MeshLib C++ Docs
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MR::Menu Class Reference

#include <MRMenu.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MR::Menu:

Public Member Functions

virtual MRVIEWER_API void init (MR::Viewer *_viewer) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
virtual MRVIEWER_API void initBackend ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void startFrame ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void finishFrame ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void load_font (int font_size=13)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void reload_font (int font_size=13)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void shutdown () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_menu ()
MRVIEWER_API void draw_helpers ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_viewer_window ()
MRVIEWER_API void draw_mr_menu ()
virtual void draw_custom_window ()
void draw_labels_window ()
void draw_labels (const VisualObject &obj)
MRVIEWER_API void draw_text (const Viewport &viewport, const Vector3f &pos, const Vector3f &normal, const std::string &text, const Color &color, bool clipByViewport)
MRVIEWER_API float pixel_ratio ()
MRVIEWER_API float hidpi_scaling ()
MRVIEWER_API float menu_scaling () const
MRVIEWER_API ImGuiContext * getCurrentContext () const
ImGuiWindow * getLastFocusedPlugin () const
virtual MRVIEWER_API void showModalMessage (const std::string &msg, NotificationType msgType)
virtual MRVIEWER_API std::filesystem::path getMenuFontPath () const
MRVIEWER_API void setDrawTimeMillisecThreshold (long long maxGoodTimeMillisec)
MRVIEWER_API void draw_scene_list ()
MRVIEWER_API void draw_scene_list_content (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &all)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_selection_properties (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_selection_properties_content (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool drawCollapsingHeader_ (const char *label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool drawCollapsingHeaderTransform_ ()
bool make_visualize_checkbox (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type, MR::ViewportMask viewportid, bool invert=false)
template<typename ObjectT >
void make_color_selector (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ObjectT > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< Vector4f(const ObjectT *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjectT *, const Vector4f &)> setter)
template<typename ObjType >
void make_width (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< float(const ObjType *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjType *, const float &)> setter)
void make_light_strength (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< float(const VisualObject *)> getter, std::function< void(VisualObject *, const float &)> setter)
template<typename T , typename ObjectType >
void make_slider (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ObjectType > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< T(const ObjectType *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjectType *, T)> setter, T min, T max)
void make_points_discretization (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< int(const ObjectPointsHolder *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjectPointsHolder *, const int &)> setter)
MRVIEWER_API void draw_custom_plugins ()
std::shared_ptr< ShortcutManagergetShortcutManager ()
MRVIEWER_API void add_modifier (std::shared_ptr< MR::MeshModifier > modifier)
MRVIEWER_API void allowSceneReorder (bool allow)
bool checkPossibilityObjectRemoval ()
MRVIEWER_API void allowObjectsRemoval (bool allow)
MRVIEWER_API void tryRenameSelectedObject ()
MRVIEWER_API void setObjectTreeState (const Object *obj, bool open)
MRVIEWER_API void setShowShortcuts (bool val)
MRVIEWER_API bool getShowShortcuts () const
void enableSavedDialogPositions (bool on)
bool isSavedDialogPositionsEnabled () const
virtual MRVIEWER_API UiRenderManagergetUiRenderManager ()
MRVIEWER_API const std::shared_ptr< SceneObjectsListDrawer > & getSceneObjectsList ()
MRVIEWER_API bool simulateNameTagClick (Object &object, NameTagSelectionMode mode)
MRVIEWER_API bool anyImGuiWindowIsHovered () const
MRVIEWER_API bool anyUiObjectIsHovered () const
MRVIEWER_API SelectedTypesMask calcSelectedTypesMask (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selectedObjs)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawGeneralOptions (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selectedObjs)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawAdvancedOptions (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > &selectedObjs, SelectedTypesMask selectedMask)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawRemoveButton (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selectedObjs)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawDrawOptionsCheckboxes (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > &selectedObjs, SelectedTypesMask selectedMask)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawDrawOptionsColors (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > &selectedObjs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ViewerPlugin
virtual ~ViewerPlugin ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::MultiListener< MouseDownListener, MouseMoveListener, MouseUpListener, MouseScrollListener, CursorEntranceListener, CharPressedListener, KeyDownListener, KeyUpListener, KeyRepeatListener, SpaceMouseMoveListener, SpaceMouseDownListener, TouchpadRotateGestureBeginListener, TouchpadRotateGestureUpdateListener, TouchpadRotateGestureEndListener, TouchpadSwipeGestureBeginListener, TouchpadSwipeGestureUpdateListener, TouchpadSwipeGestureEndListener, TouchpadZoomGestureBeginListener, TouchpadZoomGestureUpdateListener, TouchpadZoomGestureEndListener, PostResizeListener, PostRescaleListener >
virtual ~MultiListener ()=default
virtual void connect (Viewer *viewer, int group=0, boost::signals2::connect_position pos=boost::signals2::connect_position::at_back)
virtual void disconnect ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
enum class  NameTagSelectionMode { selectOne , toggle }
using NameTagClickSignal = boost::signals2::signal<bool( Object& object, NameTagSelectionMode mode ), StopOnTrueCombiner>
using DrawSceneUiSignal = boost::signals2::signal<void( float menuScaling, ViewportId viewportId, UiRenderParams::UiTaskList& tasks )>
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
static MRVIEWER_API const std::shared_ptr< ImGuiMenu > & instance ()
- Public Attributes inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
std::function< void(void)> callback_draw_viewer_window
std::function< void(void)> callback_draw_viewer_menu
std::function< void(void)> callback_draw_custom_window
NameTagClickSignal nameTagClickSignal
DrawSceneUiSignal drawSceneUiSignal
- Protected Types inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
enum  ViewportConfigurations { Single , Horizontal , Vertical , Quad }
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
virtual MRVIEWER_API void setupShortcuts_ ()
Vector4f getStoredColor_ (const std::string &str, const Color &defaultColor) const
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawModalMessage_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseDown_ (MouseButton button, int modifier) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseUp_ (MouseButton button, int modifier) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseMove_ (int mouse_x, int mouse_y) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseScroll_ (float delta_y) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void cursorEntrance_ (bool entered) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onCharPressed_ (unsigned key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onKeyDown_ (int key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onKeyUp_ (int key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onKeyRepeat_ (int key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void postResize_ (int width, int height) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void postRescale_ (float x, float y) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool spaceMouseMove_ (const Vector3f &translate, const Vector3f &rotate) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool spaceMouseDown_ (int key) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadRotateGestureBegin_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadRotateGestureUpdate_ (float angle) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadRotateGestureEnd_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadSwipeGestureBegin_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadSwipeGestureUpdate_ (float deltaX, float deltaY, bool kinetic) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadSwipeGestureEnd_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadZoomGestureBegin_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadZoomGestureUpdate_ (float scale, bool kinetic) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadZoomGestureEnd_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void rescaleStyle_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void addMenuFontRanges_ (ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder &builder) const
MRVIEWER_API float drawSelectionInformation_ ()
MRVIEWER_API void drawFeaturePropertiesEditor_ (const std::shared_ptr< Object > &object)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_custom_selection_properties (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
MRVIEWER_API float drawTransform_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool drawTransformContextMenu_ (const std::shared_ptr< Object > &)
void draw_history_block_ ()
void draw_open_recent_button_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawShortcutsWindow_ ()
MRVIEWER_API float getSceneInfoItemWidth_ (int itemCount=1)
- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
float hidpi_scaling_
float pixel_ratio_
ImGuiContext * context_ = nullptr
ImGuiWindow * prevFrameFocusPlugin_ = nullptr
bool pollEventsInPreDraw = false
bool showShortcuts_ { false }
bool showStatistics_ { false }
long long frameTimeMillisecThreshold_ { 25 }
bool showRenameModal_ { false }
std::string renameBuffer_
std::string popUpRenameBuffer_
bool needModalBgChange_ { false }
bool showInfoModal_ { false }
std::string storedModalMessage_
NotificationType modalMessageType_ { NotificationType::Error }
std::shared_ptr< ShortcutManagershortcutManager_
ImVec2 sceneWindowPos_
ImVec2 sceneWindowSize_
ImVec2 mainWindowPos_
ImVec2 mainWindowSize_
bool savedDialogPositionEnabled_ { false }
std::weak_ptr< ObjectlastRenameObj_
Box3f selectionBbox_
Box3f selectionWorldBox_
struct MR::ImGuiMenu::LabelParams oldLabelParams_
bool allowRemoval_ { true }
bool uniformScale_ { true }
bool xfHistUpdated_ { false }
bool invertedRotation_ { false }
std::optional< std::pair< std::string, Vector4f > > storedColor_
struct MR::ImGuiMenu::PluginsCache pluginsCache_
std::string searchPluginsString_
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< MR::MeshModifier > > modifiers_
enum MR::ImGuiMenu::ViewportConfigurations Single
bool selectionChangedToSingleObj_ { false }
ViewportId selectedViewport_ = {}
std::weak_ptr< ObjecteditedFeatureObject_
AffineXf3f editedFeatureObjectOldXf_
bool capturedMouse_ { false }
std::unique_ptr< UiRenderManagerImpluiRenderManager_
std::shared_ptr< SceneObjectsListDrawersceneObjectsList_
- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::ViewerPlugin
Viewerviewer = &getViewerInstance()

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::Menu::init ( MR::Viewer * _viewer)

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: