MeshLib Python Docs
No Matches
mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode Class Reference

Public Member Functions

bool __eq__ (self, typing.Any other)
int __getstate__ (self)
int __hash__ (self)
int __index__ (self)
None __init__ (self, int value)
int __int__ (self)
bool __ne__ (self, typing.Any other)
str __repr__ (self)
None __setstate__ (self, int state)
str __str__ (self)
str name (self)
int value (self)

Static Public Attributes

typing HoleWindingRule .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]
typing OpenVDB .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]
typing ProjectionNormal .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]
typing Unsigned .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]
typing WindingRule .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]

Detailed Description


  Unsigned : unsigned distance, useful for bidirectional `Shell` offset

  OpenVDB : sign detection from OpenVDB library, which is good and fast if input geometry is closed

  ProjectionNormal : the sign is determined based on pseudonormal in closest mesh point (unsafe in case of self-intersections)

  WindingRule : ray intersection counter, significantly slower than ProjectionNormal and does not support holes in mesh;
this mode is slow, and it does NOT have CUDA acceleration at this moment

  HoleWindingRule : computes robust winding number generalization with support of holes and self-intersections in mesh,
it is the slowest sign detection mode, but it CAN be accelerated with CUDA if this mode activated e.g. in OffsetParameters.fwn

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

None mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__init__ ( self,
int value )

Member Function Documentation

◆ __eq__()

bool mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__eq__ ( self,
typing.Any other )

◆ __getstate__()

int mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__getstate__ ( self)

◆ __hash__()

int mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__hash__ ( self)

◆ __index__()

int mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__index__ ( self)

◆ __int__()

int mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__int__ ( self)

◆ __ne__()

bool mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__ne__ ( self,
typing.Any other )

◆ __repr__()

str mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__repr__ ( self)

◆ __setstate__()

None mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__setstate__ ( self,
int state )

◆ __str__()

str mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.__str__ ( self)

◆ name()

str ( self)

◆ value()

int mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.value ( self)

Member Data Documentation

◆ HoleWindingRule

typing mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.HoleWindingRule .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]

◆ OpenVDB

typing mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.OpenVDB .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]

◆ ProjectionNormal

typing mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.ProjectionNormal .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]

◆ Unsigned

typing mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.Unsigned .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]

◆ WindingRule

typing mrmeshpy.SignDetectionMode.WindingRule .ClassVar[SignDetectionMode]

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