MeshLib C++ Docs
No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Math group
 2d <-> 3d conversion
 High Precision
 Aligning Transform
 Ray Box Intersection
 Triangle intersection
 Tuple Bindings
 AABB Tree overviewThis chapter represents documentation about AABB Tree
 DistanceMap Load
 DistanceMap Save
 Mesh Load
 Image Load
 Image Save
 IO Filters
 IO Formats Registry
 Lines Load
 Lines Save
 Mesh Load
 Mesh Load Obj
 Mesh Save
 Mesh Save Obj
 Points Save
 Stream OperatorsOverloaded operators for IO base structures (Vector, Matrix, Plane, AffineXf, ...)
 Voxels Load
 Basic elements overviewThis chapter represents documentation about basic elements
 IteratorsSimple alternative to boost/iterator_range
 History group
 Distance Map group
 Mesh Segmentation overwievA set of functions for selecting segments on a mesh
 Surface Boolean overviewChapter about Constructive Solid Geometry operations
 Mesh Algorithm
 Mesh Delete
 Mesh Delone
 Mesh Eigen
 Fill/Stitch Holes overviewThis chapter represents documentation about hole triangulations or stitching two holes
 Mesh Fixer
 Mesh Normals
 Mesh Relax
 Mesh Subdivide
 Decimate overviewThis chapter represents documentation about mesh decimation
 Data ModelThis chapter represents documentation about data models
 Viewport group
 Visual Object group
 PointCloud triangulation overviewThis chapter represents documentation about PointCloud triangulation
 TriangulationHelpersCollection of functions and structures needed for PointCloud triangulation
 Polyline Subdivide
 Surface Paths
 Planar Path
 Surface Distance
 Group Surface Distance Builder
 Surface Path
 Tunnel Detector
 VoxelThis chapter represents documentation about Volume (Voxel)
 Volume Indexer
 Subvoxel Mesh CorrectionPrecise automatic mesh correction or/and smoothing based on reference voxel (volume) data
 Volume (Voxel) SegmentationThis chapter represents documentation about Volume (Voxel) Segmentation
 Voxel Path
 Basic StructuresThis chapter represents documentation about basic structures elements
 ComponentsThis chapter represents documentation about components
 Points Load