

float mrmeshpy.calcLength ( std_vector_Vector2_double contour)
returns sum length of the given contour
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcLength() [2/4]

float mrmeshpy.calcLength ( std_vector_Vector2_float contour)
returns sum length of the given contour
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcLength() [3/4]

float mrmeshpy.calcLength ( std_vector_Vector3_double contour)
returns sum length of the given contour
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcLength() [4/4]

float mrmeshpy.calcLength ( std_vector_Vector3_float contour)
returns sum length of the given contour
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcOrientedArea() [1/5]

Vector3d mrmeshpy.calcOrientedArea ( std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loop,
Mesh mesh )
returns the vector with the magnitude equal to the area surrounded by the loop (if the loop is planar),
and directed to see the loop in ccw order from the vector tip

◆ calcOrientedArea() [2/5]

float mrmeshpy.calcOrientedArea ( std_vector_Vector2_double contour)
>0 for clockwise loop, < 0 for CCW loop
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcOrientedArea() [3/5]

float mrmeshpy.calcOrientedArea ( std_vector_Vector2_float contour)
>0 for clockwise loop, < 0 for CCW loop
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcOrientedArea() [4/5]

Vector3d mrmeshpy.calcOrientedArea ( std_vector_Vector3_double contour)
returns the vector with the magnitude equal to contour area, and directed to see the contour
in ccw order from the vector tip
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcOrientedArea() [5/5]

Vector3f mrmeshpy.calcOrientedArea ( std_vector_Vector3_float contour)
returns the vector with the magnitude equal to contour area, and directed to see the contour
in ccw order from the vector tip
\\tparam R is the type for the accumulation and for result

◆ calcOriginAndDimensions()

OriginAndDimensions mrmeshpy.calcOriginAndDimensions ( Box3f box,
float voxelSize )
computes origin and dimensions of voxel-grid to cover given 3D box with given spacing (voxelSize)

◆ calcPathLength()

float mrmeshpy.calcPathLength ( std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path,
Mesh mesh )

◆ calcPathMetric()

float mrmeshpy.calcPathMetric ( std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric )
computes summed metric of all edges in the path

◆ canMinimizePolynomial()

bool mrmeshpy.canMinimizePolynomial ( int degree)

◆ canSolvePolynomial()

bool mrmeshpy.canSolvePolynomial ( int degree)

◆ ccw() [1/4]

bool mrmeshpy.ccw ( PreciseVertCoords2 vs)

◆ ccw() [2/4]

bool mrmeshpy.ccw ( std_array_PreciseVertCoords2_3 vs)
first sorts the indices in ascending order, then calls the predicate for sorted points

◆ ccw() [3/4]

bool mrmeshpy.ccw ( Vector2i a,
Vector2i b )
return true if the smallest rotation from vector (a) to vector (b) is in counter-clock-wise direction;
uses simulation-of-simplicity to avoid "vectors are collinear"

◆ ccw() [4/4]

bool mrmeshpy.ccw ( Vector2i a,
Vector2i b,
Vector2i c )
return true if the smallest rotation from vector (a-c) to vector (b-c) is in counter-clock-wise direction;
uses simulation-of-simplicity to avoid "vectors are collinear"

◆ checkDeloneQuadrangle() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.checkDeloneQuadrangle ( Vector3d a,
Vector3d b,
Vector3d c,
Vector3d d,
float maxAngleChange = 1.7976931348623157e+308 )
given quadrangle ABCD, checks whether its edge AC satisfies Delone's condition;
if dihedral angles
  1) between triangles ABD and DBC and
  2) between triangles ABC and ACD
differ more than on maxAngleChange then also returns true to prevent flipping from 1) to 2)

◆ checkDeloneQuadrangle() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.checkDeloneQuadrangle ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b,
Vector3f c,
Vector3f d,
float maxAngleChange = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
converts arguments in double and calls above function

◆ checkDeloneQuadrangleInMesh()

bool mrmeshpy.checkDeloneQuadrangleInMesh ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag edge,
DeloneSettings settings = '{}',
float_output deviationSqAfterFlip = None )
consider quadrangle formed by left and right triangles of given edge, and
checks whether this edge satisfies Delone's condition in the quadrangle;
\\return false otherwise if flipping the edge does not introduce too large surface deviation (can be returned only for inner edge of the region)

◆ classifyShellVert()

ShellVertexInfo mrmeshpy.classifyShellVert ( MeshPart mp,
Vector3f shellPoint,
FindInnerShellSettings settings = '{}' )
Tests \\param shellPoint from bidirectional shell constructed for an open \\param mp;
\\return whether the distance from given point to given mesh part is of same sign as settings.side,
if useWindingNumber = false, returns false for all points projecting on mesh boundary

◆ cloneRegion() [1/2]

ObjectMesh mrmeshpy.cloneRegion ( ObjectMesh objMesh,
FaceBitSet region,
bool copyTexture = True )
constructs new ObjectMesh containing the region of data from input object
does not copy selection

◆ cloneRegion() [2/2]

ObjectPoints mrmeshpy.cloneRegion ( ObjectPoints objPoints,
VertBitSet region )
constructs new ObjectPoints containing the region of data from input object
does not copy selection

◆ combineXYderivativeMaps()

DistanceMap mrmeshpy.combineXYderivativeMaps ( tuple[DistanceMap, DistanceMap] XYderivativeMaps)
fill another distance map pair with gradients across X and Y axes of the argument map

◆ commonFilesName()

str mrmeshpy.commonFilesName ( std_vector_std_filesystem_path files)
in case of empty vector, returns "Empty"
in case of single input file.ext, returns ".EXT"
in case of multiple files with same extension, returns ".EXTs"
otherwise returns "Files"

◆ compensateRadius()

None mrmeshpy.compensateRadius ( Mesh mesh,
CompensateRadiusParams params )
compensate spherical milling tool radius in given mesh region making it possible to mill it
please note that it will change topology inside region
also please note that boundaries of the region are fixed

◆ compressZip()

None mrmeshpy.compressZip ( os.PathLike | str | bytes zipFile,
os.PathLike | str | bytes sourceFolder,
std_vector_std_filesystem_path excludeFiles = '{}',
str password = None,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
 \\brief compresses given folder in given zip-file
 \\param excludeFiles files that should not be included to result zip 
 \\param password if password is given then the archive will be encrypted
 \\param cb an option to get progress notifications and cancel the operation

◆ computeBasinVolume()

float mrmeshpy.computeBasinVolume ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet faces,
float level )
computes the volume of given mesh basin below given water level;
\\param faces shall include all basin faces at least partially below the water level

◆ computeClosestSurfacePathTargets()

phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag mrmeshpy.computeClosestSurfacePathTargets ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet starts,
VertBitSet ends,
VertBitSet vertRegion = None,
VertScalars outSurfaceDistances = None )
for each vertex from (starts) finds the closest vertex from (ends) in geodesic sense
\\param vertRegion consider paths going in this region only

◆ computeDistanceMap()

DistanceMap mrmeshpy.computeDistanceMap ( MeshPart mp,
MeshToDistanceMapParams params,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
std_vector_MeshTriPoint outSamples = None )
computes distance (height) map for given projection parameters
using float-precision for finding ray-mesh intersections, which is faster but less reliable

◆ computeDistanceMapD()

DistanceMap mrmeshpy.computeDistanceMapD ( MeshPart mp,
MeshToDistanceMapParams params,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
std_vector_MeshTriPoint outSamples = None )
computes distance (height) map for given projection parameters
using double-precision for finding ray-mesh intersections, which is slower but more reliable

◆ computeFastMarchingPath()

std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.computeFastMarchingPath ( MeshPart mp,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint end,
VertBitSet vertRegion = None,
VertScalars outSurfaceDistances = None )
computes by Fast Marching method and returns intermediate points of approximately geodesic path from start to end, where it crosses mesh edges;
the path can be limited to given region: in face-format inside mp, or in vert-format in vertRegion argument

◆ computeFormAtVertex()

QuadraticForm3f mrmeshpy.computeFormAtVertex ( MeshPart mp,
VertId v,
float stabilizer,
bool angleWeigted,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases = None )
 \\brief Computes quadratic form at given vertex of the initial surface before decimation
 \\ingroup DecimateGroup

◆ computeFormsAtVertices()

Vector_QuadraticForm3f_VertId mrmeshpy.computeFormsAtVertices ( MeshPart mp,
float stabilizer,
bool angleWeigted,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases = None )
 \\brief Computes quadratic forms at every vertex of mesh part before decimation
 \\ingroup DecimateGroup

◆ computeGeodesicPath()

std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.computeGeodesicPath ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint end,
GeodesicPathApprox atype = 'GeodesicPathApprox::FastMarching',
int maxGeodesicIters = 100 )
returns intermediate points of the geodesic path from start to end, where it crosses mesh edges;
It is the same as calling computeGeodesicPathApprox() then reducePath()

◆ computeGeodesicPathApprox()

std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.computeGeodesicPathApprox ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint end,
GeodesicPathApprox atype )
computes by given method and returns intermediate points of approximately geodesic path from start to end,
every next point is located in the same triangle with the previous point

◆ computeInSphereThicknessAtVertices()

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeInSphereThicknessAtVertices ( Mesh mesh,
InSphereSearchSettings settings,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
returns the thickness at each vertex as the diameter of the maximal inscribed sphere

◆ computeMeshNormals()

MeshNormals mrmeshpy.computeMeshNormals ( Mesh mesh)
computes both per-face and per-vertex normals more efficiently then just calling both previous functions

◆ computeNormal()

Vector3f mrmeshpy.computeNormal ( AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
VertCoords points,
VertId v )
compute normal at point by averaging neighbor triangle normals weighted by triangle's angle at the point

◆ computePerCornerNormals()

Vector_std_array_Vector3f_3_FaceId mrmeshpy.computePerCornerNormals ( Mesh mesh,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases )
returns a vector with corner normals in every element for valid mesh faces;
corner normals of adjacent triangles are equal, unless they are separated by crease edges

◆ computePerFaceNormals()

FaceNormals mrmeshpy.computePerFaceNormals ( Mesh mesh)
returns a vector with face-normal in every element for valid mesh faces

◆ computePerFaceNormals4()

None mrmeshpy.computePerFaceNormals4 ( Mesh mesh,
Vector4f faceNormals,
int size )
fills buffer with face-normals as Vector4f for valid mesh faces

◆ computePerVertNormals()

VertCoords mrmeshpy.computePerVertNormals ( Mesh mesh)
returns a vector with vertex normals in every element for valid mesh vertices

◆ computePerVertPseudoNormals()

VertCoords mrmeshpy.computePerVertPseudoNormals ( Mesh mesh)
returns a vector with vertex pseudonormals in every element for valid mesh vertices

◆ computeRayThicknessAtVertices()

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeRayThicknessAtVertices ( Mesh mesh,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
returns the distance from each vertex along minus normal to the nearest mesh intersection (or FLT_MAX if no intersection found)

◆ computeSkyViewFactor()

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSkyViewFactor ( Mesh terrain,
VertCoords samples,
VertBitSet validSamples,
std_vector_SkyPatch skyPatches,
BitSet outSkyRays = None,
std_vector_MeshIntersectionResult outIntersections = None )
computes relative radiation in each valid sample point by emitting rays from that point in the sky:
the radiation is 1.0f if all rays reach the sky not hitting the terrain;
the radiation is 0.0f if all rays do not reach the sky because they are intercepted by the terrain;
\\param outSkyRays - optional output bitset where for every valid sample #i its rays are stored at indices [i*numPatches; (i+1)*numPatches),
                    0s for occluded rays (hitting the terrain) and 1s for the ones which don't hit anything and reach the sky
\\param outIntersections - optional output vector of MeshIntersectionResult for every valid sample point

◆ computeSpaceDistances()

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSpaceDistances ( Mesh mesh,
PointOnFace start,
float range )
computes Euclidean 3D distances from given start point to all neighbor vertices within given \\param range
and to first vertices with the distance more or equal than range

◆ computeSteepestDescentPath() [1/2]

std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.computeSteepestDescentPath ( MeshPart mp,
VertScalars field,
MeshTriPoint start,
ComputeSteepestDescentPathSettings settings = '{}' )
computes the path (edge points crossed by the path) staring in given point
and moving in each triangle in minus gradient direction of given field;
the path stops when it reaches a local minimum in the field or one of stop conditions in settings

◆ computeSteepestDescentPath() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.computeSteepestDescentPath ( MeshPart mp,
VertScalars field,
MeshTriPoint start,
std_vector_EdgePoint outPath,
ComputeSteepestDescentPathSettings settings = '{}' )
computes the path (edge points crossed by the path) staring in given point
and moving in each triangle in minus gradient direction of given field,
and outputs the path in \\param outPath if requested;
the path stops when it reaches a local minimum in the field or one of stop conditions in settings

◆ computeSurfaceDistances() [1/6]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSurfaceDistances ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
float maxDist = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
VertBitSet region = None,
int maxVertUpdates = 3 )
computes path distances in mesh vertices from given start point, stopping when maxDist is reached;
considered paths can go either along edges or straightly within triangles

◆ computeSurfaceDistances() [2/6]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSurfaceDistances ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint end,
VertBitSet region = None,
bool_output endReached = None,
int maxVertUpdates = 3 )
computes path distance in mesh vertices from given start point, stopping when all vertices in the face where end is located are reached;
\\details considered paths can go either along edges or straightly within triangles
\\param endReached if pointer provided it will receive where a path from start to end exists

◆ computeSurfaceDistances() [3/6]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSurfaceDistances ( Mesh mesh,
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_float startVertices,
float maxDist = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
VertBitSet region = None,
int maxVertUpdates = 3 )
computes path distances in mesh vertices from given start vertices with values in them, stopping when maxDist is reached;
considered paths can go either along edges or straightly within triangles

◆ computeSurfaceDistances() [4/6]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSurfaceDistances ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_MeshTriPoint starts,
float maxDist = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
VertBitSet region = None,
int maxVertUpdates = 3 )
computes path distances in mesh vertices from given start points, stopping when maxDist is reached;
considered paths can go either along edges or straightly within triangles

◆ computeSurfaceDistances() [5/6]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSurfaceDistances ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet startVertices,
float maxDist = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
VertBitSet region = None,
int maxVertUpdates = 3 )
computes path distances in mesh vertices from given start vertices, stopping when maxDist is reached;
considered paths can go either along edges or straightly within triangles

◆ computeSurfaceDistances() [6/6]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeSurfaceDistances ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet startVertices,
VertBitSet targetVertices,
float maxDist = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
VertBitSet region = None,
int maxVertUpdates = 3 )
computes path distances in mesh vertices from given start vertices, stopping when all targetVertices or maxDist is reached;
considered paths can go either along edges or straightly within triangles

◆ computeSurfacePath()

std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.computeSurfacePath ( MeshPart mp,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint end,
int maxGeodesicIters = 5,
VertBitSet vertRegion = None,
VertScalars outSurfaceDistances = None )
returns intermediate points of the geodesic path from start to end, where it crosses mesh edges;
the path can be limited to given region: in face-format inside mp, or in vert-format in vertRegion argument.
It is the same as calling computeFastMarchingPath() then reducePath()

◆ computeThicknessAtVertices()

VertScalars mrmeshpy.computeThicknessAtVertices ( Mesh mesh)

◆ computeTrianglesRepetitions()

std_array_int_4 mrmeshpy.computeTrianglesRepetitions ( AllLocalTriangulations triangs)
computes statistics about the number of triangle repetitions in local triangulations

◆ constantCuspToolPath()

ToolPathResult mrmeshpy.constantCuspToolPath ( MeshPart mp,
ConstantCuspParams params )
compute path of the milling tool for the given mesh with parameters ( direction of milling is from up to down along Z-direction )
this toolpath is built from geodesic parallels divercing from the given start point or from the bounaries of selected areas
if neither is specified, the lowest section by XY plane will be used as a start contour
mesh can be transformed using xf parameter

◆ constantZToolPath()

ToolPathResult mrmeshpy.constantZToolPath ( MeshPart mp,
ToolPathParams params )
compute path of the milling tool for the given mesh with parameters ( direction of milling is from up to down along Z-direction )
this toolpath is built from the parallel sections along Z-axis
mesh can be transformed using xf parameter

◆ contains()

bool mrmeshpy.contains ( FaceBitSet bitset,
FaceId id )

◆ contourIntersection()

Polyline2 mrmeshpy.contourIntersection ( Polyline2 contoursA,
Polyline2 contoursB,
ContourToDistanceMapParams params,
float offsetInside = 0.0 )
 \\brief computes the intersection of the shapes bounded by input 2d contours
 \\return the boundary of the intersection
 \\details input contours must be closed within the area of distance map and be consistently oriented (clockwise, that is leaving the bounded shapes from the left).
 the value of params.withSign must be true (checked with assert() inside the function)
 \\note that polyline topology should be consistently oriented

◆ contourSubtract()

Polyline2 mrmeshpy.contourSubtract ( Polyline2 contoursA,
Polyline2 contoursB,
ContourToDistanceMapParams params,
float offsetInside = 0.0 )
 \\brief computes the difference between the shapes bounded by contoursA and the shapes bounded by contoursB
 \\return the boundary of the difference
 \\details input contours must be closed within the area of distance map and be consistently oriented (clockwise, that is leaving the bounded shapes from the left).
 the value of params.withSign must be true (checked with assert() inside the function)
 \\note that polyline topology should be consistently oriented

◆ contourUnion()

Polyline2 mrmeshpy.contourUnion ( Polyline2 contoursA,
Polyline2 contoursB,
ContourToDistanceMapParams params,
float offsetInside = 0 )
 \\brief computes the union of the shapes bounded by input 2d contours
 \\return the boundary of the union
 \\details input contours must be closed within the area of distance map and be consistently oriented (clockwise, that is leaving the bounded shapes from the left).
 the value of params.withSign must be true (checked with assert() inside the function)
 \\note that polyline topology should be consistently oriented

◆ convertDistanceMapToImage()

Image mrmeshpy.convertDistanceMapToImage ( DistanceMap distMap,
float threshold = 0.003921568859368563 )
export distance map to a grayscale image
\\param threshold - threshold of valid values [0.; 1.]. pixel with color less then threshold set invalid

◆ convertImageToDistanceMap()

DistanceMap mrmeshpy.convertImageToDistanceMap ( Image image,
float threshold = 0.003921568859368563 )
load distance map from a grayscale image:
\\param threshold - threshold of valid values [0.; 1.]. pixel with color less then threshold set invalid

◆ convertMeshTriPointsSurfaceOffsetToMeshContours() [1/2]

std_vector_OneMeshContour mrmeshpy.convertMeshTriPointsSurfaceOffsetToMeshContours ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine,
float offset,
SearchPathSettings searchSettings = '{}' )
\\ingroup BooleanGroup
\\brief Makes continuous contour by iso-line from mesh tri points, if first and last meshTriPoint is the same, makes closed contour

Finds shortest paths between neighbor \\p surfaceLine and build offset contour on surface for MR::cutMesh input
\\param offset amount of offset form given point, note that absolute value is used and isoline in both direction returned
\\param searchSettings settings for search geodesic path

◆ convertMeshTriPointsSurfaceOffsetToMeshContours() [2/2]

std_vector_OneMeshContour mrmeshpy.convertMeshTriPointsSurfaceOffsetToMeshContours ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine,
func_float_from_int offsetAtPoint,
SearchPathSettings searchSettings = '{}' )
\\ingroup BooleanGroup
\\brief Makes continuous contour by iso-line from mesh tri points, if first and last meshTriPoint is the same, makes closed contour

Finds shortest paths between neighbor \\p surfaceLine and build offset contour on surface for MR::cutMesh input
\\param offsetAtPoint functor that returns amount of offset form arg point, note that absolute value is used and isoline in both direction returned
\\param searchSettings settings for search geodesic path

◆ convertMeshTriPointsToClosedContour()

OneMeshContour mrmeshpy.convertMeshTriPointsToClosedContour ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine,
SearchPathSettings searchSettings = '{}',
std_vector_int pivotIndices = None )
\\ingroup BooleanGroup
\\brief Makes closed continuous contour by mesh tri points, note that first and last meshTriPoint should not be same

Finds shortest paths between neighbor \\p surfaceLine and build closed contour MR::cutMesh input
\\param pivotIndices optional output indices of given surfaceLine in result OneMeshContour
\\note better use convertMeshTriPointsToMeshContour(...) instead, note that it requires same front and back MeshTriPoints for closed contour

◆ convertMeshTriPointsToMeshContour()

OneMeshContour mrmeshpy.convertMeshTriPointsToMeshContour ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine,
SearchPathSettings searchSettings = '{}',
std_vector_int pivotIndices = None )
\\ingroup BooleanGroup
\\brief Makes continuous contour by mesh tri points, if first and last meshTriPoint is the same, makes closed contour

Finds shortest paths between neighbor \\p surfaceLine and build contour MR::cutMesh input
\\param searchSettings settings for search geo path 
\\param pivotIndices optional output indices of given surfaceLine in result OneMeshContour

◆ convertSurfacePathsToMeshContours()

std_vector_OneMeshContour mrmeshpy.convertSurfacePathsToMeshContours ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint surfacePaths )
\\ingroup BooleanGroup
\\brief Converts SurfacePaths to OneMeshContours

Creates MR::OneMeshContours object from given surface paths for MR::cutMesh input

◆ convertSurfacePathWithEndsToMeshContour()

OneMeshContour mrmeshpy.convertSurfacePathWithEndsToMeshContour ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
std_vector_EdgePoint surfacePath,
MeshTriPoint end )
\\ingroup BooleanGroup
\\brief Converts SurfacePath to OneMeshContours

Creates MR::OneMeshContour object from given surface path with ends for MR::cutMesh input
`start` and surfacePath.front() should be from same face
surfacePath.back() and `end` should be from same face

note that whole path (including `start` and `end`) should not have self-intersections
also following case is not supported (vertex -> edge (incident with vertex)):

vert path  edge point path     edge end
o----------o-  --  --  --  --  O
 \\          \\                /
      \\      \\          /
           \\  \\     /
                o path

◆ copyContour() [1/4]

std_vector_Vector2_float mrmeshpy.copyContour ( std_vector_Vector2_double from_)
copy double-contour to float-contour, or vice versa

◆ copyContour() [2/4]

std_vector_Vector2_double mrmeshpy.copyContour ( std_vector_Vector2_float from_)
copy double-contour to float-contour, or vice versa

◆ copyContour() [3/4]

std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.copyContour ( std_vector_Vector3_double from_)
copy double-contour to float-contour, or vice versa

◆ copyContour() [4/4]

std_vector_Vector3_double mrmeshpy.copyContour ( std_vector_Vector3_float from_)
copy double-contour to float-contour, or vice versa

◆ copySubdividePackMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.copySubdividePackMesh ( MeshPart mp,
float voxelSize,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
creates a copy of given mesh part, subdivides it to get rid of too long edges compared with voxelSize, then packs resulting mesh,
this is called typically in preparation for 3D space sampling with voxelSize step, and subdivision is important for making leaves of AABB tree not too big compared with voxelSize

◆ createObject()

Object mrmeshpy.createObject ( str className)
the function to create new object instance by registered class name

◆ createProjectionTransforms()

MeshProjectionTransforms mrmeshpy.createProjectionTransforms ( AffineXf3f storageXf,
AffineXf3f pointXf,
AffineXf3f treeXf )
Creates structure with simplified transforms for projection functions, with `rigidXfPoint` applied to point, and `nonRigidXfTree` applied to tree
<param name="storageXf">this argument will hold modified transfrom</param>
<param name="pointXf">transform for points to be projected</param>
<param name="treeXf">transform for tree's boxes</param>
<returns>structure with simplified transforms</returns>

◆ createRootFormObject()

SceneRootObject mrmeshpy.createRootFormObject ( Object obj)
Removes all `obj` children and attaches it to newly created `SceneRootObject`
note that it does not respect `obj` xf

◆ createSymbolContours()

std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float mrmeshpy.createSymbolContours ( SymbolMeshParams params)
converts text string into set of contours

◆ createSymbolsMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.createSymbolsMesh ( SymbolMeshParams params)
converts text string into Z-facing symbol mesh

◆ cropped()

OpenVdbFloatGrid mrmeshpy.cropped ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
Box3i box,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
returns cropped grid

◆ cross() [1/6]

float mrmeshpy.cross ( Vector2d a,
Vector2d b )
cross product

◆ cross() [2/6]

float mrmeshpy.cross ( Vector2f a,
Vector2f b )
cross product

◆ cross() [3/6]

int mrmeshpy.cross ( Vector2i a,
Vector2i b )
cross product

◆ cross() [4/6]

Vector3d mrmeshpy.cross ( Vector3d a,
Vector3d b )
cross product

◆ cross() [5/6]

Vector3f mrmeshpy.cross ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b )
cross product

◆ cross() [6/6]

Vector3i mrmeshpy.cross ( Vector3i a,
Vector3i b )
cross product

◆ cutAlongEdgeLoop() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.cutAlongEdgeLoop ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c0 )
given a closed loop of edges, splits the surface along that loop so that after return:
1) returned loop has the same size as input, with corresponding edges in same indexed elements of both;
2) all edges of c0 have no left faces;
3) all returned edges have no right faces;
4) vertices of the given mesh are updated

◆ cutAlongEdgeLoop() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.cutAlongEdgeLoop ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c0 )
given a closed loop of edges, splits the surface along that loop so that after return:
1) returned loop has the same size as input, with corresponding edges in same indexed elements of both;
2) all edges of c0 have no left faces;
3) all returned edges have no right faces;

◆ cutMesh()

CutMeshResult mrmeshpy.cutMesh ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_OneMeshContour contours,
CutMeshParameters params = '{}' )
\\ingroup BooleanGroup
\\brief Cuts mesh by given contours

This function cuts mesh making new edges paths on place of input contours
\\param mesh Input mesh that will be cut
\\param contours Input contours to cut mesh with, find more \\ref MR::OneMeshContours
\\param params Parameters describing some cut options, find more \\ref MR::CutMeshParameters
\\return New edges that correspond to given contours, find more \\ref MR::CutMeshResult
\\warning Input contours should have no intersections, faces where contours intersects (`bad faces`) will not be allowed for fill
\\warning Input mesh will be changed in any case, if `bad faces` are in mesh, mesh will be spoiled, \\n
so if you cannot guarantee contours without intersections better make copy of mesh, before using this function

◆ deactivateFarPairs()

int mrmeshpy.deactivateFarPairs ( IPointPairs pairs,
float maxDistSq )
reset active bit if pair distance is further than maxDistSq

◆ decimateContour() [1/2]

DecimatePolylineResult mrmeshpy.decimateContour ( std_vector_Vector2_float contour,
DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector2f settings = '{}' )
 \\brief Collapse edges in the contour according to the settings
 \\ingroup DecimateGroup

◆ decimateContour() [2/2]

DecimatePolylineResult mrmeshpy.decimateContour ( std_vector_Vector3_float contour,
DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector3f settings = '{}' )

◆ decimateMesh()

DecimateResult mrmeshpy.decimateMesh ( Mesh mesh,
DecimateSettings settings = '{}' )
 \\brief Collapse edges in mesh region according to the settings
 \\ingroup DecimateGroup
 \\details Have version for parallel computing - \\ref decimateParallelMesh

 \\image html decimate/decimate_before.png "Before" width = 350cm
 \\image html decimate/decimate_after.png "After" width = 350cm

 \\sa \\ref decimateParallelMesh
 \\sa \\ref resolveMeshDegenerations

◆ decimatePolyline() [1/2]

DecimatePolylineResult mrmeshpy.decimatePolyline ( Polyline2 polyline,
DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector2f settings = '{}' )
 \\brief Collapse edges in the polyline according to the settings
 \\ingroup DecimateGroup

◆ decimatePolyline() [2/2]

DecimatePolylineResult mrmeshpy.decimatePolyline ( Polyline3 polyline,
DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector3f settings = '{}' )

◆ decode64()

std_vector_unsigned_char mrmeshpy.decode64 ( str val)
decodes Base64 format into binary data

◆ decompressZip() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.decompressZip ( os.PathLike | str | bytes zipFile,
os.PathLike | str | bytes targetFolder,
str password = None )
 \\brief decompresses given zip-file into given folder
 \\param password if password is given then it will be used to decipher encrypted archive

◆ decompressZip() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.decompressZip ( typing.Any zipStream,
os.PathLike | str | bytes targetFolder,
str password = None )
 \\brief decompresses given binary stream (containing the data of a zip file only) into given folder
 \\param password if password is given then it will be used to decipher encrypted archive

◆ defaultSerializeMeshFormat()

str mrmeshpy.defaultSerializeMeshFormat ( )
returns file extension used to serialize ObjectMeshHolder by default (if not overridden in specific object),
the string starts with '.'

◆ defaultSerializePointsFormat()

str mrmeshpy.defaultSerializePointsFormat ( )
returns file extension used to serialize ObjectPointsHolder by default (if not overridden in specific object),
the string starts with '.'

◆ defaultSerializeVoxelsFormat()

str mrmeshpy.defaultSerializeVoxelsFormat ( )
returns file extension used to serialize ObjectVoxels by default (if not overridden in specific object),
the string starts with '.'

◆ deleteTargetFaces() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.deleteTargetFaces ( Mesh obj,
Mesh target )

◆ deleteTargetFaces() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.deleteTargetFaces ( Mesh obj,
Vector3f targetCenter )
deletes object faces with normals pointed to the target geometry center

◆ delRegionKeepBd()

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.delRegionKeepBd ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet region = None )
deletes all region faces, inner edges and vertices, but keeps boundary edges and vertices of the region (or whole mesh if region is null);
returns edge loops, each having deleted region faces on the left, and not-region faces or holes on the right

◆ denoiseNormals()

None mrmeshpy.denoiseNormals ( Mesh mesh,
FaceNormals normals,
UndirectedEdgeScalars v,
float gamma )
Smooth face normals, given
\\param mesh contains topology information and coordinates for equation weights
\\param normals input noisy normals and output smooth normals
\\param v edge indicator function (1 - smooth edge, 0 - crease edge)
\\param gamma the amount of smoothing: 0 - no smoothing, 1 - average smoothing, ...
see the article "Mesh Denoising via a Novel Mumford-Shah Framework", equation (19)

◆ deserializeObjectTree()

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.deserializeObjectTree ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
func_void_from_std_filesystem_path postDecompress = '{}',
func_bool_from_float progressCb = '{}' )
 \\brief loads objects tree from given scene file (zip/mru)
 \\details format specification:
  children are saved under folder with name of their parent object
  all objects parameters are saved in one JSON file in the root folder

 if postDecompress is set, it is called after decompression
 loading is controlled with Object::deserializeModel_ and Object::deserializeFields_

◆ deserializeObjectTreeFrom3mf()

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.deserializeObjectTreeFrom3mf ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads scene from 3MF file in a new container object

◆ deserializeObjectTreeFromFolder()

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.deserializeObjectTreeFromFolder ( os.PathLike | str | bytes folder,
func_bool_from_float progressCb = '{}' )
 \\brief loads objects tree from given scene folder
 \\details format specification:
  children are saved under folder with name of their parent object
  all objects parameters are saved in one JSON file in the root folder

 loading is controlled with Object::deserializeModel_ and Object::deserializeFields_

◆ deserializeObjectTreeFromGltf()

Object mrmeshpy.deserializeObjectTreeFromGltf ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads scene from glTF file in a new container object

◆ deserializeObjectTreeFromModel()

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.deserializeObjectTreeFromModel ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads scene from .model file in a new container object

◆ detectBasisTunnels()

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.detectBasisTunnels ( MeshPart mp,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric = '{}',
func_bool_from_float progressCallback = '{}' )
detects all not-contractible-in-point and not-equivalent tunnel loops on the mesh;
trying to include in the loops the edges with the smallest metric;
if no metric is given then discreteMinusAbsMeanCurvatureMetric will be used

◆ detectLoneContours()

std_vector_int mrmeshpy.detectLoneContours ( std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri contours)
Detects contours that fully lay inside one triangle
returns they indices in contours

◆ detectTunnelFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.detectTunnelFaces ( MeshPart mp,
DetectTunnelSettings settings = '{}' )
returns tunnels as a number of faces;
if you remove these faces and patch every boundary with disk, then the surface will be topology equivalent to sphere

◆ dilateRegion() [1/4]

bool mrmeshpy.dilateRegion ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
expands the region (of faces or vertices) on given value (in meters). returns false if callback also returns false

◆ dilateRegion() [2/4]

bool mrmeshpy.dilateRegion ( Mesh mesh,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ dilateRegion() [3/4]

bool mrmeshpy.dilateRegion ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ dilateRegion() [4/4]

bool mrmeshpy.dilateRegion ( PointCloud pointCloud,
VertBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
AffineXf3f xf = None )
expands the region on given euclidian distance. returns false if callback also returns false

◆ dilateRegionByMetric() [1/3]

bool mrmeshpy.dilateRegionByMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
FaceBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
expands the region (of faces or vertices) on given metric value. returns false if callback also returns false

◆ dilateRegionByMetric() [2/3]

bool mrmeshpy.dilateRegionByMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ dilateRegionByMetric() [3/3]

bool mrmeshpy.dilateRegionByMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
VertBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ discreteAbsMeanCurvatureMetric()

func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.discreteAbsMeanCurvatureMetric ( Mesh mesh)
returns edge's absolute discrete mean curvature as a metric;
the metric is minimal in the planar regions of mesh;
this metric is symmetric: m(e) == m(e.sym())

◆ discreteMinusAbsMeanCurvatureMetric()

func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.discreteMinusAbsMeanCurvatureMetric ( Mesh mesh)
returns minus of edge's absolute discrete mean curvature as a metric;
the metric is minimal in the most curved regions of mesh;
this metric is symmetric: m(e) == m(e.sym())

◆ distanceMapFromContours() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.distanceMapFromContours ( DistanceMap distMap,
Polyline2 polyline,
ContourToDistanceMapParams params,
ContoursDistanceMapOptions options = '{}' )
 \\brief Computes distance of 2d contours according ContourToDistanceMapParams
 \\param distMap - preallocated distance map
 \\param options - optional input and output options for distance map calculation, find more \\ref ContoursDistanceMapOptions

◆ distanceMapFromContours() [2/2]

DistanceMap mrmeshpy.distanceMapFromContours ( Polyline2 contours,
ContourToDistanceMapParams params,
ContoursDistanceMapOptions options = '{}' )
 \\brief Computes distance of 2d contours according ContourToDistanceMapParams
 \\param options - optional input and output options for distance map calculation, find more \\ref ContoursDistanceMapOptions

◆ distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline() [1/4]

tuple[Polyline2, AffineXf3f] mrmeshpy.distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline ( DistanceMap distMap,
AffineXf3f xf,
float isoValue,
bool useDepth = False )
computes iso-lines of distance map corresponding to given iso-value;
in second returns the transformation from 0XY plane to world;
\\param useDepth true - the isolines will be located on distance map surface, false - isolines for any iso-value will be located on the common plane xf(0XY)

◆ distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline() [2/4]

Polyline2 mrmeshpy.distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline ( DistanceMap distMap,
ContourToDistanceMapParams params,
float isoValue )
iso-lines are created in real space ( plane OXY with parameters according ContourToDistanceMapParams )

◆ distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline() [3/4]

Polyline2 mrmeshpy.distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline ( DistanceMap distMap,
float isoValue )
converts distance map to 2d iso-lines:
iso-lines are created in space DistanceMap ( plane OXY with pixelSize = (1, 1) )

◆ distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline() [4/4]

Polyline2 mrmeshpy.distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline ( DistanceMap distMap,
float pixelSize,
float isoValue )

◆ distanceMapToMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.distanceMapToMesh ( DistanceMap distMap,
AffineXf3f toWorld,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
converts distance map into mesh and applies a transformation to all points

◆ dividePolylineWithPlane()

None mrmeshpy.dividePolylineWithPlane ( Polyline3 polyline,
Plane3f plane,
DividePolylineParameters params = '{}' )
This function divides polyline with a plane
\\param polyline Input polyline that will be cut by the plane
\\param plane Input plane to cut polyline with
\\param params parameters of the function, contains optional output

◆ divideWithPlane()

PointCloud mrmeshpy.divideWithPlane ( PointCloud points,
Plane3f plane,
DividePointCloudOptionalOutput optOut = '{}' )
This function cuts a point cloud with a plane, leaving only the part of mesh that lay in positive direction of normal
\\return Point cloud object with vertices on the positive side of the plane
\\param pc Input point cloud that will be cut by the plane
\\param plane Input plane to cut point cloud with
\\param optOut optional output of the function

◆ doBooleanOperation()

Mesh mrmeshpy.doBooleanOperation ( Mesh meshACut,
Mesh meshBCut,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag cutEdgesA,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag cutEdgesB,
BooleanOperation operation,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
BooleanResultMapper mapper = None,
bool mergeAllNonIntersectingComponents = False,
BooleanInternalParameters intParams = '{}' )
Perform boolean operation on cut meshes
\\return mesh in space of meshA or error.
\\note: actually this function is meant to be internal, use "boolean" instead

◆ doSegmentSegmentIntersect()

SegmentSegmentIntersectResult mrmeshpy.doSegmentSegmentIntersect ( std_array_PreciseVertCoords2_4 vs)
checks whether the segments AB (indices 01) and segments CD (indices 23) intersect;
uses simulation-of-simplicity to avoid edge-segment intersections and co-planarity

◆ dot() [1/6]

float ( Vector2d a,
Vector2d b )
dot product

◆ dot() [2/6]

float ( Vector2f a,
Vector2f b )
dot product

◆ dot() [3/6]

int ( Vector2i a,
Vector2i b )
dot product

◆ dot() [4/6]

float ( Vector3d a,
Vector3d b )
dot product

◆ dot() [5/6]

float ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b )
dot product

◆ dot() [6/6]

int ( Vector3i a,
Vector3i b )
dot product

◆ doTriangleSegmentIntersect()

TriangleSegmentIntersectResult mrmeshpy.doTriangleSegmentIntersect ( std_array_PreciseVertCoords_5 vs)
checks whether triangle ABC (indices 012) and segment DE (indices 34) intersect
uses simulation-of-simplicity to avoid edge-segment intersections and co-planarity

◆ doubleOffsetMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.doubleOffsetMesh ( MeshPart mp,
float offsetA,
float offsetB,
OffsetParameters params = '{}' )
Offsets mesh by converting it to voxels and back two times
only closed meshes allowed (only Offset mode)
typically offsetA and offsetB have distinct signs

◆ doubleOffsetVdb()

Mesh mrmeshpy.doubleOffsetVdb ( MeshPart mp,
DoubleOffsetSettings settings )
performs convention from mesh to voxel grid and back with offsetA, and than same with offsetB;
if input mesh is not closed then the sign of distance field will be obtained using generalized winding number computation

◆ duplicateMultiHoleVertices()

int mrmeshpy.duplicateMultiHoleVertices ( Mesh mesh)
Duplicates all vertices having more than two boundary edges (and returns the number of duplications);

◆ edgeCurvMetric()

func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.edgeCurvMetric ( Mesh mesh,
float angleSinFactor = 2,
float angleSinForBoundary = 0 )
returns edge's metric that depends both on edge's length and on the angle between its left and right faces
\\param angleSinFactor multiplier before dihedral angle sine in edge metric calculation (positive to prefer concave angles, negative - convex)
\\param angleSinForBoundary consider this dihedral angle sine for boundary edges;
this metric is symmetric: m(e) == m(e.sym())

◆ edgeLengthMetric()

func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.edgeLengthMetric ( Mesh mesh)
returns edge's length as a metric;
this metric is symmetric: m(e) == m(e.sym())

◆ edgeMapsComposition()

EdgeMap mrmeshpy.edgeMapsComposition ( EdgeMap a2b,
EdgeMap b2c )
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps

◆ edgePointsFromContours()

std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.edgePointsFromContours ( Polyline2 polyline,
float pixelSize,
float threshold )
Makes distance map and filter out pixels with large (>threshold) distance between closest points on contour in neighbor pixels
Converts such points back in 3d space and return
\\note that polyline topology should be consistently oriented

◆ edgeTableMetric()

func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.edgeTableMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric )

◆ edgeTableSymMetric()

func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.edgeTableSymMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric )
pre-computes the metric for all mesh edges to quickly return it later for any edge;
input metric must be symmetric: metric(e) == metric(e.sym())

◆ eliminateDegree3Dest()

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.eliminateDegree3Dest ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag e,
FaceBitSet region = None )
if the destination of given edge has degree 3 and 3 incident triangles,
then eliminates the destination vertex with all its edges and all but one faces, and returns valid remaining edge with same origin as e;
if region is provided then eliminated triangles are excluded from it;
otherwise returns invalid edge

◆ eliminateDegree3Vertices()

int mrmeshpy.eliminateDegree3Vertices ( MeshTopology topology,
VertBitSet region,
FaceBitSet fs = None )
eliminates from the mesh all vertices having degree 3 and 3 incident triangles from given region (which is updated);
if \\param fs is provided then eliminated triangles are excluded from it;
\\return the number of vertices eliminated

◆ eliminateDoubleTris()

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.eliminateDoubleTris ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag e,
FaceBitSet region = None )
if the edge e has both left and right triangular faces and the degree of dest( e ) is 2,
then eliminates left( e ), right( e ), e, e.sym(), next( e ), dest( e ), and returns prev( e );
if region is provided then eliminated faces are excluded from it;
otherwise returns invalid edge

◆ eliminateDoubleTrisAround()

None mrmeshpy.eliminateDoubleTrisAround ( MeshTopology topology,
VertId v,
FaceBitSet region = None )
eliminates all double triangles around given vertex preserving vertex valid;
if region is provided then eliminated triangles are excluded from it

◆ embedStructureToTerrain()

Mesh mrmeshpy.embedStructureToTerrain ( Mesh terrain,
Mesh structure,
EmbeddedStructureParameters params )
Returns terrain mesh with structure embedded to it, or error string
terrain - mesh with +Z normal (not-closed mesh is expected)
structure - mesh with one open contour and +Z normal, that will be embedded in terrain

◆ encode64()

str mrmeshpy.encode64 ( int data,
int size )
encodes binary data into textual Base64 format

◆ end() [1/2]

ViewportIterator mrmeshpy.end ( * args,
** kwargs )

◆ end() [2/2]

◆ equalizeTriAreas()

bool mrmeshpy.equalizeTriAreas ( Mesh mesh,
MeshEqualizeTriAreasParams params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
applies given number of iterations with movement toward vertexPosEqualNeiAreas() to the whole mesh ( or some region if it is specified )
\\return true if the operation completed successfully, and false if it was interrupted by the progress callback.

◆ erodeRegion() [1/4]

bool mrmeshpy.erodeRegion ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
shrinks the region (of faces or vertices) on given value (in meters). returns false if callback also returns false

◆ erodeRegion() [2/4]

bool mrmeshpy.erodeRegion ( Mesh mesh,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ erodeRegion() [3/4]

bool mrmeshpy.erodeRegion ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ erodeRegion() [4/4]

bool mrmeshpy.erodeRegion ( PointCloud pointCloud,
VertBitSet region,
float erosion,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
AffineXf3f xf = None )
shrinks the region on given euclidian distance. returns false if callback also returns false

◆ erodeRegionByMetric() [1/3]

bool mrmeshpy.erodeRegionByMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
FaceBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
shrinks the region (of faces or vertices) on given metric value. returns false if callback also returns false

◆ erodeRegionByMetric() [2/3]

bool mrmeshpy.erodeRegionByMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ erodeRegionByMetric() [3/3]

bool mrmeshpy.erodeRegionByMetric ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric,
VertBitSet region,
float dilation,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ evalGridMinMax()

None mrmeshpy.evalGridMinMax ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
float_output min,
float_output max )
eval min max value from FloatGrid

◆ executeHoleFillPlan()

None mrmeshpy.executeHoleFillPlan ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a0,
HoleFillPlan plan,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
quickly triangulates the face or hole to the left of (e) given the plan (quickly compared to fillHole function)

◆ expand() [1/4]

None mrmeshpy.expand ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region,
int hops = 1 )
adds to the region all faces within given number of hops (stars) from the initial region boundary

◆ expand() [2/4]

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.expand ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceId f,
int hops )
returns the region of all faces within given number of hops (stars) from the initial face

◆ expand() [3/4]

None mrmeshpy.expand ( MeshTopology topology,
VertBitSet region,
int hops = 1 )
adds to the region all vertices within given number of hops (stars) from the initial region boundary

◆ expand() [4/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.expand ( MeshTopology topology,
VertId v,
int hops )
returns the region of all vertices within given number of hops (stars) from the initial vertex

◆ expandFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.expandFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet stopEdges = None )
returns given region with all faces sharing an edge with a region face;
\\param stopEdges - neighborhood via this edges will be ignored

◆ expandPixelMask()

None mrmeshpy.expandPixelMask ( PixelBitSet mask,
RectIndexer indexer,
int expansion = 1 )
expands PixelBitSet with given number of steps

◆ expandVoxelsMask()

None mrmeshpy.expandVoxelsMask ( VoxelBitSet mask,
VolumeIndexer indexer,
int expansion = 1 )
expands VoxelBitSet with given number of steps

◆ exportToolPathToGCode()

ObjectGcode mrmeshpy.exportToolPathToGCode ( std_vector_GCommand commands)
generates G-Code for milling tool

◆ extendAllHoles()

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.extendAllHoles ( Mesh mesh,
Plane3f plane,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
adds cylindrical extension of too all holes of the mesh by calling extendHole(...);
\\return representative edges of one per every hole after extension

◆ extendHole() [1/2]

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.extendHole ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
func_Vector3_float_from_Vector3_float getVertPos,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
adds extension of given hole represented by one of its edges (having no valid left face)
by adding new vertices located at getVertPos( existing vertex position );
\\return the edge of new hole opposite to input edge (a)

◆ extendHole() [2/2]

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.extendHole ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
Plane3f plane,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
adds cylindrical extension of given hole represented by one of its edges (having no valid left face)
by adding new vertices located in given plane and 2 * number_of_hole_edge triangles;
\\return the edge of new hole opposite to input edge (a)

◆ extractClosedLoops() [1/2]

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.extractClosedLoops ( MeshTopology topology,
EdgeBitSet edges )
finds all closed loops from given edges and removes them from edges

◆ extractClosedLoops() [2/2]

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.extractClosedLoops ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag inEdges,
EdgeBitSet outNotLoopEdges = None )

◆ extractIntersectionContours()

std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.extractIntersectionContours ( Mesh meshA,
Mesh meshB,
std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri orientedContours,
CoordinateConverters converters,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
extracts coordinates from two meshes intersection contours

◆ extractIsolines() [1/2]

std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.extractIsolines ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_VertTag vertValues,
FaceBitSet region = None )
extracts all iso-lines from given scalar field and iso-value=0

◆ extractIsolines() [2/2]

std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.extractIsolines ( MeshTopology topology,
VertScalars vertValues,
float isoValue,
FaceBitSet region = None )
extracts all iso-lines from given scalar field and iso-value

◆ extractLongestClosedLoop()

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.extractLongestClosedLoop ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag inEdges )

◆ extractMeshContours()

std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.extractMeshContours ( std_vector_OneMeshContour meshContours)
Converts OneMeshContours contours representation to Contours3f: set of coordinates

◆ extractPlaneSections()

std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.extractPlaneSections ( MeshPart mp,
Plane3f plane )
extracts all plane sections of given mesh

◆ extractSectionsFromPolyline()

std_vector_EdgeSegment mrmeshpy.extractSectionsFromPolyline ( Polyline3 polyline,
Plane3f plane,
float eps )
This function cuts polyline with a plane
\\return Edge segments tha are closer to the plane than \\param eps
\\param polyline Input polyline that will be cut by the plane
\\param plane Input plane to cut polyline with
\\param eps Maximal distance from the plane

◆ extractXYPlaneSections()

std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.extractXYPlaneSections ( MeshPart mp,
float zLevel )
extracts all sections of given mesh with the plane z=zLevel;
this function works faster than general extractPlaneSections(...) for the same plane
if the sections cross relatively small number of mesh triangles and AABB tree has already been constructed

◆ faceMapsComposition()

FaceMap mrmeshpy.faceMapsComposition ( FaceMap a2b,
FaceMap b2c )
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps

◆ fillContourLeft() [1/2]

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.fillContourLeft ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contour )
fill region located to the left from given edges

◆ fillContourLeft() [2/2]

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.fillContourLeft ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contours )

◆ fillContourLeftByGraphCut() [1/2]

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.fillContourLeftByGraphCut ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contour,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric )
 \\brief Fills region located to the left from given contour, by minimizing the sum of metric over the boundary
 \\ingroup MeshSegmentationGroup

◆ fillContourLeftByGraphCut() [2/2]

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.fillContourLeftByGraphCut ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag contours,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric )
 \\brief Fills region located to the left from given contours, by minimizing the sum of metric over the boundary
 \\ingroup MeshSegmentationGroup

◆ fillContours2D()

None mrmeshpy.fillContours2D ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag holeRepresentativeEdges )
 @brief fill holes with border in same plane (i.e. after cut by plane)
 @param mesh - mesh with holes
 @param holeRepresentativeEdges - each edge here represents a hole borders that should be filled
 should be not empty
 edges should have invalid left face (FaceId == -1)
 @return Expected with has_value()=true if holes filled, otherwise - string error

◆ fillHole()

None mrmeshpy.fillHole ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
FillHoleParams params = '{}' )
\\brief Fills hole in mesh\\n

Fills given hole represented by one of its edges (having no valid left face),\\n
uses fillHoleTrivially if cannot fill hole without multiple edges,\\n
default metric: CircumscribedFillMetric

\\image html fill/before_fill.png "Before" width = 250cm
\\image html fill/fill.png "After" width = 250cm

Next picture show, how newly generated faces can be smoothed
\\ref MR::positionVertsSmoothly
\\ref MR::subdivideMesh
\\image html fill/fill_smooth.png "Fill with smooth" width = 250cm

\\param mesh mesh with hole
\\param a EdgeId which represents hole (should not have valid left FaceId)
\\param params parameters of hole filling

\\sa \\ref buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles
\\sa \\ref fillHoleTrivially
\\sa \\ref FillHoleParams

◆ fillHoleNicely()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.fillHoleNicely ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag holeEdge,
FillHoleNicelySettings settings )
fills a hole in mesh specified by one of its edge,
optionally subdivides new patch on smaller triangles,
optionally make smooth connection with existing triangles outside the hole
\\return triangles of the patch

◆ fillHoles()

None mrmeshpy.fillHoles ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag as_,
FillHoleParams params = '{}' )
fill all holes given by their representative edges in \\param as

◆ fillHoleTrivially()

VertId mrmeshpy.fillHoleTrivially ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
\\brief Triangulates face of hole in mesh trivially\\n
\\ingroup FillHoleGroup

Fills given hole represented by one of its edges (having no valid left face)\\n
by creating one new vertex in the centroid of boundary vertices and connecting new vertex with all boundary vertices.

\\image html fill/before_fill.png "Before" width = 250cm
\\image html fill/fill_triv.png "After" width = 250cm

Next picture show, how newly generated faces can be smoothed
\\ref MR::positionVertsSmoothly
\\ref MR::subdivideMesh
\\image html fill/fill_triv_smooth.png "Trivial fill with smooth" width = 250cm

\\param mesh mesh with hole
\\param a EdgeId points on the face or hole to the left that will be triangulated
\\param outNewFaces optional output newly generated faces
\\return new vertex

\\sa \\ref fillHole

◆ fillPlanarHole()

None mrmeshpy.fillPlanarHole ( ObjectMesh obj,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag holeContours )
given an ObjectMesh and the contours of a planar hole in it,
fills the hole using fillContours2D function and updates object's attributes;
if some contours were not closed on input, then closes them by adding a bridge edge in each

◆ filterCreaseEdges()

None mrmeshpy.filterCreaseEdges ( Mesh mesh,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet creaseEdges,
float critLength,
bool filterComponents = True,
bool filterBranches = False )
filters given edges using the following criteria:
if \\param filterComponents is true then connected components with summary length of their edges less than \\param critLength will be excluded
if \\param filterBranches is true then branches shorter than \\param critLength will be excluded

◆ filterHistoryActionsVector()

tuple[bool, int] mrmeshpy.filterHistoryActionsVector ( std_vector_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction historyVector,
func_bool_from_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction filteringCondition,
int firstRedoIndex = 0,
bool deepFiltering = True )
 \\brief Remove actions from history actions vector that match the condition
 \\param firstRedoIndex - set redo index for calculate how many actions removed before it
 \\param deepFiltering - filter actions into combined actions
 \\return pair (anything removed, how many removed before firstRedoIndex)

◆ findAlphaShapeAllTriangles()

Triangulation mrmeshpy.findAlphaShapeAllTriangles ( PointCloud cloud,
float radius )
find all triangles of alpha-shape with negative alpha = -1/radius

◆ findAlphaShapeNeiTriangles()

None mrmeshpy.findAlphaShapeNeiTriangles ( PointCloud cloud,
VertId v,
float radius,
Triangulation appendTris,
std_vector_Id_VertTag neis,
bool onlyLargerVids )
find all triangles of alpha-shape with negative alpha = -1/radius,
where each triangle contains point #v and two other points

◆ findAvgPointsRadius()

float mrmeshpy.findAvgPointsRadius ( PointCloud pointCloud,
int avgPoints,
int samples = 1024 )
\\brief Finds the radius of ball, so on average that ball contained avgPoints excluding the central point
\\param samples the number of test points to find given number of samples in each
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ findBestFreeformDeformation()

std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.findBestFreeformDeformation ( Box3f box,
std_vector_Vector3_float source,
std_vector_Vector3_float target,
Vector3i resolution = 'Vector3i::diagonal(2)',
AffineXf3f samplesToBox = None )
Calculates best Free Form transform to fit given source->target deformation
origin ref grid as box corners ( resolution parameter specifies how to divide box )
samplesToBox - if set used to transform source and target points to box space
returns new positions of ref grid

◆ findCloseVertices() [1/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findCloseVertices ( Mesh mesh,
float closeDist,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
finds all close vertices, where for each vertex there is another one located within given distance

◆ findCloseVertices() [2/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findCloseVertices ( PointCloud cloud,
float closeDist,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
finds all close vertices, where for each vertex there is another one located within given distance

◆ findCloseVertices() [3/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findCloseVertices ( VertCoords points,
float closeDist,
VertBitSet valid = None,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
finds all close vertices, where for each vertex there is another one located within given distance

◆ findCloseVertices() [4/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findCloseVertices ( VertMap smallestMap)
finds all close vertices, where for each vertex there is another one located within given distance; smallestMap is the result of findSmallestCloseVertices function call

◆ findCollidingEdgePairs()

std_vector_EdgePointPair mrmeshpy.findCollidingEdgePairs ( Polyline2 a,
Polyline2 b,
AffineXf2f rigidB2A = None,
bool firstIntersectionOnly = False )
 \\brief finds all pairs of colliding edges from two 2d polylines
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-polyline space to A polyline space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param firstIntersectionOnly if true then the function returns at most one pair of intersecting edges and returns faster

◆ findCollidingEdges()

std_vector_UndirectedEdgeUndirectedEdge mrmeshpy.findCollidingEdges ( Polyline2 a,
Polyline2 b,
AffineXf2f rigidB2A = None,
bool firstIntersectionOnly = False )
 \\brief finds all pairs of colliding edges from two 2d polylines
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-polyline space to A polyline space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param firstIntersectionOnly if true then the function returns at most one pair of intersecting edges and returns faster

◆ findCollidingEdgesBitsets()

tuple[UndirectedEdgeBitSet, UndirectedEdgeBitSet] mrmeshpy.findCollidingEdgesBitsets ( Polyline2 a,
Polyline2 b,
AffineXf2f rigidB2A = None )
 \\brief finds bitset per polyline with colliding edges
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-polyline space to A polyline space, nullptr considered as identity transformation

◆ findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise() [1/3]

std_vector_EdgeTri mrmeshpy.findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise ( Mesh a,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edgesA,
Mesh b,
std_vector_Id_FaceTag facesB,
func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float conv,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
finds all intersections between every given edge from A and given triangles from B

◆ findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise() [2/3]

std_vector_EdgeTri mrmeshpy.findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise ( Mesh a,
std_vector_Id_FaceTag facesA,
Mesh b,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edgesB,
func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float conv,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
finds all intersections between every given triangle from A and given edge from B

◆ findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise() [3/3]

PreciseCollisionResult mrmeshpy.findCollidingEdgeTrisPrecise ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float conv,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
bool anyIntersection = False )
 \\brief finds all pairs of colliding edges from one mesh and triangle from another mesh
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param anyIntersection if true then the function returns as fast as it finds any intersection

◆ findCollidingTriangleBitsets()

tuple[FaceBitSet, FaceBitSet] mrmeshpy.findCollidingTriangleBitsets ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
the same as \\ref findCollidingTriangles, but returns one bite set per mesh with colliding triangles

◆ findCollidingTriangles()

std_vector_FaceFace mrmeshpy.findCollidingTriangles ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
bool firstIntersectionOnly = False )
 \\brief finds all pairs of colliding triangles from two meshes or two mesh regions
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param firstIntersectionOnly if true then the function returns at most one pair of intersecting triangles and returns faster

◆ findDegenerateFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.findDegenerateFaces ( MeshPart mp,
float criticalAspectRatio = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
finds faces having aspect ratio >= criticalAspectRatio

◆ findDirMax()

VertId mrmeshpy.findDirMax ( Vector3f dir,
MeshPart mp,
UseAABBTree u = 'UseAABBTree::Yes' )
finds the vertex in the mesh part having the largest projection on given direction,
uses aabb-tree inside for faster computation
\\ingroup AABBTreeGroup

◆ findDistance()

MeshMeshDistanceResult mrmeshpy.findDistance ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
 \\brief computes minimal distance between two meshes or two mesh regions
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimitSq and no valid points

◆ findEdgesInBall() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.findEdgesInBall ( Polyline2 polyline,
Vector2f center,
float radius,
func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector2_float_float foundCallback,
AffineXf2f xf = None )
Finds all edges of given polyline that cross or touch given ball (center, radius)

◆ findEdgesInBall() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.findEdgesInBall ( Polyline3 polyline,
Vector3f center,
float radius,
func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector3_float_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all edges of given polyline that cross or touch given ball (center, radius)

◆ findExtremeEdges()

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findExtremeEdges ( Mesh mesh,
VertScalars field,
ExtremeEdgeType type )
computes all edges in the mesh, where the field not-increases both in left and right triangles

◆ findFewClosestPoints()

None mrmeshpy.findFewClosestPoints ( Vector3f pt,
PointCloud pc,
FewSmallest_PointsProjectionResult res,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0 )
 \\brief finds a number of the closest points in the cloud (as configured in \\param res) to given point
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, points with larger distance than it will not be returned
 \\param xf pointcloud-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, the algorithm can return given number of points within this distance even skipping closer ones

◆ findFilter()

IOFilter mrmeshpy.findFilter ( std_vector_IOFilter filters,
str extension )
find a corresponding filter for a given extension

◆ findHalfSpacePoints()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findHalfSpacePoints ( PointCloud pc,
Plane3f plane )
\\return All vertices on the positive side of the plane
\\param pc Input point cloud that will be cut by the plane
\\param plane Input plane to cut point cloud with

◆ findHoleComplicatingFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.findHoleComplicatingFaces ( Mesh mesh)
returns all faces that complicate one of mesh holes;
hole is complicated if it passes via one vertex more than once;
deleting such faces simplifies the holes and makes them easier to fill

◆ findInnerShellFacesWithSplits()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.findInnerShellFacesWithSplits ( MeshPart mp,
Mesh shell,
FindInnerShellSettings settings = '{}' )
Finds inner-shell faces on bidirectional \\param shell constructed for an open \\param mp;
The function will return all shell faces (after some subdivision) that have distance to mesh of same sign as settings.side

◆ findInnerShellVerts()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findInnerShellVerts ( MeshPart mp,
Mesh shell,
FindInnerShellSettings settings = '{}' )
Finds inner-shell vertices on bidirectional \\param shell constructed for an open \\param mp;
The function will return all shell vertices that have distance to mesh of same sign as settings.side

◆ findInSphere() [1/2]

InSphere mrmeshpy.findInSphere ( Mesh mesh,
MeshPoint m,
InSphereSearchSettings settings )
finds maximal sphere inscribed in the mesh touching point (p) with center along the normal at (p)

◆ findInSphere() [2/2]

InSphere mrmeshpy.findInSphere ( Mesh mesh,
VertId v,
InSphereSearchSettings settings )

◆ findIntersectionContours()

std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.findIntersectionContours ( Mesh meshA,
Mesh meshB,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
returns intersection contours of given meshes

◆ findLeftBoundary()

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.findLeftBoundary ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region = None )
returns all region boundary loops;
every loop has region faces on the left, and not-region faces or holes on the right

◆ findLeftBoundaryInsideMesh()

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.findLeftBoundaryInsideMesh ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region )
returns all region boundary paths;
every path has region faces on the left, and valid not-region faces on the right

◆ findMaxDistanceSq() [1/2]

float mrmeshpy.findMaxDistanceSq ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
float maxDistanceSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
 \\brief returns the squared Hausdorff distance between two meshes, that is
          the maximum of squared distances from each mesh vertex to the other mesh (in both directions)
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param maxDistanceSq upper limit on the positive distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning maxDistanceSq

◆ findMaxDistanceSq() [2/2]

float mrmeshpy.findMaxDistanceSq ( PointCloud a,
PointCloud b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
float maxDistanceSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
 \\brief returns the squared Hausdorff distance between two point clouds, that is
          the maximum of squared distances from each point to the other cloud (in both directions)
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-cloud space to A-cloud space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param maxDistanceSq upper limit on the positive distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning maxDistanceSq

◆ findMaxDistanceSqOneWay() [1/2]

float mrmeshpy.findMaxDistanceSqOneWay ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
float maxDistanceSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
 \\brief returns the maximum of the squared distances from each B-mesh vertex to A-mesh
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param maxDistanceSq upper limit on the positive distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning maxDistanceSq

◆ findMaxDistanceSqOneWay() [2/2]

float mrmeshpy.findMaxDistanceSqOneWay ( PointCloud a,
PointCloud b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
float maxDistanceSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
 \\brief returns the maximum of the squared distances from each B-point to A-cloud
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-cloud space to A-cloud space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param maxDistanceSq upper limit on the positive distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning maxDistanceSq

◆ findMaxVectorDim() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.findMaxVectorDim ( int_output dimX,
int_output dimY,
int_output dimZ,
Vector3d dir )
 \\brief finds index of maximum axis and stores it into dimZ
 Example input: dir = (1,1,-2). Result: dimZ = 2, dimX = 1, dimY = 0.
 \\param[out] dimX are filled by right-hand rule from dimZ
 \\param[out] dimY are filled by right-hand rule from dimZ
 \\param[out] dimZ index of maximum axis

◆ findMaxVectorDim() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.findMaxVectorDim ( int_output dimX,
int_output dimY,
int_output dimZ,
Vector3f dir )
 \\brief finds index of maximum axis and stores it into dimZ
 Example input: dir = (1,1,-2). Result: dimZ = 2, dimX = 1, dimY = 0.
 \\param[out] dimX are filled by right-hand rule from dimZ
 \\param[out] dimY are filled by right-hand rule from dimZ
 \\param[out] dimZ index of maximum axis

◆ findMeshEdgesInBall()

None mrmeshpy.findMeshEdgesInBall ( Mesh mesh,
AABBTreePolyline3 tree,
Vector3f center,
float radius,
func_void_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Vector3_float_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all edges of given mesh edges (specified by the tree) that cross or touch given ball (center, radius)

◆ findMultipleEdges()

std_vector_std_pair_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag mrmeshpy.findMultipleEdges ( MeshTopology topology,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )

◆ findNClosestPointsPerPoint()

Buffer_VertId mrmeshpy.findNClosestPointsPerPoint ( PointCloud pc,
int numNei,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
 \\brief finds given number of closest points (excluding itself) to each valid point in the cloud;
 \\param numNei the number of closest points to find for each point
 \\return a buffer where for every valid point with index `i` its neighbours are stored at indices [i*numNei; (i+1)*numNei)

◆ findNeighborVerts()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findNeighborVerts ( Mesh mesh,
PointOnFace start,
float range )
calculates all neighbor vertices within a given \\param range
and to first vertices with the distance more or equal than range

◆ findNRingVerts()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findNRingVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
int n,
VertBitSet region = None )
finds vertices in region with complete ring of N edges

◆ findOutliers()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findOutliers ( PointCloud pc,
FindOutliersParams params )
Finding outlier points

◆ findOverhangs()

std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag mrmeshpy.findOverhangs ( Mesh mesh,
FindOverhangsSettings settings )
\\brief Find face regions that might create overhangs
\\param mesh - source mesh
\\param settings - parameters
\\return face regions

◆ findOverlappingTris()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.findOverlappingTris ( MeshPart mp,
FindOverlappingSettings settings )
finds all triangles that have oppositely oriented close triangle in the mesh

◆ findPointsInBall() [1/6]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBall ( AABBTreePoints tree,
Ball3f ball,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all points in tree that are inside or on the surface of given ball
\\ingroup AABBTreeGroup
\\param xf points-to-center transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed

◆ findPointsInBall() [2/6]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBall ( AABBTreePoints tree,
Vector3f center,
float radius,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )

◆ findPointsInBall() [3/6]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBall ( Mesh mesh,
Ball3f ball,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all valid vertices of the mesh that are inside or on the surface of given ball
\\ingroup AABBTreeGroup
\\param xf points-to-center transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed

◆ findPointsInBall() [4/6]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBall ( Mesh mesh,
Vector3f center,
float radius,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )

◆ findPointsInBall() [5/6]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBall ( PointCloud pointCloud,
Ball3f ball,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all valid points of pointCloud that are inside or on the surface of given ball
\\ingroup AABBTreeGroup
\\param xf points-to-center transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed

◆ findPointsInBall() [6/6]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBall ( PointCloud pointCloud,
Vector3f center,
float radius,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )

◆ findPointsInBox() [1/3]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBox ( AABBTreePoints tree,
Box3f box,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all points in tree that are inside or on the surface of given box
\\ingroup AABBTreeGroup
\\param xf points-to-center transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed

◆ findPointsInBox() [2/3]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBox ( Mesh mesh,
Box3f box,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all valid vertices of the mesh that are inside or on the surface of given box
\\ingroup AABBTreeGroup
\\param xf points-to-center transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed

◆ findPointsInBox() [3/3]

None mrmeshpy.findPointsInBox ( PointCloud pointCloud,
Box3f box,
func_void_from_Id_VertTag_Vector3_float foundCallback,
AffineXf3f xf = None )
Finds all valid points of pointCloud that are inside or on the surface of given box
\\ingroup AABBTreeGroup
\\param xf points-to-center transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed

◆ findProjection()

MeshProjectionResult mrmeshpy.findProjection ( Vector3f pt,
MeshPart mp,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0,
func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces = '{}',
func_bool_from_MeshProjectionResult validProjections = '{}' )
 \\brief computes the closest point on mesh (or its region) to given point
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exits returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf mesh-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one
 \\param validFaces if provided then only faces from there will be considered as projections
 \\param validProjections if provided then only projections passed this test can be returned

◆ findProjectionOnMeshEdges() [1/2]

PolylineProjectionResult3 mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnMeshEdges ( Line3f ln,
Mesh mesh,
AABBTreePolyline3 tree,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on the mesh edges (specified by the tree) to given straight line
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf polyline-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ findProjectionOnMeshEdges() [2/2]

PolylineProjectionResult3 mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnMeshEdges ( Vector3f pt,
Mesh mesh,
AABBTreePolyline3 tree,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on the mesh edges (specified by the tree) to given point
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf polyline-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ findProjectionOnPoints()

PointsProjectionResult mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnPoints ( Vector3f pt,
PointCloud pc,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0,
func_bool_from_Id_VertTag skipCb = '{}' )
 \\brief computes the closest point on point cloud to given point
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exits returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf pointcloud-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one
 \\param skipCb callback to discard VertId projection candidate

◆ findProjectionOnPolyline() [1/2]

PolylineProjectionResult3 mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnPolyline ( Line3f ln,
Polyline3 polyline,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on polyline to given straight line
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf polyline-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ findProjectionOnPolyline() [2/2]

PolylineProjectionResult3 mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnPolyline ( Vector3f pt,
Polyline3 polyline,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on polyline to given point
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf polyline-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ findProjectionOnPolyline2()

PolylineProjectionResult2 mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnPolyline2 ( Vector2f pt,
Polyline2 polyline,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf2f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on polyline to given point
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf polyline-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ findProjectionOnPolyline2WithOffset()

Polyline2ProjectionWithOffsetResult mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnPolyline2WithOffset ( Vector2f pt,
Polyline2 polyline,
UndirectedEdgeScalars offsetPerEdge,
float upDistLimit = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf2f xf = None,
float loDistLimit = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on polyline to given point, respecting each edge offset
 \\param offsetPerEdge offset for each edge of polyline
 \\param upDistLimit upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimit and no valid point
 \\param xf polyline-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimit low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ findProjectionOnPolylineWithOffset()

PolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult3 mrmeshpy.findProjectionOnPolylineWithOffset ( Vector3f pt,
Polyline3 polyline,
UndirectedEdgeScalars offsetPerEdge,
float upDistLimit = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimit = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on polyline to given point, respecting each edge offset
 \\param offsetPerEdge offset for each edge of polyline
 \\param upDistLimit upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimit and no valid point
 \\param xf polyline-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimit low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ findProjectionSubtree()

MeshProjectionResult mrmeshpy.findProjectionSubtree ( Vector3f pt,
MeshPart mp,
AABBTree tree,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float loDistLimitSq = 0,
func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces = '{}',
func_bool_from_MeshProjectionResult validProjections = '{}' )
 \\brief computes the closest point on mesh (or its region) to given point
 \\param tree explicitly given BVH-tree for whole mesh or part of mesh we are searching projection on,
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exits returning upDistLimitSq and no valid point
 \\param xf mesh-to-point transformation, if not specified then identity transformation is assumed
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one
 \\param validFaces if provided then only faces from there will be considered as projections
 \\param validProjections if provided then only projections passed this test can be returned

◆ findRegionBoundaryUndirectedEdgesInsideMesh()

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findRegionBoundaryUndirectedEdgesInsideMesh ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region )
returns all region boundary edges, where each edge has a region face on one side, and a valid not-region face on another side

◆ findRegionOuterFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.findRegionOuterFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region )
\\returns All out of region faces that have a common edge with at least one region face

◆ findRepeatedOrientedTriangles() [1/2]

Triangulation mrmeshpy.findRepeatedOrientedTriangles ( AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
int repetitions )
from local triangulations returns all oriented triangles with given number of repetitions each in [1,3]

◆ findRepeatedOrientedTriangles() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.findRepeatedOrientedTriangles ( AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
Triangulation outRep3,
Triangulation outRep2 )
from local triangulations returns all oriented triangles with 3 or 2 repetitions each;
if both outRep3 and outRep2 are necessary then it is faster to call this function than above one

◆ findRepeatedUnorientedTriangles()

std_vector_UnorientedTriangle mrmeshpy.findRepeatedUnorientedTriangles ( AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
int repetitions )
from local triangulations returns all unoriented triangles with given number of repetitions each in [1,3]

◆ findRepeatedVertsOnHoleBd()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.findRepeatedVertsOnHoleBd ( MeshTopology topology)
returns set bits for all vertices present on the boundary of a hole several times;

◆ findRightBoundary()

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.findRightBoundary ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region = None )
returns all region boundary loops;
every loop has region faces on the right, and not-region faces or holes on the left

◆ findSegmentSegmentIntersectionPrecise() [1/2]

Vector2f mrmeshpy.findSegmentSegmentIntersectionPrecise ( Vector2f a,
Vector2f b,
Vector2f c,
Vector2f d,
CoordinateConverters2 converters )
finds intersection precise, using high precision int inside
this function input should have intersection

◆ findSegmentSegmentIntersectionPrecise() [2/2]

Vector2i mrmeshpy.findSegmentSegmentIntersectionPrecise ( Vector2i a,
Vector2i b,
Vector2i c,
Vector2i d )
finds intersection precise, using high precision int inside
this function input should have intersection

◆ findSelfCollidingEdgePairs()

std_vector_EdgePointPair mrmeshpy.findSelfCollidingEdgePairs ( Polyline2 polyline)
finds all pairs of colliding edges from 2d polyline

◆ findSelfCollidingEdges()

std_vector_UndirectedEdgeUndirectedEdge mrmeshpy.findSelfCollidingEdges ( Polyline2 polyline)
finds all pairs of colliding edges from 2d polyline

◆ findSelfCollidingEdgesBS()

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findSelfCollidingEdgesBS ( Polyline2 polyline)
finds the union of all self-intersecting edges

◆ findSelfCollidingTriangles() [1/2]

std_vector_FaceFace mrmeshpy.findSelfCollidingTriangles ( MeshPart mp,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
Face2RegionMap regionMap = None )
finds all pairs of colliding triangles from one mesh or a region

◆ findSelfCollidingTriangles() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.findSelfCollidingTriangles ( MeshPart mp,
std_vector_FaceFace outCollidingPairs,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
Face2RegionMap regionMap = None )
finds all pairs (or the fact of any self-collision) of colliding triangles from one mesh or a region

◆ findSelfCollidingTrianglesBS()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.findSelfCollidingTrianglesBS ( MeshPart mp,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
Face2RegionMap regionMap = None )
the same \\ref findSelfCollidingTriangles but returns the union of all self-intersecting faces

◆ findShortEdges()

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findShortEdges ( MeshPart mp,
float criticalLength,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
finds edges having length <= criticalLength

◆ findSignedDistance() [1/2]

MeshMeshSignedDistanceResult mrmeshpy.findSignedDistance ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
 \\brief computes minimal distance between two meshes
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the positive distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the function exists returning upDistLimitSq and no valid points

◆ findSignedDistance() [2/2]

SignedDistanceToMeshResult mrmeshpy.findSignedDistance ( Vector3f pt,
MeshPart mp,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
float loDistLimitSq = 0 )
 \\brief computes the closest point on mesh (or its region) to given point,
 and finds the distance with sign to it (positive - outside, negative - inside the mesh)
 \\param upDistLimitSq upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger then the function exits returning nullopt
 \\param loDistLimitSq low limit on the distance in question, if the real distance smaller then the function exits returning nullopt

◆ findSignedDistances() [1/2]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.findSignedDistances ( Mesh refMesh,
Mesh mesh,
MeshProjectionParameters params = '{}',
IPointsToMeshProjector projector = '{}' )
Computes signed distances from valid vertices of test mesh to the closest point on the reference mesh:
positive value - outside reference mesh, negative - inside reference mesh;
this method can return wrong sign if the closest point is located on self-intersecting part of the mesh

◆ findSignedDistances() [2/2]

VertScalars mrmeshpy.findSignedDistances ( Mesh refMesh,
VertCoords testPoints,
VertBitSet validTestPoints = '{}',
MeshProjectionParameters params = '{}',
IPointsToMeshProjector projector = '{}' )
Computes signed distances from given test points to the closest point on the reference mesh:
positive value - outside reference mesh, negative - inside reference mesh;
this method can return wrong sign if the closest point is located on self-intersecting part of the mesh

◆ findSkyRays()

BitSet mrmeshpy.findSkyRays ( Mesh terrain,
VertCoords samples,
VertBitSet validSamples,
std_vector_SkyPatch skyPatches,
std_vector_MeshIntersectionResult outIntersections = None )
In each valid sample point tests the rays from that point in the sky;
\\return bitset where for every valid sample #i its rays are stored at indices [i*numPatches; (i+1)*numPatches),
        0s for occluded rays (hitting the terrain) and 1s for the ones which don't hit anything and reach the sky
\\param outIntersections - optional output vector of MeshIntersectionResult for every valid sample point

◆ findSmallestCloseVertices() [1/3]

VertMap mrmeshpy.findSmallestCloseVertices ( Mesh mesh,
float closeDist,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
returns a map where each valid vertex is mapped to the smallest valid vertex Id located within given distance (including itself), and this smallest vertex is mapped to itself,
each vertex not from valid set is mapped to itself

◆ findSmallestCloseVertices() [2/3]

VertMap mrmeshpy.findSmallestCloseVertices ( PointCloud cloud,
float closeDist,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
returns a map where each valid vertex is mapped to the smallest valid vertex Id located within given distance (including itself), and this smallest vertex is mapped to itself,
each vertex not from valid set is mapped to itself

◆ findSmallestCloseVertices() [3/3]

VertMap mrmeshpy.findSmallestCloseVertices ( VertCoords points,
float closeDist,
VertBitSet valid = None,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
returns a map where each valid vertex is mapped to the smallest valid vertex Id located within given distance (including itself), and this smallest vertex is mapped to itself,
each vertex not from valid set is mapped to itself; the search tree is constructe inside

◆ findSmallestCloseVerticesUsingTree()

VertMap mrmeshpy.findSmallestCloseVerticesUsingTree ( VertCoords points,
float closeDist,
AABBTreePoints tree,
VertBitSet valid,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
returns a map where each valid vertex is mapped to the smallest valid vertex Id located within given distance (including itself), and this smallest vertex is mapped to itself,
each vertex not from valid set is mapped to itself; given tree is used as is

◆ findSteepestDescentPoint() [1/3]

EdgePoint mrmeshpy.findSteepestDescentPoint ( MeshPart mp,
VertScalars field,
EdgePoint ep )
finds the point along minus maximal gradient on the boundary of triangles around given point (the boundary of left and right edge triangles' union in case (ep) is inner edge point)

◆ findSteepestDescentPoint() [2/3]

EdgePoint mrmeshpy.findSteepestDescentPoint ( MeshPart mp,
VertScalars field,
MeshTriPoint tp )
finds the point along minus maximal gradient on the boundary of triangles around given point (the boundary of the triangle itself in case (tp) is inner triangle point)

◆ findSteepestDescentPoint() [3/3]

EdgePoint mrmeshpy.findSteepestDescentPoint ( MeshPart mp,
VertScalars field,
VertId v )
finds the point along minus maximal gradient on the boundary of first ring boundary around given vertex

◆ findSubstringCaseInsensitive()

int mrmeshpy.findSubstringCaseInsensitive ( str string,
str substring )
 Finds the substring in the string.
 \\return position, npos if not found
 \\ingroup BasicGroup

◆ findTriangleSectionsByXYPlane()

std_vector_LineSegm_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.findTriangleSectionsByXYPlane ( MeshPart mp,
float zLevel,
std_vector_Id_FaceTag faces = None,
UseAABBTree u = 'UseAABBTree::Yes' )
finds all intersected triangles by the plane z=zLevel
\\return the section's line segment within each such triangle;
\\param faces optional output of the same size as return, where for each line segment one can find its triangle's id
\\details this function must be faster than
extractXYPlaneSections function when connecting continuous contours take most of the time

◆ findTriangleSegmentIntersectionPrecise()

Vector3f mrmeshpy.findTriangleSegmentIntersectionPrecise ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b,
Vector3f c,
Vector3f d,
Vector3f e,
CoordinateConverters converters )
finds intersection precise, using high precision int inside
this function input should have intersection

◆ findTrisInBall()

None mrmeshpy.findTrisInBall ( MeshPart mp,
Ball3f ball,
func_Processing_from_MeshProjectionResult_Ball_Vector3_float foundCallback,
func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces = '{}' )
enumerates all triangles within the ball until callback returns Stop;
the ball during enumeration can shrink (new ball is always within the previous one) but never expand

◆ findTwinEdgePairs()

std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.findTwinEdgePairs ( Mesh mesh,
float closeDist )
finds pairs of twin edges (each twin edge will be present at least in one of pairs)

◆ findTwinEdges() [1/2]

EdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findTwinEdges ( Mesh mesh,
float closeDist )
finds all directed twin edges

◆ findTwinEdges() [2/2]

EdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findTwinEdges ( std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag pairs)

◆ findTwinUndirectedEdgeHashMap() [1/2]

phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag mrmeshpy.findTwinUndirectedEdgeHashMap ( Mesh mesh,
float closeDist )
provided that each edge has at most one twin, composes bidirectional mapping between twins

◆ findTwinUndirectedEdgeHashMap() [2/2]

◆ findTwinUndirectedEdges() [1/2]

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findTwinUndirectedEdges ( Mesh mesh,
float closeDist )
finds all undirected twin edges

◆ findTwinUndirectedEdges() [2/2]

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.findTwinUndirectedEdges ( std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag pairs)

◆ findTwoClosestPoints()

tuple[VertId, VertId] mrmeshpy.findTwoClosestPoints ( PointCloud pc,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
finds two closest points (first id < second id) in whole point cloud

◆ findUndercuts() [1/3]

None mrmeshpy.findUndercuts ( Mesh mesh,
Vector3f upDirection,
FaceBitSet outUndercuts )
Adds to \\param outUndercuts undercut faces

◆ findUndercuts() [2/3]

float mrmeshpy.findUndercuts ( Mesh mesh,
Vector3f upDirection,
FaceBitSet outUndercuts,
func_double_from_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag_Vector3_float metric )
Adds to \\param outUndercuts undercut faces
Returns summary metric of undercut faces

◆ findUndercuts() [3/3]

None mrmeshpy.findUndercuts ( Mesh mesh,
Vector3f upDirection,
VertBitSet outUndercuts )
Adds to \\param outUndercuts undercut vertices

◆ fixMultipleEdges() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.fixMultipleEdges ( Mesh mesh)
finds and resolves multiple edges

◆ fixMultipleEdges() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.fixMultipleEdges ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_std_pair_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag multipleEdges )
resolves given multiple edges, but splitting all but one edge in each group

◆ fixSelfIntersections()

None mrmeshpy.fixSelfIntersections ( Mesh mesh,
float voxelSize )
Fix self-intersections by converting to voxels and back.

◆ fixUndercuts() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.fixUndercuts ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet selectedArea,
Vector3f upDirection,
float voxelSize = 0.0,
float bottomExtension = 0.0 )
Changes mesh:
Fills all holes first, then:
fixes undercuts (in selected area) via prolonging widest points down
Requires to update RenderObject after using
upDirection is in mesh space
voxelSize -  size of voxel in mesh rasterization, precision grows with lower voxelSize
bottomExtension - this parameter specifies how long should bottom prolongation be, if (bottomExtension <= 0) bottomExtension = 2*voxelSize
  if mesh is not closed this is used to prolong hole and make bottom

if voxelSize == 0.0f it will be counted automaticly

◆ fixUndercuts() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.fixUndercuts ( Mesh mesh,
Vector3f upDirection,
float voxelSize = 0.0,
float bottomExtension = 0.0 )
Changes mesh:
Fills all holes first, then:
fixes undercuts via prolonging widest points down
Requires to update RenderObject after using
upDirection is in mesh space
voxelSize -  size of voxel in mesh rasterization, precision grows with lower voxelSize
bottomExtension - this parameter specifies how long should bottom prolongation be, if (bottomExtension <= 0) bottomExtension = 2*voxelSize
  if mesh is not closed this is used to prolong hole and make bottom

if voxelSize == 0.0f it will be counted automaticly

◆ floatGridToVdbVolume()

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.floatGridToVdbVolume ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid)
fills VdbVolume data from FloatGrid (does not fill voxels size, cause we expect it outside)

◆ formatNoTrailingZeros()

str mrmeshpy.formatNoTrailingZeros ( char_output fmt,
float v,
int digitsAfterPoint,
int precision = 6 )
returns printf-format for floating-point value in decimal notation with given precision in digits
and without trailing zeros after the decimal point
\\param fmt       preallocated buffer of 5 bytes
\\param v         value to print
\\param digitsAfterPoint  maximal number of digits after decimal point
\\param precision         maximal number of not-zero decimal digits

◆ fromSameTriangle() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.fromSameTriangle ( MeshTopology topology,
EdgePoint a,
EdgePoint b )
returns true if points a and b are located on a boundary of the same triangle;
\\details if true a.e and b.e are updated to have that triangle on the left
\\related EdgePoint

◆ fromSameTriangle() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.fromSameTriangle ( MeshTopology topology,
MeshTriPoint a,
MeshTriPoint b )
returns true if points a and b are located insides or on a boundary of the same triangle;
if true a.e and b.e are updated to have that triangle on the left

◆ fromSceneMison() [1/2]

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.fromSceneMison ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
load scene from MISON file \\n
JSON file with array named "Objects" or root array: \\n
element fields:\\n
   "Filename" : required full path to file for loading object
   "XF": optional xf for loaded object
   "Name": optional name for loaded object

◆ fromSceneMison() [2/2]

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.fromSceneMison ( typing.Any in_,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ functionVolumeToSimpleVolume()

SimpleVolumeMinMax mrmeshpy.functionVolumeToSimpleVolume ( FunctionVolume volume,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
converts function volume into simple volume

◆ functionVolumeToVdbVolume()

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.functionVolumeToVdbVolume ( FunctionVolume functoinVolume,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
make VdbVolume from FunctionVolume
make copy of data
set minimum value as the background value

◆ generalOffsetMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.generalOffsetMesh ( MeshPart mp,
float offset,
GeneralOffsetParameters params )
Offsets mesh by converting it to voxels and back using one of three modes specified in the parameters

◆ getAligningXf()

AffineXf3f mrmeshpy.getAligningXf ( PointToPlaneAligningTransform p2pl,
ICPMode mode,
float angleLimit,
float scaleLimit,
Vector3f fixedRotationAxis )
given prepared (p2pl) object, finds the best transformation from it of given type with given limitations on rotation angle and global scale

◆ getAllComponents() [1/3]

std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag mrmeshpy.getAllComponents ( Face2RegionMap componentsMap,
int componentsCount,
FaceBitSet region,
int maxComponentCount )
gets all connected components from components map ( FaceId => RegionId )
\\detail if components  number more than the maxComponentCount, they will be combined into groups of the same size (this similarly changes componentsMap)
\\param maxComponentCount should be more then 1
\\return components bitsets vector

◆ getAllComponents() [2/3]

tuple[std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag, int] mrmeshpy.getAllComponents ( MeshPart meshPart,
int maxComponentCount,
MeshComponents.FaceIncidence incidence = 'FaceIncidence::PerEdge',
func_bool_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag isCompBd = '{}' )
gets all connected components of mesh part
\\detail if components  number more than the maxComponentCount, they will be combined into groups of the same size
\\param maxComponentCount should be more then 1
\\return pair components bitsets vector and number components in one group if components number more than maxComponentCount

◆ getAllComponents() [3/3]

std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag mrmeshpy.getAllComponents ( MeshPart meshPart,
MeshComponents.FaceIncidence incidence = 'FaceIncidence::PerEdge',
func_bool_from_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag isCompBd = '{}' )
gets all connected components of mesh part
\\note be careful, if mesh is large enough and has many components, the memory overflow will occur

◆ getAllComponentsVerts()

std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VertTag mrmeshpy.getAllComponentsVerts ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet region = None )
gets all connected components of mesh part

◆ getAllFilters()

std_vector_IOFilter mrmeshpy.getAllFilters ( )
returns filters for all supported file formats for all types of objects

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_Object()

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectDistanceMap()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectDistanceMap mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectDistanceMap ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectLines()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectLines ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectLinesHolder()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLinesHolder mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectLinesHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectMesh()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectMesh ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectMeshHolder()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMeshHolder mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectMeshHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectPoints()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectPoints ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectPointsHolder()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPointsHolder mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectPointsHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectVoxels()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_ObjectVoxels ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAllObjectsInTree_VisualObject()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VisualObject mrmeshpy.getAllObjectsInTree_VisualObject ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getAt()

given some buffer map and a key, returns the value associated with the key, or default value if key is invalid

◆ getBooleanPoints()

BooleanResultPoints mrmeshpy.getBooleanPoints ( Mesh meshA,
Mesh meshB,
BooleanOperation operation,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
\\brief Returns the points of mesh boolean's result mesh

\\ingroup BooleanGroup
Returns vertices and intersection points of mesh that is result of boolean operation of mesh `A` and mesh `B`.
Can be used as fast alternative for cases where the mesh topology can be ignored (bounding box, convex hull, etc.)
\\param meshA Input mesh `A`
\\param meshB Input mesh `B`
\\param operation Boolean operation to perform
\\param rigidB2A Transform from mesh `B` space to mesh `A` space

◆ getBoundaryFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getBoundaryFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region )
returns faces from given region that have at least one neighbor face with shared edge not from the region

◆ getBoundaryVerts()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getBoundaryVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region = None )
composes the set of all boundary vertices for given region (or whole mesh if !region)

◆ getCancelMessage()

str mrmeshpy.getCancelMessage ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path)
Returns message showed when loading is canceled

◆ getCircumscribedMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getCircumscribedMetric ( Mesh mesh)
This metric minimizes the sum of circumcircle radii for all triangles in the triangulation.
It is rather fast to calculate, and it results in typically good triangulations.

◆ getComplexFillMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getComplexFillMetric ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag e )
This metric minimizes the sum of triangleMetric for all triangles in the triangulation
plus the sum edgeMetric for all edges inside and on the boundary of the triangulation.\\n
triangleMetric is proportional to weighted triangle area and triangle aspect ratio\\n
edgeMetric grows with angle between triangles as ( ( 1 - cos( x ) ) / ( 1 + cos( x ) ) ) ^ 4.

◆ getComplexStitchMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getComplexStitchMetric ( Mesh mesh)
This metric minimizes the sum of triangleMetric for all triangles in the triangulation
plus the sum edgeMetric for all edges inside and on the boundary of the triangulation.\\n
triangleMetric is proportional to triangle aspect ratio\\n
edgeMetric is proportional to ( 1 - dihedralAngleCos )

◆ getContourPlaneIntersections()

int mrmeshpy.getContourPlaneIntersections ( std_vector_Vector3_float path,
Plane3f plane,
std_vector_Vector3_float outIntersections = None )
finds all intersection points between given contour and plane, adds them in outIntersections and returns their number

◆ GetCpuId()

str mrmeshpy.GetCpuId ( )
returns string identification of the CPU

◆ getCrossedFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getCrossedFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_EdgePoint isoline )
for a consistently oriented isoline, returns all faces it goes inside

◆ getCurrentStacktrace()

str mrmeshpy.getCurrentStacktrace ( )
returns string representation of the current stacktrace

◆ getCurrentStacktraceInline()

str mrmeshpy.getCurrentStacktraceInline ( )
returns string representation of the current stacktrace;
the function is inlined, to put the code in any shared library;
if std::stacktrace is first called from MRMesh.dll then it is not unloaded propely

◆ getDepthFirstObject_Object()

Object mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_Object ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectDistanceMap()

ObjectDistanceMap mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectDistanceMap ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectLines()

ObjectLines mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectLines ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectLinesHolder()

ObjectLinesHolder mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectLinesHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectMesh()

ObjectMesh mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectMesh ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectMeshHolder()

ObjectMeshHolder mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectMeshHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectPoints()

ObjectPoints mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectPoints ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectPointsHolder()

ObjectPointsHolder mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectPointsHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_ObjectVoxels()

ObjectVoxels mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_ObjectVoxels ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ getDepthFirstObject_VisualObject()

VisualObject mrmeshpy.getDepthFirstObject_VisualObject ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type )

◆ GetDetailedOSName()

str mrmeshpy.GetDetailedOSName ( )
returns string with OS name with details

◆ getEdgeLengthFillMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getEdgeLengthFillMetric ( Mesh mesh)
Simple metric minimizing the sum of all edge lengths

◆ getEdgeLengthStitchMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getEdgeLengthStitchMetric ( Mesh mesh)
Forbids connecting vertices from the same hole \\n
Simple metric minimizing edge length

◆ getEdgeOrdering()

UndirectedEdgeBMap mrmeshpy.getEdgeOrdering ( FaceBMap faceMap,
MeshTopology topology )
compute the order of edges given the order of faces:
edges near first faces also appear first;
\\param faceMap old face id -> new face id

◆ GetEmbeddedPythonDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetEmbeddedPythonDirectory ( )
returns path of embedded python modules files directory
.dll .so files

◆ GetExeDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetExeDirectory ( )
returns path of current exe directory

◆ getFacesByMinEdgeLength()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getFacesByMinEdgeLength ( Mesh mesh,
float minLength )
Return faces with at least one edge longer than the specified length.

◆ getFeatureDirection()

Vector3f mrmeshpy.getFeatureDirection ( FeatureObject feature)
Using forEachObjectKind the template collects a list of features for which the method ...->getDirection() is available

◆ getFeatureNormal()

Vector3f mrmeshpy.getFeatureNormal ( FeatureObject feature)
Using forEachObjectKind the template collects a list of features for which the method ...->getNormal() is available

◆ getFeaturesTypeWithDirections()

std_unordered_set_std_string mrmeshpy.getFeaturesTypeWithDirections ( )
Try to getDirection from specific feature using forEachObjectKind template. Returns nullopt is ...->getDirection() is not available for given feature type.

◆ getFeaturesTypeWithNormals()

std_unordered_set_std_string mrmeshpy.getFeaturesTypeWithNormals ( )
Try to getNormal from specific feature using forEachObjectKind template. Returns nullopt is ...->getNormal() is not available for given feature type.

◆ GetFontsDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetFontsDirectory ( )
returns path of font files directory
.ttf files

◆ getHoleFillPlan()

HoleFillPlan mrmeshpy.getHoleFillPlan ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag e,
FillHoleParams params = '{}' )
prepares the plan how to triangulate the face or hole to the left of (e) (not filling it immediately),
several getHoleFillPlan can work in parallel

◆ GetHomeDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetHomeDirectory ( )
returns home directory

◆ getICPStatusInfo()

str mrmeshpy.getICPStatusInfo ( int iterations,
ICPExitType exitType )
returns status info string

◆ getIncidentEdges() [1/2]

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentEdges ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet faces )
composes the set of all undirected edges, having a face from given set from one of two sides

◆ getIncidentEdges() [2/2]

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentEdges ( MeshTopology topology,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges )
composes the set of all undirected edges, having at least one common vertex with an edge from given set

◆ getIncidentFaces() [1/2]

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges )
composes the set of all faces incident to given edges

◆ getIncidentFaces() [2/2]

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
VertBitSet verts )
composes the set of all faces incident to given vertices

◆ getIncidentVerts() [1/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet faces )
composes the set of all vertices incident to given faces

◆ getIncidentVerts() [2/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet faces,
VertBitSet store )
if faces-parameter is null pointer then simply returns the reference on all valid vertices;
otherwise performs store = getIncidentVerts( topology, *faces ) and returns reference on store

◆ getIncidentVerts() [3/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges )
composes the set of all vertices incident to given edges

◆ getIncidentVerts() [4/4]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getIncidentVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges,
VertBitSet store )
if edges-parameter is null pointer then simply returns the reference on all valid vertices;
otherwise performs store = getIncidentVerts( topology, *edges ) and returns reference on store

◆ getInnerEdges() [1/2]

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.getInnerEdges ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region )
composes the set of all edges having both left and right in given region

◆ getInnerEdges() [2/2]

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.getInnerEdges ( MeshTopology topology,
VertBitSet verts )
composes the set of all edges with all their vertices in given set

◆ getInnerFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getInnerFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
VertBitSet verts )
composes the set of all faces with all their vertices in given set

◆ getInnerVerts() [1/2]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getInnerVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region = None )
composes the set of all vertices not on the boundary of a hole and with all their adjacent faces in given set

◆ getInnerVerts() [2/2]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getInnerVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges )
composes the set of all vertices with all their edges in given set

◆ GetLibsDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetLibsDirectory ( )
returns path of lib files directory
.dll .so files

◆ getMaxDihedralAngleMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getMaxDihedralAngleMetric ( Mesh mesh)
This metric minimizes the maximal dihedral angle between the faces in the triangulation
and on its boundary

◆ getMeanSqDistToPlane()

float mrmeshpy.getMeanSqDistToPlane ( IPointPairs pairs)
computes root-mean-square deviation from points to target planes

◆ getMeanSqDistToPoint()

float mrmeshpy.getMeanSqDistToPoint ( IPointPairs pairs)
computes root-mean-square deviation between points

◆ getMeshOrPoints()

MeshOrPoints mrmeshpy.getMeshOrPoints ( VisualObject obj)
constructs MeshOrPoints from ObjectMesh or ObjectPoints, otherwise returns nullopt

◆ getMinAreaMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getMinAreaMetric ( Mesh mesh)
This metric is for triangulation construction with minimal summed area of triangles.
Warning: this metric can produce degenerated triangles

◆ getMinTriAngleMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getMinTriAngleMetric ( Mesh mesh)
This metric maximizes the minimal angle among all faces in the triangulation

◆ GetMRVersionString()

str mrmeshpy.GetMRVersionString ( )
returns version of MR

◆ getNeighborFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getNeighborFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet edges )
composes the set of all left and right faces of given edges

◆ getNumActivePairs()

int mrmeshpy.getNumActivePairs ( IPointPairs pairs)
computes the number of active pairs

◆ getNumNodes()

int mrmeshpy.getNumNodes ( int numLeaves)
returns the number of nodes in the binary tree with given number of leaves

◆ getNumSamples()

int mrmeshpy.getNumSamples ( IPointPairs pairs)
returns the number of samples able to form pairs

◆ getOneMeshIntersectionContours()

std_vector_OneMeshContour mrmeshpy.getOneMeshIntersectionContours ( Mesh meshA,
Mesh meshB,
std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri contours,
bool getMeshAIntersections,
CoordinateConverters converters,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
Converts ordered continuous contours of two meshes to OneMeshContours
converters is required for better precision in case of degenerations
note that contours should not have intersections

◆ getOptimalFaceOrdering()

FaceBMap mrmeshpy.getOptimalFaceOrdering ( Mesh mesh)
computes optimal order of faces: old face id -> new face id,
the order is similar as in AABB tree, but faster to compute

◆ getOSNoSpaces()

str mrmeshpy.getOSNoSpaces ( )
returns string identification of the OS

◆ getParallelPlaneFillMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getParallelPlaneFillMetric ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag e,
Plane3f plane = None )
This metric minimizes summary projection of new edges to plane normal, (try do produce edges parallel to plane)

◆ getPathEdgesInPlane()

int mrmeshpy.getPathEdgesInPlane ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path,
Plane3f plane,
float tolerance = 0.0,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag outInPlaneEdges = None )
finds all path edges located in given plane with given tolerance, adds them in outInPlaneEdges and returns their number

◆ getPathPlaneIntersections()

int mrmeshpy.getPathPlaneIntersections ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path,
Plane3f plane,
std_vector_EdgePoint outIntersections = None )
finds all intersection points between given path and plane, adds them in outIntersections and returns their number

◆ getPlanarHoleFillPlan()

HoleFillPlan mrmeshpy.getPlanarHoleFillPlan ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag e )
prepares the plan how to triangulate the planar face or planar hole to the left of (e) (not filling it immediately),
several getPlanarHoleFillPlan can work in parallel

◆ getPlaneFillMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getPlaneFillMetric ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag e )
Same as getCircumscribedFillMetric, but with extra penalty for the triangles having
normals looking in the opposite side of plane containing left of (e).

◆ getPlaneNormalizedFillMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getPlaneNormalizedFillMetric ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag e )
Similar to getPlaneFillMetric with extra penalty for the triangles having
normals looking in the opposite side of plane containing left of (e),
but the metric minimizes the sum of circumcircle radius times aspect ratio for all triangles in the triangulation.

◆ getProccessMemoryInfo()

ProccessMemoryInfo mrmeshpy.getProccessMemoryInfo ( )

◆ getRegionBoundaryVerts()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.getRegionBoundaryVerts ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region )
composes the set of all boundary vertices for given region,
unlike getBoundaryVerts the vertices of mesh boundary having no incident not-region faces are not returned

◆ getRegionEdges()

EdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.getRegionEdges ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet faces )
composes the set of all edges, having a face from given set at the left

◆ GetResourcesDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetResourcesDirectory ( )
returns path of resource files directory
.json and .png files

◆ getStreamSize()

int mrmeshpy.getStreamSize ( typing.Any in_)
get the size of the remaining data in the input stream

◆ getSubdividePart()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.getSubdividePart ( FaceBitSet valids,
int subdivideParts,
int myPart )
 \\brief returns given subdivision part of all valid faces;
 parallel threads shall be able to safely modify these bits because they do not share any block with other parts
 \\ingroup DecimateGroup

◆ getSumSqDistToPlane()

NumSum mrmeshpy.getSumSqDistToPlane ( IPointPairs pairs,
std_optional_double inaccuracy = '{}' )
computes the number of active pairs and the sum of squared deviation from points to target planes
or the difference between the squared distances between points to target planes and inaccuracy

◆ getSumSqDistToPoint()

NumSum mrmeshpy.getSumSqDistToPoint ( IPointPairs pairs,
std_optional_double inaccuracy = '{}' )
computes the number of active pairs and the sum of squared distances between points
or the difference between the squared distances between points and inaccuracy

◆ getSurfacePathsViaVertices()

std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.getSurfacePathsViaVertices ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet vs )
returns a set of mesh lines passing via most of given vertices in auto-selected order;
the lines try to avoid sharp turns in the vertices

◆ getSystemMemory()

SystemMemory mrmeshpy.getSystemMemory ( )
return information about memory available in the system

◆ GetTempDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetTempDirectory ( )
returns temp directory

◆ getToFloatConverter()

func_Vector3_float_from_Vector3_int mrmeshpy.getToFloatConverter ( Box3d box)
creates converter from Vector3i to Vector3f in Box range (int diapason is mapped to box range)

◆ getToIntConverter()

func_Vector3_int_from_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.getToIntConverter ( Box3d box)
creates converter from Vector3f to Vector3i in Box range (int diapason is mapped to box range)

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_Object()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_Object ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectDistanceMap()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectDistanceMap mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectDistanceMap ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectLines()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLines mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectLines ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectLinesHolder()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectLinesHolder mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectLinesHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectMesh()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMesh mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectMesh ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectMeshHolder()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectMeshHolder mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectMeshHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectPoints()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPoints mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectPoints ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectPointsHolder()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectPointsHolder mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectPointsHolder ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectVoxels()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_ObjectVoxels ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTopmostVisibleObjects_VisualObject()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_VisualObject mrmeshpy.getTopmostVisibleObjects_VisualObject ( Object root,
ObjectSelectivityType type = 'ObjectSelectivityType::Selectable' )

◆ getTypeConverter()

func_float_from_char_const mrmeshpy.getTypeConverter ( ScalarType scalarType,
int range,
int min )
get a function to convert binary data of specified format type to a scalar value
\\param scalarType - binary format type
\\param range - (for integer types only) the range of possible values
\\param min - (for integer types only) the minimal value

◆ getUniversalMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getUniversalMetric ( Mesh mesh)
This metric minimizes the maximal dihedral angle between the faces in the triangulation
and on its boundary, and it avoids creating too degenerate triangles;
 for planar holes it is the same as getCircumscribedMetric

◆ getUserConfigDir()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.getUserConfigDir ( )
return path to the folder with user config file(s)

◆ getUserConfigFilePath()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.getUserConfigFilePath ( )
returns path of config file in APPDATA

◆ getValue()

float mrmeshpy.getValue ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
Vector3i p )
returns the value at given voxel

◆ getVectorConverters()

CoordinateConverters mrmeshpy.getVectorConverters ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
 \\brief creates simple converters from Vector3f to Vector3i and back in mesh parts area range
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation

◆ getVertexAsMeshTriPoint()

MeshTriPoint mrmeshpy.getVertexAsMeshTriPoint ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag e,
VertId v )
returns MeshTriPoint representation of given vertex with given edge field; or invalid MeshTriPoint if it is not possible

◆ getVertexOrdering() [1/2]

VertBMap mrmeshpy.getVertexOrdering ( FaceBMap faceMap,
MeshTopology topology )
compute the order of vertices given the order of faces:
vertices near first faces also appear first;
\\param faceMap old face id -> new face id

◆ getVertexOrdering() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_VertTag mrmeshpy.getVertexOrdering ( MeshTopology topology,
VertBitSet region )
returns all vertices from given region ordered in each connected component in breadth-first way

◆ getVerticalStitchMetric()

FillHoleMetric mrmeshpy.getVerticalStitchMetric ( Mesh mesh,
Vector3f upDir )
Forbids connecting vertices from the same hole \\n
All new faces should be parallel to given direction

◆ GetWindowsInstallDirectory()

pathlib.Path mrmeshpy.GetWindowsInstallDirectory ( )
returns the folder where Windows installed, typically "C:\\Windows"

◆ getXfFromOxyPlane() [1/2]

AffineXf3f mrmeshpy.getXfFromOxyPlane ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths )

◆ getXfFromOxyPlane() [2/2]

AffineXf3f mrmeshpy.getXfFromOxyPlane ( std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float contours)
computes the transformation that maps
O into center mass of contours' points
OXY into best plane containing the points

◆ gridToMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.gridToMesh ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
GridToMeshSettings settings )
converts OpenVDB Grid into mesh using Dual Marching Cubes algorithm
converts OpenVDB Grid into mesh using Dual Marching Cubes algorithm;
deletes grid in the middle to reduce peak memory consumption

◆ hardSmoothTetrahedrons()

None mrmeshpy.hardSmoothTetrahedrons ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet region = None )
move all region vertices with exactly three neighbor vertices in the center of the neighbors

◆ hasAnyIsoline() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.hasAnyIsoline ( MeshTopology topology,
func_float_from_Id_VertTag vertValues,
FaceBitSet region = None )
quickly returns true if extractIsolines produce not-empty set for the same arguments

◆ hasAnyIsoline() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.hasAnyIsoline ( MeshTopology topology,
VertScalars vertValues,
float isoValue,
FaceBitSet region = None )
quickly returns true if extractIsolines produce not-empty set for the same arguments

◆ hasAnyPlaneSection()

bool mrmeshpy.hasAnyPlaneSection ( MeshPart mp,
Plane3f plane )
quickly returns true if extractPlaneSections produce not-empty set for the same arguments

◆ hasAnyXYPlaneSection()

bool mrmeshpy.hasAnyXYPlaneSection ( MeshPart mp,
float zLevel )
quickly returns true if extractXYPlaneSections produce not-empty set for the same arguments

◆ hasMultipleEdges()

bool mrmeshpy.hasMultipleEdges ( MeshTopology topology)

◆ hasProhibitedChars()

bool mrmeshpy.hasProhibitedChars ( str line)
returns true if line contains any of OS prohibited chars ('?', '*', '/', '\\', '"', '<', '>')

◆ heapBytes()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid)
returns the amount of heap memory occupied by grid

◆ heapBytes_Color()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_Color ( std_vector_Color vec)
returns the amount of memory given vector occupies on heap

◆ heapBytes_float()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_float ( std_vector_float vec)
returns the amount of memory given vector occupies on heap

◆ heapBytes_Mesh()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_Mesh ( Mesh ptr)
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap

◆ heapBytes_MeshTexture_TextureId()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_MeshTexture_TextureId ( Vector_MeshTexture_TextureId vec)

◆ heapBytes_Object()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_Object ( Object ptr)
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap

◆ heapBytes_OpenVdbFloatGrid()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_OpenVdbFloatGrid ( OpenVdbFloatGrid ptr)
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap

◆ heapBytes_PointCloud()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_PointCloud ( PointCloud ptr)
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap

◆ heapBytes_Polyline3()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_Polyline3 ( Polyline3 ptr)
returns the amount of memory this smart pointer and its pointed object own together on heap

◆ heapBytes_std_shared_ptr_Object()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_std_shared_ptr_Object ( std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object vec)
returns the amount of memory given vector occupies on heap

◆ heapBytes_unsigned_long_long()

int mrmeshpy.heapBytes_unsigned_long_long ( std_vector_unsigned_long_long vec)
returns the amount of memory given vector occupies on heap

◆ identityMetric()

func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.identityMetric ( )
metric returning 1 for every edge

◆ improveSampling()

bool mrmeshpy.improveSampling ( PointCloud cloud,
VertBitSet samples,
ImproveSamplingSettings settings )
Finds more representative sampling starting from a given one following k-means method;
\\param samples input and output selected sample points from \\param cloud;
\\return false if it was terminated by the callback
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ inflate()

None mrmeshpy.inflate ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet verts,
InflateSettings settings )
Inflates (in one of two sides) given mesh region,
putting given vertices in such positions to make smooth surface inside verts-region, but sharp on its boundary;
\\param verts must not include all vertices of a mesh connected component

◆ interpolateArcs()

None mrmeshpy.interpolateArcs ( std_vector_GCommand commands,
ArcInterpolationParams params,
Axis axis )
interpolates given path with arcs

◆ interpolateLines()

None mrmeshpy.interpolateLines ( std_vector_GCommand commands,
LineInterpolationParams params,
Axis axis )
interpolates several points lying on the same straight line with one move

◆ intersection()

Vector2f mrmeshpy.intersection ( LineSegm2f segm1,
LineSegm2f segm2 )
finds an intersection between a segm1 and a segm2
\\return nullopt if they don't intersect (even if they match)

◆ isClosed()

bool mrmeshpy.isClosed ( std_vector_Vector3_float c)

◆ isConsistentlyOriented()

bool mrmeshpy.isConsistentlyOriented ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_EdgePoint isoline )
returns true if left(isoline[i].e) == right(isoline[i+1].e) and valid for all i;
all above functions produce consistently oriented lines

◆ isDegree3Dest()

bool mrmeshpy.isDegree3Dest ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag e )
returns true if the destination of given edge has degree 3 and 3 incident triangles

◆ isEdgeBetweenDoubleTris()

bool mrmeshpy.isEdgeBetweenDoubleTris ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag e )
returns true if the edge e has both left and right triangular faces and the degree of dest( e ) is 2

◆ isEdgeLoop()

bool mrmeshpy.isEdgeLoop ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edges )
returns true if every next edge starts where previous edge ends, and start vertex coincides with finish vertex

◆ isEdgePath()

bool mrmeshpy.isEdgePath ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag edges )
returns true if every next edge starts where previous edge ends

◆ isHoleBd()

bool mrmeshpy.isHoleBd ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loop )
returns true if given loop is a boundary of one hole in given mesh topology:
* every edge in the loop does not have left face,
* next/prev edges in the loop are related as follows: next = topology.prev( prev.sym() )
if the function returns true, then any edge from the loop passed to \\ref fillHole will fill the same hole

◆ isInside() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.isInside ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
 \\brief checks that arbitrary mesh part A is inside of closed mesh part B
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation

◆ isInside() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.isInside ( Polyline2 a,
Polyline2 b,
AffineXf2f rigidB2A = None )
 \\brief checks that arbitrary 2d polyline A is inside of closed 2d polyline B
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-polyline space to A polyline space, nullptr considered as identity transformation

◆ isNanFast()

bool mrmeshpy.isNanFast ( float f)
quickly tests whether given float is not-a-number

◆ isNonIntersectingInside() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.isNonIntersectingInside ( Mesh a,
FaceId partFace,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
 \\brief checks that arbitrary mesh A part (whole part is represented by one face `partFace`) is inside of closed mesh part B
 The version of `isInside` without collision check; it is user's responsibility to guarantee that the meshes don't collide
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation

◆ isNonIntersectingInside() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.isNonIntersectingInside ( MeshPart a,
MeshPart b,
AffineXf3f rigidB2A = None )
 \\brief checks that arbitrary mesh part A is inside of closed mesh part B
 The version of `isInside` without collision check; it is user's responsibility to guarantee that the meshes don't collide
 \\param rigidB2A rigid transformation from B-mesh space to A mesh space, nullptr considered as identity transformation

◆ isPickedPointValid()

bool mrmeshpy.isPickedPointValid ( VisualObject object,
std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int point )
Checks that the picked point presents in the object's topology

◆ isPointInsidePolyline()

bool mrmeshpy.isPointInsidePolyline ( Polyline2 polyline,
Vector2f point )
 \\brief detect if given point is inside polyline, by counting ray intersections
 \\param polyline input polyline
 \\param point input point

◆ isSupportedFileInSubfolders()

bool mrmeshpy.isSupportedFileInSubfolders ( os.PathLike | str | bytes folder)
check if there are any supported files folder and subfolders

◆ isTIFFFile()

bool mrmeshpy.isTIFFFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path)
returns true if given file is tiff

◆ isVertexRepeatedOnHoleBd()

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.isVertexRepeatedOnHoleBd ( MeshTopology topology,
VertId v )
if given vertex is present on the boundary of some hole several times then returns an edge of this hole (without left);
returns invalid edge otherwise (not a boundary vertex, or it is present only once on the boundary of each hole it pertains to)

◆ lacingToolPath()

ToolPathResult mrmeshpy.lacingToolPath ( MeshPart mp,
ToolPathParams params,
Axis cutDirection )
Slices are built along the axis defined by cutDirection argument (can be Axis::X or Axis::Y)

◆ leftRing() [1/2]

◆ leftRing() [2/2]

to iterate over all edges with same left face as firstEdge (INCLUDING firstEdge)
for ( Edge e : leftRing( topology, firstEdge ) ) ...

◆ leftRing0()

to iterate over all edges with same left face as firstEdge (EXCLUDING firstEdge)
for ( Edge e : leftRing0( topology, firstEdge ) ) ...

◆ loadASCIIStl() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadASCIIStl ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in textual .STL format

◆ loadASCIIStl() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadASCIIStl ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in textual .STL format

◆ loadBinaryStl() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadBinaryStl ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in binary .STL format

◆ loadBinaryStl() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadBinaryStl ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in binary .STL format;
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode

◆ loadDistanceMapFromImage()

DistanceMap mrmeshpy.loadDistanceMapFromImage ( os.PathLike | str | bytes filename,
float threshold = 0.003921568859368563 )
load distance map from a grayscale image file
    threshold - threshold of valid values [0.; 1.]. pixel with color less then threshold set invalid

◆ loadDxf() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadDxf ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in .DXF format;

◆ loadDxf() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadDxf ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in .DXF format;

◆ loadIOExtras()

None mrmeshpy.loadIOExtras ( )

◆ loadLines() [1/2]

Polyline3 mrmeshpy.loadLines ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
detects the format from file extension and loads polyline from it

◆ loadLines() [2/2]

Polyline3 mrmeshpy.loadLines ( typing.Any in_,
str extension,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
extension in `*.ext` format

◆ loadMesh() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadMesh ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in the format detected from file extension

◆ loadMesh() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadMesh ( typing.Any in_,
str extension,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in the format detected from given extension-string (`*.ext`);
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode

◆ loadMeshDll()

None mrmeshpy.loadMeshDll ( )

◆ loadMrmesh() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadMrmesh ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in internal MeshLib format

◆ loadMrmesh() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadMrmesh ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in internal MeshLib format;
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode

◆ loadObj() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadObj ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in .OBJ format

◆ loadObj() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadObj ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in .OBJ format;
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode

◆ loadObjectFromFile()

LoadedObjects mrmeshpy.loadObjectFromFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes filename,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
 \\brief load all objects (or any type: mesh, lines, points, voxels or scene) from file
 \\param callback - callback function to set progress (for progress bar)

◆ loadOff() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadOff ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in .OFF format

◆ loadOff() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadOff ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in .OFF format

◆ loadPly() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadPly ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in .PLY format;

◆ loadPly() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadPly ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in .PLY format;
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode

◆ loadPoints() [1/2]

PointCloud mrmeshpy.loadPoints ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
PointsLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
detects the format from file extension and loads points from it

◆ loadPoints() [2/2]

PointCloud mrmeshpy.loadPoints ( typing.Any in_,
str extension,
PointsLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
extension in `*.ext` format

◆ loadSceneFromAnySupportedFormat()

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.loadSceneFromAnySupportedFormat ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
tries to load scene from every format listed in SceneFormatFilters

◆ loadSceneObject()

Object mrmeshpy.loadSceneObject ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
Detects the format from file extension and loads scene object from it.

◆ loadStl() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadStl ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from file in any .STL format: both binary and ASCII

◆ loadStl() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.loadStl ( typing.Any in_,
MeshLoadSettings settings = '{}' )
loads mesh from stream in any .STL format: both binary and ASCII;
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode

◆ loadVoxels()

std_vector_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid mrmeshpy.loadVoxels ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Detects the format from file extension and loads voxels from it

◆ loadVoxelsGav() [1/2]

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.loadVoxelsGav ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Load voxel from Gav-file with micro CT reconstruction

◆ loadVoxelsGav() [2/2]

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.loadVoxelsGav ( typing.Any in_,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Load voxel from Gav-stream with micro CT reconstruction

◆ loadVoxelsRaw() [1/3]

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.loadVoxelsRaw ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Load raw voxels file, parsing parameters from name 

◆ loadVoxelsRaw() [2/3]

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.loadVoxelsRaw ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
VoxelsLoad.RawParameters params,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Load raw voxels from file with provided parameters

◆ loadVoxelsRaw() [3/3]

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.loadVoxelsRaw ( typing.Any in_,
VoxelsLoad.RawParameters params,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Load raw voxels from stream with provided parameters;
important on Windows: in stream must be open in binary mode

◆ localFindSelfIntersections()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.localFindSelfIntersections ( Mesh mesh,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Find all self-intersections faces component-wise

◆ localFixSelfIntersections()

None mrmeshpy.localFixSelfIntersections ( Mesh mesh,
SelfIntersections.Settings settings )
Finds and fixes self-intersections per component:

◆ makeArrow()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeArrow ( Vector3f base,
Vector3f vert,
float thickness = 0.05000000074505806,
float coneRadius = 0.10000000149011612,
float coneSize = 0.20000000298023224,
int qual = 32 )
creates hollow arrow from the 'base' to the 'vert'. Number of points on the circle 'qual' is between 3 and 256

◆ makeBasisAxes()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeBasisAxes ( float size = 1.0,
float thickness = 0.05000000074505806,
float coneRadius = 0.10000000149011612,
float coneSize = 0.20000000298023224,
int qual = 32 )
creates the mesh with 3 axis arrows

◆ makeBridge()

MakeBridgeResult mrmeshpy.makeBridge ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag a,
Id_EdgeTag b,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
creates a bridge between two boundary edges a and b (both having no valid left face);
bridge consists of two triangles in general or of one triangle if a and b are neighboring edges on the boundary;
\\return MakeBridgeResult evaluating to false if bridge cannot be created because otherwise multiple edges appear

◆ makeBridgeEdge()

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.makeBridgeEdge ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag a,
Id_EdgeTag b )
creates a new bridge edge between origins of two boundary edges a and b (both having no valid left face);
\\return invalid id if bridge cannot be created because otherwise multiple edges appear

◆ makeCone()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeCone ( float radius0 = 0.10000000149011612,
float length = 1.0,
int resolution = 32 )
Makes cone mesh by calling makeCylinderAdvanced with the top radius 0.

◆ makeConvexHull() [1/3]

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeConvexHull ( Mesh in_)

◆ makeConvexHull() [2/3]

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeConvexHull ( PointCloud in_)

◆ makeConvexHull() [3/3]

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeConvexHull ( VertCoords points,
VertBitSet validPoints )
computes the mesh of convex hull from given input points

◆ makeCube()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeCube ( Vector3f size = 'Vector3f::diagonal(1.F)',
Vector3f base = 'Vector3f::diagonal(-0.5F)' )
Base is "lower" corner of the cube coordinates

◆ makeCylinder()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeCylinder ( float radius = 0.10000000149011612,
float length = 1.0,
int resolution = 16 )
Draws cylinder with radius 'radius', height - 'length', its base have 'resolution' sides

◆ makeCylinderAdvanced()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeCylinderAdvanced ( float radius0 = 0.10000000149011612,
float radius1 = 0.10000000149011612,
float start_angle = 0.0,
float arc_size = 6.2831854820251465,
float length = 1.0,
int resolution = 16 )

◆ makeDegenerateBandAroundHole()

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.makeDegenerateBandAroundHole ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
creates a band of degenerate triangles around given hole;
\\return the edge of new hole opposite to input edge (a)

◆ makeDegenerateBandAroundRegion()

None mrmeshpy.makeDegenerateBandAroundRegion ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet region,
MakeDegenerateBandAroundRegionParams params = '{}' )
 \\brief Create a band of degenerate faces along the border of the specified region and the rest of the mesh
 \\details The function is useful for extruding the region without changing the existing faces and creating holes

 @param mesh - the target mesh
 @param region - the region required to be separated by a band of degenerate faces
 @param params - optional output parameters

◆ makeDeloneEdgeFlips()

int mrmeshpy.makeDeloneEdgeFlips ( Mesh mesh,
DeloneSettings settings = '{}',
int numIters = 1,
func_bool_from_float progressCallback = '{}' )
improves mesh triangulation by performing flipping of edges to satisfy Delone local property,
consider every edge at most numIters times, and allow surface deviation at most on given value during every individual flip,
\\return the number of flips done
\\param numIters Maximal iteration count
\\param progressCallback Callback to report algorithm progress and cancel it by user request

◆ makeDeloneOriginRing()

None mrmeshpy.makeDeloneOriginRing ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag e,
DeloneSettings settings = '{}' )
improves mesh triangulation in a ring of vertices with common origin and represented by edge e

◆ makeFreeFormOriginGrid()

std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.makeFreeFormOriginGrid ( Box3f box,
Vector3i resolution )
Returns positions of grid points in given box with given resolution 

◆ makeLevelOfDetails()

Object mrmeshpy.makeLevelOfDetails ( Mesh mesh,
int maxDepth )
divides given mesh into hierarchy of mesh objects:
the deepest level of the hierarchy has all details from the original mesh;
top levels have progressively less number of objects and less details in each;
the number of faces in any object on any level is about the same.

◆ makeMovementBuildBody()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeMovementBuildBody ( std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float body,
std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float trajectory,
MovementBuildBodyParams params = '{}' )
makes mesh by moving `body` along `trajectory`
if allowRotation rotate it in corners

◆ makeNormals()

VertCoords mrmeshpy.makeNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
int avgNeighborhoodSize = 48 )
\\brief Makes consistent normals for valid points of given point cloud
\\param avgNeighborhoodSize avg num of neighbors of each individual point
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup
[[deprecated( "use makeOrientedNormals(...) instead" )]]

◆ makeObjectDistanceMapFromFile()

ObjectDistanceMap mrmeshpy.makeObjectDistanceMapFromFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads distance map from given file in new object

◆ makeObjectFromMeshFile()

LoadedObjectT mrmeshpy.makeObjectFromMeshFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}',
bool returnOnlyMesh = False )
loads data from given file and makes either ObjectMesh or ObjectPoints (if the file has points but not faces)

◆ makeObjectFromVoxelsFile()

LoadedObjects mrmeshpy.makeObjectFromVoxelsFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ makeObjectGcodeFromFile()

ObjectGcode mrmeshpy.makeObjectGcodeFromFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads gcode from given file in new object

◆ makeObjectLinesFromFile()

ObjectLines mrmeshpy.makeObjectLinesFromFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads lines from given file in new object

◆ makeObjectMeshFromFile()

LoadedObjectT_ObjectMesh mrmeshpy.makeObjectMeshFromFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
loads mesh from given file in new object

◆ makeObjectPointsFromFile()

ObjectPoints mrmeshpy.makeObjectPointsFromFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads points from given file in new object

◆ makeObjectVoxelsFromFile()

std_vector_std_shared_ptr_ObjectVoxels mrmeshpy.makeObjectVoxelsFromFile ( os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
loads voxels from given file in new object

◆ makeOpenCone()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeOpenCone ( float radius = 1,
float zApex = 0,
float zBase = 1,
int numCircleSegments = 16 )
A hollow cone.

◆ makeOpenCylinder()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeOpenCylinder ( float radius = 1,
float z1 = -1,
float z2 = 1,
int numCircleSegments = 16 )
A hollow cylinder.

◆ makeOrientedNormals() [1/2]

VertCoords mrmeshpy.makeOrientedNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
\\brief Makes normals for valid points of given point cloud; directions of close points are selected to be consistent;
\\triangs triangulation neighbours of each point, which are oriented during the call as well
\\return nullopt if progress returned false
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ makeOrientedNormals() [2/2]

VertCoords mrmeshpy.makeOrientedNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
float radius,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
\\brief Makes normals for valid points of given point cloud; directions of close points are selected to be consistent;
\\param radius of neighborhood to consider
\\return nullopt if progress returned false
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ makeOuterHalfTorus()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeOuterHalfTorus ( float primaryRadius = 1.0,
float secondaryRadius = 0.10000000149011612,
int primaryResolution = 16,
int secondaryResolution = 16,
std_vector_Vector3_float points = None )
creates torus without inner half faces
main application - testing fillHole and Stitch

◆ makeParallelepiped()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeParallelepiped ( Vector3f side,
Vector3f base )

◆ makePlane()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makePlane ( )
Makes square plane 1x1 size with center at (0,0,0) and (0,0,1) normal

◆ makePrism()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makePrism ( float baseLength,
float leftAngle,
float rightAngle,
float height = 1.0 )
Creates a triangular prism. One edge of its base lies on 'x' axis and has 'baseLength' in length. 
'leftAngle' and 'rightAngle' specify two adjacent angles
 axis of a prism is parallel to 'z' axis

◆ makeQuadBridge()

MakeBridgeResult mrmeshpy.makeQuadBridge ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag a,
Id_EdgeTag b,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
creates a bridge between two boundary edges a and b (both having no valid left face);
bridge consists of one quadrangle in general (beware that it cannot be rendered) or of one triangle if a and b are neighboring edges on the boundary;
\\return false if bridge cannot be created because otherwise multiple edges appear

◆ makeRegularGridMesh() [1/2]

◆ makeRegularGridMesh() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeRegularGridMesh ( VertCoords pc,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Creates regular mesh from monotone (connects point with closed x, y neighbors) points

◆ makeRigidXf() [1/2]

AffineXf3d mrmeshpy.makeRigidXf ( MeshPart mp,
AffineXf3d meshXf )
given a mesh part and its arbitrary transformation, computes and returns
the rigid transformation that best approximates meshXf
\\ingroup MathGroup

◆ makeRigidXf() [2/2]

AffineXf3f mrmeshpy.makeRigidXf ( MeshPart mp,
AffineXf3f meshXf )

◆ makeSignedByWindingNumber()

None mrmeshpy.makeSignedByWindingNumber ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
Vector3f voxelSize,
Mesh refMesh,
MakeSignedByWindingNumberSettings settings )
set signs for unsigned distance field grid using generalized winding number computed at voxel grid point from refMesh

◆ makeSmoothBridge()

MakeBridgeResult mrmeshpy.makeSmoothBridge ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag a,
Id_EdgeTag b,
float samplingStep,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
creates a bridge between two boundary edges a and b (both having no valid left face);
bridge consists of strip of quadrangles (each consisting of two triangles) in general or of some triangles if a and b are neighboring edges on the boundary;
the bridge is made as smooth as possible with small angles in between its links and on the boundary with existed triangles;
\\param samplingStep boundaries of the bridge will be subdivided until the distance between neighbor points becomes less than this distance
\\return MakeBridgeResult evaluating to false if bridge cannot be created because otherwise multiple edges appear

◆ makeSphere()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeSphere ( SphereParams params)
creates a mesh of sphere with irregular triangulation

◆ makeSpline() [1/2]

MarkedContour3f mrmeshpy.makeSpline ( MarkedContour3f in_,
float markStability = 1 )
\\param in input marked contour
\\param markStability a positive value, the more the value the closer marked points will be to their original positions
\\return contour with same number of points and same marked, where each return point tries to be on a smooth curve

◆ makeSpline() [2/2]

MarkedContour3f mrmeshpy.makeSpline ( std_vector_Vector3_float controlPoints,
SplineSettings settings )
\\param controlPoints ordered point the spline to interpolate
\\return spline contour with same or more points than initially given, marks field highlights the points corresponding to input ones

◆ makeTorus()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeTorus ( float primaryRadius = 1.0,
float secondaryRadius = 0.10000000149011612,
int primaryResolution = 16,
int secondaryResolution = 16,
std_vector_Vector3_float points = None )
Z is symmetry axis of this torus
points - optional out points of main circle

◆ makeTorusWithComponents()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeTorusWithComponents ( float primaryRadius = 1.0,
float secondaryRadius = 0.10000000149011612,
int primaryResolution = 16,
int secondaryResolution = 16,
std_vector_Vector3_float points = None )
creates torus with empty sectors
main application - testing Components

◆ makeTorusWithSelfIntersections()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeTorusWithSelfIntersections ( float primaryRadius = 1.0,
float secondaryRadius = 0.10000000149011612,
int primaryResolution = 16,
int secondaryResolution = 16,
std_vector_Vector3_float points = None )
creates torus with empty sectors
main application - testing Components

◆ makeTorusWithSpikes()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeTorusWithSpikes ( float primaryRadius = 1.0,
float secondaryRadiusInner = 0.10000000149011612,
float secondaryRadiusOuter = 0.5,
int primaryResolution = 16,
int secondaryResolution = 16,
std_vector_Vector3_float points = None )
creates torus with some handed-up points
main application - testing fixSpikes and Relax

◆ makeTorusWithUndercut()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeTorusWithUndercut ( float primaryRadius = 1.0,
float secondaryRadiusInner = 0.10000000149011612,
float secondaryRadiusOuter = 0.20000000298023224,
int primaryResolution = 16,
int secondaryResolution = 16,
std_vector_Vector3_float points = None )
creates torus with inner protruding half as undercut
main application - testing fixUndercuts

◆ makeUniformSampledCloud()

PointCloud mrmeshpy.makeUniformSampledCloud ( PointCloud pointCloud,
UniformSamplingSettings settings )
Composes new point cloud consisting of uniform samples of original point cloud;
returns std::nullopt if it was terminated by the callback
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ makeUnorientedNormals() [1/3]

VertCoords mrmeshpy.makeUnorientedNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}',
OrientNormals orient = 'OrientNormals::Smart' )
\\brief Makes normals for valid points of given point cloud by averaging neighbor triangle normals weighted by triangle's angle
\\triangs triangulation neighbours of each point
\\param orient OrientNormals::Smart here means orientation from normals of neigbour triangles
\\return nullopt if progress returned false
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ makeUnorientedNormals() [2/3]

VertCoords mrmeshpy.makeUnorientedNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
Buffer_VertId closeVerts,
int numNei,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}',
OrientNormals orient = 'OrientNormals::Smart' )
\\brief Makes normals for valid points of given point cloud by directing them along the normal of best plane through the neighbours
\\param closeVerts a buffer where for every valid point #i its neighbours are stored at indices [i*numNei; (i+1)*numNei)
\\param orient OrientNormals::Smart here means orientation from best fit plane
\\return nullopt if progress returned false
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ makeUnorientedNormals() [3/3]

VertCoords mrmeshpy.makeUnorientedNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
float radius,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}',
OrientNormals orient = 'OrientNormals::Smart' )
\\brief Makes normals for valid points of given point cloud by directing them along the normal of best plane through the neighbours
\\param radius of neighborhood to consider
\\param orient OrientNormals::Smart here means orientation from best fit plane
\\return nullopt if progress returned false
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ makeUVSphere()

Mesh mrmeshpy.makeUVSphere ( float radius = 1.0,
int horisontalResolution = 16,
int verticalResolution = 16 )
creates a mesh of sphere with regular triangulation (parallels and meridians)

◆ mapEdge() [1/3]

given input edge (src), converts its id using given map

◆ mapEdge() [2/3]

UndirectedEdgeId mrmeshpy.mapEdge ( UndirectedEdgeBMap map,
UndirectedEdgeId src )
given input edge (src), converts its id using given map

◆ mapEdge() [3/3]

Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.mapEdge ( WholeEdgeMap map,
Id_EdgeTag src )
given input edge (src), converts its id using given map

◆ mapEdges() [1/3]

given input bit-set (src), converts each id corresponding to set bit using given map, and sets its bit in the resulting bit set

◆ mapEdges() [2/3]

given input bit-set (src), converts each id corresponding to set bit using given map, and sets its bit in the resulting bit set

◆ mapEdges() [3/3]

UndirectedEdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.mapEdges ( WholeEdgeMap map,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet src )
given input bit-set (src), converts each id corresponding to set bit using given map, and sets its bit in the resulting bit set

◆ marchingCubes() [1/4]

Mesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubes ( FunctionVolume volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )
makes Mesh from FunctionVolume with given settings using Marching Cubes algorithm

◆ marchingCubes() [2/4]

Mesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubes ( SimpleVolume volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )
makes Mesh from SimpleVolume with given settings using Marching Cubes algorithm

◆ marchingCubes() [3/4]

Mesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubes ( SimpleVolumeMinMax volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )
makes Mesh from SimpleVolumeMinMax with given settings using Marching Cubes algorithm

◆ marchingCubes() [4/4]

Mesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubes ( VdbVolume volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )
makes Mesh from VdbVolume with given settings using Marching Cubes algorithm

◆ marchingCubesAsTriMesh() [1/4]

TriMesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubesAsTriMesh ( FunctionVolume volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )

◆ marchingCubesAsTriMesh() [2/4]

TriMesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubesAsTriMesh ( SimpleVolume volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )

◆ marchingCubesAsTriMesh() [3/4]

TriMesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubesAsTriMesh ( SimpleVolumeMinMax volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )

◆ marchingCubesAsTriMesh() [4/4]

TriMesh mrmeshpy.marchingCubesAsTriMesh ( VdbVolume volume,
MarchingCubesParams params = '{}' )

◆ markedContour()

MarkedContour3f mrmeshpy.markedContour ( std_vector_Vector3_float in_)
\\return marked contour with all points from (in) marked

◆ markedFirstLast()

MarkedContour3f mrmeshpy.markedFirstLast ( std_vector_Vector3_float in_)
\\return marked contour with only first and last points from (in) marked

◆ mcOffsetMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.mcOffsetMesh ( MeshPart mp,
float offset,
OffsetParameters params = '{}',
Vector_Id_VoxelTag_FaceId outMap = None )
Offsets mesh by converting it to distance field in voxels (using OpenVDB library if SignDetectionMode::OpenVDB or our implementation otherwise)
and back using standard Marching Cubes, as opposed to Dual Marching Cubes in offsetMesh(...)

◆ mcShellMeshRegion()

Mesh mrmeshpy.mcShellMeshRegion ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet region,
float offset,
BaseShellParameters params,
Vector_Id_VoxelTag_FaceId outMap = None )
Constructs a shell around selected mesh region with the properties that every point on the shall must
 1. be located not further than given distance from selected mesh part,
 2. be located not closer to not-selected mesh part than to selected mesh part.

◆ merge() [1/3]

constructs new ObjectLines containing the union of valid data from all input objects

◆ merge() [2/3]

constructs new ObjectMesh containing the union of valid data from all input objects

◆ merge() [3/3]

constructs new ObjectPoints containing the union of valid points from all input objects

◆ mergeMeshes()

Mesh mrmeshpy.mergeMeshes ( std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Mesh meshes)
Merge a list of meshes to one mesh.

◆ meshDenoiseViaNormals()

None mrmeshpy.meshDenoiseViaNormals ( Mesh mesh,
DenoiseViaNormalsSettings settings = '{}' )
Reduces noise in given mesh,
see the article "Mesh Denoising via a Novel Mumford-Shah Framework"

◆ meshFromVoxelsMask()

Mesh mrmeshpy.meshFromVoxelsMask ( VdbVolume volume,
VoxelBitSet mask )
 \\brief Creates mesh from voxels mask
 \\param mask in space of whole volume
  density inside mask is expected to be higher then outside

◆ meshOnEdgeSplitAttribute()

func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.meshOnEdgeSplitAttribute ( Mesh mesh,
MeshAttributesToUpdate params )
 auto uvCoords = obj_->getUVCoords();
 auto texturePerFace = obj_->getTexturePerFace();
 MeshAttributesToUpdate meshParams;
 if ( !uvCoords.empty() )
     meshParams.uvCoords = &uvCoords;
 if ( !texturePerFace.empty() )
     meshParams.texturePerFace = &texturePerFace;
 subs.onEdgeSplit = meshOnEdgeSplitAttribute( *obj_->varMesh(), meshParams );
 subdivideMesh( *obj_->varMesh(), subs );

◆ meshOnEdgeSplitFaceAttribute()

func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.meshOnEdgeSplitFaceAttribute ( Mesh mesh,
MeshAttributesToUpdate params )

◆ meshOnEdgeSplitVertAttribute()

func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.meshOnEdgeSplitVertAttribute ( Mesh mesh,
MeshAttributesToUpdate params )

◆ meshPreCollapseVertAttribute()

func_bool_from_Id_EdgeTag_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.meshPreCollapseVertAttribute ( Mesh mesh,
MeshAttributesToUpdate params )
 Please use this callback when you decimate a mesh with associated data with each vertex
 recalculate texture coordinates and mesh vertex colors for vertices moved during decimation
 usage example
   MeshAttributesToUpdate meshParams;
   auto uvCoords = obj->getUVCoords();
   auto colorMap = obj->getVertsColorMap();
   if ( needUpdateUV )
       meshParams.uvCoords = &uvCoords;
   if ( needUpdateColorMap )
       meshParams.colorMap = &colorMap;
   auto preCollapse = meshPreCollapseVertAttribute( mesh, meshParams );
   decimateMesh( mesh, DecimateSettings{ .preCollapse = preCollapse } );

◆ meshRegionToIndicatorVolume()

SimpleVolumeMinMax mrmeshpy.meshRegionToIndicatorVolume ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet region,
float offset,
DistanceVolumeParams params )
returns a volume filled with the values:
v < 0: this point is within offset distance to region-part of mesh and it is closer to region-part than to not-region-part

◆ meshToDirectionVolume()

Converts mesh into 4d voxels, so that each cell in 3d space holds the direction from the closest point on mesh to the cell position.
Resulting volume is encoded by 3 separate 3d volumes, corresponding to `x`, `y` and `z` components of vectors respectively.
\\param params Expected to have valid (not null) projector, with invoked method \\ref IPointsToMeshProjector::updateMeshData

◆ meshToDistanceField()

OpenVdbFloatGrid mrmeshpy.meshToDistanceField ( MeshPart mp,
AffineXf3f xf,
Vector3f voxelSize,
float surfaceOffset = 3,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
does not require closed surface, resulting grid cannot be used for boolean operations,
surfaceOffset - the number of voxels around surface to calculate distance in (should be positive)
returns null if was canceled by progress callback

◆ meshToDistanceFunctionVolume()

FunctionVolume mrmeshpy.meshToDistanceFunctionVolume ( MeshPart mp,
MeshToDistanceVolumeParams params = '{}' )
makes FunctionVolume representing (signed or unsigned) distances from Mesh with given settings

◆ meshToDistanceVdbVolume()

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.meshToDistanceVdbVolume ( MeshPart mp,
MeshToVolumeParams params = '{}' )
converts mesh (or its part) into a volume filled with signed or unsigned distances to mesh using OpenVDB library;
for signed distances the mesh must be closed;
*params.outXf is untouched

◆ meshToDistanceVolume()

SimpleVolumeMinMax mrmeshpy.meshToDistanceVolume ( MeshPart mp,
MeshToDistanceVolumeParams params = '{}' )
makes SimpleVolume filled with (signed or unsigned) distances from Mesh with given settings

◆ meshToLevelSet()

OpenVdbFloatGrid mrmeshpy.meshToLevelSet ( MeshPart mp,
AffineXf3f xf,
Vector3f voxelSize,
float surfaceOffset = 3,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
closed surface is required
surfaceOffset - number voxels around surface to calculate distance in (should be positive)
returns null if was canceled by progress callback

◆ meshToPointCloud()

PointCloud mrmeshpy.meshToPointCloud ( Mesh mesh,
bool saveNormals = True,
VertBitSet verts = None )
Mesh to PointCloud
\\ingroup MeshAlgorithmGroup

◆ meshToVolume()

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.meshToVolume ( MeshPart mp,
MeshToVolumeParams params = '{}' )
converts mesh (or its part) into a volume filled with signed or unsigned distances to mesh using OpenVDB library;
for signed distances the mesh must be closed;
prior to conversion, world space is shifted to ensure that the bounding box of offset mesh is in positive quarter-space,
and the shift is written in *params.outXf

◆ mixed() [1/3]

float mrmeshpy.mixed ( Vector3d a,
Vector3d b,
Vector3d c )
mixed product

◆ mixed() [2/3]

float mrmeshpy.mixed ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b,
Vector3f c )
mixed product

◆ mixed() [3/3]

int mrmeshpy.mixed ( Vector3i a,
Vector3i b,
Vector3i c )
mixed product

◆ moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv() [1/3]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv ( Mesh mesh,
AffineXf3f meshXf,
FunctionVolume volume,
AffineXf3f volumeXf,
MoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings settings,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
Moves each vertex along its normal to the minimize (with sign, i.e. maximize the absolute value with negative sign) the derivative
of voxels.
\\ingroup SubvoxelMeshCorrection
@return Vertices that were moved by the algorithm

◆ moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv() [2/3]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv ( Mesh mesh,
AffineXf3f meshXf,
SimpleVolumeMinMax volume,
AffineXf3f volumeXf,
MoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings settings,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
Moves each vertex along its normal to the minimize (with sign, i.e. maximize the absolute value with negative sign) the derivative
of voxels.
\\ingroup SubvoxelMeshCorrection
@return Vertices that were moved by the algorithm

◆ moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv() [3/3]

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.moveMeshToVoxelMaxDeriv ( Mesh mesh,
AffineXf3f meshXf,
VdbVolume volume,
AffineXf3f volumeXf,
MoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings settings,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
Moves each vertex along its normal to the minimize (with sign, i.e. maximize the absolute value with negative sign) the derivative
of voxels.
\\ingroup SubvoxelMeshCorrection
@return Vertices that were moved by the algorithm

◆ mult() [1/6]

Vector2d mrmeshpy.mult ( Vector2d a,
Vector2d b )
per component multiplication

◆ mult() [2/6]

Vector2f mrmeshpy.mult ( Vector2f a,
Vector2f b )
per component multiplication

◆ mult() [3/6]

Vector2i mrmeshpy.mult ( Vector2i a,
Vector2i b )
per component multiplication

◆ mult() [4/6]

Vector3d mrmeshpy.mult ( Vector3d a,
Vector3d b )
per component multiplication

◆ mult() [5/6]

Vector3f mrmeshpy.mult ( Vector3f a,
Vector3f b )
per component multiplication

◆ mult() [6/6]

Vector3i mrmeshpy.mult ( Vector3i a,
Vector3i b )
per component multiplication

◆ multiModelGridSampling()

std_vector_ObjVertId mrmeshpy.multiModelGridSampling ( Vector_ModelPointsData_ObjId models,
float voxelSize,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
performs sampling of several models respecting their world transformations
subdivides models bounding box on voxels of approximately given size and returns at most one point per voxel;
returns std::nullopt if it was terminated by the callback

◆ multiRayMeshIntersect()

None mrmeshpy.multiRayMeshIntersect ( MeshPart meshPart,
std_vector_Vector3_float origins,
std_vector_Vector3_float dirs,
MultiRayMeshIntersectResult result,
float rayStart = 0.0,
float rayEnd = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
bool closestIntersect = True,
func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces = '{}' )
Finds intersections between a mesh and multiple rays in parallel (in float-precision).
\\p rayStart and \\p rayEnd define the interval on all rays to detect an intersection.
\\p vadidFaces if given then all faces for which false is returned will be skipped

◆ objectHasSelectableChildren()

bool mrmeshpy.objectHasSelectableChildren ( Object object)

◆ objectSave()

None mrmeshpy.objectSave ( Object object,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
save a scene object to a given file
if the file format is scene-capable, saves all the object's entities
otherwise, saves only merged entities of the corresponding type (mesh, polyline, point cloud, etc.)

◆ offsetContours() [1/4]

std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float mrmeshpy.offsetContours ( std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float contours,
float offset,
OffsetContoursParams params = '{}' )
offsets 2d contours in plane

◆ offsetContours() [2/4]

offsets 2d contours in plane

◆ offsetContours() [3/4]

std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.offsetContours ( std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float contours,
float offset,
OffsetContoursParams params = '{}',
OffsetContoursRestoreZParams zParmas = '{}' )
offsets 3d contours in XY plane

◆ offsetContours() [4/4]

offsets 3d contours in XY plane

◆ offsetMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.offsetMesh ( MeshPart mp,
float offset,
OffsetParameters params = '{}' )
Offsets mesh by converting it to distance field in voxels using OpenVDB library,
signDetectionMode = Unsigned(from OpenVDB) | OpenVDB | HoleWindingRule,
and then converts back using OpenVDB library (dual marching cubes),
so result mesh is always closed

◆ offsetOneDirection()

Mesh mrmeshpy.offsetOneDirection ( MeshPart mp,
float offset,
GeneralOffsetParameters params = '{}' )
offsets given MeshPart in one direction only (positive or negative)
if your input mesh is open then please specify params.signDetectionMode = SignDetectionMode::Unsigned
if your input mesh is closed this function is equivalent to `generalOffsetMesh`, but in SignDetectionMode::Unsigned mode it will only keep one side (just like for open mesh)
unlike `thickenMesh` this functions does not keep original mesh in result

◆ offsetPolyline()

Mesh mrmeshpy.offsetPolyline ( Polyline3 polyline,
float offset,
OffsetParameters params = '{}' )
Offsets polyline by converting it to voxels and building iso-surface
do offset in all directions
so result mesh is always closed
params.signDetectionMode is ignored (always assumed SignDetectionMode::Unsigned)

◆ offsetSurfaceLine() [1/2]

std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.offsetSurfaceLine ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine,
float offset )
Returns contours in \\p mesh space that are offset from \\p surfaceLine on \\p offset amount in all directions
<param name="mesh">mesh to perform offset on</param>
<param name="surfaceLine">surface line to perofrm offset from</param>
<param name="offset">amount of offset, note that absolute value is used</param>
<returns>resulting offset contours or error if something goes wrong</returns>

◆ offsetSurfaceLine() [2/2]

std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.offsetSurfaceLine ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_MeshTriPoint surfaceLine,
func_float_from_int offsetAtPoint )
Returns contours in \\p mesh space that are offset from \\p surfaceLine on \\p offsetAtPoint amount in all directions
<param name="mesh">mesh to perform offset on</param>
<param name="surfaceLine">surface line to perofrm offset from</param>
<param name="offsetAtPoint">function that can return different amount of offset in different point (argument is index of point in \\p surfaceLine), note that absolute value is used</param>
<returns>resulting offset contours or error if something goes wrong</returns>

◆ OpenDocument()

bool mrmeshpy.OpenDocument ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path)
Opens given file (or directory) in associated application

◆ OpenLink()

None mrmeshpy.OpenLink ( str url)
Opens given link in default browser

◆ operator()

bool mrmeshpy.operator ( VertDistance a,
VertDistance b )
smaller distance to be the first

◆ opposite() [1/2]

OutEdge mrmeshpy.opposite ( OutEdge e)

◆ opposite() [2/2]

OutEdge2 mrmeshpy.opposite ( OutEdge2 e)

◆ orderIntersectionContours()

std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri mrmeshpy.orderIntersectionContours ( MeshTopology topologyA,
MeshTopology topologyB,
PreciseCollisionResult intersections )
Combines individual intersections into ordered contours with the properties:
a. left  of contours on mesh A is inside of mesh B,
b. right of contours on mesh B is inside of mesh A,
c. each intersected edge has origin inside meshes intersection and destination outside of it

◆ orgRing() [1/2]

to iterate over all edges with same origin vertex  as firstEdge (INCLUDING firstEdge)
for ( Edge e : orgRing( topology, firstEdge ) ) ...

◆ orgRing() [2/2]

◆ orgRing0()

to iterate over all edges with same origin vertex as firstEdge (EXCLUDING firstEdge)
for ( Edge e : orgRing0( topology, firstEdge ) ) ...

◆ orient3d() [1/4]

bool mrmeshpy.orient3d ( PreciseVertCoords vs)

◆ orient3d() [2/4]

bool mrmeshpy.orient3d ( std_array_PreciseVertCoords_4 vs)
first sorts the indices in ascending order, then calls the predicate for sorted points

◆ orient3d() [3/4]

bool mrmeshpy.orient3d ( Vector3i a,
Vector3i b,
Vector3i c )
returns true if the plane with orientated triangle ABC has 0 point at the left;
uses simulation-of-simplicity to avoid "0 is exactly on plane"

◆ orient3d() [4/4]

bool mrmeshpy.orient3d ( Vector3i a,
Vector3i b,
Vector3i c,
Vector3i d )
returns true if the plane with orientated triangle ABC has D point at the left;
uses simulation-of-simplicity to avoid "D is exactly on plane"

◆ orientLocalTriangulations() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.orientLocalTriangulations ( AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
VertCoords coords,
VertBitSet region,
func_Vector3_float_from_Id_VertTag targetDir )

◆ orientLocalTriangulations() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.orientLocalTriangulations ( AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
VertCoords coords,
VertBitSet region,
VertCoords targetDir )
orient neighbors around each point in \\param region so they will be in clockwise order if look from the tip of target direction

◆ orientNormals() [1/3]

bool mrmeshpy.orientNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
VertCoords normals,
AllLocalTriangulations triangs,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
\\brief Select orientation of given normals to make directions of close points consistent;
\\param radius of neighborhood to consider
\\return false if progress returned false
Unlike simple orientNormals this method constructs local triangulations around each point
(with most neighbours within given radius and all neighbours within 2*radius)
and considers all triangulation neighbors and not other points from the ball around each point.
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ orientNormals() [2/3]

bool mrmeshpy.orientNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
VertCoords normals,
Buffer_VertId closeVerts,
int numNei,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
\\brief Select orientation of given normals to make directions of close points consistent;
\\param closeVerts a buffer where for every valid point #i its neighbours are stored at indices [i*numNei; (i+1)*numNei)
\\return false if progress returned false
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ orientNormals() [3/3]

bool mrmeshpy.orientNormals ( PointCloud pointCloud,
VertCoords normals,
float radius,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
\\brief Select orientation of given normals to make directions of close points consistent;
\\param radius of neighborhood to consider
\\return false if progress returned false
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ pack()

ObjectPoints mrmeshpy.pack ( ObjectPoints pts,
Reorder reorder,
VertBitSet newValidVerts = None,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
constructs new ObjectPoints containing the packed version of input points,
\\param newValidVerts if given, then use them instead of valid points from pts
\\return nullptr if the operation was cancelled

◆ parseFirstNum()

None mrmeshpy.parseFirstNum ( str str,
int_output num )
reads the first integer number in the line

◆ parsePolygon()

None mrmeshpy.parsePolygon ( str str,
VertId vertId,
int_output numPoints )
reads the polygon points and optional number of polygon points
N vertex0 vertex1 ... vertexN

◆ partialOffsetMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.partialOffsetMesh ( MeshPart mp,
float offset,
GeneralOffsetParameters params = '{}' )
Offsets mesh part by converting it to voxels and back
and unite it with original mesh (via boolean)
note: only OffsetParameters.signDetectionMode = SignDetectionMode::Unsigned will work in this function

◆ pathFromUtf8()

pathlib Path mrmeshpy.pathFromUtf8 ( str s)

◆ pickedPointToVector3()

Vector3f mrmeshpy.pickedPointToVector3 ( VisualObject object,
std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int point )
Converts pickedPoint coordinates depending on the object type into a 3D Vector3 

◆ planeSectionsToContours2f()

std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float mrmeshpy.planeSectionsToContours2f ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint sections,
AffineXf3f meshToPlane )

◆ planeSectionToContour2f()

std_vector_Vector2_float mrmeshpy.planeSectionToContour2f ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_EdgePoint section,
AffineXf3f meshToPlane )
converts PlaneSections in 2D contours by computing coordinate of each point, applying given xf to it, and retaining only x and y

◆ pointGridSampling()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.pointGridSampling ( PointCloud cloud,
float voxelSize,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
performs sampling of cloud points;
subdivides point cloud bounding box on voxels of approximately given size and returns at most one point per voxel;
returns std::nullopt if it was terminated by the callback

◆ pointIterativeSampling()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.pointIterativeSampling ( PointCloud cloud,
int numSamples,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
performs sampling of cloud points by iteratively removing one point with minimal metric (describing distance to the closest point and previous nearby removals),
thus allowing stopping at any given number of samples;
returns std::nullopt if it was terminated by the callback

◆ pointOnObjectToPickedPoint()

std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int mrmeshpy.pointOnObjectToPickedPoint ( VisualObject object,
PointOnObject pos )
Converts PointOnObject coordinates depending on the object type to the PickedPoint variant

◆ pointsToDistanceFunctionVolume()

FunctionVolume mrmeshpy.pointsToDistanceFunctionVolume ( PointCloud cloud,
PointsToDistanceVolumeParams params )
makes FunctionVolume representing signed distances to points with normals

◆ pointsToDistanceVolume()

SimpleVolume mrmeshpy.pointsToDistanceVolume ( PointCloud cloud,
PointsToDistanceVolumeParams params )
makes SimpleVolume filled with signed distances to points with normals

◆ pointsToMeshFusion()

Mesh mrmeshpy.pointsToMeshFusion ( PointCloud cloud,
PointsToMeshParameters params )
makes mesh from points with normals by constructing intermediate volume with signed distances
and then using marching cubes algorithm to extract the surface from there

◆ pointUniformSampling()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.pointUniformSampling ( PointCloud pointCloud,
UniformSamplingSettings settings )
Sample vertices, removing ones that are too close;
returns std::nullopt if it was terminated by the callback
\\ingroup PointCloudGroup

◆ polylineOffset()

Polyline2 mrmeshpy.polylineOffset ( Polyline2 polyline,
float pixelSize,
float offset )
constructs an offset contour for given polyline

◆ positionVertsSmoothly()

None mrmeshpy.positionVertsSmoothly ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet verts,
EdgeWeights edgeWeightsType = 'EdgeWeights::Cotan',
VertBitSet fixedSharpVertices = None )
Puts given vertices in such positions to make smooth surface both inside verts-region and on its boundary;
\\param verts must not include all vertices of a mesh connected component
\\param fixedSharpVertices in these vertices the surface can be not-smooth

◆ positionVertsSmoothlySharpBd()

None mrmeshpy.positionVertsSmoothlySharpBd ( Mesh mesh,
VertBitSet verts,
VertCoords vertShifts = None,
VertScalars vertStabilizers = None )
Puts given vertices in such positions to make smooth surface inside verts-region, but sharp on its boundary;
\\param verts must not include all vertices of a mesh connected component unless vertStabilizers are given
\\param vertShifts optional additional shifts of each vertex relative to smooth position
\\param vertStabilizers optional per-vertex stabilizers: the more the value, the bigger vertex attraction to its original position

◆ positionVertsWithSpacing()

None mrmeshpy.positionVertsWithSpacing ( Mesh mesh,
SpacingSettings settings )
Moves given vertices to make the distances between them as specified

◆ printCurrentTimerBranch()

None mrmeshpy.printCurrentTimerBranch ( )
prints current timer branch

◆ printStacktraceOnCrash()

None mrmeshpy.printStacktraceOnCrash ( )
Print stacktrace on application crash

◆ printTimingTree()

None mrmeshpy.printTimingTree ( float minTimeSec = 0.1)
prints the current timing tree
\\param minTimeSec omit printing records with time spent less than given value in seconds

◆ printTimingTreeAtEnd()

None mrmeshpy.printTimingTreeAtEnd ( bool on,
float minTimeSec = 0.1 )
enables or disables printing of timing tree when application terminates
\\param minTimeSec omit printing records with time spent less than given value in seconds

◆ processCloseTriangles()

None mrmeshpy.processCloseTriangles ( MeshPart mp,
std_array_Vector3_float_3 t,
float rangeSq,
func_ProcessOneResult_from_Vector3_float_Id_FaceTag_Vector3_float_float call )
invokes given callback for all triangles from given mesh part located not further than
given squared distance from t-triangle

◆ projectAllMeshVertices()

VertScalars mrmeshpy.projectAllMeshVertices ( Mesh refMesh,
Mesh mesh,
AffineXf3f refXf = None,
AffineXf3f xf = None,
float upDistLimitSq = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
float loDistLimitSq = 0.0 )
Computes signed distances from all mesh points to refMesh.
`refMesh` - all points will me projected to this mesh
`mesh` - this mesh points will be projected
`refXf` - world transform for refMesh
`upDistLimitSq` - upper limit on the distance in question, if the real distance is larger than the returning upDistLimit
`loDistLimitSq` - low limit on the distance in question, if a point is found within this distance then it is immediately returned without searching for a closer one

◆ projectOnAll()

None mrmeshpy.projectOnAll ( Vector3f pt,
AABBTreeObjects tree,
float upDistLimitSq,
func_void_from_Id_ObjTag_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult callback,
ObjId skipObjId = '{}' )
finds closest point on every object within given distance

◆ putScanFileNameInZ()

None mrmeshpy.putScanFileNameInZ ( std_vector_std_filesystem_path scans,
std_vector_SliceInfo zOrder )
Read layer heights from given scan file names

◆ rayBoxIntersect()

bool mrmeshpy.rayBoxIntersect ( Box3f box,
RayOrigin_float rayOrigin,
float_output t0,
float_output t1,
IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec )
finds intersection between the Ray and the Box.
Precomputed values could be useful for several calls with the same direction,
see "An Efficient and Robust Ray-Box Intersection Algorithm" at

◆ rayInsideIntersect() [1/2]

MeshIntersectionResult mrmeshpy.rayInsideIntersect ( Mesh mesh,
MeshPoint m,
float rayEnd = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
returns the nearest intersection between the mesh and the ray from given point along minus normal (inside the mesh)

◆ rayInsideIntersect() [2/2]

MeshIntersectionResult mrmeshpy.rayInsideIntersect ( Mesh mesh,
VertId v,
float rayEnd = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )

◆ rayMeshIntersect() [1/2]

MeshIntersectionResult mrmeshpy.rayMeshIntersect ( MeshPart meshPart,
Line3d line,
float rayStart = 0.0,
float rayEnd = 1.7976931348623157e+308,
IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec = None,
bool closestIntersect = True,
func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces = '{}' )
Finds ray and mesh intersection in double-precision.
\\p rayStart and \\p rayEnd define the interval on the ray to detect an intersection.
\\p prec can be specified to reuse some precomputations (e.g. for checking many parallel rays).
\\p vadidFaces if given then all faces for which false is returned will be skipped
Finds the closest to ray origin intersection (or any intersection for better performance if \\p !closestIntersect).

◆ rayMeshIntersect() [2/2]

MeshIntersectionResult mrmeshpy.rayMeshIntersect ( MeshPart meshPart,
Line3f line,
float rayStart = 0.0,
float rayEnd = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec = None,
bool closestIntersect = True,
func_bool_from_Id_FaceTag validFaces = '{}' )
Finds ray and mesh intersection in float-precision.
\\p rayStart and \\p rayEnd define the interval on the ray to detect an intersection.
\\p prec can be specified to reuse some precomputations (e.g. for checking many parallel rays).
\\p vadidFaces if given then all faces for which false is returned will be skipped
Finds the closest to ray origin intersection (or any intersection for better performance if \\p !closestIntersect).

◆ rayMeshIntersectAll() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.rayMeshIntersectAll ( MeshPart meshPart,
Line3d line,
func_bool_from_MeshIntersectionResult callback,
float rayStart = 0.0,
float rayEnd = 1.7976931348623157e+308,
IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec = None )
Same as \\ref rayMeshIntersectAllF, but use double precision

◆ rayMeshIntersectAll() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.rayMeshIntersectAll ( MeshPart meshPart,
Line3f line,
func_bool_from_MeshIntersectionResult callback,
float rayStart = 0.0,
float rayEnd = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec = None )
Intersects ray with mesh. Finds all intersections
\\anchor rayMeshIntersectAllF

◆ rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect() [1/2]

MultiMeshIntersectionResult mrmeshpy.rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect ( std_vector_Line3Mesh_double lineMeshes,
float rayStart = 0.0,
float rayEnd = 1.7976931348623157e+308 )
Same as \\ref rayMultiMeshAnyIntersectF, but use double precision

◆ rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect() [2/2]

MultiMeshIntersectionResult mrmeshpy.rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect ( std_vector_Line3Mesh_float lineMeshes,
float rayStart = 0.0,
float rayEnd = 3.4028234663852886e+38 )
Intersects ray with many meshes. Finds any intersection (not the closest)
\\anchor rayMultiMeshAnyIntersectF

◆ rayPolylineIntersect() [1/2]

PolylineIntersectionResult2 mrmeshpy.rayPolylineIntersect ( Polyline2 polyline,
Line2d line,
float rayStart = 0,
float rayEnd = 1.7976931348623157e+308,
IntersectionPrecomputes2_double prec = None,
bool closestIntersect = True )
Finds ray and polyline intersection in double-precision.
\\p rayStart and \\p rayEnd define the interval on the ray to detect an intersection.
\\p prec can be specified to reuse some precomputations (e.g. for checking many parallel rays).
Finds the closest to ray origin intersection (or any intersection for better performance if \\p !closestIntersect).

◆ rayPolylineIntersect() [2/2]

PolylineIntersectionResult2 mrmeshpy.rayPolylineIntersect ( Polyline2 polyline,
Line2f line,
float rayStart = 0,
float rayEnd = 3.4028234663852886e+38,
IntersectionPrecomputes2_float prec = None,
bool closestIntersect = True )
Finds ray and polyline intersection in float-precision.
\\p rayStart and \\p rayEnd define the interval on the ray to detect an intersection.
\\p prec can be specified to reuse some precomputations (e.g. for checking many parallel rays).
Finds the closest to ray origin intersection (or any intersection for better performance if \\p !closestIntersect).

◆ rayTriangleIntersect() [1/4]

TriIntersectResult mrmeshpy.rayTriangleIntersect ( Vector3d oriA,
Vector3d oriB,
Vector3d oriC,
IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec )

◆ rayTriangleIntersect() [2/4]

TriIntersectResult mrmeshpy.rayTriangleIntersect ( Vector3d oriA,
Vector3d oriB,
Vector3d oriC,
Vector3d dir )

◆ rayTriangleIntersect() [3/4]

TriIntersectResult mrmeshpy.rayTriangleIntersect ( Vector3f oriA,
Vector3f oriB,
Vector3f oriC,
IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec )

◆ rayTriangleIntersect() [4/4]

TriIntersectResult mrmeshpy.rayTriangleIntersect ( Vector3f oriA,
Vector3f oriB,
Vector3f oriC,
Vector3f dir )

◆ rayTriangleIntersect_() [1/2]

TriIntersectResult mrmeshpy.rayTriangleIntersect_ ( Vector3d oriA,
Vector3d oriB,
Vector3d oriC,
IntersectionPrecomputes_double prec )

◆ rayTriangleIntersect_() [2/2]

TriIntersectResult mrmeshpy.rayTriangleIntersect_ ( Vector3f oriA,
Vector3f oriB,
Vector3f oriC,
IntersectionPrecomputes_float prec )

◆ readByBlocks()

bool mrmeshpy.readByBlocks ( typing.Any in_,
char_output data,
int dataSize,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}',
int blockSize = 65536 )
 \\brief read dataSize bytes from in stream to data by blocks blockSize bytes
 \\details if progress callback is not set, read all data by one block
 \\return false if process was canceled (callback is set and return false )

◆ readRawTiff()

None mrmeshpy.readRawTiff ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
RawTiffOutput output )
load values from tiff to

◆ readString()

str mrmeshpy.readString ( typing.Any in_)
reads input stream to string

◆ readTiffParameters()

TiffParameters mrmeshpy.readTiffParameters ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path)
reads parameters of tiff file

◆ rebuildMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.rebuildMesh ( MeshPart mp,
RebuildMeshSettings settings )
fixes all types of issues in input mesh (degenerations, holes, self-intersections, etc.)
by first converting mesh in voxel representation, and then backward

◆ reducePath()

int mrmeshpy.reducePath ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
std_vector_EdgePoint path,
MeshTriPoint end,
int maxIter = 5 )
converts any input surface path into geodesic path (so reduces its length): start-path-end;
returns actual number of iterations performed

◆ reducePathViaVertex()

bool mrmeshpy.reducePathViaVertex ( Mesh mesh,
MeshTriPoint start,
VertId v,
MeshTriPoint end,
std_vector_EdgePoint outPath,
std_vector_Vector2_float tmp,
std_vector_EdgePoint cachePath )
given path s-v-e, tries to decrease its length by moving away from v
\\param outPath intermediate locations between s and e will be added here
\\param tmp elements will be temporary allocated here
\\param cachePath as far as we need two sides unfold, cache one to reduce allocations

◆ refineFeatureObject() [1/2]

AffineXf3f mrmeshpy.refineFeatureObject ( FeatureObject featObj,
Mesh mesh,
RefineParameters params = '{}' )
Recalculate the feature object's position so it would better fit with the given mesh

◆ refineFeatureObject() [2/2]

AffineXf3f mrmeshpy.refineFeatureObject ( FeatureObject featObj,
PointCloud pointCloud,
RefineParameters params = '{}' )
Recalculate the feature object's position so it would better fit with the given point cloud

◆ relax() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.relax ( Mesh mesh,
MeshRelaxParams params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
applies given number of relaxation iterations to the whole mesh ( or some region if it is specified )
\\return true if was finished successfully, false if was interrupted by progress callback

◆ relax() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.relax ( PointCloud pointCloud,
PointCloudRelaxParams params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
applies given number of relaxation iterations to the whole pointCloud ( or some region if it is specified )
\\return true if was finished successfully, false if was interrupted by progress callback

◆ relaxApprox() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.relaxApprox ( Mesh mesh,
MeshApproxRelaxParams params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
applies given number of relaxation iterations to the whole mesh ( or some region if it is specified )
approx neighborhoods
\\return true if the operation completed successfully, and false if it was interrupted by the progress callback.

◆ relaxApprox() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.relaxApprox ( PointCloud pointCloud,
PointCloudApproxRelaxParams params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
applies given number of relaxation iterations to the whole pointCloud ( or some region if it is specified )
approx neighborhoods
\\return true if was finished successfully, false if was interrupted by progress callback

◆ relaxKeepVolume() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.relaxKeepVolume ( Mesh mesh,
MeshRelaxParams params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
applies given number of relaxation iterations to the whole mesh ( or some region if it is specified ) \\n
do not really keeps volume but tries hard
\\return true if the operation completed successfully, and false if it was interrupted by the progress callback.

◆ relaxKeepVolume() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.relaxKeepVolume ( PointCloud pointCloud,
PointCloudRelaxParams params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
applies given number of relaxation iterations to the whole pointCloud ( or some region if it is specified )
do not really keeps volume but tries hard
\\return true if was finished successfully, false if was interrupted by progress callback

◆ remesh()

bool mrmeshpy.remesh ( Mesh mesh,
RemeshSettings settings )
Splits too long and eliminates too short edges from the mesh

◆ removeLoneContours()

None mrmeshpy.removeLoneContours ( std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri contours)
Removes contours that fully lay inside one triangle from the contours

◆ removeLoneDegeneratedContours()

None mrmeshpy.removeLoneDegeneratedContours ( MeshTopology edgesTopology,
std_vector_OneMeshContour faceContours,
std_vector_OneMeshContour edgeContours )
Removes contours with zero area (do not remove if contour is handle on topology)
edgesTopology - topology on which contours are represented with edges
faceContours - lone contours represented by faces (all intersections are in same mesh A face)
edgeContours - lone contours represented by edges (all intersections are in mesh B edges, edgesTopology: meshB.topology)

◆ removeSpikes()

None mrmeshpy.removeSpikes ( Mesh mesh,
int maxIterations,
float minSumAngle,
VertBitSet region = None )
applies at most given number of relaxation iterations the spikes detected by given threshold

◆ replace()

str mrmeshpy.replace ( str target,
str from_,
str to )
Returns \\param target with all \\param from replaced with \\param to, zero or more times.

◆ replaceInplace()

None mrmeshpy.replaceInplace ( std_string_output target,
str from_,
str to )
Replaces \\param from with \\param to in \\param target (in-place), zero or more times.

◆ replaceProhibitedChars()

str mrmeshpy.replaceProhibitedChars ( str line,
str replacement = '_' )
replace OS prohibited chars ('?', '*', '/', '\\', '"', '<', '>') with `replacement` char

◆ replicateZ()

None mrmeshpy.replicateZ ( Mesh m,
Mesh target )
adjusts z-coordinates of (m) vertices to make adjusted (m) similar to (target)

◆ reportProgress() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.reportProgress ( func_bool_from_float cb,
float v )
safely invokes \\param cb with given value; just returning true for empty callback

◆ reportProgress() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.reportProgress ( func_bool_from_float cb,
float v,
int counter,
int divider )
safely invokes \\param cb with given value if \\param counter is divisible by \\param divider (preferably a power of 2);
just returning true for empty callback

◆ resample()

MarkedContour3f mrmeshpy.resample ( MarkedContour3f in_,
float minStep,
std_vector_Vector3_float normals = None )
keeps all marked points from input contour and adds/removes other points to have them as many as possible,
but at the distance along the input line not shorter than (minStep) from their neighbor points
\\param normals optional parameter with the normals of input points that will be resampled to become normals of output points

◆ resampled() [1/2]

OpenVdbFloatGrid mrmeshpy.resampled ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
float voxelScale,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
resample this grid to fit voxelScale

◆ resampled() [2/2]

OpenVdbFloatGrid mrmeshpy.resampled ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
Vector3f voxelScale,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
resample this grid to fit voxelScale

◆ resolveMeshDegenerations() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.resolveMeshDegenerations ( Mesh mesh,
int maxIters,
float maxDeviation = 0,
float maxAngleChange = 1.0471975803375244,
float criticalAspectRatio = 10000 )

◆ resolveMeshDegenerations() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.resolveMeshDegenerations ( Mesh mesh,
ResolveMeshDegenSettings settings = '{}' )
 \\brief Resolves degenerate triangles in given mesh
 \\details This function performs decimation, so it can affect topology
 \\ingroup DecimateGroup
 \\return true if the mesh has been changed

 \\sa \\ref decimateMesh

◆ reverse() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.reverse ( std_vector_Id_EdgeTag path)
reverses the order of edges and flips each edge orientation, thus
making the opposite directed edge path

◆ reverse() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.reverse ( std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths)
reverse every path in the vector

◆ roundToPrecision()

float mrmeshpy.roundToPrecision ( float v,
int precision )
returns given value rounded to given number of decimal digits

◆ same() [1/2]

bool mrmeshpy.same ( MeshTopology topology,
EdgePoint lhs,
EdgePoint rhs )
returns true if two edge-points are equal considering different representations

◆ same() [2/2]

bool mrmeshpy.same ( MeshTopology topology,
MeshTriPoint lhs,
MeshTriPoint rhs )
returns true if two points are equal considering different representations

◆ sampleHalfSphere()

std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.sampleHalfSphere ( )
returns quasi-uniform 145 samples on unit half-sphere z>0

◆ saveAllSlicesToImage()

None mrmeshpy.saveAllSlicesToImage ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
VoxelsSave.SavingSettings settings )
save all slices by the active plane through all voxel planes along the active axis to an image file

◆ saveDistanceMapToImage()

None mrmeshpy.saveDistanceMapToImage ( DistanceMap distMap,
os.PathLike | str | bytes filename,
float threshold = 0.003921568859368563 )
saves distance map to a grayscale image file
    threshold - threshold of maximum values [0.; 1.]. invalid pixel set as 0. (black)
minimum (close): 1.0 (white)
maximum (far): threshold
invalid (infinity): 0.0 (black)

◆ saveLines() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.saveLines ( Polyline3 polyline,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
SaveSettings settings = '{}' )
detects the format from file extension and saves polyline in it

◆ saveLines() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.saveLines ( Polyline3 polyline,
str extension,
typing.Any out,
SaveSettings settings = '{}' )
extension in `*.ext` format

◆ saveMesh() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.saveMesh ( Mesh mesh,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
SaveSettings settings = '{}' )
detects the format from file extension and save mesh to it

◆ saveMesh() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.saveMesh ( Mesh mesh,
str extension,
typing.Any out,
SaveSettings settings = '{}' )
extension in `*.ext` format

◆ saveObjectVoxelsToFile()

None mrmeshpy.saveObjectVoxelsToFile ( Object object,
os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ savePoints() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.savePoints ( PointCloud points,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
SaveSettings settings = '{}' )
detects the format from file extension and save points to it

◆ savePoints() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.savePoints ( PointCloud points,
str extension,
typing.Any out,
SaveSettings settings = '{}' )
extension in `*.ext` format

◆ saveSliceToImage()

None mrmeshpy.saveSliceToImage ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
VdbVolume vdbVolume,
SlicePlane slicePlain,
int sliceNumber,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
save the slice by the active plane through the sliceNumber to an image file

◆ saveVoxels()

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxels ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
Saves voxels in a file, detecting the format from file extension

◆ saveVoxelsGav() [1/6]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsGav ( SimpleVolume simpleVolume,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ saveVoxelsGav() [2/6]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsGav ( SimpleVolume simpleVolume,
typing.Any out,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ saveVoxelsGav() [3/6]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsGav ( SimpleVolumeMinMax simpleVolumeMinMax,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ saveVoxelsGav() [4/6]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsGav ( SimpleVolumeMinMax simpleVolumeMinMax,
typing.Any out,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ saveVoxelsGav() [5/6]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsGav ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
Save voxels in Gav-format in given destination

◆ saveVoxelsGav() [6/6]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsGav ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
typing.Any out,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ saveVoxelsRaw() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsRaw ( SimpleVolume simpleVolume,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )

◆ saveVoxelsRaw() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.saveVoxelsRaw ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
Save raw voxels file, writing parameters in file name

◆ segmentByGraphCut()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.segmentByGraphCut ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet source,
FaceBitSet sink,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric )
 \\brief Finds segment that divide mesh on source and sink (source included, sink excluded), by minimizing the sum of metric over the boundary
 \\ingroup MeshSegmentationGroup

◆ segmentVolume()

 \\brief Simple segment volume
 1. Build paths between points pairs \\n
 2. Mark paths as inside part seeds \\n
 3. Mark volume part edges as outside part seeds \\n
 4. Return mesh from segmented inside part

◆ segmentVolumeByGraphCut()

VoxelBitSet mrmeshpy.segmentVolumeByGraphCut ( SimpleVolume densityVolume,
float k,
VoxelBitSet sourceSeeds,
VoxelBitSet sinkSeeds,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
 \\brief Segment voxels of given volume on two sets using graph-cut, returning source set
 \\ingroup VoxelGroup
 \\param k - coefficient in the exponent of the metric affecting edge capacity:\\n
        increasing k you force to find a higher steps in the density on the boundary, decreasing k you ask for smoother boundary
 \\param sourceSeeds - these voxels will be included in the result
 \\param sinkSeeds - these voxels will be excluded from the result
 \\sa \\ref VolumeSegmenter

◆ segmentVoxelMaskToInstances()

std_vector_Mesh mrmeshpy.segmentVoxelMaskToInstances ( VdbVolume mask,
int minSize = 100,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Given voxel mask, separate it into components using mincut algorithm
@param minSize Minimum size of a segment (in voxels)

◆ SegPoints()

None mrmeshpy.SegPoints ( Vector3f VEC,
Vector3f X,
Vector3f Y,
Vector3f P,
Vector3f A,
Vector3f Q,
Vector3f B )
Returns closest points between an segment pair.

◆ separateClosedContour()

std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag mrmeshpy.separateClosedContour ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Vector3_float contour,
func_void_from_EdgePoint cb = '{}' )
Separates mesh into disconnected by contour components (independent components are not returned),
faces that are intersected by contour does not belong to any component.
Calls callback for each MeshEdgePoint in contour respecting order, 
ignoring MeshTriPoints (if projection of input point lay inside face)

◆ serializeMesh()

None mrmeshpy.serializeMesh ( Mesh mesh,
os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
FaceBitSet selection = None,
str serializeFormat = '".mrmesh"' )
saves mesh with optional selection to mru format;
this is very convenient for saving intermediate states during algorithm debugging;
".mrmesh" save mesh format is not space efficient, but guaranties no changes in the topology after loading

◆ serializeObjectTree() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.serializeObjectTree ( Object object,
os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
func_bool_from_float progress,
func_void_from_std_filesystem_path preCompress )
 \\brief saves object subtree in given scene file (zip/mru)
 \\details format specification:
  children are saved under folder with name of their parent object
  all objects parameters are saved in one JSON file in the root folder

 if preCompress is set, it is called before compression
 saving is controlled with Object::serializeModel_ and Object::serializeFields_

◆ serializeObjectTree() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.serializeObjectTree ( Object object,
os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )

◆ serializeObjectTreeToGltf()

None mrmeshpy.serializeObjectTreeToGltf ( Object root,
os.PathLike | str | bytes file,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}' )
saves scene to a glTF file

◆ SetCurrentThreadName()

None mrmeshpy.SetCurrentThreadName ( str name)
sets debug name for the current thread

◆ setDefaultSerializeMeshFormat()

None mrmeshpy.setDefaultSerializeMeshFormat ( str newFormat)
sets file extension used to serialize serialize ObjectMeshHolder by default (if not overridden in specific object),
the string must start from '.';
serialization falls back to the PLY format if given format support is available
NOTE: CTM format support is available in the MRIOExtras library; make sure to load it if you prefer CTM

◆ setDefaultSerializePointsFormat()

None mrmeshpy.setDefaultSerializePointsFormat ( str newFormat)
sets file extension used to serialize serialize ObjectPointsHolder by default (if not overridden in specific object),
the string must start from '.';
serialization falls back to the PLY format if given format support is available
NOTE: CTM format support is available in the MRIOExtras library; make sure to load it if you prefer CTM

◆ setDefaultSerializeVoxelsFormat()

None mrmeshpy.setDefaultSerializeVoxelsFormat ( str newFormat)
sets file extension used to serialize serialize ObjectVoxels by default (if not overridden in specific object),
the string must start from '.'

◆ setLevelSetType()

None mrmeshpy.setLevelSetType ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid)
sets type of this grid as LEVEL SET (for normal flipping)

◆ setNewHandlerIfNeeded()

None mrmeshpy.setNewHandlerIfNeeded ( )
sets new handler for operator new if needed for some platforms

◆ setupLoggerByDefault()

None mrmeshpy.setupLoggerByDefault ( )
Setups logger:
1) makes stdout sink
2) makes file sink (MRLog.txt)
3) redirect std streams to logger
4) print stacktrace on crash (not in wasm)
log level - trace

◆ setValue() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.setValue ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
Vector3i p,
float value )
sets given region voxels value
\\note region is in grid space (0 voxel id is minimum active voxel in grid)

◆ setValue() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.setValue ( OpenVdbFloatGrid grid,
VoxelBitSet region,
float value )
sets given region voxels value
\\note region is in grid space (0 voxel id is minimum active voxel in grid)

◆ sharpenMarchingCubesMesh()

None mrmeshpy.sharpenMarchingCubesMesh ( MeshPart ref,
Mesh vox,
Vector_Id_VoxelTag_FaceId face2voxel,
SharpenMarchingCubesMeshSettings settings )
adjust the mesh \\param vox produced by marching cubes method (NOT dual marching cubes) by
1) correcting positions of all vertices to given offset relative to \\param ref mesh (if correctOldVertPos == true);
2) introducing new vertices in the voxels where the normals change abruptly.
\\param face2voxel mapping from Face Id to Voxel Id where it is located

◆ sharpOffsetMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.sharpOffsetMesh ( MeshPart mp,
float offset,
SharpOffsetParameters params = '{}' )
Offsets mesh by converting it to voxels and back
post process result using reference mesh to sharpen features

◆ shrink() [1/2]

None mrmeshpy.shrink ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region,
int hops = 1 )
removes from the region all faces within given number of hops (stars) from the initial region boundary

◆ shrink() [2/2]

None mrmeshpy.shrink ( MeshTopology topology,
VertBitSet region,
int hops = 1 )
removes from the region all vertices within given number of hops (stars) from the initial region boundary

◆ shrinkFaces()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.shrinkFaces ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet stopEdges = None )
returns given region without all faces sharing an edge with not-region face;
\\param stopEdges - neighborhood via this edges will be ignored

◆ shrinkPixelMask()

None mrmeshpy.shrinkPixelMask ( PixelBitSet mask,
RectIndexer indexer,
int shrinkage = 1 )
shrinks PixelBitSet with given number of steps

◆ shrinkVoxelsMask()

None mrmeshpy.shrinkVoxelsMask ( VoxelBitSet mask,
VolumeIndexer indexer,
int shrinkage = 1 )
shrinks VoxelBitSet with given number of steps

◆ signedDistanceToMesh()

float mrmeshpy.signedDistanceToMesh ( MeshPart mp,
Vector3f p,
SignedDistanceToMeshOptions op )
computes signed distance from point (p) to mesh part (mp) following options (op);
returns std::nullopt if distance is smaller than op.minDist or larger than op.maxDist (except for op.signMode == HoleWindingRule)

◆ simpleVolumeToDenseGrid()

OpenVdbFloatGrid mrmeshpy.simpleVolumeToDenseGrid ( SimpleVolume simpleVolume,
float background = 0.0,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
make FloatGrid from SimpleVolume
make copy of data
background - the new background value for FloatGrid
grid can be used to make iso-surface later with gridToMesh function

◆ simpleVolumeToVdbVolume()

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.simpleVolumeToVdbVolume ( SimpleVolumeMinMax simpleVolume,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
set the simpleVolume.min as the background value

◆ smoothRegionBoundary()

None mrmeshpy.smoothRegionBoundary ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet regionFaces,
int numIters = 4 )
given a region of faces on the mesh, moves boundary vertices of the region
to make the region contour much smoother with minor optimization of mesh topology near region boundary;
\\param numIters >= 1 how many times to run the algorithm to achieve a better quality,
solution is typically oscillates back and forth so even number of iterations is recommended

◆ smoothSelection()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.smoothSelection ( Mesh mesh,
FaceBitSet region,
float expandOffset,
float shrinkOffset )
makes the given selection more smooth with shifthing a boundary of the selection outside and back. Input mesh is changed because we have to cut new edges along the new boundaries
\\param expandOffset defines how much the boundary is expanded
\\param expandOffset defines how much the boundary is shrinked after that

◆ sortPathsByLength()

None mrmeshpy.sortPathsByLength ( std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths,
Mesh mesh )

◆ sortPathsByMetric()

None mrmeshpy.sortPathsByMetric ( std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag paths,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag metric )
sorts given paths in ascending order of their metrics

◆ sortScanFilesByName()

None mrmeshpy.sortScanFilesByName ( std_vector_std_filesystem_path scans)
Sort scan files in given vector by names (respect numbers in it)

◆ sortScansByOrder()

None mrmeshpy.sortScansByOrder ( std_vector_std_filesystem_path scans,
std_vector_SliceInfo zOrder )
Sort scan files in given vector by given slice information

◆ split()

std_vector_std_string mrmeshpy.split ( str string,
str delimiter )
 Splits given string by delimiter.
 \\return vector of split strings
 \\ingroup BasicGroup

◆ splitByLines()

std_vector_unsigned_long_long mrmeshpy.splitByLines ( str data,
int size )
returns offsets for each new line in monolith char block

◆ splitOnSimpleLoops()

std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.splitOnSimpleLoops ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag loops )
given a number of edge loops, splits every loop that passes via a vertex more than once on smaller loops without self-intersections

◆ splitQuad()

None mrmeshpy.splitQuad ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag a,
FaceBitSet outNewFaces = None )
given quadrangle face to the left of a, splits it in two triangles with new diagonal edge via dest(a)

◆ sqr() [1/7]

float mrmeshpy.sqr ( float x)

◆ sqr() [2/7]

float mrmeshpy.sqr ( Vector2d a)
squared length

◆ sqr() [3/7]

float mrmeshpy.sqr ( Vector2f a)
squared length

◆ sqr() [4/7]

int mrmeshpy.sqr ( Vector2i a)
squared length

◆ sqr() [5/7]

float mrmeshpy.sqr ( Vector3d a)
squared length

◆ sqr() [6/7]

float mrmeshpy.sqr ( Vector3f a)
squared length

◆ sqr() [7/7]

int mrmeshpy.sqr ( Vector3i a)
squared length

◆ stitchContours()

None mrmeshpy.stitchContours ( MeshTopology topology,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c0,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag c1 )
given two contours:
1) of equal size;
2) all edges of c0 have no left faces;
3) all edges of c1 have no right faces;
merge the surface along corresponding edges of two contours, and deletes all vertices and edges from c1

◆ straightenBoundary()

None mrmeshpy.straightenBoundary ( Mesh mesh,
Id_EdgeTag bd,
float minNeiNormalsDot,
float maxTriAspectRatio,
FaceBitSet newFaces = None )
adds triangles along the boundary to straighten it;
\\details new triangle is added only if 
 1) aspect ratio of the new triangle is at most maxTriAspectRatio,
 2) dot product of its normal with neighbor triangles is at least minNeiNormalsDot.
\\ingroup MeshAlgorithmGroup

◆ subdivideLoneContours()

None mrmeshpy.subdivideLoneContours ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_OneMeshContour contours,
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2oldMap = None )
Divides faces that fully own contours into 3 parts with center in center mass of one of the face contours
if there is more than one contour on face it guarantee to subdivide at least one lone contour on this face

◆ subdivideMesh()

int mrmeshpy.subdivideMesh ( Mesh mesh,
SubdivideSettings settings = '{}' )
splits edges in mesh region according to the settings;\\n
\\return The total number of edge splits performed

◆ subdividePolyline() [1/2]

int mrmeshpy.subdividePolyline ( Polyline2 polyline,
PolylineSubdivideSettings settings = '{}' )
Split edges in polyline according to the settings;\\n
\\return The total number of edge splits performed

◆ subdividePolyline() [2/2]

int mrmeshpy.subdividePolyline ( Polyline3 polyline,
PolylineSubdivideSettings settings = '{}' )

◆ subdividePolylineWithPlane()

EdgeBitSet mrmeshpy.subdividePolylineWithPlane ( Polyline3 polyline,
Plane3f plane,
func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback = None )
This function splits edges intersected by the plane
\\return New edges with origin on the plane and oriented to the positive direction
\\param polyline Input polyline that will be cut by the plane
\\param plane Input plane to cut polyline with
\\param onEdgeSplitCallback is invoked each time when an edge is split. Receives edge ID before split, edge ID after split, and weight of the origin vertex

◆ subdivideWithPlane()

FaceBitSet mrmeshpy.subdivideWithPlane ( Mesh mesh,
Plane3f plane,
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2Old = None,
float eps = 0,
func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback = None )
subdivides all triangles intersected by given plane, leaving smaller triangles that only touch the plane;
\\return all triangles on the positive side of the plane
\\param new2Old receive mapping from newly appeared triangle to its original triangle (part to full)
\\param eps if existing vertex is within eps distance from the plane, then move the vertex not introducing new ones
\\param onEdgeSplitCallback is invoked each time when an edge is split. Receives edge ID before split, edge ID after split, and weight of the origin vertex

◆ subprogress() [1/2]

func_bool_from_float mrmeshpy.subprogress ( func_bool_from_float cb,
float from_,
float to )
returns a callback that maps [0,1] linearly into [from,to] in the call to \\param cb (which can be empty)

◆ subprogress() [2/2]

func_bool_from_float mrmeshpy.subprogress ( func_bool_from_float cb,
int index,
int count )
returns a callback that maps [0,1] linearly into [(index+0)/count,(index+1)/count] in the call to \\param cb (which can be empty)

◆ suggestVoxelSize()

float mrmeshpy.suggestVoxelSize ( MeshPart mp,
float approxNumVoxels )
computes size of a cubical voxel to get approximately given number of voxels during rasterization

◆ surfacePathLength()

float mrmeshpy.surfacePathLength ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_EdgePoint surfacePath )
computes the length of surface path

◆ surfacePathsToContours3f()

std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.surfacePathsToContours3f ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint lines )

◆ surfacePathToContour3f()

std_vector_Vector3_float mrmeshpy.surfacePathToContour3f ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_EdgePoint line )
converts lines on mesh in 3D contours by computing coordinate of each point

◆ surroundingContour() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.surroundingContour ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_EdgeTag includeEdges,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeMetric,
Vector3f dir )
 \\brief Find the best closed edge loop passing through given edges, which minimizes the sum of given edge metric.
 The algorithm assumes that input edges can be projected on the plane orthogonal to given direction,
 then the center point of all input edges is found, and each segment of the searched loop is within infinite pie sector
 with this center and the borders passing via two sorted input edges.
 \\ingroup MeshSegmentationGroup
 \\param includeEdges contain all edges in arbitrary order that must be present in the returned loop, probably with reversed direction (should have at least 2 elements)
 \\param edgeMetric returned loop will minimize the sum of this metric
 \\param dir direction approximately orthogonal to the loop

◆ surroundingContour() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.surroundingContour ( Mesh mesh,
std_vector_Id_VertTag keyVertices,
func_float_from_Id_EdgeTag edgeMetric,
Vector3f dir )
 \\brief Find the best closed edge loop passing through given vertices, which minimizes the sum of given edge metric.
 The algorithm assumes that input vertices can be projected on the plane orthogonal to given direction,
 then the center point of all input vertices is found, and each segment of the searched loop is within infinite pie sector
 with this center and the borders passing via two sorted input vertices.
 \\ingroup MeshSegmentationGroup
 \\param keyVertices contain all vertices in arbitrary order that returned loop must pass (should have at least 2 elements)
 \\param edgeMetric returned loop will minimize the sum of this metric
 \\param dir direction approximately orthogonal to the loop

◆ systemToUtf8()

str mrmeshpy.systemToUtf8 ( str system)
converts system encoded string to UTF8-encoded string

◆ teethMaskToDirectionVolume()

std_array_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_3 mrmeshpy.teethMaskToDirectionVolume ( VdbVolume volume,
std_vector_int additionalIds = '{}' )
A shortcut for \\ref TeethMaskToDirectionVolumeConvertor::create and \\ref TeethMaskToDirectionVolumeConvertor::convertAll

◆ terrainTriangulation()

Mesh mrmeshpy.terrainTriangulation ( std_vector_Vector3_float points,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Creates Delaunay triangulation using only XY components of points 
points will be changed inside this function take argument by value

◆ thickenMesh()

Mesh mrmeshpy.thickenMesh ( Mesh mesh,
float offset,
GeneralOffsetParameters params = '{}' )
in case of positive offset, returns the mesh consisting of offset mesh merged with inversed original mesh (thickening mode);
in case of negative offset, returns the mesh consisting of inversed offset mesh merged with original mesh (hollowing mode);
if your input mesh is open then please specify params.signDetectionMode = SignDetectionMode::Unsigned, and you will get open mesh (with several components) on output
if your input mesh is closed then please specify another sign detection mode, and you will get closed mesh (with several components) on output;

◆ toLower()

str mrmeshpy.toLower ( str str)
return a copy of the string with all alphabetic characters replaced with upper-case variants

◆ topologyFromTriangles()

MeshTopology mrmeshpy.topologyFromTriangles ( Triangulation t,
MeshBuilder.BuildSettings settings = '{}',
func_bool_from_float progressCb = '{}' )
construct mesh topology from a set of triangles with given ids;
if skippedTris is given then it receives all input triangles not added in the resulting topology

◆ toString() [1/2]

str mrmeshpy.toString ( DimensionsVisualizePropertyType value)

◆ toString() [2/2]

str mrmeshpy.toString ( PathError error)

◆ trackLeftBoundaryLoop() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.trackLeftBoundaryLoop ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region,
Id_EdgeTag e0 )

◆ trackLeftBoundaryLoop() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.trackLeftBoundaryLoop ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag e0,
FaceBitSet region = None )
returns closed loop of region boundary starting from given region boundary edge (region faces on the left, and not-region faces or holes on the right);
if more than two boundary edges connect in one vertex, then the function makes the most abrupt turn to right

◆ trackRightBoundaryLoop() [1/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.trackRightBoundaryLoop ( MeshTopology topology,
FaceBitSet region,
Id_EdgeTag e0 )

◆ trackRightBoundaryLoop() [2/2]

std_vector_Id_EdgeTag mrmeshpy.trackRightBoundaryLoop ( MeshTopology topology,
Id_EdgeTag e0,
FaceBitSet region = None )
returns closed loop of region boundary starting from given region boundary edge (region faces on the right, and not-region faces or holes on the left);
if more than two boundary edges connect in one vertex, then the function makes the most abrupt turn to left

◆ trackSection() [1/2]

std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.trackSection ( MeshPart mp,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint end,
Vector3f direction,
float distance )
track section of plane set by start point, direction and surface normal in start point 
in given direction while given distance or
mesh boundary is not reached, or track looped
negative distance means moving in opposite direction
returns track on surface and end point (same as start if path has looped)

◆ trackSection() [2/2]

std_vector_EdgePoint mrmeshpy.trackSection ( MeshPart mp,
MeshTriPoint start,
MeshTriPoint end,
Vector3f planePoint,
bool ccw )
track section of plane set by start point, end point and planePoint
from start to end
\\param ccw - if true use start->end->planePoint plane, otherwise use start->planePoint->end (changes direction of plane tracking)
returns track on surface without end point (return error if path was looped or reached boundary)

◆ transformNormals()

VertCoords mrmeshpy.transformNormals ( VertCoords normals,
VertBitSet validVerts,
Matrix3d m,
VertCoords buf )
if (m) is null then just returns (normals);
otherwise copies transformed normals in (buf) and returns it

◆ transformPoints()

VertCoords mrmeshpy.transformPoints ( VertCoords verts,
VertBitSet validVerts,
AffineXf3d xf,
VertCoords buf,
VertRenumber vertRenumber = None )
if (xf) is null then just returns (verts);
otherwise copies transformed points in (buf) and returns it

◆ transformVdbVolume()

TransformVdbVolumeResult mrmeshpy.transformVdbVolume ( VdbVolume volume,
AffineXf3f xf,
bool fixBox = False,
Box3f box = '{}' )
Transform volume
@param volume Volume to transform
@param xf The transformation
@param fixBox If true, and if \\p box is valid and represents the bounding box of the \\p volume, then
              the result will be shifted so that no data has negative coordinate by any of dimensions

◆ triangulateContours() [1/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.triangulateContours ( std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_double contours,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_VertTag holeVertsIds = None )
 @brief triangulate 2d contours
 only closed contours are allowed (first point of each contour should be the same as last point of the contour)
 @param holeVertsIds if set merge only points with same vertex id, otherwise merge all points with same coordinates
 @return return created mesh

◆ triangulateContours() [2/2]

Mesh mrmeshpy.triangulateContours ( std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float contours,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_VertTag holeVertsIds = None )

◆ triangulatePointCloud()

Mesh mrmeshpy.triangulatePointCloud ( PointCloud pointCloud,
TriangulationParameters params = '{}',
func_bool_from_float progressCb = '{}' )
 \\brief Creates mesh from given point cloud according params
 Returns empty optional if was interrupted by progress bar
 \\ingroup PointCloudTriangulationGroup
    <table border=0>
        <caption id="triangulatePointCloud_examples"></caption>
            <td> \\image html triangulate/triangulate_0.png "Before" width = 350cm </td>
            <td> \\image html triangulate/triangulate_3.png "After" width = 350cm </td>

◆ TriDist()

float mrmeshpy.TriDist ( Vector3f p,
Vector3f q,
Vector3f s,
Vector3f t )
\\brief computes the closest points on two triangles, and returns the 
squared distance between them.

\\param s,t are the triangles, stored tri[point][dimension].

\\details If the triangles are disjoint, p and q give the closest points of 
s and t respectively. However, if the triangles overlap, p and q 
are basically a random pair of points from the triangles, not 
coincident points on the intersection of the triangles, as might 
be expected.

◆ trimRight()

str mrmeshpy.trimRight ( str str)
Removes all whitespace character (detected by std::isspace) at the end of string view

◆ trimWithPlane() [1/3]

None mrmeshpy.trimWithPlane ( Mesh mesh,
Plane3f plane,
std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag outCutContours,
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2Old = None,
float eps = 0,
func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback = None )
\\brief trim mesh by plane

This function cuts mesh with plane, leaving only part of mesh that lay in positive direction of normal
\\param mesh Input mesh that will be cut
\\param plane Input plane to cut mesh with
\\param outCutContours optionally return newly appeared hole contours where each edge does not have right face
\\param new2Old receive mapping from newly appeared triangle to its original triangle (part to full)
\\param eps if existing vertex is within eps distance from the plane, then move the vertex not introducing new ones
\\param onEdgeSplitCallback is invoked each time when an edge is split. Receives edge ID before split, edge ID after split, and weight of the origin vertex

◆ trimWithPlane() [2/3]

None mrmeshpy.trimWithPlane ( Mesh mesh,
Plane3f plane,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet outCutEdges = None,
phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag new2Old = None,
float eps = 0,
func_void_from_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_float onEdgeSplitCallback = None )
\\brief trim mesh by plane

This function cuts mesh with plane, leaving only part of mesh that lay in positive direction of normal
\\param mesh Input mesh that will be cut
\\param plane Input plane to cut mesh with
\\param outCutEdges optionally return newly appeared hole boundary edges
\\param new2Old receive mapping from newly appeared triangle to its original triangle (part to full)
\\param eps if existing vertex is within eps distance from the plane, then move the vertex not introducing new ones
\\param onEdgeSplitCallback is invoked each time when an edge is split. Receives edge ID before split, edge ID after split, and weight of the origin vertex

◆ trimWithPlane() [3/3]

None mrmeshpy.trimWithPlane ( Mesh mesh,
TrimWithPlaneParams params,
TrimOptionalOutput optOut = '{}' )
\\brief trim mesh by plane

This function cuts mesh with plane, leaving only part of mesh that lay in positive direction of normal
\\param mesh Input mesh that will be cut
\\param params stores basic params for trimWithPlane function
\\param optOut stores optional output params for trimWithPlane function

◆ undirectedEdges() [1/2]

IteratorRange_UndirectedEdgeIterator mrmeshpy.undirectedEdges ( MeshTopology topology)

◆ undirectedEdges() [2/2]

IteratorRange_PolylineUndirectedEdgeIterator mrmeshpy.undirectedEdges ( PolylineTopology topology)

◆ uniteCloseVertices()

int mrmeshpy.uniteCloseVertices ( Mesh mesh,
float closeDist,
bool uniteOnlyBd = True,
VertMap optionalVertOldToNew = None )
the function finds groups of mesh vertices located closer to each other than \\param closeDist, and unites such vertices in one;
then the mesh is rebuilt from the remaining triangles
\\param optionalVertOldToNew is the mapping of vertices: before -> after
\\param uniteOnlyBd if true then only boundary vertices can be united, all internal vertices (even close ones) will remain
\\return the number of vertices united, 0 means no change in the mesh

◆ uniteLocalTriangulations()

AllLocalTriangulations mrmeshpy.uniteLocalTriangulations ( std_vector_SomeLocalTriangulations in_,
func_bool_from_float progress = '{}' )
converts a set of SomeLocalTriangulations containing local triangulations of all points arbitrary distributed among them
into one AllLocalTriangulations with records for all points

◆ uniteManyMeshes()

Mesh mrmeshpy.uniteManyMeshes ( std_vector_Mesh_const meshes,
UniteManyMeshesParams params = '{}' )
Computes the surface of objects' union each of which is defined by its own surface mesh
- merge non intersecting meshes first
- unite merged groups

◆ unitVector3_double()

Vector3d mrmeshpy.unitVector3_double ( float azimuth,
float altitude )
returns a point on unit sphere given two angles

◆ unitVector3_float()

Vector3f mrmeshpy.unitVector3_float ( float azimuth,
float altitude )
returns a point on unit sphere given two angles

◆ updateGroupPairs()

None mrmeshpy.updateGroupPairs ( ICPGroupPairs pairs,
Vector_MeshOrPointsXf_ObjId objs,
func_void_from_Vector3_float_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult_Id_ObjTag srcProjector,
func_void_from_Vector3_float_MeshOrPoints_ProjectionResult_Id_ObjTag tgtProjector,
float cosThreshold,
float distThresholdSq,
bool mutualClosest )
in each pair updates the target data and performs basic filtering (activation)

◆ updateIndicator()

None mrmeshpy.updateIndicator ( Mesh mesh,
UndirectedEdgeScalars v,
FaceNormals normals,
float beta,
float gamma )
Compute edge indicator function (1 - smooth edge, 0 - crease edge) by solving large system of linear equations
\\param mesh contains topology information and coordinates for equation weights
\\param normals per-face normals
\\param beta 0.001 - sharp edges, 0.01 - moderate edges, 0.1 - smooth edges
\\param gamma the amount of smoothing: 0 - no smoothing, 1 - average smoothing, ...
see the article "Mesh Denoising via a Novel Mumford-Shah Framework", equation (20)

◆ updateIndicatorFast()

None mrmeshpy.updateIndicatorFast ( MeshTopology topology,
UndirectedEdgeScalars v,
FaceNormals normals,
float beta,
float gamma )
Compute edge indicator function (1 - smooth edge, 0 - crease edge) by approximation without solving the system of linear equations
\\param normals per-face normals
\\param beta 0.001 - sharp edges, 0.01 - moderate edges, 0.1 - smooth edges
\\param gamma the amount of smoothing: 0 - no smoothing, 1 - average smoothing, ...
see the article "Mesh Denoising via a Novel Mumford-Shah Framework", equation (20)

◆ updatePointPairs()

None mrmeshpy.updatePointPairs ( PointPairs pairs,
MeshOrPointsXf src,
MeshOrPointsXf tgt,
float cosThreshold,
float distThresholdSq,
bool mutualClosest )
in each pair updates the target data and performs basic filtering (activation)

◆ Utf16ToUtf8()

str mrmeshpy.Utf16ToUtf8 ( str utf16)
converts UTF16-encoded string to UTF8-encoded string

◆ utf8string()

str mrmeshpy.utf8string ( os.PathLike | str | bytes path)

◆ utf8ToSystem()

str mrmeshpy.utf8ToSystem ( str utf8)
converts UTF8-encoded string to system encoded string,
returns empty string if such conversion cannot be made

◆ utf8ToWide()

str mrmeshpy.utf8ToWide ( str utf8)
converts UTF8-encoded string into UTF16-encoded string

◆ vdbVolumeToSimpleVolume()

SimpleVolumeMinMax mrmeshpy.vdbVolumeToSimpleVolume ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
Box3i activeBox = 'MR::Box3i()',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
make SimpleVolume from VdbVolume
make copy of data

◆ vdbVolumeToSimpleVolumeNorm()

SimpleVolumeMinMax mrmeshpy.vdbVolumeToSimpleVolumeNorm ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
Box3i activeBox = 'MR::Box3i()',
std_optional_Box_float sourceScale = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Makes normalized SimpleVolume from VdbVolume
Normalisation consist of scaling values linearly from the source scale to the interval [0;1]
@note Makes copy of data
@param sourceScale if specified, defines the initial scale of voxels.
    If not specified, it is estimated as min. and max. values from the voxels

◆ vdbVolumeToSimpleVolumeU16()

SimpleVolumeMinMaxU16 mrmeshpy.vdbVolumeToSimpleVolumeU16 ( VdbVolume vdbVolume,
Box3i activeBox = 'MR::Box3i()',
std_optional_Box_float sourceScale = '{}',
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
Makes SimpleVolumeU16 from VdbVolume
Values are linearly scaled from the source scale to the range corresponding to uint16_t
@note Makes copy of data
@param sourceScale if specified, defines the initial scale of voxels.
    If not specified, it is estimated as min. and max. values from the voxels

◆ vertexAttributeGradient()

VertCoords mrmeshpy.vertexAttributeGradient ( Mesh mesh,
VertScalars vertexAttribute )
Calculates gradient for each vertex in mesh, based on vertexAttribute

◆ vertexPosEqualNeiAreas()

Vector3f mrmeshpy.vertexPosEqualNeiAreas ( Mesh mesh,
VertId v,
bool noShrinkage )
computes position of a vertex, when all neighbor triangles have almost equal areas,
more precisely it minimizes sum_i (area_i)^2 by adjusting the position of this vertex only

◆ verticesGridSampling()

VertBitSet mrmeshpy.verticesGridSampling ( MeshPart mp,
float voxelSize,
func_bool_from_float cb = '{}' )
performs sampling of mesh vertices;
subdivides mesh bounding box on voxels of approximately given size and returns at most one vertex per voxel;
returns std::nullopt if it was terminated by the callback

◆ vertMapsComposition()

VertMap mrmeshpy.vertMapsComposition ( VertMap a2b,
VertMap b2c )
updates a2b map to a2c map using b2c map
returns map a2c from a2b and b2c maps

◆ voxelBooleanIntersect()

Mesh mrmeshpy.voxelBooleanIntersect ( Mesh mesh1,
Mesh mesh2,
float voxelSize )
Intersect mesh A and mesh B.

◆ voxelBooleanSubtract()

Mesh mrmeshpy.voxelBooleanSubtract ( Mesh mesh1,
Mesh mesh2,
float voxelSize )
Subtract mesh B from mesh A.

◆ voxelBooleanUnite()

Mesh mrmeshpy.voxelBooleanUnite ( Mesh mesh1,
Mesh mesh2,
float voxelSize )
Unite mesh A and mesh B.

◆ voxelFilter()

VdbVolume mrmeshpy.voxelFilter ( VdbVolume volume,
VoxelFilterType type,
int width )
Performs voxels filtering.
@param type Type of fitler
@param width Width of the filtering window, must be an odd number greater or equal to 1.

◆ voxelizeAndComputeVolume()

float mrmeshpy.voxelizeAndComputeVolume ( std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Mesh meshes,
AffineXf3f xf,
Vector3f voxelSize )
Computes summary volume of given meshes converting it to voxels of given size
note that each mesh should have closed topology
speed and precision depends on voxelSize (smaller voxel - faster, less precise; bigger voxel - slower, more precise)

◆ voxelsApplyTransform()

bool mrmeshpy.voxelsApplyTransform ( ObjectVoxels obj,
AffineXf3f xf,
bool fixBox )
Same as above but for the SceneObject
@return true, if \\p fixBox is true and the box was "fixed" (see parameter `fixBox` of \\ref transformVdbVolume)

◆ voxelsExponentMetric()

func_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long mrmeshpy.voxelsExponentMetric ( VdbVolume voxels,
VoxelMetricParameters parameters,
float modifier = -1.0 )

◆ voxelsSumDiffsMetric()

func_float_from_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long mrmeshpy.voxelsSumDiffsMetric ( VdbVolume voxels,
VoxelMetricParameters parameters )
sum of dense differences with start and stop voxels

◆ wideToUtf8()

str mrmeshpy.wideToUtf8 ( str wide)
converts wide null terminating string to UTF8-encoded string

◆ writeByBlocks()

bool mrmeshpy.writeByBlocks ( typing.Any out,
str data,
int dataSize,
func_bool_from_float callback = '{}',
int blockSize = 65536 )
 \\brief write dataSize bytes from data to out stream by blocks blockSize bytes
 \\details if progress callback is not set, write all data by one block
 \\return false if process was canceled (callback is set and return false )

◆ writeRawTiff()

None mrmeshpy.writeRawTiff ( int bytes,
os.PathLike | str | bytes path,
BaseTiffParameters params )
writes bytes to tiff file

◆ xyPlaneMeshIntersect()

None mrmeshpy.xyPlaneMeshIntersect ( MeshPart meshPart,
float zLevel,
FaceBitSet fs,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet ues,
VertBitSet vs )
given mesh part and plane z=zLevel, outputs
\\param fs  triangles crossed or touched by the plane
\\param ues edges of these triangles
\\param vs  vertices of these triangles

◆ zlibCompressStream()

None mrmeshpy.zlibCompressStream ( typing.Any in_,
typing.Any out,
int level = -1 )
 @brief compress the input data using the Deflate algorithm
 @param in - input data stream
 @param out - output data stream
 @param level - compression level (0 - no compression, 1 - the fastest but the most inefficient compression, 9 - the most efficient but the slowest compression)
 @return nothing or error string

◆ zlibDecompressStream()

None mrmeshpy.zlibDecompressStream ( typing.Any in_,
typing.Any out )
 /brief decompress the input data compressed using the Deflate algorithm
 @param in - input data stream
 @param out - output data stream
 @return nothing or error string

Variable Documentation

◆ AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeBase_ObjTreeTraits_Traits

mrmeshpy.AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeBase_ObjTreeTraits_Traits = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits

◆ AffineXf_Vector2d_M

mrmeshpy.AffineXf_Vector2d_M = Matrix2d

◆ AffineXf_Vector2f_M

mrmeshpy.AffineXf_Vector2f_M = Matrix2f

◆ AffineXf_Vector3d_M

mrmeshpy.AffineXf_Vector3d_M = Matrix3d

◆ AffineXf_Vector3f_M

mrmeshpy.AffineXf_Vector3f_M = Matrix3f

◆ AllVisualizeProperties

mrmeshpy.AllVisualizeProperties = std_vector_ViewportMask

◆ Ball_double_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Ball_double_VTraits = VectorTraits_double

◆ Ball_float_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Ball_float_VTraits = VectorTraits_float

◆ Ball_Vector2d_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Ball_Vector2d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2d

◆ Ball_Vector2f_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Ball_Vector2f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2f

◆ Ball_Vector3d_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Ball_Vector3d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3d

◆ Ball_Vector3f_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Ball_Vector3f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3f

◆ BMap_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.BMap_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType = BMap_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ BMap_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.BMap_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = BMap_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag

◆ BooleanResMapObj

mrmeshpy.BooleanResMapObj = BooleanResultMapper.MapObject

◆ Box_double_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_double_VTraits = VectorTraits_double

◆ Box_float_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_float_VTraits = VectorTraits_float

◆ Box_int_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_int_VTraits = VectorTraits_int

◆ Box_long_long_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_long_long_VTraits = VectorTraits_long_long

◆ Box_Vector2d_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector2d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2d

◆ Box_Vector2f_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector2f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2f

◆ Box_Vector2i_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector2i_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2i

◆ Box_Vector2ll_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector2ll_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector2ll

◆ Box_Vector3d_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector3d_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3d

◆ Box_Vector3f_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector3f_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3f

◆ Box_Vector3i_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector3i_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3i

◆ Box_Vector3ll_VTraits

mrmeshpy.Box_Vector3ll_VTraits = VectorTraits_Vector3ll

◆ ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_ColorMap

mrmeshpy.ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_ColorMap = FaceColors

◆ ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_ElementBitSet

mrmeshpy.ColorMapAggregator_FaceTag_ElementBitSet = FaceBitSet

◆ ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_ColorMap

mrmeshpy.ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_ColorMap = UndirectedEdgeColors

◆ ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_ElementBitSet

mrmeshpy.ColorMapAggregator_UndirectedEdgeTag_ElementBitSet = UndirectedEdgeBitSet

◆ ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_ColorMap

mrmeshpy.ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_ColorMap = VertColors

◆ ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_ElementBitSet

mrmeshpy.ColorMapAggregator_VertTag_ElementBitSet = VertBitSet

◆ ContinuousContour

mrmeshpy.ContinuousContour = std_vector_VariableEdgeTri

◆ ContinuousContours

mrmeshpy.ContinuousContours = std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri

◆ Contour2d

mrmeshpy.Contour2d = std_vector_Vector2_double

◆ Contour2f

mrmeshpy.Contour2f = std_vector_Vector2_float

◆ Contour3d

mrmeshpy.Contour3d = std_vector_Vector3_double

◆ Contour3f

mrmeshpy.Contour3f = std_vector_Vector3_float

◆ Contours2d

mrmeshpy.Contours2d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_double

◆ Contours2f

mrmeshpy.Contours2f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float

◆ Contours3d

mrmeshpy.Contours3d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_double

◆ Contours3f

mrmeshpy.Contours3f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float

◆ copyMesh

mrmeshpy.copyMesh = Mesh

◆ DecimatePolylineSettings2

mrmeshpy.DecimatePolylineSettings2 = DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector2f

◆ DecimatePolylineSettings3

mrmeshpy.DecimatePolylineSettings3 = DecimatePolylineSettings_Vector3f

◆ EdgeHashMap

◆ EdgeId

mrmeshpy.EdgeId = Id_EdgeTag

◆ EdgeLoop

mrmeshpy.EdgeLoop = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

◆ EdgeLoops

mrmeshpy.EdgeLoops = std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

◆ EdgePath

mrmeshpy.EdgePath = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

◆ EdgePathsBuilder

mrmeshpy.EdgePathsBuilder = EdgePathsBuilderT_TrivialMetricToPenalty

◆ FaceHashMap

◆ FaceTreeTraits3

mrmeshpy.FaceTreeTraits3 = AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f

◆ FeaturesPropertyTypesVariant

mrmeshpy.FeaturesPropertyTypesVariant = std_variant_float_Vector3_float

◆ FileNamesStack

mrmeshpy.FileNamesStack = std_vector_std_filesystem_path

◆ FixSelfIntersectionMethod

mrmeshpy.FixSelfIntersectionMethod = SelfIntersections.Settings.Method

◆ FixSelfIntersectionSettings

mrmeshpy.FixSelfIntersectionSettings = SelfIntersections.Settings

◆ FloatGrid

mrmeshpy.FloatGrid = OpenVdbFloatGrid

◆ GcodeSource

mrmeshpy.GcodeSource = std_vector_std_string

◆ GeneralOffsetParametersMode

mrmeshpy.GeneralOffsetParametersMode = OffsetMode

◆ HashMap_EdgeId_EdgeId

mrmeshpy.HashMap_EdgeId_EdgeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag

◆ HashMap_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.HashMap_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag

◆ HashMap_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.HashMap_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ HashMap_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.HashMap_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag

◆ HistoryActionsVector

mrmeshpy.HistoryActionsVector = std_vector_std_shared_ptr_HistoryAction

◆ ICPElementBitSet

mrmeshpy.ICPElementBitSet = TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag

◆ ICPElementId

mrmeshpy.ICPElementId = Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ ICPObjects

mrmeshpy.ICPObjects = Vector_MeshOrPointsXf_ObjId

◆ ICPPairsGrid

◆ IOFilters

mrmeshpy.IOFilters = std_vector_IOFilter

◆ IsoLine

mrmeshpy.IsoLine = std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ IsoLines

mrmeshpy.IsoLines = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ IteratorRange_LeftRingIterator

mrmeshpy.IteratorRange_LeftRingIterator = IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft

◆ IteratorRange_OrgRingIterator

mrmeshpy.IteratorRange_OrgRingIterator = IteratorRange_RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin

◆ LaplacianEdgeWeightsParam

mrmeshpy.LaplacianEdgeWeightsParam = EdgeWeights

◆ LeftRingIterator

mrmeshpy.LeftRingIterator = RingIterator_NextEdgeSameLeft

◆ Line3dMesh

mrmeshpy.Line3dMesh = Line3Mesh_double

◆ Line3fMesh

mrmeshpy.Line3fMesh = Line3Mesh_float

◆ LineTreeTraits2

mrmeshpy.LineTreeTraits2 = AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f

◆ LineTreeTraits3

mrmeshpy.LineTreeTraits3 = AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f

◆ LoadedObject

mrmeshpy.LoadedObject = LoadedObjectT

◆ LoadedObjectLines

mrmeshpy.LoadedObjectLines = LoadedObjectT_ObjectLines

◆ LoadedObjectMesh

mrmeshpy.LoadedObjectMesh = LoadedObjectT_ObjectMesh

◆ LoadedObjectPoints

mrmeshpy.LoadedObjectPoints = LoadedObjectT_ObjectPoints

◆ LoadedObjectT_Object

mrmeshpy.LoadedObjectT_Object = LoadedObjectT

◆ LoadedObjectVoxels

mrmeshpy.LoadedObjectVoxels = LoadedObjectT_ObjectVoxels

◆ Matrix2_bool_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix2_bool_VectorType = Vector2b

◆ Matrix2_double_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix2_double_VectorType = Vector2d

◆ Matrix2_float_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix2_float_VectorType = Vector2f

◆ Matrix2_int_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix2_int_VectorType = Vector2i

◆ Matrix2_long_long_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix2_long_long_VectorType = Vector2ll

◆ Matrix3_bool_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix3_bool_VectorType = Vector3b

◆ Matrix3_double_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix3_double_VectorType = Vector3d

◆ Matrix3_float_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix3_float_VectorType = Vector3f

◆ Matrix3_int_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix3_int_VectorType = Vector3i

◆ Matrix3_long_long_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix3_long_long_VectorType = Vector3ll

◆ Matrix4_bool_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix4_bool_VectorType = Vector4b

◆ Matrix4_double_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix4_double_VectorType = Vector4d

◆ Matrix4_float_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix4_float_VectorType = Vector4f

◆ Matrix4_int_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix4_int_VectorType = Vector4i

◆ Matrix4_long_long_VectorType

mrmeshpy.Matrix4_long_long_VectorType = Vector4ll

◆ MeshBuilderSettings

mrmeshpy.MeshBuilderSettings = MeshBuilder.BuildSettings

◆ MeshDistanceResult

mrmeshpy.MeshDistanceResult = MeshMeshDistanceResult

◆ MeshEdgePoint

mrmeshpy.MeshEdgePoint = EdgePoint

◆ MeshLabel

mrmeshpy.MeshLabel = PositionedText

◆ MeshOnVoxelsFunction

mrmeshpy.MeshOnVoxelsFunction = MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_FunctionVolume

◆ MeshOnVoxelsFunctionC

mrmeshpy.MeshOnVoxelsFunctionC = MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_FunctionVolume

◆ MeshOnVoxelsSimple

mrmeshpy.MeshOnVoxelsSimple = MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_SimpleVolumeMinMax

◆ MeshOnVoxelsSimpleC

mrmeshpy.MeshOnVoxelsSimpleC = MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_SimpleVolumeMinMax

◆ MeshOnVoxelsVdb

mrmeshpy.MeshOnVoxelsVdb = MeshOnVoxelsT_Mesh_VdbVolume

◆ MeshOnVoxelsVdbC

mrmeshpy.MeshOnVoxelsVdbC = MeshOnVoxelsT_const_Mesh_VdbVolume

◆ MeshSignedDistanceResult

mrmeshpy.MeshSignedDistanceResult = MeshMeshSignedDistanceResult

◆ MeshToVolumeParamsType

mrmeshpy.MeshToVolumeParamsType = MeshToVolumeParams.Type

◆ MinMax_VoxelsVolume_std_vector_unsigned_short_ValueType

mrmeshpy.MinMax_VoxelsVolume_std_vector_unsigned_short_ValueType = Box_unsigned_short

◆ MinMaxd

mrmeshpy.MinMaxd = Box1d

◆ MinMaxf

mrmeshpy.MinMaxf = Box1f

◆ MultiObjsSamples

mrmeshpy.MultiObjsSamples = std_vector_ObjVertId

◆ ObjectPtr

mrmeshpy.ObjectPtr = Object

◆ OffsetContoursVertMap

mrmeshpy.OffsetContoursVertMap = std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins

◆ OffsetContoursVertMaps

mrmeshpy.OffsetContoursVertMaps = std_vector_std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins

◆ OneMeshContours

mrmeshpy.OneMeshContours = std_vector_OneMeshContour

◆ OrgRingIterator

mrmeshpy.OrgRingIterator = RingIterator_NextEdgeSameOrigin

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_FaceId_FaceId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_FaceId_FaceId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_FaceTag_Id_FaceTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_GraphEdgeId_GraphEdgeId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_GraphEdgeId_GraphEdgeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_GraphEdgeTag_Id_GraphEdgeTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_GraphVertId_GraphVertId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_GraphVertId_GraphVertId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_GraphVertTag_Id_GraphVertTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_int_Box3i_phmap_Hash_int32_t

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_int_Box3i_phmap_Hash_int32_t = phmap_flat_hash_map_int_Box_Vector3_int

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_NodeId_NodeId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_NodeId_NodeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_NodeTag_Id_NodeTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_ObjId_ObjId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_ObjId_ObjId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_ObjTag_Id_ObjTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_PixelId_PixelId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_PixelId_PixelId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_PixelTag_Id_PixelTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_RegionId_RegionId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_RegionId_RegionId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_RegionTag_Id_RegionTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_TextureId_TextureId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_TextureId_TextureId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_TextureTag_Id_TextureTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_Id_EdgeTag

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_Id_EdgeTag = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_int

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_int = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_int

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_unsigned_long_long_std_array_VertId_3_phmap_Hash_uint64_t

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_unsigned_long_long_std_array_VertId_3_phmap_Hash_uint64_t = phmap_flat_hash_map_unsigned_long_long_std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_float

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_float = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_float

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_FlowAggregator_Flows

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_FlowAggregator_Flows = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_FlowAggregator_Flows

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_VertId

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_VertId = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag

◆ phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_VertPathInfo

mrmeshpy.phmap_flat_hash_map_VertId_VertPathInfo = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_VertPathInfo

◆ PickedPoint

◆ PlaneSection

mrmeshpy.PlaneSection = std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ PlaneSections

mrmeshpy.PlaneSections = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ Polynomial_double_0ULL_0_0_0ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_double_0ULL_0_0_0ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_0

◆ Polynomial_double_1ULL_0_0_1ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_double_1ULL_0_0_1ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_0

◆ Polynomial_double_2ULL_0_0_2ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_double_2ULL_0_0_2ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_1

◆ Polynomial_double_3ULL_0_0_3ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_double_3ULL_0_0_3ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_2

◆ Polynomial_double_4ULL_0_0_4ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_double_4ULL_0_0_4ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_3

◆ Polynomial_double_5ULL_0_0_5ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_double_5ULL_0_0_5ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_4

◆ Polynomial_double_6ULL_0_0_6ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_double_6ULL_0_0_6ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_double_5

◆ Polynomial_float_0ULL_0_0_0ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_float_0ULL_0_0_0ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_0

◆ Polynomial_float_1ULL_0_0_1ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_float_1ULL_0_0_1ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_0

◆ Polynomial_float_2ULL_0_0_2ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_float_2ULL_0_0_2ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_1

◆ Polynomial_float_3ULL_0_0_3ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_float_3ULL_0_0_3ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_2

◆ Polynomial_float_4ULL_0_0_4ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_float_4ULL_0_0_4ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_3

◆ Polynomial_float_5ULL_0_0_5ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_float_5ULL_0_0_5ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_4

◆ Polynomial_float_6ULL_0_0_6ULL_minus_1

mrmeshpy.Polynomial_float_6ULL_0_0_6ULL_minus_1 = Polynomial_float_5

◆ PolynomialWrapperd

mrmeshpy.PolynomialWrapperd = PolynomialWrapper_double

◆ PolynomialWrapperf

mrmeshpy.PolynomialWrapperf = PolynomialWrapper_float

◆ Polynomialx_double

◆ Polynomialx_float

◆ QuadraticForm_Vector2d_SM

mrmeshpy.QuadraticForm_Vector2d_SM = SymMatrix2d

◆ QuadraticForm_Vector2f_SM

mrmeshpy.QuadraticForm_Vector2f_SM = SymMatrix2f

◆ QuadraticForm_Vector3d_SM

mrmeshpy.QuadraticForm_Vector3d_SM = SymMatrix3d

◆ QuadraticForm_Vector3f_SM

mrmeshpy.QuadraticForm_Vector3f_SM = SymMatrix3f

◆ RigidScaleXf3_double_V

mrmeshpy.RigidScaleXf3_double_V = Vector3d

◆ RigidScaleXf3_float_V

mrmeshpy.RigidScaleXf3_float_V = Vector3f

◆ RigidXf3_double_V

mrmeshpy.RigidXf3_double_V = Vector3d

◆ RigidXf3_float_V

mrmeshpy.RigidXf3_float_V = Vector3f

◆ SeparationPointMap

◆ SeparationPointSet

mrmeshpy.SeparationPointSet = std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ std_array_AffineXf3d_4

mrmeshpy.std_array_AffineXf3d_4 = std_array_AffineXf_Vector3_double_4

◆ std_array_AffineXf3f_4

mrmeshpy.std_array_AffineXf3f_4 = std_array_AffineXf_Vector3_float_4

◆ std_array_BooleanResultMapper_Maps_size_t_MapObject_Count

mrmeshpy.std_array_BooleanResultMapper_Maps_size_t_MapObject_Count = std_array_BooleanResultMapper_Maps_2

◆ std_array_SimpleVolumeMinMax_3

mrmeshpy.std_array_SimpleVolumeMinMax_3 = std_array_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_3

◆ std_array_std_filesystem_path_size_t_SystemFontType_Count

mrmeshpy.std_array_std_filesystem_path_size_t_SystemFontType_Count = std_array_std_filesystem_path_4

◆ std_array_Vector3d_3

mrmeshpy.std_array_Vector3d_3 = std_array_Vector3_double_3

◆ std_array_Vector3f_3

mrmeshpy.std_array_Vector3f_3 = std_array_Vector3_float_3

◆ std_array_Vector3i_3

mrmeshpy.std_array_Vector3i_3 = std_array_Vector3_int_3

◆ std_array_VertId_3

mrmeshpy.std_array_VertId_3 = std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ std_optional_Box1f

mrmeshpy.std_optional_Box1f = std_optional_Box_float

◆ std_optional_Box3f

mrmeshpy.std_optional_Box3f = std_optional_Box_Vector3_float

◆ std_optional_Vector2f

mrmeshpy.std_optional_Vector2f = std_optional_Vector2_float

◆ std_optional_Vector3f

mrmeshpy.std_optional_Vector3f = std_optional_Vector3_float

◆ std_shared_ptr_ChangeActiveBoxAction_Obj

mrmeshpy.std_shared_ptr_ChangeActiveBoxAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels

◆ std_shared_ptr_ChangeDualMarchingCubesAction_Obj

mrmeshpy.std_shared_ptr_ChangeDualMarchingCubesAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels

◆ std_shared_ptr_ChangeGridAction_Obj

mrmeshpy.std_shared_ptr_ChangeGridAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels

◆ std_shared_ptr_ChangeIsoAction_Obj

mrmeshpy.std_shared_ptr_ChangeIsoAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels

◆ std_shared_ptr_ChangeSurfaceAction_Obj

mrmeshpy.std_shared_ptr_ChangeSurfaceAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels

◆ std_shared_ptr_ChangVoxelSelectionAction_Obj

mrmeshpy.std_shared_ptr_ChangVoxelSelectionAction_Obj = ObjectVoxels

◆ std_shared_ptr_GcodeSource

mrmeshpy.std_shared_ptr_GcodeSource = std_vector_std_string

◆ std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_EdgeTag_pointer

mrmeshpy.std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_EdgeTag_pointer = NoDefInit_Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_ICPElemtTag_pointer

mrmeshpy.std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_ICPElemtTag_pointer = NoDefInit_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_VoxelTag_pointer

mrmeshpy.std_unique_ptr_NoDefInit_Id_VoxelTag_pointer = NoDefInit_Id_VoxelTag

◆ std_variant_FaceId_Id_EdgeTag_VertId

mrmeshpy.std_variant_FaceId_Id_EdgeTag_VertId = std_variant_Id_FaceTag_Id_EdgeTag_Id_VertTag

◆ std_variant_float_Vector3f

mrmeshpy.std_variant_float_Vector3f = std_variant_float_Vector3_float

◆ std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_VertId_int

mrmeshpy.std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_VertId_int = std_variant_MeshTriPoint_EdgePoint_Id_VertTag_int

◆ std_variant_Sphere3f_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane

mrmeshpy.std_variant_Sphere3f_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane = std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane

◆ std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box3f = std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_FaceTag_Box_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box2f = std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box_Vector2_float

◆ std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box3f = std_vector_AABBTreeNode_AABBTreeTraits_UndirectedEdgeTag_Box_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_const_reference = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits

◆ std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_reference = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits

◆ std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits_value_type = AABBTreeNode_ObjTreeTraits

◆ std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_const_reference = AABBTreePoints.Node

◆ std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_reference = AABBTreePoints.Node

◆ std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AABBTreePoints_Node_value_type = AABBTreePoints.Node

◆ std_vector_AffineXf3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_AffineXf3f = std_vector_AffineXf_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_Color_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Color_const_reference = Color

◆ std_vector_Color_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Color_reference = Color

◆ std_vector_Color_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Color_value_type = Color

◆ std_vector_const_Mesh

mrmeshpy.std_vector_const_Mesh = std_vector_Mesh_const

◆ std_vector_ContinuousContour

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ContinuousContour = std_vector_std_vector_VariableEdgeTri

◆ std_vector_Dipole_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Dipole_const_reference = Dipole

◆ std_vector_Dipole_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Dipole_reference = Dipole

◆ std_vector_Dipole_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Dipole_value_type = Dipole

◆ std_vector_EdgeBitSet

mrmeshpy.std_vector_EdgeBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_EdgeId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_EdgeId = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_EdgeLoop

mrmeshpy.std_vector_EdgeLoop = std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_EdgePair

mrmeshpy.std_vector_EdgePair = std_vector_std_pair_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_EdgePath

mrmeshpy.std_vector_EdgePath = std_vector_std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_FaceBitSet

mrmeshpy.std_vector_FaceBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_FaceTag

◆ std_vector_FaceId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_FaceId = std_vector_Id_FaceTag

◆ std_vector_FanRecord_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_FanRecord_const_reference = FanRecord

◆ std_vector_FanRecord_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_FanRecord_reference = FanRecord

◆ std_vector_FanRecord_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_FanRecord_value_type = FanRecord

◆ std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_const_reference = Graph.EndVertices

◆ std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_reference = Graph.EndVertices

◆ std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Graph_EndVertices_value_type = Graph.EndVertices

◆ std_vector_GraphEdgeId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_GraphEdgeId = std_vector_Id_GraphEdgeTag

◆ std_vector_GraphVertId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_GraphVertId = std_vector_Id_GraphVertTag

◆ std_vector_Heap_float_GraphVertId_std_greater_float_Element

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Heap_float_GraphVertId_std_greater_float_Element = std_vector_Heap_float_Id_GraphVertTag_std_greater_float_Element

◆ std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_const_reference = ICPGroupPairs

◆ std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_reference = ICPGroupPairs

◆ std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ICPGroupPairs_value_type = ICPGroupPairs

◆ std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference = Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_reference = Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_EdgeTag_value_type = Id_EdgeTag

◆ std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_const_reference = Id_VoxelTag

◆ std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_reference = Id_VoxelTag

◆ std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Id_VoxelTag_value_type = Id_VoxelTag

◆ std_vector_Line3dMesh

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Line3dMesh = std_vector_Line3Mesh_double

◆ std_vector_Line3fMesh

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Line3fMesh = std_vector_Line3Mesh_float

◆ std_vector_LineSegm3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_LineSegm3f = std_vector_LineSegm_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_const_reference = MeshBuilder.VertSpan

◆ std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_reference = MeshBuilder.VertSpan

◆ std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshBuilder_VertSpan_value_type = MeshBuilder.VertSpan

◆ std_vector_MeshEdgePoint

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshEdgePoint = std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_const_reference = MeshOrPointsXf

◆ std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_reference = MeshOrPointsXf

◆ std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshOrPointsXf_value_type = MeshOrPointsXf

◆ std_vector_MeshTexture_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshTexture_const_reference = MeshTexture

◆ std_vector_MeshTexture_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshTexture_reference = MeshTexture

◆ std_vector_MeshTexture_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_MeshTexture_value_type = MeshTexture

◆ std_vector_ModelPointsData_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ModelPointsData_const_reference = ModelPointsData

◆ std_vector_ModelPointsData_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ModelPointsData_reference = ModelPointsData

◆ std_vector_ModelPointsData_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ModelPointsData_value_type = ModelPointsData

◆ std_vector_NodeId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_NodeId = std_vector_Id_NodeTag

◆ std_vector_ObjectPtr

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ObjectPtr = std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object

◆ std_vector_ObjId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_ObjId = std_vector_Id_ObjTag

◆ std_vector_OffsetContoursVertMap

mrmeshpy.std_vector_OffsetContoursVertMap = std_vector_std_vector_OffsetContoursOrigins

◆ std_vector_PixelId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_PixelId = std_vector_Id_PixelTag

◆ std_vector_PlanarTriangulation_ContourIdMap

mrmeshpy.std_vector_PlanarTriangulation_ContourIdMap = std_vector_std_vector_PlanarTriangulation_IntersectionInfo

◆ std_vector_Polyline3

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Polyline3 = std_vector_Polyline_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_QuadraticForm2f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_QuadraticForm2f = std_vector_QuadraticForm_Vector2_float

◆ std_vector_QuadraticForm3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_QuadraticForm3f = std_vector_QuadraticForm_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_RegionId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_RegionId = std_vector_Id_RegionTag

◆ std_vector_RigidXf3d

mrmeshpy.std_vector_RigidXf3d = std_vector_RigidXf3_double

◆ std_vector_size_t

mrmeshpy.std_vector_size_t = std_vector_unsigned_long_long

◆ std_vector_std_array_Vector3f_3

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_array_Vector3f_3 = std_vector_std_array_Vector3_float_3

◆ std_vector_std_array_VertId_3

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_array_VertId_3 = std_vector_std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ std_vector_std_pair_size_t_size_t

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_pair_size_t_size_t = std_vector_std_pair_unsigned_long_long_unsigned_long_long

◆ std_vector_std_pair_Vector3f_Vector3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_pair_Vector3f_Vector3f = std_vector_std_pair_Vector3_float_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_std_pair_VertId_VertId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_pair_VertId_VertId = std_vector_std_pair_Id_VertTag_Id_VertTag

◆ std_vector_std_shared_ptr_const_Object

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_shared_ptr_const_Object = std_vector_std_shared_ptr_Object_const

◆ std_vector_std_variant_Sphere3f_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_variant_Sphere3f_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane = std_vector_std_variant_Sphere_Vector3_float_Features_Primitives_ConeSegment_Features_Primitives_Plane

◆ std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_const_reference = std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_reference = std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint_value_type = std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ std_vector_std_vector_GraphEdgeId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_GraphEdgeId = std_vector_std_vector_Id_GraphEdgeTag

◆ std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_const_reference = std_vector_ObjVertId

◆ std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_reference = std_vector_ObjVertId

◆ std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_value_type = std_vector_ObjVertId

◆ std_vector_std_vector_Vector2d

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_Vector2d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_double

◆ std_vector_std_vector_Vector2f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_Vector2f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector2_float

◆ std_vector_std_vector_Vector3d

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_Vector3d = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_double

◆ std_vector_std_vector_Vector3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_Vector3f = std_vector_std_vector_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_std_vector_VertId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_std_vector_VertId = std_vector_std_vector_Id_VertTag

◆ std_vector_SurfacePath

mrmeshpy.std_vector_SurfacePath = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ std_vector_SystemPath_SystemFontPaths

mrmeshpy.std_vector_SystemPath_SystemFontPaths = std_vector_std_array_std_filesystem_path_4

◆ std_vector_TextureId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_TextureId = std_vector_Id_TextureTag

◆ std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolume_std_string

mrmeshpy.std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolume_std_string = std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_std_string

◆ std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeAsVdb_std_string

mrmeshpy.std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeAsVdb_std_string = std_vector_tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid_std_string

◆ std_vector_TriPointf

mrmeshpy.std_vector_TriPointf = std_vector_TriPoint_float

◆ std_vector_uint8_t

mrmeshpy.std_vector_uint8_t = std_vector_unsigned_char

◆ std_vector_UndirectedEdgeBitSet

mrmeshpy.std_vector_UndirectedEdgeBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_UndirectedEdgeTag

◆ std_vector_UndirectedEdgeId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_UndirectedEdgeId = std_vector_Id_UndirectedEdgeTag

◆ std_vector_VdbVolume

◆ std_vector_Vector2d

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector2d = std_vector_Vector2_double

◆ std_vector_Vector2f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector2f = std_vector_Vector2_float

◆ std_vector_Vector3d

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector3d = std_vector_Vector3_double

◆ std_vector_Vector3f

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector3f = std_vector_Vector3_float

◆ std_vector_Vector3i

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector3i = std_vector_Vector3_int

◆ std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Vector_std_vector_ObjVertId_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_const_reference = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_reference = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag_value_type = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ std_vector_VertBitSet

mrmeshpy.std_vector_VertBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VertTag

◆ std_vector_VertId

mrmeshpy.std_vector_VertId = std_vector_Id_VertTag

◆ std_vector_VoxelBitSet

mrmeshpy.std_vector_VoxelBitSet = std_vector_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag

◆ std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_const_reference = WatershedGraph.BasinInfo

◆ std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_reference = WatershedGraph.BasinInfo

◆ std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_WatershedGraph_BasinInfo_value_type = WatershedGraph.BasinInfo

◆ std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_const_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_const_reference = WatershedGraph.BdInfo

◆ std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_reference

mrmeshpy.std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_reference = WatershedGraph.BdInfo

◆ std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_value_type

mrmeshpy.std_vector_WatershedGraph_BdInfo_value_type = WatershedGraph.BdInfo

◆ SurfacePath

mrmeshpy.SurfacePath = std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ SurfacePaths

mrmeshpy.SurfacePaths = std_vector_std_vector_EdgePoint

◆ TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_EdgeTag_IndexType = Id_EdgeTag

◆ TaggedBitSet_FaceTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_FaceTag_IndexType = FaceId

◆ TaggedBitSet_GraphEdgeTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_GraphEdgeTag_IndexType = GraphEdgeId

◆ TaggedBitSet_GraphVertTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_GraphVertTag_IndexType = GraphVertId

◆ TaggedBitSet_NodeTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_NodeTag_IndexType = NodeId

◆ TaggedBitSet_ObjTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_ObjTag_IndexType = ObjId

◆ TaggedBitSet_PixelTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_PixelTag_IndexType = PixelId

◆ TaggedBitSet_RegionTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_RegionTag_IndexType = RegionId

◆ TaggedBitSet_TextureTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_TextureTag_IndexType = TextureId

◆ TaggedBitSet_UndirectedEdgeTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_UndirectedEdgeTag_IndexType = UndirectedEdgeId

◆ TaggedBitSet_VertTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_VertTag_IndexType = VertId

◆ TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = Id_VoxelTag

◆ TextAlignParams

mrmeshpy.TextAlignParams = TextMeshAlignParams

◆ ThreePoints

mrmeshpy.ThreePoints = std_array_Vector3_float_3

◆ ThreeVertIds

mrmeshpy.ThreeVertIds = std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolume_std_string

mrmeshpy.tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolume_std_string = expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_vector_float_std_string

◆ tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeAsVdb_std_string

mrmeshpy.tl_expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeAsVdb_std_string = expected_VoxelsLoad_DicomVolumeT_VoxelsVolumeMinMax_std_shared_ptr_OpenVdbFloatGrid_std_string

◆ Triangle3d

mrmeshpy.Triangle3d = std_array_Vector3_double_3

◆ Triangle3f

mrmeshpy.Triangle3f = std_array_Vector3_float_3

◆ Triangle3i

mrmeshpy.Triangle3i = std_array_Vector3_int_3

◆ TriangleCornerNormals

mrmeshpy.TriangleCornerNormals = std_array_Vector3_float_3

◆ TrianglesRepetitions

mrmeshpy.TrianglesRepetitions = std_array_int_4

◆ TriangulationHelpersSettings

mrmeshpy.TriangulationHelpersSettings = TriangulationHelpers.Settings

◆ UndirectedEdgeHashMap

◆ UVCoord

mrmeshpy.UVCoord = Vector2f

◆ VdbVolumes

◆ Vector2_bool_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_bool_MatrixType = Matrix2b

◆ Vector2_bool_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_bool_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2b

◆ Vector2_double_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_double_MatrixType = Matrix2d

◆ Vector2_double_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_double_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2d

◆ Vector2_float_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_float_MatrixType = Matrix2f

◆ Vector2_float_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_float_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2f

◆ Vector2_int_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_int_MatrixType = Matrix2i

◆ Vector2_int_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_int_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2i

◆ Vector2_long_long_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_long_long_MatrixType = Matrix2ll

◆ Vector2_long_long_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector2_long_long_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix2ll

◆ Vector3_bool_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_bool_MatrixType = Matrix3b

◆ Vector3_bool_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_bool_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3b

◆ Vector3_double_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_double_MatrixType = Matrix3d

◆ Vector3_double_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_double_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3d

◆ Vector3_float_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_float_MatrixType = Matrix3f

◆ Vector3_float_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_float_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3f

◆ Vector3_int_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_int_MatrixType = Matrix3i

◆ Vector3_int_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_int_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3i

◆ Vector3_long_long_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_long_long_MatrixType = Matrix3ll

◆ Vector3_long_long_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector3_long_long_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix3ll

◆ Vector4_bool_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_bool_MatrixType = Matrix4b

◆ Vector4_bool_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_bool_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4b

◆ Vector4_double_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_double_MatrixType = Matrix4d

◆ Vector4_double_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_double_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4d

◆ Vector4_float_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_float_MatrixType = Matrix4f

◆ Vector4_float_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_float_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4f

◆ Vector4_int_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_int_MatrixType = Matrix4i

◆ Vector4_int_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_int_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4i

◆ Vector4_long_long_MatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_long_long_MatrixType = Matrix4ll

◆ Vector4_long_long_SymMatrixType

mrmeshpy.Vector4_long_long_SymMatrixType = SymMatrix4ll

◆ Vector_Color_FaceId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_FaceId_const_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_FaceId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_FaceId_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_FaceId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_FaceId_value_type = Color

◆ Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_Id_EdgeTag_value_type = Color

◆ Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = Color

◆ Vector_Color_VertId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_VertId_const_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_VertId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_VertId_reference = Color

◆ Vector_Color_VertId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Color_VertId_value_type = Color

◆ Vector_Dipole_NodeId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Dipole_NodeId_const_reference = Dipole

◆ Vector_Dipole_NodeId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Dipole_NodeId_reference = Dipole

◆ Vector_Dipole_NodeId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Dipole_NodeId_value_type = Dipole

◆ Vector_FaceId_FaceId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_FaceId_FaceId_const_reference = FaceId

◆ Vector_FaceId_FaceId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_FaceId_FaceId_reference = FaceId

◆ Vector_FaceId_FaceId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_FaceId_FaceId_value_type = FaceId

◆ Vector_ICPPairsGrid_ICPLayer

◆ Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_const_reference = Id_EdgeTag

◆ Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_reference = Id_EdgeTag

◆ Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Id_EdgeTag_Id_EdgeTag_value_type = Id_EdgeTag

◆ Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = Id_EdgeTag

◆ Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = Id_EdgeTag

◆ Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Id_EdgeTag_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = Id_EdgeTag

◆ Vector_ObjId_ObjId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_ObjId_ObjId_const_reference = ObjId

◆ Vector_ObjId_ObjId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_ObjId_ObjId_reference = ObjId

◆ Vector_ObjId_ObjId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_ObjId_ObjId_value_type = ObjId

◆ Vector_RegionId_FaceId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_FaceId_const_reference = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_FaceId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_FaceId_reference = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_FaceId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_FaceId_value_type = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_VertId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_VertId_const_reference = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_VertId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_VertId_reference = RegionId

◆ Vector_RegionId_VertId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_RegionId_VertId_value_type = RegionId

◆ Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_const_reference = std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_reference = std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_std_array_VertId_3_FaceId_value_type = std_array_Id_VertTag_3

◆ Vector_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.Vector_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_ICPElemtTag_IndexType = Vector_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ Vector_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType

mrmeshpy.Vector_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType_TaggedBitSet_VoxelTag_IndexType = Vector_Id_VoxelTag_Id_VoxelTag

◆ Vector_TextureId_FaceId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_TextureId_FaceId_const_reference = TextureId

◆ Vector_TextureId_FaceId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_TextureId_FaceId_reference = TextureId

◆ Vector_TextureId_FaceId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_TextureId_FaceId_value_type = TextureId

◆ Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_const_reference = UndirectedEdgeId

◆ Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_reference = UndirectedEdgeId

◆ Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_UndirectedEdgeId_UndirectedEdgeId_value_type = UndirectedEdgeId

◆ Vector_Vector2f_VertId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector2f_VertId_const_reference = Vector2f

◆ Vector_Vector2f_VertId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector2f_VertId_reference = Vector2f

◆ Vector_Vector2f_VertId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector2f_VertId_value_type = Vector2f

◆ Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_const_reference = Vector3f

◆ Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_reference = Vector3f

◆ Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector3f_FaceId_value_type = Vector3f

◆ Vector_Vector3f_VertId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector3f_VertId_const_reference = Vector3f

◆ Vector_Vector3f_VertId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector3f_VertId_reference = Vector3f

◆ Vector_Vector3f_VertId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector3f_VertId_value_type = Vector3f

◆ Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_ICPElementId_ICPElementId

mrmeshpy.Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_ICPElementId_ICPElementId = Vector_Vector_ICPGroupPairs_Id_ICPElemtTag_Id_ICPElemtTag

◆ Vector_VertId_VertId_const_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_VertId_VertId_const_reference = VertId

◆ Vector_VertId_VertId_reference

mrmeshpy.Vector_VertId_VertId_reference = VertId

◆ Vector_VertId_VertId_value_type

mrmeshpy.Vector_VertId_VertId_value_type = VertId

◆ vectorConstMeshPtr

mrmeshpy.vectorConstMeshPtr = std_vector_Mesh_const

◆ vectorEdges

mrmeshpy.vectorEdges = std_vector_Id_EdgeTag

◆ VertHashMap

◆ VertNormals

mrmeshpy.VertNormals = VertCoords

◆ VertPathInfoMap

mrmeshpy.VertPathInfoMap = phmap_flat_hash_map_Id_VertTag_VertPathInfo

◆ ViewportProperty_uint8_t

mrmeshpy.ViewportProperty_uint8_t = ViewportProperty_unsigned_char

◆ VoxelId

mrmeshpy.VoxelId = Id_VoxelTag

◆ VoxelsSaveSavingSettings

mrmeshpy.VoxelsSaveSavingSettings = VoxelsSave.SavingSettings

◆ WholeEdgeHashMap