MeshLib Documentation
No Matches
Global Registration

Example of Global Registration

  • C++
    #include <MRMesh/MRBox.h>
    #include <MRMesh/MRMultiwayICP.h>
    #include <MRMesh/MRPointCloud.h>
    #include <MRMesh/MRPointsLoad.h>
    #include <MRMesh/MRPointsSave.h>
    #include <iostream>
    void printStats( const MR::MultiwayICP& icp )
    std::cout << "Samples: " << icp.getNumSamples() << std::endl
    << "Active point pairs: " << icp.getNumActivePairs() << std::endl;
    if ( icp.getNumActivePairs() > 0 )
    const auto p2ptMetric = icp.getMeanSqDistToPoint();
    const auto p2plMetric = icp.getMeanSqDistToPlane();
    std::cout << "RMS point-to-point distance: " << p2ptMetric << " ± " << icp.getMeanSqDistToPoint( p2ptMetric ) << std::endl
    << "RMS point-to-plane distance: " << p2plMetric << " ± " << icp.getMeanSqDistToPlane( p2plMetric ) << std::endl;
    int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    if ( argc < 4 )
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " INPUT1 INPUT2 [INPUTS...] OUTPUT" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // the global registration can be applied to meshes and point clouds
    // to simplify the sample app, we will work with point clouds only
    std::vector<MR::PointCloud> inputs;
    // as ICP and MultiwayICP classes accept both meshes and point clouds,
    // the input data must be converted to special wrapper objects
    // NB: the wrapper objects hold *references* to the source data, NOT their copies
    MR::ICPObjects objects;
    MR::Box3f maxBBox;
    for ( auto i = 1; i < argc - 1; ++i )
    auto pointCloud = MR::PointsLoad::fromAnySupportedFormat( argv[i] );
    if ( !pointCloud )
    std::cerr << "Failed to load point cloud: " << pointCloud.error() << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
    auto bbox = pointCloud->computeBoundingBox();
    if ( !maxBBox.valid() || bbox.volume() > maxBBox.volume() )
    maxBBox = bbox;
    inputs.emplace_back( std::move( *pointCloud ) );
    // you may also set an affine transformation for each input as a second argument
    objects.push_back( { inputs.back(), {} } );
    // you can set various parameters for the global registration; see the documentation for more info
    MR::MultiwayICP icp( objects, {
    // set sampling voxel size
    .samplingVoxelSize = maxBBox.diagonal() * 0.03f,
    } );
    icp.setParams( {} );
    // gather statistics
    printStats( icp );
    std::cout << "Calculating transformations..." << std::endl;
    auto xfs = icp.calculateTransformations();
    printStats( icp );
    for ( auto i = MR::ObjId( 0 ); i < inputs.size(); ++i )
    const auto& input = inputs[i];
    const auto& xf = xfs[i];
    for ( const auto& point : input.points )
    output.points.emplace_back( xf( point ) );
    auto res = MR::PointsSave::toAnySupportedFormat( output, argv[argc - 1] );
    if ( !res )
    std::cerr << "Failed to save point cloud: " << res.error() << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    MRMESH_API size_t getNumActivePairs() const
    MRMESH_API Vector< AffineXf3f, ObjId > calculateTransformations(ProgressCallback cb={})
    MRMESH_API float getMeanSqDistToPoint(std::optional< double > value={}) const
    MRMESH_API size_t getNumSamples() const
    MRMESH_API bool updateAllPointPairs(ProgressCallback cb={})
    MRMESH_API float getMeanSqDistToPlane(std::optional< double > value={}) const
    void setParams(const ICPProperties &prop)
    void push_back(const T &t)
    MRMESH_API Expected< PointCloud > fromAnySupportedFormat(const std::filesystem::path &file, const PointsLoadSettings &settings={})
    MRMESH_API Expected< void > toAnySupportedFormat(const PointCloud &points, const std::filesystem::path &file, const SaveSettings &settings={})
    MRVIEWER_API void point(Element elem, float menuScaling, const Params &params, ImVec2 point)
  • C
    #include <MRMeshC/MRBox.h>
    #include <MRMeshC/MRMultiwayICP.h>
    #include <MRMeshC/MRPointCloud.h>
    #include <MRMeshC/MRPointsLoad.h>
    #include <MRMeshC/MRPointsSave.h>
    #include <MRMeshC/MRString.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    // print progress every 10%
    int gProgress = -1;
    bool onProgress( float v )
    int progress = (int)( 10.f * v );
    if ( progress != gProgress )
    gProgress = progress;
    printf( "%d%%...\n", progress * 10 );
    return true;
    void resetProgress( void )
    gProgress = -1;
    void printStats( const MRMultiwayICP* icp )
    size_t numSamples = mrMultiWayICPGetNumSamples( icp );
    size_t numActivePairs = mrMultiWayICPGetNumActivePairs( icp );
    printf( "Samples: %zu\n", numSamples );
    printf( "Active point pairs: %zu\n", numActivePairs );
    if ( numActivePairs > 0 )
    double p2ptMetric = mrMultiWayICPGetMeanSqDistToPoint( icp, NULL );
    double p2ptInaccuracy = mrMultiWayICPGetMeanSqDistToPoint( icp, &p2ptMetric );
    printf( "RMS point-to-point distance: %f ± %f\n", p2ptMetric, p2ptInaccuracy );
    double p2plMetric = mrMultiWayICPGetMeanSqDistToPlane( icp, NULL );
    double p2plInaccuracy = mrMultiWayICPGetMeanSqDistToPlane( icp, &p2plMetric );
    printf( "RMS point-to-plane distance: %f ± %f\n", p2plMetric, p2plInaccuracy );
    int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    int rc = EXIT_FAILURE;
    if ( argc < 4 )
    fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s INPUT1 INPUT2 [INPUTS...] OUTPUT\n", argv[0] );
    goto out;
    // error messages will be stored here
    MRString* errorString = NULL;
    // the global registration can be applied to meshes and point clouds
    // to simplify the sample app, we will work with point clouds only
    const int inputNum = argc - 2;
    MRPointCloud** inputs = malloc( sizeof( MRPointCloud* ) * inputNum );
    memset( inputs, 0, sizeof( MRPointCloud* ) * inputNum );
    // as ICP and MultiwayICP classes accept both meshes and point clouds,
    // the input data must be converted to special wrapper objects
    // NB: the wrapper objects hold *references* to the source data, NOT their copies
    MRMeshOrPointsXf** inputXfs = malloc( sizeof( MRMeshOrPointsXf* ) * inputNum );
    memset( inputXfs, 0, sizeof( MRMeshOrPointsXf* ) * inputNum );
    MRBox3f maxBBox = mrBox3fNew();
    for ( int i = 0; i < inputNum; ++i )
    inputs[i] = mrPointsLoadFromAnySupportedFormat( argv[1 + i], &loadSettings, &errorString );
    if ( errorString )
    fprintf( stderr, "Failed to load point cloud: %s\n", mrStringData( errorString ) );
    mrStringFree( errorString );
    goto out_inputs;
    // you may also set an affine transformation for each input as a second argument
    inputXfs[i] = mrMeshOrPointsXfFromPointCloud( inputs[i], NULL ); // or mrMeshOrPointsXfFromMesh for meshes
    MRBox3f bbox = mrPointCloudComputeBoundingBox( inputs[i], NULL );
    if ( !mrBox3fValid( &maxBBox ) || mrBox3fVolume( &bbox ) > mrBox3fVolume( &maxBBox ) )
    maxBBox = bbox;
    // you can set various parameters for the global registration; see the documentation for more info
    // set sampling voxel size
    samplingParams.samplingVoxelSize = mrBox3fDiagonal( &maxBBox ) * 0.03f;
    // set progress callback
    samplingParams.cb = onProgress;
    MRMultiwayICP* icp = mrMultiwayICPNew( (const MRMeshOrPointsXf**)inputXfs, inputNum, &samplingParams );
    mrMultiwayICPSetParams( icp, &params );
    // gather statistics
    printStats( icp );
    printf( "Calculating transformations...\n" );
    MRVectorAffineXf3f* xfs = mrMultiwayICPCalculateTransformations( icp, onProgress );
    printStats( icp );
    for ( int i = 0; i < inputNum; i++ )
    const MRAffineXf3f* xf = xfs->data + i;
    for ( int j = 0; j < mrPointCloudPointsNum( inputs[i] ); j++ )
    MRVector3f* point = mrPointCloudPointsRef( inputs[i] ) + j;
    mrAffineXf3fApply( xf, point );
    mrPointCloudAddPoint( output, point );
    mrPointsSaveToAnySupportedFormat( output, argv[argc - 1], &saveSettings, &errorString );
    if ( errorString )
    fprintf( stderr, "Failed to save point cloud: %s\n", mrStringData( errorString ) );
    mrStringFree( errorString );
    goto out_output;
    rc = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    mrPointCloudFree( output );
    mrVectorAffineXf3fFree( xfs );
    for ( int i = 0; i < inputNum; i++ )
    mrMeshOrPointsXfFree( inputXfs[i] );
    mrPointCloudFree( inputs[i] );
    free( inputXfs );
    free( inputs );
    return rc;
    MRMESHC_API MRVector3f mrAffineXf3fApply(const MRAffineXf3f *xf, const MRVector3f *v)
    MRMESHC_API MRBox3f mrBox3fNew(void)
    MRMESHC_API float mrBox3fDiagonal(const MRBox3f *box)
    MRMESHC_API bool mrBox3fValid(const MRBox3f *box)
    MRMESHC_API float mrBox3fVolume(const MRBox3f *box)
    MRMESHC_API MRICPProperties mrICPPropertiesNew(void)
    struct MRPointCloud MRPointCloud
    typedefMR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN struct MRString MRString
    struct MRMeshOrPointsXf MRMeshOrPointsXf
    MRMESHC_API void mrMeshOrPointsXfFree(MRMeshOrPointsXf *mp)
    MRMESHC_API MRMeshOrPointsXf * mrMeshOrPointsXfFromPointCloud(const MRPointCloud *pc, const MRAffineXf3f *xf)
    struct MRMultiwayICP MRMultiwayICP
    MRMESHC_API MRMultiwayICP * mrMultiwayICPNew(const MRMeshOrPointsXf **objects, size_t objectsNum, const MRMultiwayICPSamplingParameters *samplingParams)
    MRMESHC_API MRMultiwayICPSamplingParameters mrMultiwayIcpSamplingParametersNew(void)
    MRMESHC_API size_t mrMultiWayICPGetNumSamples(const MRMultiwayICP *mwicp)
    MRMESHC_API void mrMultiwayICPSetParams(MRMultiwayICP *mwicp, const MRICPProperties *prop)
    MRMESHC_API void mrMultiwayICPFree(MRMultiwayICP *mwicp)
    MRMESHC_API bool mrMultiwayICPUpdateAllPointPairs(MRMultiwayICP *mwicp, MRProgressCallback cb)
    MRMESHC_API float mrMultiWayICPGetMeanSqDistToPoint(const MRMultiwayICP *mwicp, const double *value)
    MRMESHC_API MRVectorAffineXf3f * mrMultiwayICPCalculateTransformations(MRMultiwayICP *mwicp, MRProgressCallback cb)
    MRMESHC_API float mrMultiWayICPGetMeanSqDistToPlane(const MRMultiwayICP *mwicp, const double *value)
    MRMESHC_API size_t mrMultiWayICPGetNumActivePairs(const MRMultiwayICP *mwicp)
    MRMESHC_API size_t mrPointCloudPointsNum(const MRPointCloud *pc)
    MR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN MRMESHC_API MRPointCloud * mrPointCloudNew(void)
    MRMESHC_API MRBox3f mrPointCloudComputeBoundingBox(const MRPointCloud *pc, const MRAffineXf3f *toWorld)
    MRMESHC_API void mrPointCloudFree(MRPointCloud *pc)
    MRMESHC_API MRVector3f * mrPointCloudPointsRef(MRPointCloud *pc)
    MRMESHC_API MRVertId mrPointCloudAddPoint(MRPointCloud *pc, const MRVector3f *point_)
    MRMESHC_API MRPointsLoadSettings mrPointsLoadSettingsNew(void)
    MR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN MRMESHC_API MRPointCloud * mrPointsLoadFromAnySupportedFormat(const char *filename, const MRPointsLoadSettings *settings, MRString **errorString)
    MR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN MRMESHC_API void mrPointsSaveToAnySupportedFormat(const MRPointCloud *pc, const char *file, const MRSaveSettings *settings, MRString **errorString)
    MRMESHC_API MRSaveSettings mrSaveSettingsNew(void)
    MRMESHC_API void mrStringFree(MRString *str)
    MR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN MRMESHC_API const char * mrStringData(const MRString *str)
  • C#
    using System.Reflection;
    using static MR.DotNet;
    public class GlobalRegistrationExample
    static void PrintStats(MultiwayICP icp)
    int numActivePairs = icp.GetNumActivePairs();
    Console.WriteLine($"Number of samples: {icp.GetNumSamples()}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Number of active pairs: {numActivePairs}");
    if (numActivePairs > 0)
    double p2ptMetric = icp.GetMeanSqDistToPoint();
    double p2ptInaccuracy = icp.GetMeanSqDistToPoint(p2ptMetric);
    Console.WriteLine($"RMS point-to-point distance: {p2ptMetric} ± {p2ptInaccuracy}");
    double p2plMetric = icp.GetMeanSqDistToPlane();
    double p2plInaccuracy = icp.GetMeanSqDistToPlane(p2ptMetric);
    Console.WriteLine($"RMS point-to-plane distance: {p2plMetric} ± {p2plInaccuracy}");
    public static void Run(string[] args)
    if (args.Length < 4)
    Console.WriteLine("Usage: {0} GlobalRegistrationExample INPUT1 INPUT2 [INPUTS...] OUTPUT", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name);
    int inputNum = args.Length - 2;
    List<MeshOrPointsXf> inputs = new List<MeshOrPointsXf>(inputNum);
    Box3f maxBBox = new Box3f();
    for (int i = 0; i < inputNum; ++i)
    MeshOrPointsXf obj = new MeshOrPointsXf(PointsLoad.FromAnySupportedFormat(args[i + 1]), new AffineXf3f());
    Box3f bbox = obj.obj.BoundingBox;
    if (!maxBBox.Valid() || bbox.Volume() > maxBBox.Volume())
    maxBBox = bbox;
    MultiwayICPSamplingParameters samplingParams = new MultiwayICPSamplingParameters();
    samplingParams.samplingVoxelSize = maxBBox.Diagonal() * 0.03f;
    MultiwayICP icp = new MultiwayICP(inputs, samplingParams);
    ICPProperties iCPProperties = new ICPProperties();
    Console.WriteLine("Calculating transformations...");
    var xfs = icp.CalculateTransformations();
    PointCloud output = new PointCloud();
    for (int i = 0; i < inputNum; ++i)
    var xf = xfs[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < inputs[i].obj.Points.Count; j++)
    PointsSave.ToAnySupportedFormat(output, args[args.Length - 1]);
    catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message);
    struct MRMESH_CLASS PointCloud
  • Python
    import os
    import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mrmeshpy
    import sys
    def print_stats(icp):
    num_active_pairs = icp.getNumActivePairs()
    print(f"Number of samples: {icp.getNumSamples()}")
    print(f"Number of active pairs: {num_active_pairs}")
    if num_active_pairs > 0:
    p2pt_metric = icp.getMeanSqDistToPoint()
    p2pt_inaccuracy = icp.getMeanSqDistToPoint(value=p2pt_metric)
    print(f"RMS point-to-point distance: {p2pt_metric} ± {p2pt_inaccuracy}")
    p2pl_metric = icp.getMeanSqDistToPlane()
    p2pl_inaccuracy = icp.getMeanSqDistToPlane(p2pt_metric)
    print(f"RMS point-to-plane distance: {p2pl_metric} ± {p2pl_inaccuracy}")
    def main(argv):
    if len(argv) < 4:
    print(f"Usage for script: {argv[0]} INPUT1 INPUT2 [INPUTS...] OUTPUT")
    file_args = argv[1:]
    # Loading inputs and finding max bounding box
    input_clouds_num = len(file_args) - 1
    inputs = []
    max_bbox = None
    for i in range(input_clouds_num):
    points = mrmeshpy.loadPoints(file_args[i])
    transform = mrmeshpy.AffineXf3f()
    points_with_transform = mrmeshpy.MeshOrPointsXf(points, transform)
    bbox = points.getBoundingBox()
    if not max_bbox or bbox.volume() > max_bbox.volume():
    max_bbox = bbox
    # ICP initialization
    sampling_params.samplingVoxelSize = max_bbox.diagonal() * 0.03
    icp = mrmeshpy.MultiwayICP(inputs_obj, sampling_params)
    icp_properties = mrmeshpy.ICPProperties()
    print("Calculating transformations...")
    xfs = icp.calculateTransformations()
    # Saving result
    for i in range(input_clouds_num):
    transform = xfs.vec_[i]
    for point in inputs[i].obj.points():
    transformed_point = transform(point)
    None toAnySupportedFormat(PointCloud points, os.PathLike|str|bytes file, SaveSettings settings='{}')
    PointCloud loadPoints(os.PathLike|str|bytes file, PointsLoadSettings settings='{}')