Release v2.4.4.153

September 5, 2024


The latest update of MeshLib introduces a range of new features, optimizations, and bug fixes across various aspects, including mesh manipulation, Python and C# bindings, voxel management, and improvements in UI/UX. The release focuses on enhancing performance, usability, and extending functionality for developers and users.

Core Enhancements

  • Mesh Manipulation:
    • Added MeshOrPoints::asMeshPart() and asPointCloud().
    • Added functionality for converting mesh to directional volume.
    • Implemented new Box3f class with an example for mesh decimation.
    • Support texture in extrude operations.
    • Optimized MarchingCubes algorithm to reduce memory usage and improve performance.
  • Voxel Processing:
    • Improved active voxels handling and added MarkedVoxelSlice with inactive voxel color options.
    • Exposed saving/loading of voxels in Python and introduced ObjectVoxels::activeVoxels.

Python and C# Bindings

  • Python:
    • Support for the Gav format.
    • Exposed more add...ToScene functions and new distance map to image conversion.
    • Added functions for loading files from bytes and processing meshes in various formats.
  • C# Enhancements:
    • Added multiway ICP support and exposed boolean mapper and contours functionality.
    • Expanded MeshRelax tools with generalized VertLimiter and fields.

UI/UX Improvements

  • User Interface:
    • Refined the rendering of non-overlapping labels and introduced radio buttons controlled by modifier keys.
    • Updated the settings for UI elements such as drag synchronization, line width limits, and notifications for models with holes.
    • Introduced new checkboxOrModifier controls and additional error reporting for UI testing.
  • Performance:
    • Optimized loading of Gcode files and introduced faster handling of STEP models with incomplete sub-shapes.
    • Improved error reporting and performance in the test engine, particularly for Python bindings.

File Format and Load Improvements

  • File Support:
    • Enhanced support for 3MF, JPEG, and .vdb file formats, improving import/export workflows.
    • Introduced functionality for handling spherical coordinates in E57 files.
    • Improved loading and manipulation of textures and UV coordinates in mesh files.

Bug Fixes and Stability

  • General Fixes:
    • Fixed issues with unsafe plugin closing and mouse conflict warnings.
    • Corrected operations in minimized plugins and improved handling of OpenVDB files.

These updates significantly enhance the flexibility, performance, and usability of MeshLib, providing users with a more powerful toolset for mesh and voxel processing, as well as expanded scripting capabilities in Python and C#.

Read more and download the latest release on GitHub