►NImGui | |
CCustomStatePluginWindowParameters | Structure that contains parameters for State plugin window with custom style |
CHistogramGridLine | Helper structure for PlotCustomHistogram describing background grid line and label |
CMultiDragRes | |
►NMR | |
NAsyncObjectLoad | |
NBitSetParallel | |
►NCuda | |
CFastWindingNumber | |
CPointsToMeshProjector | Computes the closest point on mesh to each of given points on GPU. It caches data that necessary for computing |
►Ndetail | |
►NUnits | |
CEmpty | |
RScalar | |
CFuncCallHelper | |
CMakeScopeGuard | |
CScopeGuard | |
NDistanceMapLoad | |
NDistanceMapSave | |
►NFeatures | |
►NPrimitives | |
CConeSegment | |
CPlane | |
►NTraits | Traits that determine how the primitives are related |
CBinary | |
CBinary< Primitives::ConeSegment, Primitives::ConeSegment > | |
CBinary< Primitives::ConeSegment, Primitives::Sphere > | |
CBinary< Primitives::Plane, Primitives::ConeSegment > | |
CBinary< Primitives::Plane, Primitives::Plane > | |
CBinary< Primitives::Plane, Primitives::Sphere > | |
CBinary< Primitives::Sphere, Primitives::Sphere > | |
CUnary | |
CUnary< Primitives::ConeSegment > | |
CUnary< Primitives::Plane > | |
CUnary< Primitives::Sphere > | |
RMeasureSupportedOneWay | |
►CMeasureResult | Stores the results of measuring two objects relative to one another |
CAngle | |
CBasicPart | |
CDistance | |
CSubfeatureInfo | |
RMeasureSupported | |
►NFixUndercuts | |
CDistMapImproveDirectionParameters | |
CImproveDirectionParameters | |
NFloatGridComponents | |
NGcodeLoad | |
NImageLoad | |
NImageSave | |
►NImGuiMath | |
►Ndetail | |
CCommonVecSize | |
CCommonVecSize< T, P... > | |
CVecFromSize | |
CVecFromSize< 2 > | |
CVecFromSize< 4 > | |
CVecSize | |
CVecSize< ImVec2 > | |
CVecSize< ImVec4 > | |
RScalar | |
RVector | |
RVectorOrScalar | |
RVectorOrScalarMaybeCvref | |
RValidOperands | |
CBasicVectorCompareHelper | |
CCompareAll | |
CCompareAny | |
►NImGuiMeasurementIndicators | |
CCurveParams | |
CDistanceParams | |
CLineCap | |
CLineParams | |
CParams | |
CPreparedCurve | |
CStringWithIcon | |
►NLinesLoad | |
CLinesLoader | |
►NLinesSave | |
CLinesSaver | |
►NMeshBuilder | Building topologies by triangles |
CBuildSettings | |
CequalVector3f | This makes bit-wise comparison of two Vector3f's thus making two NaNs equal |
CMeshPiece | |
CTriangle | Mesh triangle represented by its three vertices and by its face ID |
CVertDuplication | |
CVertexIdentifier | |
CVertSpan | |
►NMeshComponents | |
CLargeByAreaComponentsSettings | |
►NMeshLoad | |
CMeshLoader | |
CNamedMesh | |
CObjLoadSettings | |
►NMeshSave | |
CCtmSaveOptions | |
CMeshSaver | |
CNamedXfMesh | Saves a number of named meshes in .obj file |
►NMeta | |
CSharedPtrTraits | |
NObjectLoad | |
NObjectSave | |
►NParallel | |
CCallSimply | |
CCallSimplyMaker | |
CCallWithTLS | |
CCallWithTLSMaker | |
►NPlanarTriangulation | |
CBaseOutlineParameters | |
CIntersectionInfo | Info about intersection point for mapping |
CIntersectionsMap | Struct to map new vertices (only appear on intersections) of the outline to it's edges |
COutlineParameters | |
NPointCloudComponents | |
►NPointsLoad | |
CE57LoadSettings | |
CNamedCloud | Loads scene from e57 file |
CPointsLoader | |
►NPointsSave | |
CCtmSavePointsOptions | |
CPointsSaver | |
NPolylineComponents | |
NProgressBar | |
►NRenderDimensions | |
CAngleParams | |
CAngleTask | |
CLengthParams | |
CLengthTask | |
CRadiusParams | |
CRadiusTask | |
►NRenderFeatures | |
►Ndetail | |
CWrappedModelSubobjectPart | |
CWrappedModelSubobjectPart< IsPrimary, ObjectLines > | |
CWrappedModelSubobjectPart< IsPrimary, ObjectMesh > | |
CWrappedModelSubobjectPart< IsPrimary, ObjectPoints > | |
CRenderCircleFeatureObject | |
CRenderConeFeatureObject | |
CRenderCylinderFeatureObject | |
CRenderFeatureComponent | |
CRenderFeatureLinesComponent | |
CRenderFeatureMeshComponent | |
CRenderFeaturePointsComponent | |
CRenderLineFeatureObject | |
CRenderPlaneFeatureObject | |
CRenderPlaneNormalComponent | |
CRenderPointFeatureObject | |
CRenderSphereFeatureObject | |
CWrappedModelSubobject | |
CWrappedModelSubobject< false, BaseObjectType > | |
►NRenderWrapObject | |
►Ndetail | |
CBasicWrapperTargetUntyped | |
CSubobjectStorage | |
CBasicWrapperTarget | |
CWrapper | |
►NSceneLoad | |
CSceneLoadResult | Scene loading result |
NSceneSave | |
►NSelfIntersections | |
CSettings | Setting set for mesh self-intersections fix |
►NStyleConsts | |
NCustomCombo | |
NModal | |
NNotification | |
NProgressBar | |
►NTriangulationHelpers | |
CFanOptimizerQueueElement | |
CSettings | |
CTriangulatedFanData | Data with caches for optimizing fan triangulation |
►NUI | |
►Ndetail | |
RScalar | |
RVectorOrScalar | |
RValidBoundForTargetType | |
RValidDragSpeedForTargetType | |
►NTestEngine | |
►Ndetail | |
CBoundedValue | |
CButtonEntry | |
CEntry | |
CGroupEntry | |
►CValueEntry | |
CValue | |
CValue< T > | |
RAllowedValueType | |
CButtonCustomizationParams | Parameters to customize buttonEx |
CButtonIconCustomizationParams | |
CCachedTextSize | |
CCheckboxOrModifierState | |
CLabelRectAllocator | |
►CNonOverlappingLabelTask | |
CParams | |
CPlotAxis | |
CRadioButtonOrModifierState | |
►CRectAllocator | |
CFindFreeRectResult | |
CSaveChangesPopupSettings | |
CWindowRectAllocator | |
NUnitSettings | |
►NVoxelsLoad | |
CDicomVolumeT | |
CLoadingTiffSettings | |
CRawParameters | |
►NVoxelsSave | |
CSavingSettings | |
CAABBTree | |
CAABBTreeBase | Base class for most AABB-trees (except for AABBTreePoints) |
CAABBTreeNode | |
CAABBTreeObjects | |
►CAABBTreePoints | Bounding volume hierarchy for point cloud structure |
CNode | |
CPoint | |
CAABBTreePolyline | Bounding volume hierarchy for line segments |
CAABBTreeTraits | |
CAddCustomThemePlugin | |
CAddVisualProperties | |
CAffineXf | |
CAllLocalTriangulations | Triangulations for all points, with easy access by VertId |
CAlphaSortGL | |
CAncillaryImGuiLabel | Helper class that draws ImGui label |
CAncillaryLabel | Helper class to manage ancillary labels used by plugins |
CAncillaryLines | Helper class to manage ancillary visual lines used by plugins |
CAncillaryMesh | Helper class to manage ancillary visual mesh used by plugins |
CAncillaryPoints | Helper class to manage ancillary visual points used by plugins |
CAngleMeasurementObject | |
CAnyVisualizeMaskEnum | |
CArcInterpolationParams | |
CAsyncRequest | |
CAsyncTimer | |
CBall | Ball = points surrounded by a sphere in arbitrary space with vector type V |
CBaseFitParams | |
CBaseRenderParams | Common rendering parameters for meshes and UI |
CBaseShellParameters | |
CBaseTiffParameters | |
►CBasicUiRenderTask | IRenderObject::renderUi() can emit zero or more or more of those tasks. They are sorted by depth every frame |
CBackwardPassParams | |
CBasinVolumeCalculator | |
CBestFitParabola | Accumulates a number of (x,y) points to find the best-least-squares parabola approximating them |
CBestFitPolynomial | |
CBinaryOperations | |
CBindVertexAttribArraySettings | |
CBitSet | Container of bits |
CBMap | Flat map: I -> T |
CBooleanInternalParameters | Parameters will be useful if specified |
CBooleanParameters | |
CBooleanPreCutResult | |
CBooleanResult | Structure contain boolean result |
►CBooleanResultMapper | Structure to map old mesh BitSets to new |
CMaps | |
CBooleanResultPoints | Vertices and points representing mesh intersection result |
►CBoundarySelectionWidget | |
CBoundarySelectionWidgetParams | |
CBox | Box given by its min- and max- corners |
CBoxedLeaf | |
CBuffer | Std::vector<V>-like container that is 1) resized without initialization of its elements, 2) much simplified: no push_back and many other methods |
CCameraOrientation | |
CCaptureScreenshotMenuItem | |
CCaptureScreenshotToClipBoardMenuItem | |
CCaptureUIScreenshotMenuItem | |
CChangeActiveBoxAction | |
CChangeBoundarySelectionHistoryAction | |
CChangeColoringType | |
CChangeDualMarchingCubesAction | Undo action for ObjectVoxels dual/standard marching cubes change |
CChangeFacesColorMapAction | |
CChangeGridAction | |
CChangeIsoAction | Undo action for ObjectVoxels iso-value change |
CChangeLabelAction | |
CChangeLinesColorMapAction | |
CChangeMeshAction | Undo action for ObjectMesh mesh change |
CChangeMeshCreasesAction | Undo action for ObjectMesh creases |
CChangeMeshEdgeSelectionAction | Undo action for ObjectMesh edge selection |
CChangeMeshFaceSelectionAction | Undo action for ObjectMesh face selection |
CChangeMeshPointsAction | Undo action for ObjectMesh points only (not topology) change |
CChangeMeshTexturePerFaceAction | Undo action for ObjectMeshHolder texturePerFace change |
CChangeMeshTopologyAction | Undo action for ObjectMesh topology only (not points) change |
CChangeMeshUVCoordsAction | Undo action for ObjectMeshHolder uvCoords change |
CChangeNameAction | |
CChangeObjectAction | |
CChangeObjectColorAction | |
CChangeObjectSelectedAction | |
CChangeObjectVisibilityAction | |
CChangePointCloudAction | |
CChangePointCloudNormalsAction | |
CChangePointCloudPointsAction | |
CChangePointPointSelectionAction | Undo action for ObjectPoints point selection |
CChangePolylineAction | Undo action for ObjectLines polyline change |
CChangePolylinePointsAction | Undo action for ObjectLines points only (not topology) change |
CChangePolylineTopologyAction | Undo action for ObjectLines topology only (not points) change |
CChangeScaleAction | |
CChangeSceneAction | |
CChangeSceneObjectsOrder | |
CChangeSurfaceAction | |
CChangeTextureAction | |
CChangeValue | |
CChangeVertsColorMapAction | |
CChangeVisualizePropertyAction | |
CChangeXfAction | |
CChangVoxelSelectionAction | Undo action for ObjectVoxels face selection |
CCharPressedListener | |
CCircleObject | |
CCloudPartMapping | |
CCmpOld | Argument of this type indicates that the object is already in new state, and the following argument is old state |
CCNCMachineSettings | Class with CNC machine emulation settings |
CColor | |
►CColorMapAggregator | Class for aggregate several color map in one Color maps are aggregated according order |
CPartialColorMap | Partial color map |
CColorTheme | |
CCombinedHistoryAction | |
CCommandLoop | |
CCompensateRadiusParams | Structure with parameters for compensateRadius function |
CComputeSteepestDescentPathSettings | |
CCone3 | |
CCone3Approximation | |
CCone3ApproximationParams | |
CConeFittingFunctor | |
CConeObject | |
CConfig | |
CConnectionHolder | |
CConstantCuspParams | |
CContoursDistanceMapOffset | Structure with parameters for optional offset in distanceMapFromContours function |
CContoursDistanceMapOptions | |
CContourToDistanceMapParams | Structure with parameters to generate DistanceMap by Contours |
CCoordinateConverters | This struct contains coordinate converters float-int-float |
CCoordinateConverters2 | This struct contains coordinate converters float-int-float |
CCudaAccessor | The purpose of this class is to access CUDA algorithms without explicit dependency on MRCuda |
CCursorEntranceListener | Class to subscribe on CursorEntranceSingal |
CCustomButtonParameters | |
CCutMeshParameters | Parameters of MR::cutMesh |
CCutMeshResult | |
CCylinder3 | |
CCylinder3Approximation | |
CCylinderObject | |
CDecimatePolylineResult | Results of MR::decimateContour |
CDecimatePolylineSettings | Parameters structure for MR::decimatePolyline |
CDecimateResult | Results of MR::decimateMesh |
CDecimateSettings | Parameters structure for MR::decimateMesh |
CDefaultSplashWindow | |
CDeloneSettings | |
CDemoPlugin | |
CDenoiseViaNormalsSettings | |
CDenseBox | |
CDentalId | This class represents tooth id |
CDetectTunnelSettings | |
CDipole | |
►CDirectionWidget | Widget for visualizing the direction |
CChangeBaseAction | History action for changing the base. It should be added to the history stack by user code |
CChangeDirAction | History action for changing the direction. It should be added to the history stack by user code |
CChangeLengthAction | History action for changing the length. It should be added to the history stack by user code |
CChangeVisibleAction | History action for changing the visible. It should be added to the history stack by user code |
CDirectory | |
CDirectoryIterator | Iterator of directory items that will save any errors in (ec) instead of throwing exceptions |
CDirectoryRecursive | |
CDirectoryRecursiveIterator | Recursive iterator of directory items that will save any errors in (ec) instead of throwing exceptions |
CDirty | |
CDistanceMap | |
CDistanceMapToWorld | This structure store data to transform distance map to world coordinates |
CDistanceMeasurementObject | |
CDistanceToMeshOptions | Options determining computation of distance from a point to a mesh |
CDistanceVolumeParams | |
CDividePointCloudOptionalOutput | |
CDividePolylineParameters | |
CDoubleOffsetSettings | |
CDragDropListener | |
CDragEndListener | |
CDragListener | |
CDragStartListener | |
CDrawButtonParams | |
CDrawListener | |
CDrawSceneUiListener | |
CEdgePathsAStarBuilder | |
►CEdgePathsBuilderT | Class is responsible for finding smallest metric edge paths on a mesh |
CReachedVert | Information about just reached vertex (with final metric value) |
CEdgePoint | Encodes a point on an edge of mesh or of polyline |
CEdgePointPair | Two edge-points (e.g. representing collision point of two edges) |
CEdgeSegment | Represents a segment on one edge |
CEdgeTri | Edge from one mesh and triangle from another mesh |
►CEmbeddedPython | |
CConfig | |
CEmbeddedStructureParameters | |
CEnumNeihbourFaces | |
CEnumNeihbourVertices | |
CFaceDistancesSettings | |
CFaceFace | |
CFanRecord | Describes one fan of triangles around a point excluding the point |
CFanRecordWithCenter | Describes one fan of triangles around a point including the point |
CFastWindingNumber | |
CFeatureObject | An interface class which allows feature objects to share setters and getters on their main properties, for convenient presentation in the UI |
CFeatureObjectProjectPointResult | |
CFeatureObjectSharedProperty | |
CFewSmallest | Class stores some number of smallest elements from a larger number of candidates |
CFile | Class to open C FILE handle and automatically close it in the destructor |
CFileDialogSignals | This structure contains global signals for file dialogs, that are called on valid selection of file or folder |
CFileLoadOptions | |
CFileParameters | |
CFillHoleItem | |
CFillHoleMetric | Holds metrics for fillHole and buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles triangulation
CFillHoleNicelySettings | |
CFillHoleParams | Parameters structure for MR::fillHole
Structure has some options to control MR::fillHole |
CFindInnerShellSettings | |
CFindOutliersParams | Outlier point search parameters |
CFindOverhangsSettings | Parameters for MR::findOverhangs |
CFindOverlappingSettings | |
CFitBoxParams | |
CFitDataMenuItem | |
CFitDataParams | |
CFitSelectedObjectsMenuItem | |
CFitSelectedPrimitivesMenuItem | |
CFlatTree | |
►CFlowAggregator | This class can track multiple flows and find in each mesh vertex the amount of water reached it |
CFlows | |
CFlowOrigin | |
CFormatRegistry | |
CFramebufferData | |
CFrameCounter | |
CFrameRedrawRequest | Class for requesting frame redraw in some time |
CFreeFormBestFit | |
CFreeFormDeformer | |
►CGcodeProcessor | |
CBaseAction | |
CCommand | |
CMoveAction | |
CGcodeToolsLibrary | |
CGCommand | |
CGeneralOffsetParameters | Allows the user to select in the parameters which offset algorithm to call |
CGlBuffer | |
CGLStaticHolder | |
►CGlTexture | |
CSettings | |
CGlTexture2 | |
CGlTexture2DArray | |
CGlTexture3 | |
►CGraph | Mathematical graph consisting from vertices and undirected edges |
CEndVertices | |
CGridSettings | Settings defining regular grid, where each quadrangular cell is split on two triangles in one of two ways |
CGridToMeshSettings | Parameters of OpenVDB Grid to Mesh conversion using Dual Marching Cubes algorithm |
CHashToVectorMappingConverter | |
►CHeap | Stores map from element id in[0, size) to T; |
CElement | |
CHistogram | |
CHistorian | |
CHistoryAction | |
CHistoryStore | This class stores history stack for undo/redo |
CHoleEdgePoint | |
CHoleFillPlan | Concise representation of proposed hole triangulation |
CIConnectable | |
CICP | |
CICPGroupPair | |
CICPGroupPairs | |
CICPPairData | |
CICPProperties | |
CId | |
CId< MR::EdgeTag > | |
CId< VoxelTag > | |
CIdRange | Range of indices [beg, end) |
CIFastWindingNumber | Abstract class for fast approximate computation of generalized winding number for a mesh (using its AABB tree) |
CIICPTreeIndexer | Structure to find leafs and groups of each in cascade mode |
CImage | |
CImGuiImage | |
►CImGuiMenu | |
CLabelParams | |
CPluginsCache | |
CUiRenderManagerImpl | |
CImproveSamplingSettings | |
CInflateSettings | |
CInSphere | Found maximal inscribed sphere touching input point with center along given direction |
CInSphereSearchSettings | Controls the finding of maximal inscribed sphere in mesh |
CInterruptCloseListener | |
CIntersectionPrecomputes | |
CIntersectionPrecomputes2 | |
CInTreePathBuilder | |
CIOFilter | |
CIPluginUpdate | |
CIPointPairs | Simple interface for pairs holder |
CIPointsToMeshProjector | Abstract class, computes the closest point on mesh to each of given points. Pure virtual functions must be implemented |
CIRenderObject | |
CISceneSelectionChange | |
CISceneStateCheck | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum< DimensionsVisualizePropertyType > | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum< FeatureVisualizePropertyType > | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum< LabelVisualizePropertyType > | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum< LinesVisualizePropertyType > | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum< MeshVisualizePropertyType > | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum< PointsVisualizePropertyType > | |
CIsVisualizeMaskEnum< VisualizeMaskType > | |
CIteratorRange | |
►CITransformControls | |
CChangeCenterAction | |
CIViewerSettingsManager | |
CKeyDownListener | |
CKeyRepeatListener | |
CKeyUpListener | |
CLambdaRibbonItem | |
CLaplacian | |
CLaunchParams | |
CLine | |
CLine3Mesh | |
CLineInterpolationParams | |
CLineObject | |
CLineSegm | |
CLoadedObjects | Result of loading (e.g. from a file) as a number of objects |
CLoadedObjectT | Result of loading (e.g. from a file) as one object (with possible subobjects) |
CLogger | Make default spd logger |
CLoggingStreambuf | A custom streambuf that outputs things directly to the default spdlog logger |
CMakeBridgeResult | |
CMakeDegenerateBandAroundRegionParams | |
CMakeSignedByWindingNumberSettings | |
CMarchingCubesByParts | |
CMarchingCubesParams | |
CMarkedContour3f | |
►CMarkedVoxelSlice | ImGui visualization of a slice from voxel object and seed marks on it |
CMark | |
CParameters | |
CMatrix | |
CMatrix2 | |
►CMatrix3 | |
CQR | |
CMatrix4 | |
CMeasurementObject | |
CMenu | |
CMenuItemCaptionSize | |
CMenuItemInfo | |
CMergeVolumePartSettings | Parameters' structure for MR::mergeVolumePart |
CMesh | |
CMeshApproxRelaxParams | |
CMeshAttributes | |
CMeshAttributesToUpdate | |
CMeshDiff | |
CMeshEqualizeTriAreasParams | |
CMeshIntersectionResult | |
CMeshLoadSettings | Setting for mesh loading from external format, and locations of optional output data |
CMeshMeshConverter | |
CMeshMeshDistanceResult | |
CMeshMeshSignedDistanceResult | |
CMeshModifier | |
CMeshNormals | |
CMeshOnVoxelsT | |
►CMeshOrPoints | |
CProjectionResult | |
CMeshOrPointsXf | Object and its transformation to global space with other objects |
CMeshPoint | Describes the point of measurement on mesh |
CMeshProjectionParameters | |
CMeshProjectionResult | |
CMeshProjectionTransforms | |
CMeshRegion | |
CMeshRelaxParams | |
CMeshTexture | |
CMeshToDirectionVolumeParams | |
CMeshToDistanceMapParams | |
CMeshToDistanceVolumeParams | |
CMeshTopology | |
CMeshTopologyDiff | |
CMeshToVolumeParams | |
CMeshTriPoint | |
CMeshVoxelsConverter | |
CMetricToAStarPenalty | |
CModelBaseRenderParams | |
CModelPointsData | Structure to contain pointers to model data |
CModelRenderParams | Mesh rendering parameters for primary rendering (as opposed to the picker) |
CMouseClickListener | |
►CMouseController | |
CMouseControlKey | |
CMouseDownListener | |
CMouseMoveListener | |
CMouseScrollListener | |
CMouseUpListener | |
CMovementBuildBodyParams | |
CMoveMeshToVoxelMaxDerivSettings | |
CMoveObjectByMouse | |
CMoveObjectByMouseImpl | |
CMruFormatParameters | |
CMultiListener | |
CMultiMeshIntersectionResult | |
CMultiRayMeshIntersectResult | |
►CMultiwayAligningTransform | |
CStabilizer | |
CMultiwayICP | |
CMultiwayICPSamplingParameters | Parameters that are used for sampling of the MultiwayICP objects |
CMutexOwner | |
CNameTagClickListener | |
CNewEdgesMap | |
CNextEdgeSameLeft | |
CNextEdgeSameOrigin | |
CNoCtor | |
CNoCtor< T > | |
CNoDefInit | |
CNoInit | |
CNoiseSettings | |
CNoModelCheck | |
►CNormalsToPoints | |
CISolver | |
CNotificationTags | |
CNoVisualRepresentationCheck | |
CNumSum | |
►CObject | Named object in the data model |
CProtectedStruct | |
CObjectChildrenHolder | |
CObjectDistanceMap | |
CObjectFactory | |
CObjectFactoryBase | |
CObjectGcode | |
CObjectImGuiLabel | |
CObjectLabel | |
CObjectLines | |
CObjectLinesHolder | |
CObjectMesh | |
CObjectMeshHolder | |
CObjectMeshSubdivideResult | Result of ObjectMesh subdivision with all new attributes updated |
CObjectPoints | |
CObjectPointsHolder | |
►CObjectTransformWidget | |
CChangeXfAction | |
►CObjectVoxels | |
CVolumeRenderingParams | |
CObjKindTraits | Various information about different types of objects |
CObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Circle > | |
CObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Cone > | |
CObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Cylinder > | |
CObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Line > | |
CObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Plane > | |
CObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Point > | |
CObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Sphere > | |
CObjTreeTraits | |
CObjVertId | |
COffsetContourIndex | |
COffsetContoursOrigins | |
COffsetContoursParams | |
COffsetContoursRestoreZParams | Parameters of restoring Z coordinate of XY offset 3d contours |
COffsetParameters | |
COneMeshContour | |
COneMeshIntersection | |
COpenDICOMsMenuItem | |
COpenDirectoryMenuItem | |
COpenFilesMenuItem | |
COpenRawVoxelsPlugin | |
COpenVdbFloatGrid | This class just hides very complex type of typedef openvdb::FloatGrid |
COriginAndDimensions | Shift of zero voxel in 3D space and dimensions of voxel-grid |
COutlierParams | Parameters of various criteria for detecting outlier points |
COutliersDetector | |
COutputFlows | |
Coverloaded | |
CPackMapping | |
►CPalette | Class to hold one dimension texture with value to UV mapping |
CLabel | |
CParameters | |
CPalettePresets | Class to save and load user palette presets |
CParabola | Represents quadratic function f(x) = a*x*x + b*x + c |
►CParallelProgressReporter | |
CPerTaskReporter | |
CTaskInfo | |
CPartialChangeMeshAction | Undo action for efficiently storage of partial change in mesh (e.g. a modification of small region) |
CPartialChangeMeshPointsAction | Undo action for efficiently storage of partial change in mesh points (e.g. a modification of small region) |
CPartialChangeMeshTopologyAction | Undo action for efficiently storage of partial change in mesh topology (e.g. a modification of small region) |
CPartMapping | |
CPdf | |
CPdfParameters | Parameters of document style |
►CPickPointManager | |
CObjectState | |
CParams | |
CWidgetHistoryAction | A common base class for all history actions of this widget |
CPlane3 | |
CPlaneAccumulator | Class to accumulate planes to find then their crossing point |
CPlaneObject | |
CPlaneWidget | |
CPluginCloseOnChangeMesh | |
CPluginCloseOnChangePointCloud | |
CPluginCloseOnEscPressed | |
CPluginCloseOnSelectedObjectRemove | |
CPluginUpdateOnChangeMeshPart | |
CPluginUpdateOr | |
CPointAccumulator | Class to accumulate points and make best line / plane approximation |
CPointCloud | |
CPointCloudApproxRelaxParams | |
CPointCloudRelaxParams | |
CPointInAllSpaces | |
CPointObject | |
CPointOnFace | |
CPointOnObject | |
CPointPair | Stores a pair of points: one samples on the source and the closest to it on the target |
CPointPairs | |
CPointsLoadSettings | |
CPointsProjectionResult | |
CPointsToDistanceVolumeParams | |
CPointsToMeshParameters | |
CPointsToMeshProjector | Computes the closest point on mesh to each of given points on CPU |
CPointToPlaneAligningTransform | |
CPointToPointAligningTransform | |
CPolyline | |
CPolylineIntersectionResult2 | |
CPolylineMaker | Simplifies construction of connected polyline in the topology |
CPolylineProjectionResult | |
CPolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult | |
CPolylineSubdivideSettings | |
CPolylineTopology | |
CPolylineTraits | |
CPolylineTraits< Vector2f > | |
CPolylineTraits< Vector3f > | |
CPolylineUndirectedEdgeIterator | |
CPolynomial | |
CPolynomialWrapper | This is a unifying interface for a polynomial of some degree, known only in runtime |
CPositionedText | |
CPostDrawListener | |
CPostFocusListener | Class to subscribe on PostFocusSingal |
CPostRescaleListener | |
CPostResizeListener | |
►CPrecipitationSimulator | Class models water increase in the terrain under the rain with constant precipitation |
CSimulationStep | |
CPreciseCollisionResult | |
CPreciseVertCoords | |
CPreciseVertCoords2 | |
CPreDrawListener | |
CPriorityQueue | Similar to std::priority_queue, but with ability to access underlying vector to custom modify its elements |
CProgressInterrupter | |
CProjectAttributeParams | |
►CPythonExport | |
CModuleData | |
CPythonFunctionAdder | |
CQuadraticForm | |
CQuadricApprox | |
CQuadTextureVertexObject | |
CQuaternion | |
CRadiusMeasurementObject | |
CRangeCounter | Functor to calculate tile and leaf valid nodes count |
CRangeProcessor | Class to use in tbb::parallel_reduce for openvdb::tree transformation |
CRangeProcessorSingle | Class to use in tbb::parallel_reduce for tree operations that do not require an output tree |
CRangeProgress | |
CRangeSize | |
CRawTiffOutput | |
CRayOrigin | |
CRebuildMeshSettings | |
CRecentFilesStore | |
CRectIndexer | Class for converting 2D integer coordinates into 1D linear coordinates and backward |
CRefineParameters | Optional parameters for refineFeatureObject |
CRegisterRenderObjectConstructor | |
CRegularMapMesher | Class for making mesh from regular distance map |
CRelaxParams | |
CRemeshSettings | |
CRenderAngleObject | |
CRenderBufferRef | |
CRenderDistanceObject | |
CRenderImGuiLabelObject | |
CRenderLabelObject | |
CRenderLinesObject | |
CRenderMeshObject | |
CRenderNameObject | |
CRenderObjectBuffer | |
CRenderObjectCombinator | |
CRenderPointsObject | |
CRenderRadiusObject | |
CRenderResetDirtyComponent | |
CRenderVolumeObject | |
CResetSceneMenuItem | |
CResolveMeshDegenSettings | |
CRestoringStreamsSink | |
►CRibbonButtonDrawer | Class for drawing ribbon menu buttons |
CButtonItemWidth | |
CRibbonFontManager | |
CRibbonIcons | |
►CRibbonMenu | |
CDialogItemPtr | |
CDrawGroupConfig | |
CRibbonMenuItem | |
CRibbonMenuItemAdder | |
CRibbonMenuItemCall | |
►CRibbonMenuSearch | |
CParameters | |
CRibbonNotification | |
CRibbonNotifier | |
CRibbonSceneHideAll | |
CRibbonSceneObjectsListDrawer | Class for drawing a list of scene objects in RibbonMenu style |
CRibbonSceneRemoveSelected | |
CRibbonSceneRename | |
CRibbonSceneSelectAll | |
CRibbonSceneShowAll | |
CRibbonSceneShowOnlyNext | |
CRibbonSceneShowOnlyPrev | |
CRibbonSceneSortByName | |
CRibbonSceneUnselectAll | |
CRibbonSchema | |
►CRibbonSchemaHolder | |
CSearchResult | Struct to hold information for search result presentation |
CSearchResultWeight | Ancillary struct to hold information for search result order |
CRibbonSchemaLoader | |
CRibbonTab | |
CRigidScaleXf3 | |
CRigidXf3 | |
CRingIterator | |
CSaveObjectMenuItem | |
CSaveObjectSettings | |
CSaveOnClosePlugin | |
CSaveSceneAsMenuItem | |
CSaveSceneMenuItem | |
CSaveSelectedMenuItem | |
CSaveSettings | Determines how to save points/lines/mesh |
CSceneCache | |
CSceneColors | |
CSceneObjectsListDrawer | Class for drawing a list of scene objects (and handling interaction with it) |
CSceneReorder | |
CSceneRoot | |
CSceneRootObject | Object that is parent of all scene |
CSceneSelectionChangeClose | |
CSceneSelectionChangeRestart | |
CSceneSettings | |
CSceneStateAndCheck | |
CSceneStateAtLeastCheck | |
CSceneStateAtLeastCheck< N, ObjectT, NoModelCheck > | |
CSceneStateAtLeastCheck< N, ObjectT, NoVisualRepresentationCheck > | |
CSceneStateExactCheck | |
CSceneStateExactCheck< N, ObjectT, NoModelCheck > | |
CSceneStateExactCheck< N, ObjectT, NoVisualRepresentationCheck > | |
CSceneStateOrCheck | |
CSceneTextureGL | |
CScopeHistory | |
CSearchPathSettings | Geo path search settings |
CSegmEndColors | |
CSegmentSegmentIntersectResult | |
CSegmPoint | Encodes a point inside a line segment using relative distance in [0,1] |
CSelectObjectByClick | |
►CSeparationPointStorage | Storage for points on voxel edges used in Marching Cubes algorithms |
CBlock | |
CSetBitIteratorT | Iterator to enumerate all indices with set bits in BitSet class or its derivatives |
CSetNew | Argument of this type indicates that the object is in old state, and the following argument is new state to be set |
CSetViewportConfigPresetMenuItem | |
CSetViewPresetMenuItem | |
CShaderWarning | |
CShadowsGL | |
CSharedThreadSafeOwner | |
CSharpenMarchingCubesMeshSettings | |
CSharpOffsetParameters | |
CShellVertexInfo | Information about shell vertex |
CShiftTransformer | Functor for shifting voxels |
CShortcutKey | |
►CShortcutManager | |
CShortcutCommand | |
CSignal | |
CSignedDistanceToMeshOptions | Options determining computation of signed distance from a point to a mesh |
CSignedDistanceToMeshResult | |
CSimpleTimeRecord | |
CSkyPatch | This class represents a portion of the sky, and its radiation |
CSliceInfo | |
CSliceInfoBase | |
CSomeLocalTriangulations | Describes a number of local triangulations of some points (e.g. assigned to a thread) |
CSortIntersectionsData | |
CSpaceMouseController | |
CSpaceMouseDownListener | Class to subscribe on SpaceMouseDownSgnal |
CSpaceMouseHandler | Class to handle spacemouse |
CSpaceMouseHandlerHidapi | |
CSpaceMouseMoveListener | Class to subscribe on SpaceMouseMoveSignal |
CSpaceMouseParameters | |
CSpaceMouseUpListener | Class to subscribe on SpaceMouseUpSignal |
CSpacingSettings | |
CSphere | |
CSphereObject | |
CSphereParams | |
CSplashWindow | |
CSplineSettings | |
CStateBasePlugin | |
CStateListenerPlugin | |
CStitchHolesParams | Parameters structure for MR::buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles
Structure has some options to control MR::buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles |
CStopOnTrueCombiner | |
CSubdivideSettings | |
CSurfaceDistanceBuilder | This class is responsible for iterative construction of distance map along the surface |
►CSurfaceManipulationWidget | Widget for surface modifying @detail available 3 modes: add (move surface region in direction of normal) remove (move surface region in opposite direction to normal) relax (relax surface region) |
CSettings | Mesh change settings |
►CSurfacePointWidget | |
CParameters | |
CSwapRootAction | |
CSymbolMeshParams | |
CSymMatrix2 | |
CSymMatrix3 | |
CSymMatrix4 | |
CSystemMemory | |
CSystemPath | System directory path manager |
CTaggedBitSet | Container of bits representing specific indices (faces, verts or edges) |
►CTeethMaskToDirectionVolumeConvertor | |
CProcessResult | |
CTerminalVertex | |
CTextMeshAlignParams | |
CThreadRootTimeRecord | |
CTiffParameters | |
CTimer | |
CTimeRecord | |
CToolbar | Class to draw toolbar and toolbar customize windows |
CToolPathParams | |
CToolPathResult | |
CTouchEndListener | |
CTouchesController | |
CTouchMoveListener | |
►CTouchpadController | |
CHandler | |
CTouchpadParameters | |
CTouchpadRotateGestureBeginListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadRotateGestureBeginEvent |
CTouchpadRotateGestureEndListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadRotateGestureEndEvent |
CTouchpadRotateGestureUpdateListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadRotateGestureUpdateEvent |
CTouchpadSwipeGestureBeginListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadSwipeGestureBeginEvent |
CTouchpadSwipeGestureEndListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadSwipeGestureEndEvent |
CTouchpadSwipeGestureUpdateListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadSwipeGestureUpdateEvent |
CTouchpadZoomGestureBeginListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadZoomGestureBeginEvent |
CTouchpadZoomGestureEndListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadZoomGestureEndEvent |
CTouchpadZoomGestureUpdateListener | Class to subscribe on TouchpadZoomGestureUpdateEvent |
CTouchStartListener | |
►CTransformControls | |
CVisualParams | |
CTransformedMesh | Just stores a mesh and its transformation to some fixed reference frame |
CTransformVdbVolumeResult | |
CTriangleSegmentIntersectResult | |
CTriangulationParameters | Parameters of point cloud triangulation |
CTriIntersectResult | |
CTriMesh | |
CTrimOptionalOutput | |
CTrimWithPlaneParams | |
CTriPoint | Encodes a point inside a triangle using barycentric coordinates |
CTrivialMetricToPenalty | Vertices in the queue are ordered by their metric from a start location |
CTypedFlatTree | |
CUiRenderManager | |
CUiRenderParams | |
CUndirectedEdgeIterator | |
CUndirectedEdgeUndirectedEdge | |
CUnifiedPythonStream | |
CUniformSamplingSettings | |
CUnionFind | Simple union find data structure |
CUniquePtr | |
CUniqueTemporaryFolder | Helper class to create a temporary folder; the folder will be removed on the object's destruction |
CUniqueThreadSafeOwner | |
CUniteManyMeshesParams | |
CUnitInfo | |
CUnitToStringParams | |
CUnorientedTriangle | |
CVariableEdgeTri | |
CVector | Std::vector<T>-like container that requires specific indexing type, |
CVector2 | |
CVector3 | |
CVector4 | |
CVectorTraits | |
CVectorTraits< ImVec2 > | |
CVectorTraits< ImVec4 > | |
CVectorTraits< Vector2< T > > | |
CVectorTraits< Vector3< T > > | |
CVectorTraits< Vector4< T > > | |
CVertCoordsDiff | |
CVertDistance | |
CVertPathInfo | Information associated with each vertex by the paths builder |
CVertRenumber | Maps valid points to packed sequential indices |
CViewer | |
CViewerEventQueue | Queue to ignore multiple mouse moves in one frame |
CViewerPlugin | |
CViewerSettingsManager | |
►CViewerSettingsPlugin | |
CExternalSettings | |
CViewerSetup | |
CViewerTitle | |
►CViewport | |
CLinePointImmediateRenderParams | Rendering parameters for immediate drawing of lines and points |
CParameters | |
CPickRenderObjectParams | |
CTriCornerColors | |
►CViewportGL | |
CBasePickResult | |
CPickParameters | |
CPickResult | |
CScaledPickRes | |
CViewportId | |
CViewportIterator | Iterates over all ViewportIds in given ViewportMask |
CViewportLinesWithColors | |
CViewportMask | Stores mask of viewport unique identifiers |
CViewportParametersAction | |
CViewportPointsWithColors | |
CViewportProperty | |
CVisualObject | Visual Object |
CVolumeIndexer | |
CVolumeSegmentationParameters | Parameters for volume segmentation |
CVolumeSegmenter | Class for voxels segmentation |
CVolumeToMeshByPartsSettings | Parameters' structure for MR::volumeToMeshByParts |
CVoxelLocation | Both linear Id and 3D coordinates of the same voxel |
CVoxelMetricParameters | Parameters for building metric function |
CVoxelsVolume | Box in 3D space subdivided on voxels stored in T |
CVoxelsVolumeAccessor | Helper class for generalized voxel volume data access |
CVoxelsVolumeAccessor< VdbVolume > | VoxelsVolumeAccessor specialization for VDB volume |
CVoxelsVolumeAccessor< VoxelsVolume< VoxelValueGetter< T > > > | VoxelsVolumeAccessor specialization for value getters |
►CVoxelsVolumeCachingAccessor | |
CParameters | |
CVoxelsVolumeInterpolatedAccessor | |
CVoxelsVolumeMinMax | |
CVoxelTraits | |
CVoxelTraits< FloatGrid > | |
CVoxelTraits< VoxelValueGetter< T > > | |
►CWatershedGraph | Graphs representing rain basins on the mesh |
CBasinInfo | Associated with each vertex in graph |
CBdInfo | Associated with each edge in graph |
COverflowPoint | Describes a point where a flow from one basin overflows into another basin |
►CWebRequest | |
CFormData | |
CWeightedVertex | |
CWriter | |
CXfBasedCache | |
CZeroOnMove | |
RTrivial | |
RHasGetNormalMethod | |
RHasGetDirectionMethod | |
RAnyVisualizeMaskEnumType | |
RUnitEnum | |